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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by My5dollys

  1. My5dollys

    How the Lap-Band actually works, fills and refills

    Hope things are working out better for you. I lost 60 pounds and have gained 25 back. I threw up for months after being filled. I think I have an ulcer now. As far as Atkins. I still can't hardly get down meat. How in the world would I do that? If I could do it all again, I wouldn't!!!
  2. It's been over two years since i was banded. Lost 60 and have gained almost 30 back. I threw up for a year and then stopped losing weight. If I had it to do over again I wouldn't!

  3. My5dollys

    1st fill a bust!

    I had surgery on 9/11. My first fill on 10/13 and it didn't do a thing for me! I've only lost about 12 pounds total and it's really depressing. Does anyone know if it takes longer to lose if you start out around the 215 range? I know this sounds crazy but sometimes I wonder if my body thinks I'm starving it and the weight doesn't come off. On:confused: the days I eat a little more, I will see a small weight loss. How insane is that?
  4. My5dollys

    1st fill a bust!

    Do you think I should still be drinking protien shakes?
  5. My5dollys

    1st fill a bust!

    I stopped drinking protien drinks within the first week. I couldn't find one I could stand. Do you think that's an issue. I'm trying to eat mostly protiens to make up for that.
  6. My5dollys

    just had 1st fill-4cc's didn't touch me

    I think I am getting around 1000 calories a day. It's just driving me crazy that I'm being so good and not having much results.
  7. My5dollys

    just had 1st fill-4cc's didn't touch me

    Do you know what else is insane. It seems like on the days I eat a little extra or something maybe I shouldn't is the day I'll lose a little. I wonder sometimes if we eat so little that our bodies shut down? Any idea?
  8. My5dollys

    just had 1st fill-4cc's didn't touch me

    I had my surgery on 9/11. I've only lost 12 pounds and its really depressing. I had my first fill two days ago and it didn't do a thing for me! I have another one on 10/30. I'd like to call the Doc and ask for one now! Does anyone know if it's harder to lose if you start out around the 215 mark?
  9. My5dollys

    How the Lap-Band actually works, fills and refills

    I had my surgery on 11 Sept and have become discouraged on the amount of weight I've lost. I am getting my first fill on Monday and hope it helps. I am starting to be able to eat more and more but I'm trying not too.
  10. I can't find a protein drink that I can stomach. Any advice?
  11. I'm having surgery tomorrow and weight 210 lbs. I'm scared to death!
  12. I'm having my surgery tomorrow at 2. I'm scared to death!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
