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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dawner119

  1. :help: Hi - I am thinking about being banded in Mexico (with an Inamed band) but would like to take the good advice of many people from this board and line up a Doctor for fills before I do anything. The 2 surgeons I know of here in No.VA will only fill their own patients and are not too keen on doling out referrals. Thanks! Dawn
  2. Hello - I had surgery 5/9/06 and have lost 50 lbs already! :clap2: I'm not sure if I am loading these pics up correctly, but one picture is of me (the "before" picture) is at the hospital in Mexico and the other two (the "after" pictures) are from this past weekend, 8/20/06)...
  3. dawner119

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    Hi there - I haven't posted in a very long time but I had my first major NSV today I wanted to share with my fellow May bandsters... Pre-surgery, I was in a very tight 24 pants and a 3x/22-24 stop size. This weekend, after my size 22 "skinny" pants began falling off of me, I decided to finally shopping. I went to Lane Bryant with my trusty coupon and wound up trying on - and fitting nicely in - size 20 pants. It felt great! What was even more wonderful, though, was I grabbed an 18/20 top, assuming it would fit nicely and it would up being too big! The sales girl confirmed it and gave me a 14/16... it fit like a charm! I almost jumped for joy and skipped over to the register to pay for my stuff. It was a great day... Good luck to all!
  4. dawner119

    ANyone 5"11" or above?

    I'm 5'11'' and I'm shooting for 180-200, although I'll be just fine at 200, but I have a large frame and I've always been "big" - muscular - so I don't want to get to the 170-180 the Doctor has recommended or the - God forbid - 165 it would take to get my BMI in ideal range. Ick, I'd look like a sickly twig! Your weigth loss depends entirely on you and how you choose to eat and exercise. I am 2 months out of surgery and I lost 30 lbs the first 4 weeks, then it came to a screeching halt for another 7 weeks, even after my first fill. I went in for a second fill earlier than planned and have begun losing again. I'm sure I would spped things along big time if I exercised, but truth is I have been really awful with that, so it's coming off slowly now.:guess Good luck!
  5. dawner119

    Gas pains in back.

    Follow Donna's advice - I had a ton of back pain for days after my surgery and the best thing I could do was walk, use a heating pad and stretch - just like Donna described. Remember the pain is temporary and you'll begin to feel better within a few days. Best of luck!
  6. dawner119


    Hi, everyone! Teresita was kind enough to invite me to this forum... my name is Dawn and I was banded 2 weeks ago, May 9th, in Mexico. I don't live in MD but I live in No. VA, right off the beltway and 95, so I'm close enough! So far I have lost 25 lbs - really 10 pre surgery (I had strep throat the week before surgery and only drank tea) and 15 since. I joined a yoga class tonight and have really been wanting to do more walking. I had my first NSV today, first off I was able to wear a size 18/20 Lane Bryant button p shirt today, something I haven't been able to do in 3 years... then when I went to work a co-worker of mine who I have not seen in a month stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me and said "OH MY GOD...how much weight have you lost? Your face looks so thin!"... I could have kissed her. I will be going to Connie's house on Sunday, so I am really looking forward to meeting everyone and making new friends...band sisters... Have a great rest of the week...Dawn
  7. dawner119

    Oprah backs out of lapband surgery

    For the record, I'm not a National Enquirer addict, I just flew from Florida to DC this weekend and picked up the rag as eye candy for the 2 hour plane ride. I was really distrubed by the article due to Oprah's quoted stance on gastric banding or any WLS as an easy way out. Truth or not, I'm hurt by this statement because this is certainly NOT easy, and we as WLS patients are certainly not lazy. We have to do everything she has had to do time and time again with her yo-yo-ing throughout the years except we don't have her billions to keep trainers and chefs at our beck and call. I've always been proud of her losses and sad for her gains, but I agree that if she wants to really help herself stop the insanity (no Susan Powter pun intended here) and help make this struggle more possible she should look to the band as we have. Additionally, she should not criticize or ostracize her fellow human sisters and brothers who suffers from obesity as she has for doing something so positivie for themselves as getting banded and trying to grab the brass ring of health. Shame on her if her "statements" (I say it loosely since it was the Enquirer) are factual and she really believes we are weak for choosing WLS and not "toughing it out". We are toughing it out, dieting, exercising, and all the thigns she's doing we're just taking the extra step of having the band as a tool for assistance. How frustrating.
  8. dawner119

    Itching around incisions 4 days post-op

    Hi, Julie - I'm exactly 2 weeks post op and can tell you my incision itching only died down over the last day or two. Actually, since I am thinking of it I am now itching again! Funny how the mind works. Anyway, if you're like me you'll have another 10 days or so of the itching... if you have to scratch, just gently scratch with your fingertips - not your nails... it helped me some. Plus I use that Mederma ointment for scar healing, it helps some but not much. Maybe try Mandi's suggestion of tea tree & Vitamin E oil around the cuts. Or... ask your doctor if it gets unbearable. Good luck to you!
  9. dawner119

    Problem with Mucous :-(

    I don't have this problem, but I can only imagine it's awful. Your best bet would be to discuss this with your Doctor immediately, since you haven't gotten advice in here. Best of luck to you!
  10. dawner119

    May 2006 Band Crew

    Tracy - you're going to be just fine. I am 2 weeks out and feel like a million bucks. Please free to PM me if you would like to talk about anything, since I've just made it through the first of many hurdles. God bless! You and all the rest of the upcoming May bandsters are in my thoughts and prayers - I think of you all everyday since I had my own surgery! - Dawn
  11. dawner119

    May 2006 Band Crew

    Hello, everyone! Some random thoughts: I had my suregery last Tuesday, the 9th, and today was the first day I felt hunger pangs. I made a can of low fat cream of chicken soup, thinking that since I was "ravenous" I could easily eat the can and once I got through about 10 spoonfuls I felt like I just ate a Thanksgiving dinner. How weird. On another note, I've lost 5 lbs. since the surgery, for a total of 15 lbs so far, and I've had my first NSV (non scale victory)... I went to get a maincure and the nail lady gasped when she saw me. She asked if I was on a diet and she said my face looked "so" thin. That was pretty awesome. I guess I'm still bloated from the surgery so my pants are tight, but apparently my face is thinning out, which is really nice. Last thing, for now. I ordered some of the clear, fruit flavored Isopure zero carb protein drinks - they taste like Gatorade or Vitamin Water - they have 40 grams of protein, no fat, no sugar and are 160 calories. So far, I like them all - a lot. Good protein alternative to the protein shakes if you're sick of the milkshake schtick. You can find them in GNC or have them shipped directly to you from the Isopure website, which I think was actually cheaper and there's a better selection. The grape frost reminds me of grape kool aid. Yum.
  12. dawner119

    May 2006 Band Crew

    Scout - you most certainly have my prayers as does everyone else about to be banded. I know the prayers of others helped get me through my surgery this past Tuesday. As for supplies - I wanted to call notice to the heating pad... EVERYONE should have a heating pad - I wish I had one, as do the other women who had the surgery with me this week. It would have made things feel so much better, more comfortable. None of us had accute pain, but we all were very sore and heat would have worked wonders. I had a backache the first day and a half, and now my front aches some. Again, nothing horrible, but a heating pad would be nice. In addition to the Gas-X, try to grab some Maalox, as the Gas-X didn't seem to help everyone. A combo of the Maalox and the Gas-X seemed to help better. 2 last pieces of advice: First: the people who give this advice are not kidding...DO NOT eat a heavy meal (or even a moderately heavy meal) the night before surgery, if you can keep it as close to liquid as possible you'll make your post surgical time so much easier. Second is make sure you get up and walk, walk, walk around the hospital as soon as possible and as much as possible. I haven't walked so much in I don't know how long. It makes me feel soooo much better when I walk. And take LOTS of deep breaths. It's weird, but it works. It think I need to get up and walk now, actually! :confused: Best of luck to all you guys getting banded the rest of this month... anyone please feel free to PM me if you have specific questions - I'm not shy and I don't mind sharing information, so feel free to be as candid as you are curious. Your Band-Sister, Dawn
  13. Hi, all - Just wanted to pop in and let you know my surgery on Tuesday went fine, I had some compliactions afterwards with (really bad) back pain and I wasn't able to sleep until last night, but I feel a lot better today. Just a bit tight (and sore) in the front and some nausea still. Not awful, though. I figure what can the average person really excpect 40 hours post op? I know some people are out and about like normal after their surgeries, but I can't assume it's the norm. I'm hoping I'll feel up to walking around the mall later on, maybe have some Soup at a restaurant for dinner and then get ready to go home tomorrow, my flight from Mexico to Washington DC is in the afternoon. I hope it's not too uncomfortable!
  14. dawner119

    I'm officially banded!!!

    thanks, all - I fly home from Mexico tomorrow... nearly 8 hours in airports and airplanes. In coach. Ugh. I'm hoping to get a good night sleep to bone up for it!
  15. dawner119

    May 2006 Band Crew

    Hi, Marianne - I was banded on Tuesday as well and I am totally with you... I'm having a hard time getting liquids in and I'm not thinking about food at all. When I see or smell it my stomach turns a little... which is guess is a blessing. I don't feel completely human yet, either, although I am very mobile, walking around a lot to try and pass that lovely gas. :nervous
  16. I am typing this from the hotel in Monterrey, Mexico, this morning waiting for a couple of hours to pass unitl my own LBT surgery happens at noon... I posted this in the prayer forum, but I thought it couldnt hurt to also post it out here, wide out in the open. I´d like you all to ask for a couple prayers: 1) One for my Dad and sister, to ease their nerves about my surgery today - as some of you may know or remember, my Mom passed away just a month ago on 4/10. She died from a bacterial infection that she developed during a routine gallbladder surgery - they had to go from lap to open, found bad liver cirrohsis, she became septic after recovery and slowly died over the next 2 days in the ICU. Thankfully, she wasnt in pain (at least thats what they said), but it was awful to watch happen. Naturally, now, my sister and father are nervous about me going under laproscopy today, even with the fact I am healthy (just obese) and young and it´s a simple procedure (which is what they said about my mom´s procedure), although they are both very supportive of my decision. 2) I would like another prayer for me! To say the least its been a rough month, and I would like prayers to sail through the surgery and recovery with flying colors. Pray to give me the wings to fly with my new band, make good choices and become healthy so I don´t die youung at 63 like my mom, who was obese and riddled with diabetes, thyroid condition, arthritis, brest cancer and bi-polar disorder to boot. Many of those were due in part to her obestiy. I don´t want to die young too... Thank you so much for your support, this board has been such a blessing. (which is the understatement of the century!)
  17. dawner119

    Need a couple of prayers said

    Thanks, everyone for your prayers - I made it through okay and am looking forward to going home tomorrow! Thank you again!
  18. dawner119

    Need a couple of prayers said

    Doris - you´ve got it! So far this experience has been great, I´m really ready to get the show in the road. Tell your husband to read this board, that the band has really saved lives, not put them in danger! You are on the road to health! God bless! Dawn
  19. dawner119

    May 2006 Band Crew

    I was so happy to see my name in the "good luck today" post above, thank you! It is around 8:30a.m. and I am waiting for an 11:00 a.m. surgery, time is passing so slowly..... I want to get this show on the road already - not to mention I AM HUNGRY and I can´t eat anything pre-op!!! :faint:
  20. dawner119

    prayer requests for LBT'ers

    Hi! I am typing this from the hotel in Monterrey, Mexico, this morning waiting for a couple of hours to pass unitl my own LBT surgery happens at noon... I´d like to ask for a couple prayers: 1) One for my Dad and sister, to ease their nerves about my surgery today - as some of you may know or remember, my Mom passed away a month ago on 4/10. She died from a bacterial infection she developed during a routine gallbladder surgery - they had to go from lap to open, found bad liver cirrohsis, she became septic after recovery and slowly died over the next 2 days in the ICU. Thankfully, she wasnt in pain (at least thats what they said), but it was awful to watch happen. Naturally, now, my sister and father are nervous about me going under laproscopy today, even with the fact I am healthy (just obese) and young and it´s a simple procedure (which is what they said about my mom´s procedure), although they are both very supportive of my decision. 2) I would like another prayer for me! To say the least its been a rough month, and I would like prayers to sail through the surgery and recovery with flying colors. Pray to give me the wings to fly with my new band, make good choices and become healthy so I don´t die youung at 63 like my mom, who was obese and riddled with diabetes, thyroid condition, arthritis, brest cancer and bi-polar disorder to boot. Many of those were due in part to her obestiy. I don´t want to die young too... Thank you so much for your support, this board has been such a blessing.
  21. dawner119

    May 2006 Band Crew

    I am in the Hampton Inn in Monterrey, MX as I type this - I am being banded tomorrow! I had my pre-op testing done this morning and did some sightseeing this afternoon, I´ll meet with Dr Rumbault this evening. Very impressive testing today - I had an EKG, had my blood drawn, had a sonogram, a chest x-ray and a physical all in one office, in about 45 minutes, max. At home in Virginia that would have been weeks of different appointments in different places... pretty sweet. I´ll be going to the hospital tomorrow for surgery and will be back here in the hotel on Wednesday. I´ll be sure to post when I can! Wish me luck! -Dawn
  22. Hi, all - just wanted to give a quick post before I head to bed - my husband and I are headed to Monterrey, MX tomorrow morning to see Dr. Rumbaut. I'm being banded on Tuesday (5/9) and I'm feeling nervous and kind of numb at the same time. Most of my nerves are not around the surgery itself, as I'm sure most can relate, they're around this massive lifestyle change I am now facing. Eek. Interestingly, I got hit with some mis-fortune this past week, I came down with strep throat on Wednesday and have been pretty miserable with pain and fevers since. I was freaking out on Wednesday when I went to the Dr. and he diagnosed me with strep, since I was less than a week away from flying to Mexico and having surgery. My Dr. said I should be okay, though, I called Dr. Rumbaut's office and got the green light as well - by the way, I was amazed that the Dr. called me that night from Mx to check on me and ease my worries - and with antibiodics and a LOT of hot tea, I began feeling better today. Beside the torture of strep - which I had never had before - I am pretty bummed I was not able to have any "last meals" these last few nights... I know, probably a blessing in disguise, but still - I would have like to have something other than tea and pudding. Also, I missed out on meeting a local bandster for happy hour (who I met on this board (sorry, Anita!)) prior to my surgery, but I promise to make that one up. Soooo... everyone please wish me luck - as of Tuesday I will have joined the "family".
  23. dawner119

    12 hours to lift off...to be a bandster

    It's morning and we're off to tha airport! I proise to report back when I get home Friday... Thanks again!
  24. dawner119

    12 hours to lift off...to be a bandster

    Thanks, all - I promise to keep everyone updated. Donna - you don't know this, but it was your post about a month ago (as a reply to me inquiring about undergoing lap band in Mexico and the surgery in general) which helped me choose Dr. Rumbaut - I am always happy to see your replies to my posts. Congratulations on your 25 lb. loss so far! Also, thanks for the restuarant recommendation - I'm sure I'll take you up on the advice, we'll be there 3 days post-op. Any additional Monterrey advice is welcomed! Take care, Dawn
  25. dawner119

    Almost 6 months out...

    Thanks, Heather - you are a true inspiriation - I am scheduled to be banded in 12 days and am very nervous not about the surgery but more about whether or ont it will really work for me. I am tall, too - I'm 5'11' and in a tight size 24 now, so I know what you mean when you say you can't believe you'd ever see a size 18 again - I can' imagine it myself - I looked FABULOUS in an 18! I am afraid I won't get there, but after reading your post I felt good - plus you were banded on my birthday, so I am taking that as a "sign"... :grouphug: Thanks for sharing!

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