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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dawner119

  1. Hi, all - I've been off the board for a few weeks, my mom died on April 10th, she was only 63. She went into a renal (kidney) failure as a result of a fatal post-surgical blood infection that she contracted from what was supposed to be a minor (lapro) gallbladder removal surgery on Friday April 7th. She was a diabetic, and the doctors said all her co-morbities - to include her morbid obesity - was the reason her body could not fight off the infection so she died. Sooo... here I am, my own lap-band surgery scheduled for 2 weeks from now (May 9th), with myself, family and friends second guessing whether or not I should do this now. I now have the small fear of having surgery and not waking up, which I'm sure is ridculous since although I am 100 lbs overweight but otherwise healthy as a horse, and need to feel better I am doing the right thing in this tremendously stressful and sorrowful time. On the other hand, my mom was as sick as she was due mostly to her life-long obesity. This being said, I am 33 years old and have the chance with this surgery to nip obesity in the bud now and be a heathier person down the road, never even getting diabetes in the first place. Ah, what to do, what to do? Help - need your loving advice!
  2. Oh my goodness, such wonderful advice and empathy - thank you so much to everyone... your posts made me cry. I promise to give good thought to all of what you've said and will keep this band-family updated on what I wind up doing. My "gut" (no pun intended) is leaning (again, no pun intended...) towards going ahead with the surgery on the 9th. Based on the comments in this forum, I have the utmost trust in my surgeon (Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey, Mexico) and know I'm physically a great candidate for this. I worry if I don't do it now, I'll won't get up the nerve to do it again - I'm a big procrastinator. We'll see though - the pain of my mom's loss is still so fresh. Thanks again to all of you. - Dawn
  3. Hello everyone - I am so excited (and scared nearly pant-less) to report that I finally scheduled my banding today with Dr. Rumbaut in Monterrey, MX on Tuesday May 9th. I actually ran to the mailbox to send the $500 deposit immediately so I couldn't back out. It's done. I have had a rollercoaster of a day since then - even pigged out some (not too bad, though) at dinner figuring I only have a month left so I went ahead and had the sour cream, bacon bits and butter on my Outback baked potato instead of substituting for steamed veggies... no blooming onion or cheese (heartattack) fries though. That's a small miracle right there. Thank you so much for all the advice - thank God for this board, it has provided me with most of what I needed to make the decision. I can only hope and pray it will keep me honest going forward. I haven't been successful on a diet yet - without phen fen - and kept it off for more than a couple months. I'm sure that's about everyone's story, though, it's why we're here. Ack! I am so freaked out!!! Someone please tell me to chill! :faint: Dawn 5'11", pre-op weight 285, BMI 39.7 Scheduled for surgery 5/9/06 Dr. Rumbaut, Monterrey, MX
  4. Hi, I'm Dawn. I am really still in the research mode, as I am sure you're all very well aware, this is a scary, life-altering procedure. I tend to be the implusive sort, but with something as big as this I have promised myself I would do my homework. Here's my story, probably similar to many others: I am 33 years old, 5'11", 285 lbs, wearing a now-tight size 24 and sporting a BMI of 40... After a full blown physical in January, I found out am as healthy as a horse, with the exception of my, um, morbid-obesity...(thank God on the healthly part - although I am guilty to admit I was only slightly praying I had something wrong with my metabolism so I could blame my weight on something other than me). Like just about everyone, I have been on every diet imaginable and keep putting the weight back on, recently noticing over the last 15 years I have only added 20 lbs. to my total weight every three years or so - without changing my eating habits (so this is what they say about things getting harder as you get older...). Graph that on a chart and it would look embarrassing. The thought of exercise makes me want to lay down - and I hate that - because I used to be pretty active playing sports like volleyball and softball (I was one hell of a tall, left handed first base-woman) in my twenties - although I have always hated traditional exercise, running, walking, gyms, etc.. Now it's beginning to hurt just rolling out of bed at times. I'm in a wonderful marriage to a man who sees me as beautiful and sexy, but because my knees hurt and my back hurts and my "apron" (big belly roll) is just getting too big and uncomfortable I don't care too much for sex anymore - a bad thing at 33 for a woman, no? I want my sex life back. I want to stop hurting. I want to stop feeling older than I am. I think it's time to do something about it but I am afraid. I am so afraid. I love food. Love it. Love to shop for it, to cook it, to serve it to others in my home and I love, love, love to eat it. Until I am way more than full. I don't snack, I don't eat sweets - I am your classic "bloater" (comforting description courtesy of the local bypass/band surgeon) - I eat big, hearty, should-be-going-out-and-plowing-a-field meals. It's problematic. I have to stop, I am on the highway to diabetes (which runs rampant in my family) and heart disease - and possible marital problems if my sex drive doesn't perk up someday (although my husband would never say that). It's sick, really. And sometimes I just want to hate myself. I'm sure it's not just me... Last thing is I am definitely self-pay. My insurance does not cover the procedure, hence my looking into the possibility of Mexico, despite the shock and disillusionment of my friends and family. Their ignorance makes surgery in Mexico sound like the doctor will put me out with an ether-soaked rag and cut me open with a rusted ruin of a knife found from the time of the Aztecs. Alas, as I am absolutely sure this is not the case, the Mexico thing makes my research even more complicated. So, how did you all make the leap? I'm not terribly religious, but God bless all of you. Seriously. You all have some big-time courage which I can not seem to get a hold of yet. If you wish for me anything, please wish for me courage - and wisdom to make the right choices. Thanks - Dawn
  5. dawner119

    I made the jump - I scheduled THE date!

    Thanks - I can't believe I am going to be a "bandster" - I am much more nervous right now than excited. Still need to chill out!
  6. dawner119

    great Protein Drink

    Another awesome protien powder drink is Kashi Go Lean Chocolate (30g protien per drink) - blend it good with ice cold milk. Yum. I had major jaw surgery a couple of years ago and existed on that and Odwalla Superfood for 3 weeks! - enjoy, Dawn
  7. dawner119

    New Yogurt that is WONDERFUL!!

    honest question (I haven't been banded yet) - can a yogurt really fill you up? wow. Also, is anyone concerned about the high sugar content in yogurt - it used to always make me place the container down, not worth it it's so high - or are you all eating yogurt with no sugar? If no one is looking at sugar content, then YoCream yogurt is simply fabulous!
  8. dawner119

    Looking for DC/MD/VA doctor

    Another option - Dr Amir Moazzez 703-620-3211 www.inova.org I just attended his seminar in INOVA Fair Oaks hospital 2 weeks ago and I thought he was very professional, but really down to earth and open to any/all questions, which I liked. He spent as much time as needed to cover everyones concerns and did not try to sell anyone on anything there. He's highly qualified but still pretty young, he's bright and very easy on the eyes to boot. :eek: I also like that he only offers 2 surgeries - the band and the RNY bypass - he claimed they were the only two he feels comfortable with performing on his patients, the others out there haven't proved enough to him yet (not to say they aren't perfectly good alternatives, it was his personal feeling at the time). If I get banded in the states (and spend the $20K since I am self-pay) rather than go to Mexico, I will definitely go to Dr. Moazzez. There was just something about him I really felt good about. That's really important when you're putting your life in someone's hands. I recommend you see all these surgeons, if you can. See who you feel most comfortable with.
  9. dawner119

    Egads! Can I do this???

    thank you, Jana and Susan! I'm grateful for your posts and encouragement - even though you know it, it's still nice to hear you're not the only one out there in our situation! Have a nice weekend!
  10. Jen Runyan RN, BSN Patient Coordinator Dr Rumbaut 1-888-456-1211 ext 2 www.gastricband.com
  11. dawner119

    Newbie in North Jersey

    Hi there - I am self-pay as well and I have just begun really researching the possibilities of going to Mexico. I am planning on moving back to No. NJ - it's where I was born and raised, I moved to DC 5 years ago. If you find a good NJ doctor, find out if they will take on the fills and maintenance of patients who got their bands elsewhere. It may help you figure out if MX is an option for you. Best of luck! Dawn

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
