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About msdintx

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/12/1951
  1. Happy 62nd Birthday msdintx!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary msdintx!

  3. msdintx

    Doctors in Austin, Tx

    By "being the driver" I mean that you have to be pro-active in your treatment plan. If things aren't going the way you'd like to see them, it's your responsibility to be the one who speaks up and let's the doctor know what your needs are. If you don't feel you're getting the results you need, you need to be the one who has to find out why -- giving the doctor as much information regarding your expectations, knowing what his approach is and working together to achieve the end goal is the main factor with this process. If you're comfortable and are confident with your doctor, that is the most important thing. It's clear you're willing to speak up. Some aren't and, when things go awray, the blame the band or the doctor or whatever rather than taking responsibility of knowing that their input is key in the success of your weight loss. My suggestion is that you get to a few support group meetings to talk to folks who have had the surgery. If you haven't been to any, this is where folks will give you the in's and out's of their experiences and you can hear what folks have gone through, how they've solved their problems and the good/bad of it all. What's right for one may not be right for another, but what's right for YOU is the most important thing. And, remember, results vary from person to person based on age/sex/weight, etc. My friend has other issues going on with her and, until these are reconcilled, she'll probably continue to be stagnent with her weight loss. Again, taking responsibility and taking action on what you need is key. Making sure your needs are being met and making sure your expectations aren't unrealistic are important (i.e. don't expect to lose as fast as by-pass folks). Hope this helps you. As I said, it's a process and sometimes we want things to happen quicker than they (actually) can....be patient, be on top of it and be pro-active and you'll be fine. Sounds as if you're on top of it all so I'm sure you'll get the results you want! Best to you! Dawn
  4. msdintx

    Doctors in Austin, Tx

    My whole process took about 4 and a half months from when my papers were submitted to my insurance company until I was banded. Honestly, it wasn't bad, but I do know of others who have had a much longer wait time -- it all depends upon what is submitted with your paperwork and the documentation's content. All in all, I was happy with the process -- although I did have to stay on top of things to make sure I wasn't being lost in the shuffle. I know of several folks who have used Dr. Clark and have liked him. He was the person who gave the presentation at my seminar and I didn't take a liking to him but, from what I've heard, he's very good at lap band surgery. Just know, he IS conservative with fills and you have to be the driver on when and how much you need. A friend of mine has not done great with the band (and he's her doctor) simply because she hasn't taken the inititive to speak up and let him know what she wants to have happen. Some doctors in the practice are very exercise orientented and won't fill you unless you are in some kind of exercise program -- some aren't. Some are liberal and let you tell them what you want. Honestly, this is YOUR journey and YOU should be the driver of what you want to see happen. If you don't speak up, they won't know what you want and they aren't mind readers. Best of luck with your process -- I'm sure all will be fine! Dawn
  5. msdintx

    Doctors in Austin, Tx

    Hi Larry - I was banded at SW Bariatrics in 11/06 and my doctor was Mark Sherrod. He's been great! Know that some doctors are much more conservative than others at the practice. We have a Lap Band support group here in Austin that you're more than welcomed to come to -- we're meeting tonite at TGI Friday's at LaFrontera at 6:30. Just ask for the Band Support group -- they know us. St David's also has their support group meetings -- you can check St. David's site for the next meeting -- it's within the next week or so on a Monday nite. Getting all of the facts/details before surgery is so important! Be sure to ask away and get input from folks who have had experience with their doctors. As I said, I'd recommend Dr Sherrod in a heartbeat. He's been there for me and continues to be a terrific supporter! I agree about being your own best advocate. Just keep on top of things and do know that the insurance process is not easy or quick. Unless you've got coverage that's extraordinary, plan on at least a 3 month wait for approval/getting tests done/scheduling. Many wait much longer, but it's all part of the process. In the meantime, get to know the Lap Band community here in Austin -- there are a lot of us here to support each other and new folks considering surgery. Best to you and hope to see you at the meeting! (we also have a Yahoo group that you may want to plug into -- CenTexBandsters : CenTex (Austin Metro) Bandsters). Happy trails to you! Dawn

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