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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ShaeShae1983

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 05/10/1983

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  1. Happy 30th Birthday ShaeShae1983!

  2. Happy 29th Birthday ShaeShae1983!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary ShaeShae1983!

  4. Yeah I drink beer also BUT beeeeee careful about how fast and how much you drink it. Usually if you let in sit for a little while it becomes a little flatter and easier to get down. However, if you get the drunk munchies it can turn brutal on you reallllllly quick. Remember that beer is carbonated and if you eat something high in carbs i.e. crackers, chips, bread...that crap will expand!! That can hurt. Something I have learned over the last 2 yrs banded is....go slow and listen intently to your body. It will let you know how far you can go but its a vvveeeerrrryy quiet warning. So enjoy your beer!!! I like mine with lime, the citrus cuts the carbonation a bit and when the beer gets flatter the lime makes it more appealing.
  5. Hey guys! Anyone know of a lap band doctor in the Houston area (Willowbrook or Gallaria) that accepts Assurant Health Insurance? Im in need of an unfill and moved from Fort Worth. Thanks so much!!!!! Shaelyn
  6. ShaeShae1983

    Does your band tighten after exercise?

    Hey guys! Just a little advice! When you work out your body, youre breaking down your muscles and when you do that your body naturally wants to repair it so "water" from your body rushies to those areas and it can affect your band. Just like if you have more restriction around your period, you retain Water. So drink lots of water so you can get rid of the water. Treat the water gain....limited salt, eat cabbage lol etc. I have found out that this band is a life learner, EVERYDAY something changes for me. Wish all of you the best!
  7. Hey Guys!! I had my band in Sept. 2008 and my last (3rd) fill in Jan. 2009. Over the last few months I have been experiencing acid reflux which I never have before (pre or post band), I can't eat things I was able to before (popcorn, etc.), I'm eating and feeling full and then if I try to go to bed a couple hrs later, I'll wake up with the food in my throat and rushing to the bathroom. And most recently, I have trouble drinking coffee (with cream) in the morning which has NEVER happened before. I have to sip very slow. It feels like my band has gotten tighter!!! The crazy part is I'm down from 265 to 185 now and all of a sudden I'm having problems. Has anyone else experienced this? Any thoughts, suggestions?? I would just go to my doctor but insurance changed and I moved to another city. Curious to know if this is common. Thanks, Shaelyn
  8. ShaeShae1983

    Pressure in my chest :(

    Well...the pressure in my chest is letting up some and isnt as noticeable being 10 days post surgery, however im having A LOT of back pain just sitting or relaxing etc...mostly in middle and upper back and i cant find a solution :tt1: does anyone have any remedy suggestions or why i might be having this problem or if any of you have experienced it?? thanks tons
  9. ShaeShae1983

    Pressure in my chest :(

    This is actually my first surgery and i didn't have a hernia. I've been told that the pressure we feel is from our stomachs being swollen and that once it goes back down then we should feel "normal" again and the pressure subsides. This takes about two weeks approximately. Now, later when we begin eating food again and we overeat, the pressure feeling will return because we personally have "swollen" our stomachs up. Our stomachs are no longer in the middle of our belly, they stop at the top now...thus...that's where we will feel the pressure. The current advice I'm following is to give it 2 full weeks and then see where I am and yes, many times ive had the feeling, "What the hell did I do to myself? Was this the right choice?" Right now that's a little difficult to honestly answer but if everyone on the blog site seems to happy with their banded choice then why would I be the only one singled out to have made the wrong decision and it comforting that others feel the same way. I've got to face it, NO PAIN NO GAIN or in this case NO LOSS and until then I'll keep the blogs hot with questions and concerns for all my fellow bandsters haha. Hope my thoughts help :sad: One week down!!
  10. ShaeShae1983

    Pressure in my chest :(

    Thanks alot :sad: Today is my one week anniversary and mentally I'm ready to feel better...just waiting on my body now haha. I figure alot of my problem feelings should go away by end of week 2.
  11. I have this intense pressure in my chest like someone is pushing on my chest bone in between "the girls". I have a feeling that it is the band around the stomach but sometimes the pressure feels like i'm wearing a really tight bra and can't take it off. Can anyone tell me when this eases up and you feel regular again? I know the gas pains in the esophagus should lessen after a couple of weeks but this upper pressure worries me a bit. Tomorrow is my 1 week since banded date :omg_smile:
  12. ShaeShae1983

    Can you exercise too hard??

    Thanks alot :biggrin: that;'s good to know. Right now im having alot of back pain and spasms from overcompensating in guarding my stomach and being really careful. I can't wait to be able to feel better and exercise and get this weightloss and helathier lifestyle going!!
  13. ShaeShae1983

    Can you exercise too hard??

    I just got banded 5 days ago and so far its been hell BUUUT I know that there should be light at the end of this tunnel end of week 2 I'm hoping :redface: For the future, I was wondering if we are at all limited in exercising? Once I get my energy level up and some weight off I play pretty hard (so to speak)... with tennis, volleyball, dancing, etc and was wondering if I needed to be careful about moving my body a certain way. It's probably silly but it's been weighing on my mind :frown: Thanks
  14. I was also just banded 5 days ago and feel horrible. I have some good moments but then all of a sudden I feel horrible. This is my first surgery so I had no idea what to expect and I've been thinking the same thing, was it the right choice?? I get such bad gaseous pains inside my stomach that will go nowhere and make my chest feel like I'm having a heart attack. I really hope this is all normal because they made it sound like I'd be up and around in a couple days. Well, I feel the same way you do and thus I'm here reading everyone's advise :redface:

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