I was banded on 8/22/08 and had my 1st fill on 11/17 and had 2cc put in and on 11/29 had 0.5cc taken out. I had a lot of food get stuck only thing that would stay down was liquids or liquid soup. My 2nd fill was 1/19/09 and i was on liquids till 1/23, I was also able to get all my pills down fine without cutting them, and that day i had top roman and that night i had chips/salsa/mushie beans and that all went down fine. The next night i tried same thing, salsa/chips/muchie beans and they got stuck, i had to vomitt to get the pain to stop. I tried yogurt that night and it got stuck also. I tried just mushie beans and they got stuck, had to vomitt it also.
Then this morning i tried swallowing a pill way smaller than a size of a #2 pencil earser and it got stuck. So today i went back on liquids. Do i need a unfill? Or should i just wait it out. I am still losing weight and able to drink water/protein.