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Everything posted by OctoberSky

  1. So, when I first started, I had a lot of questions pertaining to Medicaid and approval. So now after having to go through the process myself, I can say for sure in my case In Oregon. Medicaid insurance has CCO stay in contact with you the entire process. My CCO was very kind, and thoughtful. My surgeon and medical team sent in for approval for surgery on the 13th of September and I was approved finally on Wednesday the 27th. My CCO called to say, they started the process of review on Monday the 25th and finished up review by Tuesday with all my process from the past year of things to do, per requirements. So, I hope this makes things a bit easier for anyone else on Medicaid and or Medicare, the process is the same. So long as you do all the required steps, and stick with it, the approval/denial has to be done within 13-15 days. 🍁🍂
  2. Exactly. You posted what I was thinking.
  3. I had surgery on November 1st and no way able to eat what you describe. First 3 weeks was still liquids, broth, Jello, water, tea and protein shakes. Now I have been given the window to do scrambled eggs, mashed veggies and soft canned fish/chicken as of last Thursday. I am lucky if I can consume 2 tbs of food in each sitting. SO, I have stuck with the hospital schedule and doing every 15-30 minutes, 2-3 tbs of food. Then sipping water all day long or tea. Again, unsure how your able to do so, so quickly. But each body is different.
  4. Okay so, as of yesterday my insurance company contacted me direction to say, that I was approved and have completed all the required items on the "To Do List". so, I should be getting my appointment next week for meeting with the Anesthesiologist. I'm very excited/nervous, but extremely happy too. 

    1. New To This23

      New To This23

      Congratulations!!! I see you live in Ashland, when I was in High School drama club we went to the Shakespeare Festival there. I hope to go back one day!

    2. NickelChip



  5. OctoberSky

    Pre-Op Diet Question?

    I was told total liquid diet, that meant nothing you can chew, with no bits or pieces whatsoever. Even soups can't have pieces. So, think of it like baby foods, the first stage and 2nd stage. But to be sure, ask your medical team. Good luck
  6. So, I have checked my status and that is what is listed. Anyone ever seen this? It was updated this morning.
  7. OctoberSky

    OHP (a type of Medicaid)

    This is what I've been wondering. Any places close to Ashland, that cover it, with Medicaid OHP?
  8. I'm still pre-op, finished everything required. So now playing the waiting game on insurance approving. So frustrating.
  9. Does anyone know, how long it takes for Medicare to approve surgery?

    1. aravenclawrebel


      I think it depends entirely on what guidelines you're being referred under. I had that kind of insurance through the state as a low-income person for 10 years and even though I was over 400 lb for 10 years they denied me. All based on the fact that I did not have diabetes. I switched insurances once I was offered a different kind of coverage from work and was approved within two months

    2. New To This23

      New To This23

      Medicare or Medicaid?

      They both have a serious of hoops to jump through before you can meet the surgeon. After you meet the requirements and as long as you do not run into any gatekeepers, the surgery will be okayed by your insurance pretty quickly after the surgeon clears you. One other consideration is when the clinic will actually schedule you for surgery THAT can take awhile depending on how backed up they are.

    3. New To This23

      New To This23

      *series on serious

  10. So sorry, that this is how you've been treated. I am completely shocked at even having to read such a thing! I mean who does that!?! Seriously appalling! You btw, have done nothing wrong and your concerns were and still are validated. As many have stated you dodged a bad situation, I believe that too! Better things are to come honey...so calmly breath.
  11. OctoberSky

    Food Aversions After Surgery

    So yeah, now I'm playing the waiting game and patiently awaiting surgery day. In the meantime, I am wondering what food aversions I will end up with. I know after having the gallbladder removal, there are already tons of foods I can't stand or just can't eat all together. So, for my recovery liquids, I decided to not go all out and buy a bunch of things and sit and wait. I suppose broth would be good to keep around and no sugary Jello mix. But beyond that I don't want to spend money on things I may not need or like after. Thinking might be best to wait to see what I can stand while in hospital. Then order or send my husband to get things? If anyone's reading, this...what do you recommend? Did you buy a bunch of things, or wait?
  12. So yeah, now I'm playing the waiting game and patiently awaiting surgery day. In the meantime, I am wondering what food aversions I will end up with. I know after having the gallbladder removal, there are already tons of foods I can't stand or just can't eat all together. So, for my recovery liquids, I decided to not go all out and buy a bunch of things and sit and wait. I suppose broth would be good to keep around and no sugary Jello mix. But beyond that I don't want to spend money on things I may not need or like after. Thinking might be best to wait to see what I can stand while in hospital. Then order or send my husband to get things? If anyone's reading, this...what do you recommend? Did you buy a bunch of things, or wait? 😀

  13. OctoberSky


    Looks like I'm part of the September crew too! Exciting and scary all at the same time. Cheering everyone on.
  14. OctoberSky

    Finally cleared

    Yeah, I don't get why people are like that. Hang in there. Cheering you on! 😊
  15. So, an update: My surgery has been scheduled for end of September. I'm excited and a little nervous at the same time. 

    1. New To This23

      New To This23


  16. Met with my personal trainer and nutritionist this week and all was very informative. This is all very new to me, so I'm still very much learning and gearing up for the big day! I'd put more on my profile, however being new to the site, I haven't figured it out yet lol. When and if I do, I will share more. Thanks! 


    Have a great day!

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