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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by marthie66

  1. Hey, CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss! I was banded August 18th, 2008 and have lost 28 pounds. We are about the same age and I started out at 300 pounds~~~do you mind telling me what you eat that is causing the weight to drop so fast? I love my doctor and his staff but I have never been really clear on what exactly I am suppose to eat. Whether I am suppose to count calories, count carbs or just what I am to do. I workout daily but I had hoped it would come off a little faster than it is! I would truly apprciate any advice you could share with me! Thanks!

  2. Hi! I have just got to tell you that your profile picture says it all! You are so beautiful and that smile on your face just confirms how lap band can change a person both inside and out!

  3. I saw the pictures that you posted today and I've got to say you're looking great~~~~~congratulations!

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