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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by marthie66

  1. Hi! Well, after reading your blog, I think I know how you must feel! They told me it was just a tool and that it was not a quick fix BUT it is very discouraging when you read how much others are losing and you know you're doing what you are suppose to! I paid cash for my surgery and I'm going to make it work. I was just banded three weeks ago so I am now just starting to feel a little hungry. I go for my first feel on Monday and hopefully that will be a start of dropping some weight! Although, everyone on the forum says it is usually the 2nd or 3rd fill that makes a difference! 65 pounds wouldn't make me skinny but I sure would be happy and proud of myself for losing that much! Tomorrow is a new day so just start fresh~~~~the exercise thing stinks because I hate to exercise but I know it is good for ya whether your overweight or not. I have an eight year son, my one and only child and I am 42 so I want to see him grow up so he is my driving force! I have cried and been depressed but I ain't going to quit~~~~you either~~~~hang in there!!!!!

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