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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from CrazyDog&CatLady in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Not boring and some of them were on my list of wins when I first started to lose the weight - my backside only taking up one seat on public transport, being able to get through a turnstile without having to turn sideways and performing some sort of gymnastics movement, being able to comfortably close the seatbelt on the plane, not fearing that every time a chair or bed creaked it was going to be the fault of my weight that caused something to break and not thinking that everyone was looking at and judging me when clothes shopping or eating.
    All dreams and wins count, big and small.

  2. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from BigZ in 1 Year VSG Post op Today!   
    You have done amazing. If it wasn't for the tats wouldn't even be sure it was you in the latest pics.
  3. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in 1 Year VSG Post op Today!   
    Also maybe you need to change your forum name to ShrinkingZ or PreviouslyKnownas...
  4. Haha
    FifiLux reacted to MrsFitz in Education Session   
    As long as she doesn’t think that you’re some sort of drug fiend and that you’ve lost weight because of imbibing Class A drugs with a Baileys chaser 😉
  5. Hugs
    FifiLux got a reaction from BlondePatriotInCDA in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Great list.
    I took up pilates and like it so much the teacher is putting on an extra class each week for me, just have to hope others sign up also so she keeps them going. I am going on my long wanted holiday to D.C. I now know I can do all the walking and sightseeing I have had on my list and I can fly in comfort knowing I am not restricted in a small seat/seatbelt and can shop in the non-plus size sections of Macy's Bloomingdales etc. I bought myself a couple of handbags as 'rewards' I think I will soon be ready to look at starting to date again. It has been years as I never thought I was worthy, if I didn't love myself why would someone else? But I think I am close to now to being ready to at least dip my toe in the Water, albeit the reality of if all makes me feel a bit nauseous. I used to like to walk and I have enjoyed doing that again, even if it is just 20 minutes around the block. Just nice to get fresh air and have a bounce in my step. I am organising a party next year for my birthday which I invited all my family (about 30) to a hotel for a few days away, my treat, to Celebrate and also thank them all for their love and support over the last year. (Means I can't buy anymore handbags for a while as have to save!)
  6. Hugs
    FifiLux got a reaction from BlondePatriotInCDA in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Great list.
    I took up pilates and like it so much the teacher is putting on an extra class each week for me, just have to hope others sign up also so she keeps them going. I am going on my long wanted holiday to D.C. I now know I can do all the walking and sightseeing I have had on my list and I can fly in comfort knowing I am not restricted in a small seat/seatbelt and can shop in the non-plus size sections of Macy's Bloomingdales etc. I bought myself a couple of handbags as 'rewards' I think I will soon be ready to look at starting to date again. It has been years as I never thought I was worthy, if I didn't love myself why would someone else? But I think I am close to now to being ready to at least dip my toe in the Water, albeit the reality of if all makes me feel a bit nauseous. I used to like to walk and I have enjoyed doing that again, even if it is just 20 minutes around the block. Just nice to get fresh air and have a bounce in my step. I am organising a party next year for my birthday which I invited all my family (about 30) to a hotel for a few days away, my treat, to Celebrate and also thank them all for their love and support over the last year. (Means I can't buy anymore handbags for a while as have to save!)
  7. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from BigZ in 1 Year VSG Post op Today!   
    You have done amazing. If it wasn't for the tats wouldn't even be sure it was you in the latest pics.
  8. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from MrsFitz in Education Session   
    I had my gall bladder removed years ago after collapsing due to infected stones. I was told I wouldn't be able to eat rich foods afterwards but I didn't have any problems.
    I have to do B12 injections every 4 to 6 weeks. I used to get them at my doctors surgery but the GP said it was a waste of my money to be paying to go see her when I could do them at home myself. I used to be terrified of needles but like @MrsFitz says I actually find it easier to do it on myself now. I also do the thigh, alternate each time but I would consider it a long needle as it has to go through fat/muscle to get into the system.
    I often wonder what my cleaning lady must think when she is cleaning my cupboards, one is my drinks and medicine cabinet and when you open the door you see all the needles, alcohol wipes etc. nicely there besides the Baileys 😂
  9. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from MrsFitz in Education Session   
    I had my gall bladder removed years ago after collapsing due to infected stones. I was told I wouldn't be able to eat rich foods afterwards but I didn't have any problems.
    I have to do B12 injections every 4 to 6 weeks. I used to get them at my doctors surgery but the GP said it was a waste of my money to be paying to go see her when I could do them at home myself. I used to be terrified of needles but like @MrsFitz says I actually find it easier to do it on myself now. I also do the thigh, alternate each time but I would consider it a long needle as it has to go through fat/muscle to get into the system.
    I often wonder what my cleaning lady must think when she is cleaning my cupboards, one is my drinks and medicine cabinet and when you open the door you see all the needles, alcohol wipes etc. nicely there besides the Baileys 😂
  10. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    Any bit higher is a win.
    Took me ages to get to where my doctor and physio wanted me to be but every little puff helps.
  11. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from MrsFitz in Education Session   
    Exactly, box ticked and now on to the rest of the steps they will have you do and as you say here is a great resource.
  12. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from MrsFitz in Education Session   
    Ah that is ok then I thought it might be if you got to 35 which isn't that far off considering how well you have been doing already.
    For the surgery here you have to have a BMI of 35 or greater or else 30 with co-morbidities.
  13. Like
    FifiLux reacted to Mspretty86 in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    Have Fun shopping Ladies! To shop and actually wear what you want is a HUGE and a Major WIN!! 🥇🏆 🏅 🎉
  14. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from MrsFitz in Education Session   
    Yes sounds a bit vanilla of a presentation and she certainly doesn't sound like the best example, even for someone who had no issues with the surgery or recovery as not giving a great example of how to live life after by the sounds of it. Do you have to go to many of the sessions or is it just a once off?
    Do you need to have the knee surgery first? I was told I had to lose weight for knee surgery but hospital said to have the weight loss surgery first for two reasons, one to still be considered a high enough BMI (like you I had/have no co-morbidities) to qualify for the state paid surgery and also to release some of the weight pressure my knees are under before going through another surgery.

  15. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from Mspretty86 in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    I have been through so many pairs of jeans in the last few months if someone looked in my wardrobe they would think I was a jeans shop!
    For clothes what I have been doing is mainly buying second hand (vestiaire collective and ebay) or new but in sales for tops and trousers (Next, M&S, About You and Amazon) but then buying jeans new from some of the cheaper shops (Only, JJXX). The most recent pair of jeans are too big now, look a silly type of baggy so not great for wearing to office but I don't think I am at the next size down yet.
    I will be in the US next month for a holiday so I am hoping to hit up a lot of stores there and buy a new wardrobe 😁
  16. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    Any bit higher is a win.
    Took me ages to get to where my doctor and physio wanted me to be but every little puff helps.
  17. Congrats!
    FifiLux reacted to Mspretty86 in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    Reporting todays WIN 8/14/24...went to macys and the size 16 jeans are fitting well some are kind of big! It's been a LONG A$$ time since I've seen a size 16 from being in the size 20 somethings lol. I said today I would go to the mall and shop to see my actual size. I still do not want to buy a lot of cloths only month 4 and dropping fast!!
  18. Like
    FifiLux reacted to ShoppGirl in Lost my way   
    What do you mean. Did you reach your goal and start to regain or is it something else? I see you are about 40 pounds from your goal now so it certainly seems doable to turn it around if it’s regain. My first piece of advice as someone who regained all their weight and just had revision surgery a week ago is to reach out to your team. My second step would be to reach out for support here or otherwise and you have already done that. I did neither because I was too embarrassed and you can see where that led me. When I finally did reach out to them I wished I had done it sooner because they treated me with nothing but compassion and just wanted to help. For me the only real option was revision but you should have plenty others.

    My guess is their first plan of attack will be to go back to the basics. Reading labels, Logging your food and counting macros. Protein first, smaller portions and reaching your fluid goals. Seems like from your profile you are pretty active anyways but trying to Incorporate more activity if that has slipped a little. Just go back to it like you are just out of surgery. Well past the staged return to eating I guess but fairly early out anyways. Some people even start with the “pouch reset” Of a liquid diet for a week or two although most say that there is no real evidence that does much to reset anything.

    Make an appointment with your team now and start logging what you are doing for a week or so giving them a starting point and let them advise you of what you need to work on. There are other options now if diet alone is not enough but if you enjoy healthy eating anyways its likely portion size has increased a little more than you realize and that’s something you should be able to change.

    Once you do figure it out try to make changes one at a time if necessary to make them more manageable. Set lots of small goals to keep yourself motivated But most importantly keep reaching out to your support networks such as posting here as well as keeping in touch with your team. Your sleeve is still there. It will be a little harder than it was the first time but people have certainly done it. You have already taken the first steps Of recognizing the issue and reaching out here just keep taking steps and before you know it you will be losing again. Keep us Posted on any ups and downs so we can cheer you on. You can do it!!

  19. Congrats!
    FifiLux reacted to kristieshannon in Celebrating 5 years!   
    Before & after photos

  20. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from JennyBeez in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    That is all great news and glad you are home and recovering.
    I hope you don't even need the over the counter meds after another few days.
  21. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from JennyBeez in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    That is all great news and glad you are home and recovering.
    I hope you don't even need the over the counter meds after another few days.
  22. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from JennyBeez in Bypass surgery in a couple of day and panicking!   
    So by this time next week you will be post-op
    My surgery was 4th July last year and even though I am not American I consider it my Independence Day as it was the first day of a new and improved, as in happier and healthier, me but it has taken me many months of recovery and work to get where I am so far, surgery is certainly not the easy option some people think (as in those who don't need it).
    The coming weeks and months will be a learning curve so don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself, don't compare your losses to others as everyone is different and just most importantly be kind to yourself. That I think is what I have come away with most from the last year, I take time for myself when needed, I say no to things I don't want to do rather than try to make everyone else happy as I used to in the past, I listen to my body more when it says it needs a walk/fresh air or rest, I speak up for myself more and I am really trying not to let the little things stress me out as I am very much a person who always felt the need to be in control (even if it was control of overeating etc.).
    If you haven't done so already I recommend taking your measurements and some pictures today or tomorrow so you have something to look back on in the coming months and years to see how well you do.
  23. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from JennyBeez in Bypass surgery in a couple of day and panicking!   
    I am sure your appointment will go well and you will be all set for 15th.
    I was the same, with no pre-op diet to follow so I just made sure to enjoy my last few pre-op meals, meeting friends and having drinks in the few weeks lead up and weaning myself off coffee.
    Of course you will lose weight and you just have to take the time to work on the new you (inside and out) so that you will have the strength and mindset not to get back to where you are now and what lead you to need the surgery.
    We all hope not to have regain but even a few kg/lbs back on is ok too but try not to focus on a negative like that as positive mindset going forward is the best way to be. Your body will be readjusting and has to find its own level. Over the course of your journey there will be weight losses, gains and stalls and we are all here for you to vent, ask questions etc.

  24. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from JennyBeez in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    That is all great news and glad you are home and recovering.
    I hope you don't even need the over the counter meds after another few days.
  25. Congrats!
    FifiLux reacted to kristieshannon in Celebrating 5 years!   
    5 years ago today I had my VSG. The last 5 years has been full of ups and downs, but overall my life is so greatly improved. I’m typing this while sitting on a plane, I’ve got a good 16” of extra space on my seatbelt. No more extenders for me! I’ve gotten in to cycling, can ride my road or mountain bike for miles. I can shop in any store and pick super cute clothes. I can wear high heels again. I got rid of my CPAP and BP meds. I’m no longer pre-diabetic. While I was one of the statistical divorces post WLS, I now have a wonderful supportive guy in my life. I’m happy & healthy and so glad I made the decision to have WLS!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
