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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from MrsFitz in Good Appointment!   
    I got this scale and love that it does all the other stats also. It is the same type my GP has. https://www.amazon.co.uk/RENPHO-Bathroom-Bluetooth-Weighing-Composition/dp/B07YFS6GXB?ref_=ast_sto_dp&th=1
    I also bought their measuring tape and skipping rope so it is all linked for tracking
  2. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from ShoppGirl in How do you take your oats?   
    I do approx 1/4 cup oats, layer it with 0% fat Greek yoghurt and then put about 10g frozen berries on top. Overnight the berries defrost and it means a bit of juice for the mix as well.

  3. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from ShoppGirl in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    Well done to you on the motivation it must take.
    If you are up and out at 4am, what time are you going to bed?
    I am not the best sleeper so most mornings wake at 4/4.30am but I have never considered getting up and active.
  4. Haha
    FifiLux reacted to ms.sss in CAVA!!!!!   
    ah, but if you aren't in a formal relationship and are only "hanging out", they are called CHUMpagnes with Benefits.
  5. Haha
    FifiLux reacted to Jonathan Carlson in CAVA!!!!!   
    If you get engaged, your fiancee is only called that if they're from the fiancee region of France. Otherwise, he's a brosecco

    Sent from my SM-G981U1 using Tapatalk

  6. Congrats!
    FifiLux reacted to NickelChip in Celebrating 2 Big Milestones Today!   
    Today marks 6 months since my gastric bypass surgery! It's also almost exactly one year since I attended the orientation class at the weight loss center that was the first step in beginning the surgical program. I came home after the class and took a "before" photo. I had just weighed in at my highest weight ever. I was on blood pressure meds and my A1c put me in the prediabetic danger zone. My joints ached every morning. My 50th birthday was looming and I felt so old.
    The day after that photo, I started making changes to my diet. I lost 13 lbs from August until early February. I lost an additional 13 lbs on my 2-week liquid diet. I had my surgery on February 21 and since then, I've lost another 45lbs, for a total of 71 lbs down! My blood pressure is normal, and so is my A1c. The aches and pains are gone, and I'm hitting my 10k step goal several days each week. I'm nowhere near perfect, but I'm improving steadily.
    I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I was this weight. It had to have been when I was around 22 years old. Like pretty much everyone says, my only regret is not doing this sooner.

  7. Hugs
    FifiLux reacted to Arabesque in HOLY HAIR!   
    Oh my gracious. I remember there were a lot of issues with the earlier meshes they used for various surgeries years ago which must be what you’re experiencing. Let’s hope it’s an easy remedy.
    PS - the second lap smear was still inconclusive. It didn’t pick up cervical cells at all so still no idea. So decided after a conversation with the surgeon on Tuesday to progress with a hysterectomy just in case and also if it is nothing untoward it likely will still continue to grow & then may cause issues in the future. Surgery is in three weeks Monday. Have a few events so I put it off until after them.
  8. Like
    FifiLux reacted to Mspretty86 in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    This weeks Win is Movement. I haven't stopped moving since surgery in April. Houston Texas Skyline. Yes I am the crazy lady working out at 4am. 🏋️‍♀️ 🏃‍♀️ 🤘🏽🤘🏽🤘🏽. Stay Motivated!

  9. Congrats!
    FifiLux reacted to ShoppGirl in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    Went to my follow up with my family NP and with the nurses guidance I did my B-12 shot!! I was so nervous that my hand was shaking and it took a while to get it all injected but I did it. This was a huge deal for me because I can’t even look when someone else gives me a shot.
  10. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from Arabesque in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    I have been through so many pairs of jeans in the last few months if someone looked in my wardrobe they would think I was a jeans shop!
    For clothes what I have been doing is mainly buying second hand (vestiaire collective and ebay) or new but in sales for tops and trousers (Next, M&S, About You and Amazon) but then buying jeans new from some of the cheaper shops (Only, JJXX). The most recent pair of jeans are too big now, look a silly type of baggy so not great for wearing to office but I don't think I am at the next size down yet.
    I will be in the US next month for a holiday so I am hoping to hit up a lot of stores there and buy a new wardrobe 😁
  11. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    Any bit higher is a win.
    Took me ages to get to where my doctor and physio wanted me to be but every little puff helps.
  12. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from Arabesque in Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇   
    I have been through so many pairs of jeans in the last few months if someone looked in my wardrobe they would think I was a jeans shop!
    For clothes what I have been doing is mainly buying second hand (vestiaire collective and ebay) or new but in sales for tops and trousers (Next, M&S, About You and Amazon) but then buying jeans new from some of the cheaper shops (Only, JJXX). The most recent pair of jeans are too big now, look a silly type of baggy so not great for wearing to office but I don't think I am at the next size down yet.
    I will be in the US next month for a holiday so I am hoping to hit up a lot of stores there and buy a new wardrobe 😁
  13. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in About obesity comorbidities,after any bariatric surgery.   
    I have two bad knees, just bone on bone, and would not be able to walk or stand for long without being in agony that night in bed and sore for a day or two afterwards. Since the surgery the pain is much less, nearly zero, I do so much more and just have the aches I think would be normal from the exertion.
    For my upcoming trips (work and holiday ones) I will be on my feet a lot and doing a lot of walking so I am still going to get what has become my annual knee injections in the hospital in advance and bring a muscle gel with me on the trips but it is more just so I am not impacted at all while away so I can enjoy it. I am hoping that the ortho surgeon will say to give it longer before he sees a need to replace the knees now that there is considerably less weight on them.
  14. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Not boring and some of them were on my list of wins when I first started to lose the weight - my backside only taking up one seat on public transport, being able to get through a turnstile without having to turn sideways and performing some sort of gymnastics movement, being able to comfortably close the seatbelt on the plane, not fearing that every time a chair or bed creaked it was going to be the fault of my weight that caused something to break and not thinking that everyone was looking at and judging me when clothes shopping or eating.
    All dreams and wins count, big and small.

  15. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from ShoppGirl in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    I am the same when it comes to the heat, I HATE it. A holiday in the heat/sun would be my idea of hell and the times I have had to do it I would melt within seconds and I would have chub rub on my thighs if I wore a sun dress. Then I would not want any part of me exposed, no way was I going to be seen in a swimsuit, couldn't get nice plus size summer clothes that would be a style I would wear all meant I felt like crap on a holiday when it is meant to be a relaxing fun time.
    I have gotten a bit better with the heat in the last couple of years but that is by my standards, what I consider hot is probably cold to say an Italian or Southern Spaniard
    I now either go out of season (also means cheaper prices) or to non sunny destinations. Like I went to the Spanish islands in May, perfect at 20c/68f with just blue skies and at least Washington next month should not be too hot plus it is the US so I am presuming everywhere except the sidewalk has aircon.

    You now have the time to think of some locations and plan a reward for yourself, you will have been through a lot and deserve the holiday.
  16. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from Mspretty86 in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Great list.
    I took up pilates and like it so much the teacher is putting on an extra class each week for me, just have to hope others sign up also so she keeps them going. I am going on my long wanted holiday to D.C. I now know I can do all the walking and sightseeing I have had on my list and I can fly in comfort knowing I am not restricted in a small seat/seatbelt and can shop in the non-plus size sections of Macy's Bloomingdales etc. I bought myself a couple of handbags as 'rewards' I think I will soon be ready to look at starting to date again. It has been years as I never thought I was worthy, if I didn't love myself why would someone else? But I think I am close to now to being ready to at least dip my toe in the Water, albeit the reality of if all makes me feel a bit nauseous. I used to like to walk and I have enjoyed doing that again, even if it is just 20 minutes around the block. Just nice to get fresh air and have a bounce in my step. I am organising a party next year for my birthday which I invited all my family (about 30) to a hotel for a few days away, my treat, to Celebrate and also thank them all for their love and support over the last year. (Means I can't buy anymore handbags for a while as have to save!)
  17. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from Mspretty86 in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Great list.
    I took up pilates and like it so much the teacher is putting on an extra class each week for me, just have to hope others sign up also so she keeps them going. I am going on my long wanted holiday to D.C. I now know I can do all the walking and sightseeing I have had on my list and I can fly in comfort knowing I am not restricted in a small seat/seatbelt and can shop in the non-plus size sections of Macy's Bloomingdales etc. I bought myself a couple of handbags as 'rewards' I think I will soon be ready to look at starting to date again. It has been years as I never thought I was worthy, if I didn't love myself why would someone else? But I think I am close to now to being ready to at least dip my toe in the Water, albeit the reality of if all makes me feel a bit nauseous. I used to like to walk and I have enjoyed doing that again, even if it is just 20 minutes around the block. Just nice to get fresh air and have a bounce in my step. I am organising a party next year for my birthday which I invited all my family (about 30) to a hotel for a few days away, my treat, to Celebrate and also thank them all for their love and support over the last year. (Means I can't buy anymore handbags for a while as have to save!)
  18. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from Onemealplan in Anyone Annoyed with the "Stop losing weight"   
    Not exactly the same but yesterday I was told by my (well intentioned I guess) boss that he was concerned I wasn't eating enough as I looked a bit unwell and didn't seem to have much energy yesterday!
    Sorry but it was 30c / 86f in our office, no air con, no air circulating and I HATE the heat so I felt exhausted plus I hadn't had great sleeps the last few nights. I wasn't the only one struggling in the office yet he seemed to put my struggle down to the fact that he said he didn't think I was getting in enough calories and he had been watching how little I eat!
    I just said I was suffering from the heat and he had nothing to worry about on the food/calorie intake side of things as I am eating the right portion amounts, was hitting my Protein goals most days, had good blood results and if anything I was probably snacking a bit too much on nuts!
    Then when I repeated this conversation to my Mum last night she then became concerned I wasn't eating enough and that I should look at maybe starting to try to maintain now or even put on a lb or two. Seriously, I have not even got to the goal weight my surgeon set for me (70kg , well it had been 75kg but then when I reached that he brought it to 70kg) and I am still off what I want (66kg). For my Mum though I know her concern comes from me living overseas and not seeing me a lot so she based her comments on the fear (to her) of what my boss said.
  19. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Not boring and some of them were on my list of wins when I first started to lose the weight - my backside only taking up one seat on public transport, being able to get through a turnstile without having to turn sideways and performing some sort of gymnastics movement, being able to comfortably close the seatbelt on the plane, not fearing that every time a chair or bed creaked it was going to be the fault of my weight that caused something to break and not thinking that everyone was looking at and judging me when clothes shopping or eating.
    All dreams and wins count, big and small.

  20. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from ShoppGirl in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    I am the same when it comes to the heat, I HATE it. A holiday in the heat/sun would be my idea of hell and the times I have had to do it I would melt within seconds and I would have chub rub on my thighs if I wore a sun dress. Then I would not want any part of me exposed, no way was I going to be seen in a swimsuit, couldn't get nice plus size summer clothes that would be a style I would wear all meant I felt like crap on a holiday when it is meant to be a relaxing fun time.
    I have gotten a bit better with the heat in the last couple of years but that is by my standards, what I consider hot is probably cold to say an Italian or Southern Spaniard
    I now either go out of season (also means cheaper prices) or to non sunny destinations. Like I went to the Spanish islands in May, perfect at 20c/68f with just blue skies and at least Washington next month should not be too hot plus it is the US so I am presuming everywhere except the sidewalk has aircon.

    You now have the time to think of some locations and plan a reward for yourself, you will have been through a lot and deserve the holiday.
  21. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from NeonRaven8919 in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Not boring and some of them were on my list of wins when I first started to lose the weight - my backside only taking up one seat on public transport, being able to get through a turnstile without having to turn sideways and performing some sort of gymnastics movement, being able to comfortably close the seatbelt on the plane, not fearing that every time a chair or bed creaked it was going to be the fault of my weight that caused something to break and not thinking that everyone was looking at and judging me when clothes shopping or eating.
    All dreams and wins count, big and small.

  22. Like
    FifiLux reacted to summerseeker in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    Pre surgery I didn't dream further than doing simple things that a fitter person could do. It was all I could do to keep our home clean and cook our meals. Thankfully we have shopping deliveries or I would have come unstuck. I could not go around a supermarket. I was so out of shape. I rarely went outdoors, it embarrassed me. I had learned never to reach too high, crashing into depression is a long road back to normality.
    So, My new world is eye poppingly wonderful to me. I now have to squeeze in some at home free time. I have a pass that lets me use the trains and buses free. If I feel like it and I mostly do, I am off exploring. I have no need of a car any more
    I am never hot and sweaty, out of breath or having an internal tantrum because I need to sit down and there is no seat
    I jump out of bed and into the shower with out needing any aids. It doesn't weaken me for the day
    I go out and never have to plan the route beforehand. I walk everywhere. I donated my walking sticks to the charity shop.
    I go abroad alone on holidays and explore alone. I have been married for almost 50 years and its so wonderful to have some me time. He is done with holidays. I do what I want to do, go where I choose. I have made new friends who wish to holiday with me next year ! I'm popular !!
    I have a small bucket list, To never gain any weight back. In the past I have been lucky, I have seen lots of the world. I still want to see Vietnam, visit Easter Island and live long enough to get new knees on the NHS.
    Dream big and stay small everyone

  23. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from ShoppGirl in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    I am the same when it comes to the heat, I HATE it. A holiday in the heat/sun would be my idea of hell and the times I have had to do it I would melt within seconds and I would have chub rub on my thighs if I wore a sun dress. Then I would not want any part of me exposed, no way was I going to be seen in a swimsuit, couldn't get nice plus size summer clothes that would be a style I would wear all meant I felt like crap on a holiday when it is meant to be a relaxing fun time.
    I have gotten a bit better with the heat in the last couple of years but that is by my standards, what I consider hot is probably cold to say an Italian or Southern Spaniard
    I now either go out of season (also means cheaper prices) or to non sunny destinations. Like I went to the Spanish islands in May, perfect at 20c/68f with just blue skies and at least Washington next month should not be too hot plus it is the US so I am presuming everywhere except the sidewalk has aircon.

    You now have the time to think of some locations and plan a reward for yourself, you will have been through a lot and deserve the holiday.
  24. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from ShoppGirl in What would you do or have you done since surgery..   
    I am the same when it comes to the heat, I HATE it. A holiday in the heat/sun would be my idea of hell and the times I have had to do it I would melt within seconds and I would have chub rub on my thighs if I wore a sun dress. Then I would not want any part of me exposed, no way was I going to be seen in a swimsuit, couldn't get nice plus size summer clothes that would be a style I would wear all meant I felt like crap on a holiday when it is meant to be a relaxing fun time.
    I have gotten a bit better with the heat in the last couple of years but that is by my standards, what I consider hot is probably cold to say an Italian or Southern Spaniard
    I now either go out of season (also means cheaper prices) or to non sunny destinations. Like I went to the Spanish islands in May, perfect at 20c/68f with just blue skies and at least Washington next month should not be too hot plus it is the US so I am presuming everywhere except the sidewalk has aircon.

    You now have the time to think of some locations and plan a reward for yourself, you will have been through a lot and deserve the holiday.
  25. Like
    FifiLux got a reaction from summerseeker in 1 Year VSG Post op Today!   
    Also maybe you need to change your forum name to ShrinkingZ or PreviouslyKnownas...

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