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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by FifiLux

  1. FifiLux

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    Any bit higher is a win. Took me ages to get to where my doctor and physio wanted me to be but every little puff helps.
  2. FifiLux

    Education Session

    Yes sounds a bit vanilla of a presentation and she certainly doesn't sound like the best example, even for someone who had no issues with the surgery or recovery as not giving a great example of how to live life after by the sounds of it. Do you have to go to many of the sessions or is it just a once off? Do you need to have the knee surgery first? I was told I had to lose weight for knee surgery but hospital said to have the weight loss surgery first for two reasons, one to still be considered a high enough BMI (like you I had/have no co-morbidities) to qualify for the state paid surgery and also to release some of the weight pressure my knees are under before going through another surgery.
  3. FifiLux

    Celebrating 5 years!

    Congratulations on 5 years and it sounds like you are living the life you deserve.
  4. FifiLux

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    That is all great news and glad you are home and recovering. I hope you don't even need the over the counter meds after another few days.
  5. So by this time next week you will be post-op My surgery was 4th July last year and even though I am not American I consider it my Independence Day as it was the first day of a new and improved, as in happier and healthier, me but it has taken me many months of recovery and work to get where I am so far, surgery is certainly not the easy option some people think (as in those who don't need it). The coming weeks and months will be a learning curve so don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself, don't compare your losses to others as everyone is different and just most importantly be kind to yourself. That I think is what I have come away with most from the last year, I take time for myself when needed, I say no to things I don't want to do rather than try to make everyone else happy as I used to in the past, I listen to my body more when it says it needs a walk/fresh air or rest, I speak up for myself more and I am really trying not to let the little things stress me out as I am very much a person who always felt the need to be in control (even if it was control of overeating etc.). If you haven't done so already I recommend taking your measurements and some pictures today or tomorrow so you have something to look back on in the coming months and years to see how well you do.
  6. I am sure your appointment will go well and you will be all set for 15th. I was the same, with no pre-op diet to follow so I just made sure to enjoy my last few pre-op meals, meeting friends and having drinks in the few weeks lead up and weaning myself off coffee. Of course you will lose weight and you just have to take the time to work on the new you (inside and out) so that you will have the strength and mindset not to get back to where you are now and what lead you to need the surgery. We all hope not to have regain but even a few kg/lbs back on is ok too but try not to focus on a negative like that as positive mindset going forward is the best way to be. Your body will be readjusting and has to find its own level. Over the course of your journey there will be weight losses, gains and stalls and we are all here for you to vent, ask questions etc. 🍀
  7. FifiLux

    Report Your WINS ..What is your today's win??🥇

    A win for me today was bringing my good watch to the jewellery shop to get two links taken out so that the watch will now stay on my wrist again. Then another win was that the shop did not charge me, not sure why as I have never been to them before but I happily took their instance of no payment and left as quickly as I could (which was a bit slow as you have to be buzzed through two different security doors they operate from behind a desk) before they changed their mind! 😁
  8. FifiLux

    Mid-week Checkpoint

    Congrats on passing your test My boobs look smaller (😭) but whilst I have gone down a couple of band sizes the cup size is still the same DD just doesn't look it, I think I am closer to a D but it depends on the bra. My bum is also smaller/flatter which isn't so bad. Today I was on a day off work so I went to the shops and got myself a couple of padded bras, never had to do that before but already they make me feel better. I know feel like my boobs are a bit of false advertising, like something out of a JP Gaultier advert. 😀 I have travel for work and vacations next month so trying to build up my wardrobe bit by bit. I put 1kg on during the week, no idea how but as I am still under the surgeons target weight I am not letting it bother me too much. The health system here covers some plastics post weight loss surgery and I hadn't thought it would be something I would be interested in but I think I will enquire about when I have my next surgeon appointment in January to see what areas they do the plastics on and what the requirements are.
  9. FifiLux

    Fooood help

    I don't know all the brands you have in the US but I have used BFree gluten free high protein wraps. Each wrap is only 3.5g carbs and 11g protein but you'll only manage small portions of each wrap so the carbs from the wrap itself will be negligible.
  10. FifiLux

    Fooood help

    If you don't like to cook how about some (low salt) deli meat rolled with mashed avacado and anything else you want to add in there so a meat wrap with on actual wrap/bread? You could make your own simple quiche - tortilla protein wrap as a the base in baking tin, add in three eggs, a cup of cottage cheese, salt & peper- mix and then add your toppings of your choice such as spinach, green beans, peppers, tomatoes, can top with mozzarella then if you like. Oven bake until golden.
  11. FifiLux

    I am considered Normal BMI!

    @AmberFL In all your exercising have you found that your arms are firming up, if they were flabby before? Just looking for some tips as they remain a problem area for me and doing arm weights at home (mix between 1.5kg and 3kg) a few days a week for some reps doesn't seem to be making any inroads. My legs are always going to be a problem area for me because of lymphedema but that just stops me wearing shorts or a short dress leaving me still with plenty of options but having to keep my arms covered all the time (because I hate my arms) is a pain.
  12. FifiLux

    Is it wrong?

    Yes, I think it is just a case that maybe the wrong word was used which is unhelpful and can cause doubt and anxiousness. Maybe the therapist is just tying to get the point across to not let food control you going forward and not to just focus on being able to eat what you want again but do the steps to get to the right mindset so you get the best life out of the surgery.
  13. I just used a normal blender. Unless you have the need for a babyfood puree machine in the future I would think it is not worth the price, or another piece of equipment in a kitchen. If you don't have a blender at all I would recommend buying one as that will probably get more use in the long term.
  14. FifiLux

    Is it wrong?

    No you are not wrong, we can enjoy food and drink eventually but realise we have to make sensible choices or we could go back to where we were pre-op. I think the way to think about it going forward is that you will still enjoy food just smaller portions, and depending on what your diet was like pre-op, maybe healthier choices. Some of your tastes may change from like to dislike or the opposite but you can enjoy and savour the smaller bites. Also during the liquid phase you are most certainly going to miss the thought of other food, I mean seriously who would prefer a bowl of flavoured dishwater soup vs something like a pizza or steak dinner? I am now a year out following my sleeve and cook the food I like but just eat in smaller portions and I go out about once a week for a lunch or dinner and enjoy the food - plus I enjoy it usually again the next day with the leftovers I bring home.
  15. 1. Female, 49, 163cm / 5ft 3in 2. None, put on about 5kg / 11lb 3. 120.20kg / 265lb 4 & 5. Don't recall as was in hospital still at that point but not much as they were pumping me full of nutrients 6. 92kg / 202lb 7. 72kg / 158lb Now one year and three weeks I am at 68.6kg / 151lb and just a few pounds away from my goal weight.
  16. That time it was a pizzeria pizza (not too big and not too small) and it was so yummy, no real protein though as it was just tomato sauce, aubergine, peppers and courgette - no cheese and no meat.
  17. I wish I had taken some 'before' pictures so that I could see the great changes. I still don't think I see the real me in the mirror at times so wish I could look at how fat (I can now say that about myself 😄) I was pre-op. I did switch to decaf for the two weeks pre-op as read it online but the hospital were giving me (disgusting) coffee the day after the op and continued to offer it to me every day I was there but my tastebuds couldn't hack it so I went with herbal tea each time. Now, a year later, coffee is no problem and have it running through my veins. I also made a batch of liquid soups for the first week and froze them in 150ml containers so that I wouldn't have to worry about it, just needed to add protein powder at the time, plus I prepped the veg for a second batch of soup and froze them so it meant I just had to put them in the slow cooker with a stock cube, no standing around peeling, chopping etc.
  18. Not really a cup based measuring person as that is a US basis and while I am not "ways out" I can at times, depends on the day and also what I am eating, eat more than a cup and a half (I think if I understand the measurement conversions). Last week I had approx 1/3 of a pizza when out for dinner. I then had the same portion (leftovers) for lunch and dinner the next day. I would think that they would be more than a cup and a half. At home I will have usually 150g yoghurt for breakfast and my dinner is usually 160ml chicken or mince dish (as I portion them all out and freeze) but I will add things to these - like a bit of fruit and/or chai seeds to the yoghurt and have a post dinner desert of some dark chocolate or nuts. Lunch depends on if homeworking or office based, or even if weekend but if at home it is usually one of my homemade meals again about 160ml or a salad at work of about 250g. One day for lunch last week I had a Californian chicken roll in my local sushi place, it was cut into 8 pieces so likely more than a cup measurement and I was able to just about eat it all. I was a cheap date for my boss, only cost €6.50 vs his €25 meal & drink 😂
  19. I started to do that just in a standard pocket notebook (so I had it with me no matter what size handbag I was using), a day a page, and did little motivation or positive comments a couple of days a week. Each time I had a decent weight loss week (I try to weigh only once a week or I go mad with overthinking the fluctuations) I would note it and then highlight it in a neon colour. After three months I switched from the notebook to online tracking with myfitnesspal as I just found it easier to track portion sizes, calories, carbs etc. as it took a lot of the work away from doing it myself. I then moved to a manifestion & positivity journal instead to keep it separate from my food tracking as I didn't want the two things to be linked as for me I find it easier to disassociate food journaling from feelings going forward. I found a journal that also had positivity exercises in them do to each week, some were not relevant to my situation at all but I considered if 'food' for thought.
  20. FifiLux

    Swelling: retaining fluid and gas

    You will likely be carrying around gas for a few days post op as they have inflate your insides to get at the stomach and it should eventually ease. I took a wind-ease tablet for the couple of days after my op last year and it helped. I had known what to expect as I went through similar after having my gall bladder removed a number of years ago and didn't understand at the time why I was in agony in the shoulder area - the gas had made its way up there and settled.
  21. FifiLux

    I may be the only one...

    Could you find the motivation to even start with a few small steps, like finding a way to get your protein up even by way of including it in water and that way two steps covered in one? Your body needs the protein and if you are not getting enough it could be contributing to your mood/fog. So what if you haven't gone to the gym, I don't go, but I have made an effort to find a couple of fitness things I like to do. I know I could do more but hey I am doing more than I did pre-op so its a win win as far as I am concerned. I am not going to put unrealistic pressure on myself as I know I will fail, maybe that is the same for you? For the alcohol you don't say how much or often you have a drink but if you can't go cold turkey could you even cut back or opt for a lighter drink? I have a drink (or three) when out with friends, its not the end of the world but I am realistic that it will probably impact the weight loss for a few days and I restrict myself to only when out, certainly not at home as that is a bad habit that I am trying to make sure I don't bring back. Could you start writing a daily positivity list/journal of all the positives you are finding from the loss you have had so far? I started to do it to help me with the PTSD I am suffering from my surgery, I note just random things such as; was able to jog to catch bus and not be mortified / was able to get through turnstile without turning sideways / so and so told me I was looking great / sun is shining and I feel energised / had to tighten jeans belt again Small steps could help you out of the funk and get you on track as there was a reason you would have had the surgery and you don't want to get back there. It takes work but you have already made good progress but it will get harder to loose the lbs and you could end up with other health problems if you continue as you are. Does your doctor have a support team that you can reach out to? I think an honest conversation with them is needed and will help you, they can hopefully provide tools to get you in the mindset needed to continue. Don't feel ashamed to talk to them as I am sure you are not the only one how feels like you do.
  22. FifiLux

    London Baby!

    I saw them supporting Robbie Williams in Dublin a few years ago and they were really good, took me back years.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
