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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    KathyLev reacted to Lily2024 in Gaining Weight   
    I'm sorry you're facing such difficulties. It sounds like you have a lot on your mind and it gets harder to plan and care for yourself the way you want to when you're trying to manage so much. Honestly, it's very possible that letting yourself have a good cry/scream, loud music (whatever helps you feel some release of tension) can help get you back on track. Finding another way to comfort yourself, like a warm bath, comfy blanket, hot tea, etc could replace the food.
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    KathyLev reacted to SomeBigGuy in Gaining Weight   
    Sorry to hear you're dealing with all of this, it sounds rough. I know not all seasons of life can lend itself to it, but stress will cause the body to retain fat and prevent burning it. If there's any way to unload some of the stress, either by working out, meditation, going to a "rage room" where they let you smash stuff, anything that helps, it will help the weight loss process resume. I know its not always possible, having just come out of a season of life that felt like constant stress for 8 years with no seeming end. It was like I couldn't lose weight regardless of what I did, but I was always in a state of stress. I'm definitely not living a stress free life by any means now, but after years of therapy and practice, I guess I'm a little better at managing it now.
    That being said, my surgeon suggested a "reset" if weight regain happens 1 year+ after surgery. It was basically go back to the pre op diet to jump start things for a couple weeks, then slowly start adding back items from your normal diet, but keep watch to see if any of those are causing a stall or regain. Focus on hydration first, then Protein, then unsaturated fat, then other fats, AND THEN carbs last. I wouldn't go as extreme as Keto, but try to aim for single digit carbs per serving of something, or under 50-60g per day. Carbs are easy energy for our bodies, so it prefers to burn that first, and store any excess as fat, just as a survival mechanism. Everyone is slightly different, but some people's metabolism can be thrown off by certain imatation sugars and sugar alcohols. Even though they're 0 or low calorie, they can still trigger an insulin response like sugar or starches. You may want remove the biscuits for the time being and see if those may be the trigger for your body.
    Best of luck to you, and hoping things improve for you from here. Stay strong!
  3. Like
    KathyLev reacted to Arabesque in Gaining Weight   
    Sometimes life just throws crap at you & I’m sorry you are the target at the moment. So it is understandable that you are trying to comfort yourself & food is the go to for many of us. Realising this is what you are doing is your first step so you already are on your way to getting back on track.
    I’d go back to how you were eating when you neared your final weight. This will be closest to the way of eating that best complemented your needs & lifestyle. You could start by making one or two changes a week so it’s easier to transition during this stressful time. May be start with checking your portion sizes & ensure you’re getting in your Protein & fluids. Track your food so you can ensure you’re getting in your nutrients but not exceeding calories. Focus on your protein, vegetables & carbs last. Cut out the biscuits & any other Snacks that may not support your weight loss. Reassess your shopping so you are purchasing predominantly nutrient dense foods. Contact your dietician for a phone appointment until you can find someone in your new location to help you refocus.
    I agree about finding a way to release some of your stress & tensions. Are you still finding time for yourself to do some sort of activity? Even a short walk (if the weather is okay) can help. Find a warm, quiet spot in the sun & sip a cup of tea - soothing & calming & an opportunity to breathe & relax.

    Doesn't matter how long it takes to refocus yourself. You’ll get there in your time.
    Hopefully things will turn around for you & your husband soon. All the best.
  4. Like
    KathyLev reacted to summerseeker in Gaining Weight   
    I am in the UK and have to be a carer for my husband too. Its not a bed of roses is it. I send my hubby to the man creche in the pub twice a week by taxi. I then have some me time. I look forward to this time so much. I do not allow anything to interfere with it.
    As to the weather ! oh dear it is awful at the moment. We have had flood warnings all weekend. I still got out though because I once saw a psychiatrist and said I had become so house bound because of the weather it affected my mental well being. He simply said ' Get better clothes' So I did.
    I hope you can get your world sorted, everything seems harder at Christmas time. Moving home is the hardest thing to do. I always say ' I am never doing that again' You need to phone your team and find out why you cant eat hot foods. Can you eat Soup ? I still have issues with lamb and cooked salmon but I am ok with other Proteins. eggs took me almost 2 years to master then one day I craved them.
    I allow myself a treat every day, my love is children's rocket ice lollies. Asda and M&S ones are less than 40 calories each. Yesterday I had 2 Mcvities chocolate biscuits and thought to myself they were ok but 87 calories each ! and no real nutritional value, I might give them a miss till Christmas. Don't beat yourself up, just try to eat better. Your body deserves it.

  5. Like
    KathyLev reacted to Courtnay in Bariatric surgery is not all butterflies and rainbows   
    Thank you so much summerseeker! 💜
    I am honestly really looking forward to this surgery, but my health anxiety has made me nervous for sure. I really appreciate everyones comments as it has put my fears at ease tremendously. Thank you!! 😊
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    KathyLev got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in 1 day post-op   
    From everyone I have talked to , it seems like the first 3 days are the worst. Your body just went thru trauma and it's trying to figure things out. Rest and be comfortable ! Take it slow and you'll be fine.
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    KathyLev reacted to The Greater Fool in How to get approved for loose skin removal   
    In addition to rashes, back-pain and added Lymphedema problems are additional issues where "reconstructive surgery" will address issues.
    You've done a bunch of scary things since you decided to start addressing your health issues by having Weight Loss Surgery. You just need to continue putting your health first and bravely continue advocating for your health. Your Doctors work for you and if they aren't doing the job find a new doctor that will.
    Good luck,
  8. Like
    KathyLev reacted to Arabesque in 1 day post-op   
    Oh yes it’s normal. The first 24 hrs you still have anaesthetic in your system which is why you likely slept a lot yesterday. Now you’re starting to feel the pain, discomfort, muscle strains, maybe some nausea, etc. & generally feeling blah. The surgery is pretty major but in another couple of days you’ll notice you’re starting to improve.
    All the best.
  9. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in 1 day post-op   
    From everyone I have talked to , it seems like the first 3 days are the worst. Your body just went thru trauma and it's trying to figure things out. Rest and be comfortable ! Take it slow and you'll be fine.
  10. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in So Confused and Upset Right Now   
    I don't blame you for being mad ...I'd be steaming especially since you got no explanation. When the office is back open ,I'd just keep making tons of phone calls to EVERYONE . Someone has to know something. I hope you can find out what's going on. ((hugs))
  11. Like
    KathyLev reacted to SandyRod in I DID IT!!!!   
    Congratulations! It's encouraging to hear that cuz I'm one week in and I am getting so discouraged.
  12. Thanks
    KathyLev got a reaction from kcuster83 in I DID IT!!!!   
    Wow !!!! I can see you're doing the happy dance !!!! All that work is definately worth it - you're living proof !!! Congratulations on your new life
  13. Haha
    KathyLev reacted to NickelChip in Yoga for seniors   
    If you ever get the opportunity to do yoga with baby goats, do not pass it up. You will get very little actual yoga out of it, but you will get to spend time with baby goats romping around in diapers! I really can't imagine a better way to spend an hour.
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    KathyLev reacted to NickelChip in I swear I feel like I'm losing it....   
    I'm so sorry you're going through this. I hope it resolves quickly after the surgery. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress over the holiday stuff. Do you have kids? If so, this may just be the year to have a talk about what really matters in life, like family and good health, and give yourself permission to scale down the decorations and the dinner, and delay presents until a better time. It's okay not to be perfect all the time. And it's okay to find a totally new way of marking the holiday that doesn't cause you stress. It's okay to opt out for a year and try again next time. You've got a lot to deal with already. Sending hugs.
  15. Haha
    KathyLev got a reaction from Arabesque in Yoga for seniors   
    That proves you don't have to go to a fancy ( and expensive ! ) gym to get results ! I like the idea of doing stretches and exercises in short bursts instead of one session. I'm actually getting excited about exercising now I think my vaccuum is going to be my first workout partner today ..... gotta start off slow,ya know .....
  16. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from Tomo in Yoga for seniors   
    Since I'm having such a hard time losing weight, my PA suggested I try yoga. I've never done yoga . I always laughed at it saying people like tying themselves in knots ..LOL. Now I might have to look into it seriously. I would have to do gentle chair yoga as my 69 year old joints are pretty stiff. I looked at some U Tube videos, and it seems like easy stretches. Can you tell me what yoga can actually do for me? Does it help with weight loss? She also suggested strength training . In all honesty ,I've never been one to do "formal" exercises ... but I'm willing to try different things at this point .
  17. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in I swear I feel like I'm losing it....   
    Wednesday can't come soon enough. I hope you get some relief .
  18. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from summerseeker in HELP! TMI   
    I can relate to the "concrete" poo ,Summerseeker ! Protein is a stopper-upper for me . Miralax works wonders. Once you get the original "clog" gone , it's smooth sailing.
  19. Like
    KathyLev reacted to summerseeker in HELP! TMI   
    If I am struggling to get in my Protein, I have a protein pudding/ yogurt. They really make my poop like concrete. One of these and my internal system is like a traffic jam. I am not sure if its the artificial sugar or the protein in them that causes this
  20. Like
    KathyLev reacted to Arabesque in Yoga for seniors   
    Oh I still have tuck shop lady arms @KathyLev but you can really only see the loose skin if I raise & wave my arms about. Forgot to add I do my stretches & such in short bursts across the day. It all adds up & you may find it easier to manage than a single 30 or more minute session.
    Actually @ChunkCat someone who knows my dislike of gyms asked me suspiciously & a tad accusingly if I was now going to the gym because of my arms. Lol!
  21. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from Arabesque in Yoga for seniors   
    Arabesque - you have great looking arms ! ( Thanks for the pic ! ) My arms are like flabby noodles - no strength at all. I keep telling myself I'll build up muscle this winter when I shovel snow ( ugh ) but I'd much rather be in a warm house with some music on and doing stretches ! I think I'll do some digging around in U tube and get myself set up with some beginner yoga/stretches now that I know what it's all about. I don't expect to lose weight doing it,but it'll keep my mind off of eating Thanks again ,Ladies - this is sure going to confuse my dogs !!!! LOL
  22. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from ChunkCat in Yoga for seniors   
    WOW Chunk Cat ......I never knew ANY of that ! I guess no one ever explained it to me .When people say "yoga" I always picture the stick thin people on tv in crazy poses and wonder why they are torturing themselves. ...LOL You convinced me that I seriously might have to give it a try . Now that winter is here, my walking will really be decreased ,so that might be a good project to start on. Have you seen "Goat Yoga ? " ...I'll have Dog Yoga - they'll be thinking mom's rolling around wanting to play LOL ! Thank you so much for taking the time to explain all that to me - my old body appreciates it ((hugs))

  23. Like
    KathyLev reacted to catwoman7 in Yoga for seniors   
    I'd look into yin yoga or restorative yoga for starters (yin is a little more active, but not much). Both are easy on the joints, and you'll find a lot of older people or people with mobility issues in those classes (although good idea to start with YouTube videos just to see if you like them). I did yoga for years - starting even before I had surgery (in fact, I spent a month in India on a yoga trip) - have been away from it for awhile but really should go back, esp now that I'm getting older and really need the stretching. But yes - I'd start with yin or restorative.

    P.S. this article explains the difference between the two, but either would be a good starting place (and you may just stick with these styles for life - I personally would struggle with the more athletic styles of yoga at this point (I'm in my 60s with joint issues and osteoporosis), so I will also stick with these if/when I go back to doing yoga).
  24. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from ChunkCat in Yoga for seniors   
    WOW Chunk Cat ......I never knew ANY of that ! I guess no one ever explained it to me .When people say "yoga" I always picture the stick thin people on tv in crazy poses and wonder why they are torturing themselves. ...LOL You convinced me that I seriously might have to give it a try . Now that winter is here, my walking will really be decreased ,so that might be a good project to start on. Have you seen "Goat Yoga ? " ...I'll have Dog Yoga - they'll be thinking mom's rolling around wanting to play LOL ! Thank you so much for taking the time to explain all that to me - my old body appreciates it ((hugs))

  25. Like
    KathyLev reacted to ChunkCat in Yoga for seniors   
    Yoga is amazing when you have a great teacher and you take care of your body in the process. I'm not into performance yoga but I did private classes with an instructor for Yin Yoga (also called "restorative yoga") for several years, it is fantastic for chronic pain and really helped my arthritis and fibro. In Yin/restorative yoga you rest in poses for 10-15 minutes at a time, it is very gentle. One pose held like that has the same effect as holding that pose for a shorter time, 7 days in a row. This is because the muscle fatigues itself and resets, so you get more mobility and pain relief. It is very gentle and uses a lot of props like folded blankets and blocks. The classes are usually small and the instructors usually help with modifications if you have limited range of motion.
    Chair yoga is very beneficial too, I've done a fair bit of it. The good aspects of yoga are that it brings increased range of motion, pain relief, better balance, stress relief, a calmer mind, less anxiety, stronger muscles without having to get your heart rate way up, and you get those nice endorphins. It also changes your body composition, you'll look thinner, leaner, longer, more smoothed out. I got a lot of compliments when I was doing it regularly and I was 250 lbs so it wasn't like I was a tiny thing either. I still incorporate some of the poses in my daily activities, like Tree pose when I'm standing at the sink or stove. LOL
    It can give a boost to your metabolism and help you lose weight, but the best thing it does for the body is increases blood flow to areas that might not get as much oxygenated blood due to stagnation from set body patterns.
    Bed yoga is also a thing! You can do it in the morning and in the evening right in your soft, cushy bed! It helps you get ready for the day more limber, I have arthritis that is systemic and ankylosing spondylitis so I need all the help stretching in the morning as I can get. It also helps with sleep in the evening. I think your doctor's advice is good. Yoga doesn't have to be the crazy "stand on your head" performance art you see in mainstream classes with skinny 20somethings. It can benefit every body.
    If you don't jive with it you can try Tai Chi! YouTube has a lot of great videos for Tai Chi for all beginner levels. It is great for longevity and is a better workout than you'd think by just watching it!

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