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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    KathyLev got a reaction from MsTeeTee in Skinny Syrup   
    I use Walden Farms products. They are usually zero carbs and barely any calories and the syrups are awesome. I can usually find most of what I use in grocery stores,but I have ordered online when I can't find something. Right now I have strawberry, carmel and chocolate syrups , maple and bacon flavored Salad Dressing and I tried Peanut Butter spread ( not too good but now I know ) Here's the link to their website so you can see all the products they sell.
  2. Like
    KathyLev reacted to The Greater Fool in Torn between counting carbs or counting calories   
    Most post-op diet plans I see here seem like standard weight loss diets. Some of them seem quite draconian.
    My surgeon's philosophy was different. From the very beginning he stressed that I was learning a new way of eating. This was a new way for me, but most rational people would view as "healthy" and nothing much out of the ordinary. This would be for the rest of my life. As I said in my previous post, I didn't count things in my plan beyond basic meal planning: Protein first then some veggies.
    I started at what most here would call a "maintenance diet." In the first 6 weeks, it was no different than my most recent 6 weeks, other than the food was pureed. When I reached goal, nothing changed.
    I had no desire nor inclination to live the rest of my life dieting.
    Good luck,
  3. Like
    KathyLev reacted to ms.sss in Torn between counting carbs or counting calories   
    I’ll be 5 years post op in October, and I was (and still am) an avid tracker so I log everything I eat, and my app figures out the cals and macros.
    During weight loss phase I focused on being ultra-low carb (under 25g NET carbs a day). I also went low-calorie but this sorta happened on its own cuz I didn’t really want to eat much anyway…I.e., by the time I got to goal, I was consuming sub-800 cals a day.
    lost all the weight I wanted plus a bit more, and looked like death’s older sister lolzzzzz.
    i eventually got over my fear of carbs during maintenance and by around 2-3 years post-op, was eating whatever carbs I want (not just good carbs, but the not-so-great ones as well…I’m looking at dessert and chips!) BUT I still make sure to stay within my maintenance calorie range1800-ish cals a day normally, 2300+ cals when I’m in an exercising phase.
    Its worth noting that I actually weigh LESS today (119 lbs) than I did when I was death’s sibling after reaching goal (127 lbs) yet I look waaaaaaay healthier (not so gaunt) now. I think it’s the carbs. While I really liked how my body looked back then when I was low-carbing, my face really suffered. Now, though my body looks less fit and “softer”, my face is also looking “softer” and is quite pleasing to look at in the mirror lolololzzzzzz.
    long story short, weight loss is ultimately down to calories in and calories out, however way those calories are comprised (carb, fat, or proteins). Stay under your maintenance calories and you WILL lose weight. The trick is finding out what your maintenance calories are at ANY GIVEN POINT IN TIME because it isn’t static and changes with age, activity level, health status, sleep patterns, stress levels, etc….which is why I’m a big proponent of food/body weight/activity tracking cuz all that data helps to figure out patterns and stuff.
    i get it’s not for everybody though. But I totally credit tracking to me staying under goal weight this entire time (5 years post in October).
    Good Luck!❤️
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    KathyLev reacted to NettyD in Torn between counting carbs or counting calories   
    I’m still in pre op and my nutrition team want us to focus on Protein first and build our meal around protein and Portion Control. They do not want us to focus on calorie counting.
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    KathyLev reacted to CarmenG in Torn between counting carbs or counting calories   
    I do both. I use the Baritastic app, and I set my calorie and carb goals and try not to exceed them. I think some people take issue with carb counting because there's good carbs and really, really bad carbs. For me, carbs are really important to monitor because I really don't like vegetables. I can eat a bit of fresh salad, but that's about it because I have texture issues. I can't stand cooked veggies, to me it's inedible slime. Lol! Obviously, good carbs are necessary for Vitamins and minerals and proper digestion, but carbs with no nutritional value (junk food) only "nurture" us emotionally. Ironically, after we eat crap that makes us feel good momentarily, we start to feel like crap, emotionally (guilt, mood swings) and physically (joint/muscle pain).
    I stand by my carb detoxes. I never realized how mood-altering crap food can be. I was starting to use junk food like I was using alcohol, just for instant gratification and distraction, alcohol and carb hangovers be damned. However, I was extremely frustrated, and easily irritated all.the.time. My joints hurt when I eat crap. My sleep suffers too. Once I went below 50 carbs a day, my whole attitude changed. I felt better physically and emotionally.
    Very healthy Proteins are moderately high in calories (beef, chicken, seafood), but Protein is very necessary with our bariatric surgeries. This is why I give myself more leeway with calories than carbs.Bad carbs, on the other hand, offer nothing but momentary satisfaction. Momentary satisfaction is good once in a while, but the problem with loading up on bad carbs again is that, like a drug, the more we ingest it, the more we crave it. The less we have it in our system, the less it calls our attention. People think I'm being dramatic, but I know how I feel when I detox from carbs and when I start eating crap again. It just snowballs, and eating junk becomes more and more "important" as the day progresses.
    Using the app really helps me keep a realistic awareness of my nutritional goals. Because I'm only 3 months out, my goal settings right now are 750-800 cal, 70-80g protein, and <50 carbs. I have good days when I hit only 600 cals, 30 carbs, but 85+g protein. I also have my bad days when I consume 875 cals, 60 carbs, but only 65g protein. I think they really go hand in hand because the more carbs I eat, the more calories I'm consuming (and the less protein I get). I worry more about my carb intake because when I go over on my carbs, I know it's because I had bites here and there of junk food (not good carbs). At the end of the day, it really all comes down to what kind of carb intake you have. If your carbs are coming from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, then it's great! But if not, then maybe take stock of them. Either way, I wish you the best always on your continued weight loss journey!
    P.S. Prior to my surgery, my doc wanted me to lose weight (so he could help me lose weight) so I did a semi-liquid, hyper-low carb diet and lost 32 lbs in 38 days. Didn't count or give a flip about calories. I only drank 3 shakes a day, they wanted me to drink 5. Tan locos! I couldn't drink 5. I did 3 shakes and a hearty all protein dinner.< /span>
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    KathyLev reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Torn between counting carbs or counting calories   
    I do both. Actually, I log my calories, carbs, Protein, and fat. I'm so used to it at this point that it's second nature. One week I'll work out 5 days and rest 2. Then the next week I'll work out 4 days and rest 3. I also stick to my routine, but switch up the actual exercises within the routine so I "confuse" my body and what I'm doing continues to work.

    Workout days (alternate between heavy cardio, weight training, core/strength training, wall/beginner pilates):
    Calories: 1200-1300 (depending on what I'm doing that day)
    Carbs: 35-40
    Protein: 90g
    Fat: 45-50g

    NON workout days (rest days):
    Calories: 900-1000
    Carbs: 20-25
    Protein: 60-70g
    Fat: 30-35g
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    KathyLev reacted to catwoman7 in Torn between counting carbs or counting calories   
    I've never counted carbs. I track calories. The dietitians at my clinic don't like us doing either, but counting calories works for me. I think a lot of it is personal preference and what works for you.
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    KathyLev reacted to Arabesque in Torn between counting carbs or counting calories   
    I didn’t have to count carbs or calories either. Just told to keep my carbs (sugar, fat) low & given a list of carbs to avoid (bread, Pasta, rice, etc. - anything low processed).

    Portion size was what I had to focus on (& Protein & fluids of course). 1/4-1/3 cup from purée increasing to a cup at about 6 months. I still watch my portion sizes.
    I used to randomly check calories just out of my own interest while I was losing & I still do this. Simply because if you are consuming more calories than your body needs to function effectively you will gain weight. (An additional 100 calories a day equates to 10lbs over a year 😱 yikes!) But yes working out calories for complex meals like salads, Soups, stews, etc. you cook yourself can be challenging & never completely accurate. I tend to focus on the protein content only then. I check the weight of the protein in the Soup, casserole, etc. & work out about how many portions that would be of the finished meal. Hard to weigh meats with bones to work out the calories too. I go to recommended serving sizes then to help guide my portion.
    To eat carbs or not in the long term is really up to you and what works for you in regard to what types, how often, how much. I only ate rolled oats while losing and then could start adding other whole or multi grains carbs from maintenance. The carbs in vegetables & fruit were always okay & were a free pass. I only eat two serves of multi/whole grain carbs a day & still don’t eat bread & similar products, pasta, rice. They sit heavily. Don’t miss them & I do feel better without them - no bloating, less wind, etc. but that’s me.
    There’s nothing stopping you counting your own carbs & keeping them at a level you’re happy with while you’re losing if you want. As long as you monitor, the best you can, the calories your team is asking for. Remember once you work out the calories for a specific salad, soup, etc, you don’t have to do it every time you eat those recipes. As long as your portion remains the same (adjusting for the increase in portions as you progress) the calories will be pretty accurate.
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    KathyLev reacted to BabySpoons in Torn between counting carbs or counting calories   
    If you count carbs you still have to be mindful of how many calories you consume.
    And if you count calories you have to be mindful of how many of those are from carbs. Fruits and veggies I don't worry so much about.
    I used the Baritastic app during my 3-month pre-op diet basically to show my nutritionist what I was eating and to make sure I was staying within my limits to lose the weight needed for surgery. Afterwards I don't use it. Logging and thinking about food 24/7 drives me nuts. But I do practice mindful eating and if using it helps keep you on track, then do it. I did like the recipe feature. Just add all ingredients and then your serving size. It does all the math for you.
    I pretty much know what foods to eat and which to avoid and the WLS restricts my amounts anyway. Portion Control, I think is most important. By now I've gotten pretty good at eyeballing what I put on my plate. Some days I can finish it and others I push it away. As long as my weight continues to go down, I know I am on the right track.
    I'm hoping by the time the honeymoon phase is over and normal hunger returns, I will have formed new habits to maintain my losses and continue losing weight to goal.

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    KathyLev reacted to The Greater Fool in Torn between counting carbs or counting calories   
    I never counted calories or carbs or much of anything else.
    Well, that's not true. I counted meals: 3. Each of which were 3oz Protein + 1oz veggies.
    Most every plan has as the first rule: Focus on protein first. It's the rest that seems to vary.
    I often think that following your surgeon's plan is more important than what is in the plan. It's about learning to eat again with some form of discipline. In the early months you get the positive reinforcement of losing weight, which makes continuing the plan easier.
    Let's face it, doing it our way didn't work. Do it your medical teams' way.
    Good luck,
  11. Thanks
    KathyLev got a reaction from MsTeeTee in Skinny Syrup   
    I use Walden Farms products. They are usually zero carbs and barely any calories and the syrups are awesome. I can usually find most of what I use in grocery stores,but I have ordered online when I can't find something. Right now I have strawberry, carmel and chocolate syrups , maple and bacon flavored Salad Dressing and I tried Peanut Butter spread ( not too good but now I know ) Here's the link to their website so you can see all the products they sell.
  12. Like
    KathyLev reacted to Amanda A. in Gastric Banding Concern/Eroding   
    I had the Gastric Banding placed in 2012. I've moved away from where I had the initial surgery to a place that didn't have a doctor comfortable with the banding procedure. I've gone several years without having it adjusted but keeping my weight maintained so I didn't think much of it, I figured it was doing it's job and so was I. I recently had severe abdominal pain after having some lunch, was rushed to the local hospital, which then had to be transferred to a hospital an hour away from home to find a doctor comfortable with the banding procedure. It turns out the band slipped some time ago and completely eroded though my stomach. I had an emergency surgery with 2 surgeons for over 4 hours. They had to remove some of my stomach and a piece of my liver that had attached itself to the scar tissue. I have months of recovery ahead of me now and could have died from this when I thought everything was working fine. If you are considering getting the band please rethink it. If you have the band and haven't been check in a while, PLEASE go the doctor and get a complete check up as soon as possible.
  13. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from summerseeker in Losing inches but not weight- Great video !   
    My scale is slowing down again... so being a U Tube junkie, I found this 10 minute video that explains why what the scale says isn't that important. It's worth a watch ! She gives a good , simple explanation
  14. Like
    KathyLev reacted to BabySpoons in Losing inches but not weight- Great video !   
    I have this Renpho scale and it's similar in what it measures compared to the one advertised in the video. Right now, it's marked down to $30. I like that it stores all my information through the phone app.
    RENPHO Body Fat Scale Smart BMI Scale Digital Bathroom Wireless Weight Scale, Elis 1 Body Composition Analyzer with Smartphone App sync with Bluetooth, 400 lbs - Black : Amazon.ca: Health & Personal Care
  15. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from summerseeker in Losing inches but not weight- Great video !   
    My scale is slowing down again... so being a U Tube junkie, I found this 10 minute video that explains why what the scale says isn't that important. It's worth a watch ! She gives a good , simple explanation
  16. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from summerseeker in Losing inches but not weight- Great video !   
    My scale is slowing down again... so being a U Tube junkie, I found this 10 minute video that explains why what the scale says isn't that important. It's worth a watch ! She gives a good , simple explanation
  17. Haha
    KathyLev reacted to NickelChip in Losing inches but not weight- Great video !   
    This was a very useful video, but now I want to buy a fancy scale!
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    KathyLev reacted to SacB in I don't want my neighbors to see me   
    Summerseeker, you're a very good writer. Very descriptive. Thanks.
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    KathyLev got a reaction from MaryJ2299 in How do I know when I'm full?? - 1 week post-op   
    It IS funny how the signals change. Now as I'm getting full ,I start to burp . It's like the food is filling up the last of the air space in my stomach. I've been stopping before that happens ,but it's like my stomach is sending out an alarm that says "for God's sake -- STOP eating !!" LOL
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    KathyLev reacted to ChunkCat in Super Nervous   
    I remember the first time I had anesthesia, I was a nervous wreck! But as soon as they put those happy meds in my IV line I was as good as gold and the OR nurse even had me yelling "Roll Tide!!!" as they wheeled me back, which was surely the meds talking as I'm not a sports fan. LOL Tell them when you get to the nurses that you are really anxious, they can give you meds to ease the worry a bit.
    My favorite technique for anxiety is to tell myself "Oh, I'll worry about that tomorrow." Then I put it in a box on a shelf in my brain closet for tomorrow and endeavor to keep it there! Every time it creeps in I tell it that it's not tomorrow yet and back in the closet it goes! Then I remind myself that the only thing I can truly control and affect in life is in the PRESENT MOMENT. So I bring my focus to whatever is in front of me in my day and take the next small step in the process towards whatever I am trying to accomplish.
    That paired with remembering my "Why" and envisioning the end goal I desire usually is enough mental gymnastics to keep the anxiety at bay. Worrying about these things is normal, just don't let it get so bad it incapacitates you. Talk it out with someone you trust or talk it out on a post here, there are plenty of listening ears who will get what you are saying. You can do this!!
  21. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from Shanna NYC in Super Nervous   
    You're only fearful because it's human to be scared of the unknown. You've never had surgery before,so you don't know what to expect. I suggest researching the heck out of it and you'll find the answer to every question you have online ( and here !) I was probably scared as heck at my first surgery,too .... but I'm an old pro now I look forward to the rest , the peacefulness of falling asleep ,waking up feeling like I've had the best sleep of my life and everybody waiting on me hand and foot LOL You'll be like the queen bee with all these worker bees trying to keep you comfy. 😄 It'll be fine and don't be afraid to ask any question you want on this forum ! Good luck !

  22. Like
    KathyLev reacted to Arabesque in Slow poke   
    One thing you can count on is that we all lose at our own rate - what’s right for us & our body & that’s a perfectly fine rate. There are averages & outliers ( those who lose faster & those who lose more slowly) but I always thought if my surgeon was happy with my lose I would be happy too. Your surgeon is happy so you can be too.

    You may also be experiencing a stall. The first is usually around week 3 but can be before or after that & usually can last 1-3 weeks. They can be extremely frustrating as the scale doesn’t move down at all & can even move upwards a little.
    Our bodies respond to the weight loss differently. Some people even say when their weight loss is stalling they notice their clothes are getting lower. After my weight stabilised my remaining fat seemed to resettle around my body. I went from having no shape to having a waist & hips again but the scale never changed.
    Maybe take body measurements & track those as well as the weight on the scale & see changes that way too. Maybe weigh& measure yourself less frequently so the drops are more noticeable. Celebrate every pound you lose. You’ll get where you need to be in your time.

  23. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from alphacat68 in Slow poke   
    From the day of my surgery in May till now ,I've only lost 14 pounds. That's in 3 months ! ( I've lost weight before the surgery,but I'm counting from the Day Of . ) But I've been losing inches ,gone off of a couple meds and my bloodwork has come back just about perfect. As much as I'd like to see the scale go down - I consider those things a victory Like everyone has said..."trust the program" .... it'll happen !
  24. Like
    KathyLev got a reaction from ToInfinityAndBeyond in FINALLY - my first stall broke after 2 months !   
    Catching bronchitis and having my first stall at the same time had me bummed out especially since it was only a month after surgery. 2 months of feeling bad and on top of it watching the scale stall was so disheartening. What kept me going was reading about all the successful losses from people on here and cheering them on ! Now it's finally my turn My motivation is back ! The bronchitis is nearly gone and I'm starting to walk again (even in the damn heat ...gggrrrr ) and the scale is once again my friend . I just thought I'd share my good news with you !!! I'm so happy I found you all !
  25. Haha
    KathyLev reacted to CarmenG in Spit or Swallow?   
    ME too! LOL! I was like..."well, this forum certainly took a turn..." And I rushed here to give my 2 cents, and then... seeds.

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