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Posts posted by JayTee562

  1. "kind of a richard"...it took me 5 min. to puzzle that one out LOL. So there's my 'blondness' to cheer you up.

    I'm still trying to figure it out.........finally had to have it explained to me.....


    As you know getting fills is critical, until you get enough fill you are on your own to restrict what you eat. I think most of us who had surgery in April have had 3 or 4 fills by now, my Dr. is conservative how often he will do them and I go for my 4th fill tomorrow.

    Get caught up on your fills and make sure you are getting the protien. Are you going to your support meetings?

  2. All fine and good, but JT...what we REALLY want to know is....HOW WAS THE VACATION?!! Where'd ya go; what'd ya do LOL? At least please just tell me it was somewhere warm...I'm freezing here (we've had snow flurries already).

    Not real warm rained most of the time. We went to Williamsburg and Norfolk Va. stopping in Lexington at VMI to look at some cannons and the Marshall Museum. Attached are a couple photo's of Kirk and me.



  3. I am going the slimers. I had my first puking episode today. It was so painful before it happened. Hiccups, pain, and then out of nowhere. It looked like something straight from Ghostbusters. Yuck! So I am thinking that 8.5cc is going to be a good spot. Just gotta learn to eat slower. That was my problem. Downed something and then...

    I constantly have tell myself not to put a bite in my mouth, set it back down and cut it smaller.

  4. I am very worried about having loose skin after losing all this weight. I bought a compression garment to wear while I'm losing. Not sure what else I can do to help the skin shrink back. I'm fairly young, 33, and don't have much of a sag on my belly even though I am 300+lbs. I'm hoping it will just shrink back, but I guess we'll see. :wink2:

    How's the compression shirt working for you? What brand are you using?

  5. Today is my 6th month anniversary. I have lost 58 lbs. I should be entering "onederland" by next week. I have 3 lbs. to go! Im doing well, eating well and working out pretty much as I should. I love my band!!:thumbup:

    WOW 6 months hard to believe it's been that long for us...Remember when......

    Day by day we wished each Bunny good luck, prayers and advice. We were getting and giving advice on what to take to the hospital and what to have ready when we got home. Now were old pros...

    For many of us it's been a year since we started our journey. We have a healthy life ahead of us.

  6. Ok, update time. Monday I got another fill and one of two things happened. I am either at the sweet spot or a little bit too much. With that said I am back to my delicious post-surgery shakes and thought I would share my recipe with you. Caution: Only use this when you can't get much food in your body. I can only eat like1 1/2 cups total for the day so my calorie intake and Protein intake is minimal. Here is the recipe:

    1 scoop Body Fortress chocolate Protein Powder, 6 oz. light yogurt, 8oz. milk (I drink 2% milk, so if you drink skim the calories will be less.),2 tablespoons Peanut Butter, and a handful of fruit. Calorie count- 540 Protein count- 43 grams. You can pump up the calories and protein by adding 2 scoops of protein powder. Calories- 770 Protein- 69 grams.

    Another note: I very seldom drink milk.

    This sounds really good I'm doing about 2 shakes a day Breakfast, I can't seem to eat actual food before going to work just doesn't go down well, and evening. What I've had a taste for lately is a banana, reduced fat peanut butter, 8 oz of skim milk, scoop of vanilla protein powder. Not sure of the calorie count but it's really good some times I do strawberries (frozen) instead of banana. I've been finding myself drinking a lot of milk lately going through about a gallon every 2 days.

  7. OK here's where I'm at...

    1. WEIGHT-Start 328 at consultation, 288 at surgery , now 244, down 84 pounds total, 44 since surgery.

    2. FILLS-I've had 3 fills 3, 2, 2

    3. RESTRICTION-this is the first time I've felt the restriction I'd heard people talk about 1 meal is now 2 or 3.

    4. RULES-Starting to be able to eat less but more then 1/4-1/2 of a cup, trying to take smaller bites and chew, chew, chew but still rushing through meals.

    5. ANYTHING ELSE-Going on vacation next month and see the surgeon the day after we return I hope I don't gain. Having GB surgery November 6th.

  8. Like all have mentioned all Dr's are different and you really need to go by the guidlines you are given by them.

    I'll tell you this from my experience I bought a lot of Soups to have on the ready but I didn;t really want much to eat, it wasn't a oh I feel bad and don't want to eat I just had no intrest in eating. I kept SF Fudgesicles, Popsicles on hand and make sure youfind a Protein drink you like - GMC will let you return them if you don't like them after you buy.

    Pain wasn't bad I was sent home with plenty of lortab but only used it when I wanted to sleep to make sure pain didn't wake me up.

    Good Luck with your surgery tomorrow....

  9. Hi All! Any bandsters in Maryland? Getting banded tomorrow ~ looking for GLBT friends. :blushing:

    Welcome this is a pretty slow room make sure you get support from those who got banded around the sametime you did by your post it would be the 2009 September room. I hope all went well on your surgery.

    My partner travels to BWI often to work, I went a couple months ago for the weekend. Good Luck:thumbup:

  10. Been a while since I've posted but I seem to have found my sweet spot after 2 fills (7ccs total) and I'm now at 214! Can't wait to see 199 on the scale and I'm on my way!

    That's where I'm at CA, 7cc, not ready to call it my sweet spot yet but looks pretty dang close. I'm not eating much before feeling full but still having night munchie issues. about 3 weeks out from my last fill and I'm losing about 1 pound a week.

  11. The band has worked well for me so far but I have to say that my PCP was suprised when he saw me last week, He hadn't seen me since before my surgery. He said most of his paitents only lose 30-40 pounds. I was at 328 when I had my first consultation in October I'm at 245 now just 46 pounds more and I'll be below my USAF max which I hadn't seen in years.

  12. I had a good visit with my Dr. today my lab numbers are mostly in the normal range; my HDL (good cholesterol) was 39 and normal is >39 so that's close and my triglycerides are still high but down over 100 points from last time and only about 30 points high.

    I suprised the heck out of my Dr he walked in and his eyes got huge. He asked my what I had been doing I reminded him of my surgery and he was still suprised I guess I'm his most successful patient.

    Sadly he didn't take me off any medications.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
