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Posts posted by JayTee562

  1. OK Kentucky bandsters we are to quite so I decided to start my first thread. Let's checkin and let each other know how we are doing The Good, The Bad and The Ugly if you will.

    I'm still preop waiting for recommendation letter form my pcp he was suppose to work on it last weekend thecked with the surgeon's office on Friday and they hadn't recieved it. Once they get that my packet will be ready for the insurance company United Helath Care.

    I'm trying to get some weight off but not much gone yet not preop diet but the surgeon told me to do the "Rotation Diet" while I wait for approval and and surgery...my coworkers asked me in week 2 of that diet not to do it..somthing about being grumpy..

    My surgeon is Dr. Shina.

    Ok that's my status..:thumbdown:

  2. I take a daily called Complete One which I purchased from Puritan Pride, you can request a catalog or look online. I take B complex, recommended by my dr. since I am diabetic. I take 600 mg. Calcium am and 600 pm., recommended by my nutritionist. I also take magnesium to help with calcium absorption, recommended by nutritionist. I think there is alot of benefits to taking the fish oil. I personally put ground flax seed on my yogurt daily, I think you get more of the omegas from this than the fish oil, but at times I opt for the fish oil.

    Love Puritan Pride get most of my supplements from them can't beat the specials.

  3. Nice thread thanks for all of the ideas. I've been making Protein Shakes for years....Whey powder, Skim Milk, Flax Meal, frozen fruit, sometimes reduced fat Peanut Butter and love them in the evening. However my surgeon said something during the seminar that has me wondering about Protein Drinks. He said you will have two things with you at all times.....sippy cup of Water and sippy cup of Protein Drink (sippy cup my addition). The thought of a milk based drink at my desk all day makes me go :thumbdown:. You all have definately given some good alternatives I'll have to check my favorite shopping site for some of these.

  4. IWBS

    I don't have an answer for you but I've been wondering th same kind of thing. I've got one thing left, waiting for recommendation ltr from my pcp, so I haven't wanted to call the insurance company till they get my packet from the surgeon. My surgeon's office sai I have a $350.00 deductable and $1,000 max out of pocket. I've been wondering if that means my surgery will cost $1,350 cheap compared to self pay but still a lot at one time.

    I had to pay $300 for a program fee to the bariatric center for nutrition, phsyc and program support. That was not detailed as medical bills usually are the reciept just says $300 to Norton Health Care I've also been wondering about submitting that to insurance to see if it can be applied to my max out of pocket.

    I'll be watching your thread to see responses....thank for asking

  5. Just thought I'd let you UHC people know where I was in my process. Last Monday 1/12 my surgery coordinator called said she needed one more weight visit, a letter from my PCP and Psych and Nutrition. I saw my PCP on Friday 1/16 weighed in and he said he'd work on my letter over the weekend. I completed Psych and Nutrition today so that should all be to the office sometime this week and request for approval can be submitted.......

  6. I'd been seeing my PCP for about 2 years and every visit he mentioned my weight. Well I'd been looking into WLS and on this board and had looked into medication programs. So in August when he mentioned my weight I told him I thought I needed a medical program and it went from there he doesn't like the medication route and said that surgery would be the way to go.... and it went from there he referred me to surgeon.....Good Luck

  7. Maggie

    There are several post on her from people who had really good luck with UHC. I only talked to my original insurance company (Atena) once to get some info for the Bariatric Center. My PCP referred me to a surgeon required by Aetna his office assigned me a coordinator and she has made all the contact with both Aetna and my new (1/1/09) insurance company (UHC) and has contacted every week or every 2 weeks to remind me of what I still needed to do. It's kind of scary to hear everything other people have had to do for themselves I hope I don't get a big surprise at the end that I needed to do more.

    If you find a good group they will have people to help you through the process and know exactly what to tell the insurance company. When we switched to UHC my requirements got easier... 2 years of records 6 office visits to PCP noting your weight and the issues caused by it..they didn't have to be in a row this moved me up in my process by 2 months.

    Look at the local group for where you are from and there should be post from people wiht their experiences at different Dr's. Good Luck

  8. Glad to hear that you are getting through the process and discovering about yourself that can only help you be successful. I'm still going through the prerequesits myself; last visit with primary Dr. Friday, Phsyc and Nutrition on Monday 1/19 then I can be submitted for approval. Keep up the good work.:rolleyes:

  9. thanks so much for replying hope everything goes well with your surgery i like two more months on my supervised diet the closer it gets the more i want to back out i guess im scared let me know how things are going later tammy

    Tammy I understand about being scared after finding out Monday 1/5 that it maybe sooner than I thought I've been getting a bit scared. Hang in there.

  10. I am also using United Healthcare and I had to wait for 1/1/09 for my benefits to change from Choice to Choice Plus. I was approved in six days. My BMI is 39, but I have a family history of heart disease, and I have osteo arthritis in my knees. Seemed to be enough for the insurance company. My banding date is now 2/24. Hooray!

    WOW!!! that's great congratulations....

    I have a family history of heart disease (my brother died of heart attack at 43) already have 2 stints my self, HBP, high chol, sleep apnea......

    I hope I have a good chance for approval..just need that last Dr's visit.

  11. I was told BMI of 40 or over for at least 2 years (documented) or BMI of 35-39 with a co-morbidity such as high BP, asthma, sleep apnea. If I meet these I have to have a 6 month diet/nutrition consult before surgery. :thumbup:

    We have UHC Chioce Plus and my surgeon’s office called me today and told me the samething but my 6 months of certified overweight does not need to be consecutive. Just 6 months over the last 2 years. I have my last weigh in whit my Dr. 1/16 (if that's true) called and set up Psych and Nutrition for 1/19 then my packet can go in. After approval I need Pulimnary and Cardio clearance and then I can get'er done......:thumbup:

  12. if it helps, I am at the lower end of 240, 6 foot tall and I am buying 38" (not in all brands, but in Levis, I am a 38.

    I know they aren't in style today but I miss being able to wear 501s..... 38 is about as big as I've seen them wouldn't really wnat to wear them the size I am now and may not want to after surgery and weight loss but it'd be nice to have a choice....:thumbup:

  13. Let's see...

    1. My brother died at 43 with heart attack

    2. My dad had by pass at 38 and eventually died in a car wreck when his pacemaker/defib went off

    3. Grandmother heart attack

    4. Uncle H died of a heart attack

    5. Uncle A died heart attack

    6. Uncle W died of a heart attack at 80 after about 20 surgeries

    7. Uncle E died of a heart attack young 50's

    (All the above on my dad's side)

    8. I have 2 stints, put in when I was 42

    9. HBP

    10. Tired of furniture creaking when I sit and stand

  14. I'll start by saying I'm preBand so I'm not speaking form program experience. I never really cared o much for whiskey but after living in Kentucky for almost 3 years I've learned to enjoy bourbon. When we go out one person stays sober and I'm usually the one. A bartender friend got me started on Bourbon on the Rocks (good stuff) and I can spend a few hours nursing it don't get buzzed but still enjoy a drink with everyone.

  15. I was just on the phone with the hospital that I'd get my procedure done at to schedule my evaluations and they said that they are having trouble getting inpatient approval for the procedure from UHC. Outpatient no problem but they keep everyone over night so all of their bands are inpatient. They are in negations with UHC to resolve it.

    Has anyone had such an issue?


  16. WOW you all are encouraging my insurance changes on 1/1/09 to UHC and I've been concerned about their requirements and coverage. My Dr's office said it maybe very easy after I switch but I've been holding off on a lot of my out of pocket expenses....

    Thanks again.....

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