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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by JayTee562

  1. Look out Hef, there is a new group of bunnies in the making. All the beautiful women who will be banded in April 2009!

    Hang tight bunnies! April is only 90 short days away.:party:

    Can a guy be a Banster Bunny? Just scheduled my date 4/10, surgeon’s office got verbal approval today so they setup my surgery date.

  2. rathsog – Good Luck!!! I’m still waiting for insurance but occasionally have panic attacks thinking about the big step.

    shellb – I was thinking of getting a Magic Bullet blender also I think having several little containers to use would be great. I have a big smoothie maker/blender but one use and it has to be washed right away if you plan on using it soon, I like to rinse it out and stick it in the dishwasher till I run a load not very friendly for daily use. Let us know how it works for you.

  3. Love my drinks but after banding takes less of them. I love sipping Johnny Walker Black and also order Grey Goose and Water. I carry the little Crystal Lite (I like the generic ones better and not so sweet) and dump about 1/2 tube into my drink. Wine makes me stupid for some reason.

    :thumbup: Crystal Light and Johnnie Walker.....:smile: Not to sure about mixing it in my Maker's......:lol:

    I use the store brand also and just found the Ocean Spray ones..... :tt2:

  4. the only thing I have had to give up that I like is carbonation --- and I have gotten used to it --- I have also gotten used to not drinking during eating --- I can eat anything just lots less --- chew chew chew -- I have not had a sub yet but I would eat some of the bread ---- chew chew chew

    I'm trying to work on getting the number of diet cokes I drink down although the cost of a 12 pack is really helping that I'm down to about one can during the day and one sometimes in the evening. I'm also working some on not drinking with my meals. I've always sipped something after every couple of bites so that will be a big issue for me.

  5. This is the first time that I have ever had the experience of my band being too tight and I don't recommend it at all. I'm usually very careful about making sure that my band isn't too tight before I leave the doctor's office but on Tuesday, I was running late to a class and had a project that I had to turn in. So lesson learned. In the future, I will always make sure that I have enough time scheduled in order to ensure that I can live with my fill.

    This is really great advise for those of us waiting to get our bands and just banded.

    I've been thinking about fill days and how to handle them around my work schedule. Even though I'm salary we are expected to makeup missed time and can't take half day vacation. So I'm wondering about needing to take a whole vacation day for a fill so that I don't feel the need to rush.

  6. I have had absolutely no complications...Knock on wood. People seem to dwell on negative things instead of positive ones. Most people have no issues. Good luck.

    I just skimmed the post so this may have been said on one of the longer ones.

    First I'm PreBand so can't speak form personal experience......

    I think the reason it seems so many have complications is because more people post for advise when they have an issue then people posting saying - "Hey I had a great day/week waht should I do about that." I've read many post from people that have been doing very well. I'd also go out on a limb and say that the ones posting with complications will galdely take those over their heart disease, sleep apnea, diabetes.......

  7. I hate to repeat myself but if breathing is on of the key issues you ma wnat to make sure you don't need a BiPAP machne. I could not breath on the CPAP during my study so they changed something and the breathiing part was OK. Come to find out that the pressure from the CPAP was to hard from me to exhale so they put me on a BiPAP it reduces the airflow on exhale.

    Now my issue is all that other crap and that I'm a light sleeper.

  8. Like others have said you may try different mask. My surgeon did not care if I was using the machine only that I'd beenn diagnosed. I had problems with CPAP during my sleep study and had to get a bipap machine it lessens the pressure on exhale.

    I can't use mine it keeps me awake worrying if it's leaking and the noise keeps me awake. It sits under my nightstand in it''s carrier. NO one has asked to see the card since I stopped going to the sleep center.

  9. Thanks Lucky

    Like I said my coworkers got a huge kick out of it. Looks like it didn't delay anything and they are fixing that part.

    UHC did call back and say that my packet was in "notification". I'm not sure what that is, sounds like perparing to let me or the Dr's office know the result. I'm on so many meds for heart, cholestrol and HBP the Dr. dosen't think I'll have a problem.

  10. Aurelia

    Congrats on your approval. I'm blessed with a great coordinator at my surgeon's office and I've told her several times.

    My packet was submitted on 2/6 and I too was told that it would take about 30 days. I got impatient and had to call UHC to check on the progress....WELL the representative was looking at my data and said OH! I asked if something was wrong.....UHC had me logged as a MATERNITY Preapproval......I'm a guy that looks like I'm having twins not actually having them.....ROFL.

    I hope this misclassification doesn't delay my paperwork.

  11. I guess I never gave it a second thought. My partner & I are just that - partners. We act as any other couple act. We show up together, ask questions regarding the procedures, laugh, she tells embarrassing stories about me & etc...I never felt the need to announce it or hide it, but the pregnancy test cracked us up too. It shouldn't make one bit of difference to your doctor or the staff. If you get the "I hate homo" vibe there are plenty of other places to spend your money.

    Nibblet you hit it right on the head no announcements not hiding we just are.

  12. Funny how this comes up sooo often...in conversation. We were hanging with some freinds of ours in B's garage, by the way both couples are bikers. One of the guys ® mentioned how he didn't understand how people (men) could play back there. As the wife of our other friend (:cursing: began explaining technique after about a 20 minute leson you could see the color go out of R's face as he realized B's wife was expalining what she does to B.....lol we still laugh about it

    Don't know if R ever let his wife go there.

  13. 12 my surgery coordinator called said she needed one more weight visit, a letter from my PCP and Psych and Nutrition. I saw my PCP on Friday 1/16 weighed in and he said he'd work on my letter over the weekend. I completed Psych and Nutrition today so that should all be to the office sometime this week and request for approval can be submitted.......

    We'll it's been over two weeks since I saw my pcp they finally got the letter to my surgeon's office but didn't send the last weight documentation :confused: they were trying to do that Monday but due to storm here in Louisville last week everything is behind. One more piece of documentation then my packet can be submitted........:angry:

  14. ...so my question is for those of you who have UHC and have contacted them regarding this to determine coverage..who should i call..just the number on the card?? and what specifically do i need to ask.

    If you have a surgeon I'd ask them about contacting your insurance company. My surgeons office contacted them for me I haven't had to talk to UHC at all yet. They know all of the right stuff to say and ask. I also have a coordinator that has been putting my packet together she let's me know what she needs I contact the medical dr's and they send it directly to her. I hope it doesn't bite me in the backside later.

    Our company is suppose to have dedicated representatives at UHC that are suppose to be for us only and a special number but who knows they are all probably in one big room and answer whatever line passes to their desk.

  15. WOW NOrth Dakota that's tuff. I'm sure you did the searches I found thia link to PFLAG in Grand Forks Grand Forks Pflag Newsletter. I lived in Minot when I was 19-21 and heard rumors ab out a gay bar but never checked it out. I've seen post for Frago-Morehead but they say the bar closed. You may need to some online networking and hope to meet a group and find someone there. Good Luck..Remember North Dakota isn't the end of the world but you cna see it from there......

  16. cuddles is a sissy name :redface: I named the other 3.

    he is our new comer we got from a rescue a few weeks ago.

    Ok I had to post to this thread couldn't believe it's still alive. I read the fisrt page of post and the last page, 636 pages is a lot of pages.

    Cuddles is a great name I can't remember the names of my guinea pigs all had names like that unlike our current cats Miss Boots, Puss N.; Small Paul (now weighs 15lbs); and Oliver Twist (he was found under a loading dock 3 weeks old and bottle raised) they all have great names.

    Congratulations on the new baby LJM. By a post above it’s named bub now that’s an unusual name and why isn’t it Bub.

    Oh and I like some fish, always ketchup rarely mustard.

  17. Thanks everyone and thanks for the photos Catherine. I hope my doc does the 2 incision. I don't know why the thought of the scars bother me. i was surprised to hear that some had 5 scars.

    It's been bothering me lately also and I don't know why. Big ole belly and early death vs scars... but the scars have been on my mind. I've been told that Vitamin E really works well and if I remember correctly the peson who told me about it said to use it from the capsules to get best results.

  18. after over a year of reading and researching ad talking to people who have had the surgery, i decided that lap band is the right thing for me. the problem is i havent been to see a doc for a while and am a little embarrassed to talk to my reg physician about this because of how ive been treated by them in the past.

    My Dr's assitude towards my weight kept me away from him for almost a year to the date. I'd been thinking about the surgery and knew I needed his referral so I went to see him speciffically for a weight consult he was receptive and suggested surgery, he thinks it's the only medical program with lasting results.

    That year of not seeing him nearly caused issues with the documentation of my weight. But now I'm on my way and only need that final letter to submit my approval packet.

    Good Luck and don't let them scare you.....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
