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Posts posted by JayTee562

  1. Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been around in forever. I've been struggling and put on about 17lbs. I am committed to getting back on track though. Weight gain and not being on to get your support go hand in hand. Cant' wait to see how everyone has been doing!

    We've missed everyone we haven't been hearing from glad you are back. You are on the right track again making your self accountable. Keep us posted on how you are doing...that goes for everyone......

  2. I had my first partial unfill...a whopping 2cc's so I'm about down to my first fill. Long story (you can read on the blog if you like detail), but I had some bad pain and mild vomiting, but then tightness, thus the unfill. Also had a UGI and the Barium was barely moving even after the unfill, but no enlargements or slips, so no 'cause' identified for the pain, but hopefully it won't return.

    Eight weeks until I can get a fill again...Lordy help me...I can only hope I don't gain a bunch! Have a great holiday weekend all!

    I hope things go well for you I know how it feels to worry about an unfill and what will happen good luck.

  3. Well it finally happened I lost a pound! After all these months, since March or April, of no change the scale finally moved to 209. I've been as low as 208 a couple times but always back up to 210 by Friday I hope it stays gone wiht many more to follow....onderland is so close yet so far.

  4. Had to take an emergency trip to Ohio last Friday my aunt passed so I went up to spend time with my mom. My Friday Weigh-Ins have been uneventful the last couple months. Anyway I got a fill a week ago Wednesday hasn't made much difference till today I'm down about .02 I'm still going to call it 210 but hopefully next week I can actually report a whole pound or two.

  5. I got a fill today the doc put in the .5cc he took out a couple months ago. I don't really feel the restriction I felt before at this amount I hope this helps me get the scale moving again. I really expected some grief from the surgeon my weight was 1 pound above what I was at when I had the unfill but he was positive and point out how much I'd lost in the last year and that I'm that much closer it was a pretty good visit overall.

  6. Pongomp intresting observations.......

    We defined ourselves as fat for a longtime then came our WLS jpourney from pre to post surgery then the weight loss after surgery. People have asked me what happens wonce you get to your goal..........and to that I don't have an answer but it's made me think what does happen next.

    I guess once we've reached goal and maintained we have to find something else to define ourselves....what I don't know it will be different for each of us....but looking puts us on another journey......good luck to those who've made it in finding your next journey.

  7. That's great JG I'm still unchanged I think I'm taking a vacation from the scale for a bit it's just frustrating me to be this close not to have changed what I'm doing and not lose anything. We'll I've changed one thing getting more walking in but that's not effecting the scale. I'm so close and yet so far. I still have a month till my next fill.

  8. I'm still holding steady at 210 sometimes a little higher once in a while I get a 209 or even a 208. I guess the positive view is that I'm getting practice for maintenance. I think I'm going to call and see if I can get my fill appointment moved up.

  9. No change for me again this week I dip down a bit but it's back to 210 by Friday. Kirk is home for 2 weeks so I don't wnat to take any action till he goes back to work. I may do the pouch test thing then see if it breaks this trend.

  10. JayTee, how are you doing since you had some unfill? I actually called today to make appt for next week to have a bit of unfill, I cannot hardly eat anything without it coming back up.:tt1:

    I'm kind of dreading it. I think I lasted through the worst part of the fill so by the time I got my unfill I had adjusted to it and it was like a normal fill...if any of that makes sense.

    I'm able to eat bread and I haven't been able to eat Bread for about 6 months when I knew I couldn't eat it I didn't miss it, I've had bread 3 times this week.

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