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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by JayTee562

  1. Your gas mileage is probably slightly better!!!

    Every 8lbs you lose is like adding an extra 1hp to the car.

    So if you drive the same it is taking about 8hp less to propel you!!!! Now for the bad news. You BMR works the same way....as you lose weight, you burn less calories to do the same basic things.

    Is this like the inch to pounds theory.......:smile:

  2. JayTee, How did your fill go. We had surgery the same day and I go tomorrow for my first fill. I haven't been posting, because my weight loss is less than mentionable. I can't walk distances because of the "new" hernia, so exercise is minimal. Hopefully the Dr. will give me an answer about additional hernia surgery.

    Your weight loss is "super"

    Oh the fill....well it went pretty well my port is directly under my incision at the place where healing is a little slower. Soooooo the doc went in about an inch from it and kind of went at it wasn't to bad just minor discomfort. BUT the post fill diet is going to be hell (sorry can I say that) I've attached it below it's also in the First Fills thread I'll complaining about this for weeks......:cursing:


  3. I just use a pair of scissors and rotate the point until it carves a new hole.

    Its fun and exciting.

    The other day I got mad because something interfered with my workout time. LOL.

    I never used to work out, other then swimming.

    That's what I did, well not with scissors but went out to the work bench with a pocketknife and made a new hole. I'd like to skip over the next size and wear the prefectly good one hanging in the closet.

    But for the last 8 years I've had to buy bigger and bigger belts.

  4. Someone may have mentioned this and i missed it - Do Not Follow Your Mothers Advise Based on Bypass. I'm sure she means well but in my preop class there were bypass and band people and the post surgery diets were very different. For example Band paitents strained Soup don't eat the solids bypass strained soup eat the solids not the liquid. Go by what your Dr. gave you.

  5. Early I was getting that pain sometimes to just enough you know it's there but not so bad that you rhaving a heart attack or stuck (I got stuck once and the pain is worse and you know the foods not going to go down) I was concerned but since it wasn't like the other 2 I discribed looked at it as my band communicating telling me to slow down and take smaller bites.

  6. Holy freeholy JT! Now you've got me scared...I never asked anyone about the diet following fills! OK, I had the strictest post-op diet of anyone I could find in our April group...3 weeks of Clear Liquids and skim milk, 400-450 cals/day. I'm guessing I won't be eating again after fills! Was your post-op diet pretty strict? I've never seen anyone have such an elaborate post-fill diet plan. 8 week plan...and 'no carbs' after week 6...like EVER again??!! Did you even have an 8 week plan post op?!!! Sorry, but I just can't get over this!

    The good news is he offered you 4cc's, and even the 3 that you got is a big first fill! Here's hoping your restriction stays.

    Thanks for the warning...I'm going to call and ask!

    My postop diet was suppose to be stricter than I did...First 2 weeks was clear liquids per the Dr when I got released at my 2 week followup I asked him about full liquids then mushie etc and he said you go the plan just follow that and so I went to full liquids for about a week then to mushie but had an issue with things not passing through so then I started trying different foods to see how they were and had no issues.

    If I understood the medical assistant correctly I can expedite this plan a bit but that doesn't help this weekend when we go to the party for my otherhalf's niece and our visit to my mom's I guess mom and my other half will have to go to dinner and I'll stay home....:redface:

    Yes I ws suprised that his fill was so generious I hope I can figure out how it should feel from this fill for the next one. I kind of wish the 4cc's had been left in but not sure if I still have to much restriction at 3cc liquids are going down so I guess it's fine just wonder if the 4 would have been ok but I didn't know how to tell...

  7. There is a girl where I work she has only had 2 fills in a year. I'm not sure how long she has had her band there is some confusion on that I thoght she has ahd it for a year and a coworker said she has had it about 6 months. But she's had few fills has restriction and done well with her band.

  8. OK WARNING!!!!!! If your Dr. is conservitive regarding diet DO NOT get a fill before an event or holiday!!!!!

    I got my fill today and it wasn't to bad apparently my port is right under the part of my incision that hasn't healed yet. Dr went in to the skin to the side and went at the port from an angle. He did have to move the needle around a bit but it wasn't to uncomfortable. He sat me up put in 4cc's I drank and could feel the Water in my throat and air bubble came out and the Water went down he thougth that was to tight backed me off a little still the same result and backed out a little more I ended up with 3cc's. I'm not sure if that feels comfortable (not really sure how it should feel) but didn't want him to back out to much because I don't want to be hungry in 3 days.

    Here's the bad part crystal light, water and other low/non calorie liquids and 2 Protein shakes for 2 weeks.......

    Week 3 & 4 same as above but I cna have 3 60cc "soup meals" a day (glad you asked) make the Soup drain liquid through strainer into sink and eat the noodles or meat and vegetables.

    Week 5 & 6 Same as 1 & 2 but add "soft meals", softe meals are yougurt, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, Peanut Butter etc....

    Weeks 7 & 8 Same as 1 & 2 plus three Protein meals per day 60cc's of tender meat, fish, eggs....

    No carbs after week 6.

    This will be the cycle for every fill session.....I see him in 8 weeks for my next fill

    Long story short our weekend in Ohio is messed up because I got my fill today :redface:

    I attached the diet...


  9. Ok I promised I’d tell my blood story after all the April Bunnies had their surgery…well I forgot to post it but Band Groupie reminded me and found the thread so here is goes.

    The morning of my surgery I was in the little preop room and the nurse was getting me already. She started looking for a vein to put the IV in and I warned her that I have tough veins and they often roll out from under the needle. She decided to go in on the back of my hand and got couched down and let me hand drop down the side of the cart. I got a good one she exclaimed a nurse out side the room looked in and said yes you did. She was wiping my hand a bit and said that it was better then she thought and she had to clean a little off my hand. She left long enough for me to look over the side of my gurney and I saw a pool of my blood on the floor I’m not sure how much but it looked like a lot to me about 5 or 6 inches across and looked like it had some depth. When she got the IV in me she said I’d feel it quicker cause she had the drip set a little higher than usual to make up for the blood I had lost.

  10. I have eaten sushi a few times since surgery. I get it served sashimi style (just fish; no rice, no seaweed) and have had no problems. With current restriction, I can eat about 5 pieces.


    That's what I was planning to do the place we went last week for lunch didn't have sashimi on their lunch menu. I had ordered a sushi lunch thing but next time will just get an order of sushi or sashimi.

  11. JayTee you're rocking the weight loss though!

    Thanks for the encouragement!!! I count my weight loss starting with my consultation in October 2008 the Dr. wanted me to 60 pounds before my surgery and I lost 40 pounds so that is a large part of of my total weight loss. I am down about 19 pounds since surgery I guess that's nothing to brush off but I'm just anxious for it to drop off.....

  12. Mike this will be one of the best tings you've done for your self. It's funny as guys we are raised that emotion is bad so when major things like this come up we often don't know what to do. Tomorrow will go so quickly before you know it you will be in recovery, it really for many of us somehting that took so long to get approved is over so quickly. As far as the emotions for they will stay around for a while you will wonder what the heck have I done, will it work and more. Stay coneected wiht the board join the May 2009 support group you will get a wealth of information and support form those going through it with you chances are there are several people getting surgery the same day as you. Good Luck and hangin in there....

  13. I had it once last week but I don't have much restriction. I didn't have trouble with the roll that had rice on the outside but the one with seaweed on the outside was a bit difficult to chew. If you are one of those people who could eat a lot of pieces you probably won't after surgery I was only able to eat about 4 or 5 pieces of small tuna roll and was full.

  14. I had one during surgery only it was put in after I ws under and removed right after I woke up. I felt like I had to pee when I woke the did something and removed it like somene else said felt like peeing not really pain. Don't know if it's a different feeling for us guys but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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