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Status Updates posted by JayTee562

  1. Don't know if you remember me we chatted a while back about Dr. Shina when you were preparing for surgery. I got to thinking about you today after my fill appointment and wondered how you were doing.

  2. Hey Girl I've been feeling the same way one week a pound then ext noen the next one then next none. Remember we are still new just getting to 60 days and many of us have only had one fill. It will come off!!!! Today I stepped on the scale and was down 2 from Friday I was so happy I hope I can keep it.

  3. Hey how are you and NY Lady doing? I hope all is well and the tool is working ok for you since the rough start NY Lady had.

  4. Hey sorry I haven't kept better in touch. How's NY Lady doing? Are you guys taking good care of each other? Hope all is well.

  5. I hope I didn't post anything saying you didn't belong anywhere...I like your post and the information you provide.

  6. I'm doing well got my third fill on Tuesday and you are correct Dr Shina does lossen up during later appointments. I've been going to the support meetings at Suburban they are on the 4th Thursday of the month except Nov and Dec those will be on 11/13 and 12/18. They have them downtown Healthcare Pavilion on the second Tuesday of each month both are at 6pm the one at Suburban is in Plaza 3, Suite 108 classroom 1A if you park at plaza 3 it's just a little ways down from the door from the garage on level 1. Hope this is clear enough and helps we just had a meeting lastnight would have been nice to meet you.

  7. It's posted...thanks for finding the thread

  8. My company switched to United Health Care in January and UHC didn't require me to have consecutive weighins, just 6 notations in the last year or two years and 5 years of medical records supporting my weight. Had I needed 6 in a row I wouldn't have finsihed my 6 month requirment till March or April.

  9. Oh you did join the group

  10. Oops I don't check this much anymore

  11. Thanks I love the support we get from eachother on this board

  12. Welcome I hope the site helps you through your journey.

  13. Well how's it going? Have you made any of the support groups? I missed a couple and then had gb surgery last month I hope to make it next week but have a delivery that afternoon/evening.

  14. What thread was that do you remember?

  15. You'll mostly find my post int the April 2009 area... to many rooms to keep up with I stick mostly to there and the mens room some times in the Realize area.

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