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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by JayTee562

  1. I'm baaaaaaaack!! So I've been a HORRIBLE patient haven't seen my Doc in years. I'm calling tomorrow to make my appointment and deal with the lecture I deserve. I'm waking up due to vomitting & coughing. The reflux is more than it should be. I'm terrified of getting "in trouble". Yes, I'm 43 and scared of being scolded. BUT I'm woman enough to admit I've screwed up & need to be better!!!

    I have so much to read & catch up on everyone. Sorry to see Jay-tee having such issues.

    Good luck with your Dr's visit hope everythign is well.

    I'm still band less and not sure I want to have another surgery. My belly is starting to look like Frankenstein's still have very visable scars from my December surgery. I'm currently back on the diet road and doing Weight Watchers

  2. Oh wow. Sounds like you guys have had quite a hard time with your bands. That stinks!

    JT your doctor sounds, um, interesting. Have you thought about other doctors? What are your dr. options?

    I'm getting my records from my dr and the bariatriac center at the hospital my surgery was done at is going to pass them to the top doc for his review. I was really happy with my progress and not so happy with my back sliding since the band was removed. I'm starting a program to try and shave some of this excess off and hopefully it's something I can do long term if I don't get rebanded.

  3. Why couldn't your doc just remove the old and put in a new one while he was in there?

    I had mine removed in this past June. I lost a lot of weight with the band becasue I couldn't keep anything down. I also lost a lot of muscle mass and my bones always hurt from a lack of nutrition and Calcium. Had the band moved 8 months after it was placed because it was causing me misery where it was originally positioned. Had constant pain and discomfort, reflux, vomiting everytime I ate or drank. Always had mucus in the back of my throat.

    I was sick of the whole mess. Told my doctor to take the band out. I've put a few pounds back on, but at least I'm not standing over the toilet puking all the time, and I feel human again.

    Sounds like you were having the same symptoms as meby the way,

  4. Why couldn't your doc just remove the old and put in a new one while he was in there?

    I had mine removed in this past June. I lost a lot of weight with the band becasue I couldn't keep anything down. I also lost a lot of muscle mass and my bones always hurt from a lack of nutrition and Calcium. Had the band moved 8 months after it was placed because it was causing me misery where it was originally positioned. Had constant pain and discomfort, reflux, vomiting everytime I ate or drank. Always had mucus in the back of my throat.

    I was sick of the whole mess. Told my doctor to take the band out. I've put a few pounds back on, but at least I'm not standing over the toilet puking all the time, and I feel human again.

    That is a good question. He says he doesn't like to put the new band in during the same surgery, why is anyones guess. I haven't updatged since my band was removed.

    I had surgery on 12/16 to have a new band put in and he was unable to do it. I don't gully understand what the reason was but something that should have taken 4 minutes to do he tried to do for an hour and decided to stop before he caused injury, I'm currently waiting on my records so that I can give them to another surgeon. My options are to do nothing, find a different Dr for a band, get by pass or a sleeve.

    Sorry if there are a lot of typing mistakes I'm typing in the semidark without my bifocals on.

  5. Got the results from my upper GI and my band has slipped. I have to see the surgeon on 9/13 for a consultation guess I'll have to have surgery to fix the issue. Still not sure if insurance will pay for it or not I'm a bit scared to contact the insurance company or my HR don't want to raise a red flag but I guess I should check next week. Still going on the cruise I can eat and drink I just feel restricted even though I have very little Fluid in my band.

    Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. If you are having trouble and not getting it checked do so before you get to the point I was to make sure there isn't a bigger issue then just GERD.

  6. JayTee, Sorry to hear you are having trouble. I can relate. I have lost 65 pounds in the two years with the band. I am slower than some and equal to others. I have had acid and heart burn problems. The Dr put me on Nexium which helps. I beleive my band has 4.5 cc in it. I am not too tight. I have problems with fluids in the morning. I do not know the remedy. I lose slowly but steady. Any suggestions. Keep up the good work, we are all proud of you.

    Have you tried the warm beverage in the morning thing? That sometimes helps.

  7. Ugh had nearly my whole post written and lost it.

    Greetings fellow Bunnies! Hope everyone is well.

    I've been having issues the last few weeks, I've had some additional weight lose but it's been costly.

    I started being able to eat less and less solid foods and have mostly been doing Soups and Protein Drinks. My GERD issues got worse. I even started throwing up at night and then the throwing up started happening during the day.

    I called my Dr last week and got scheduled for an unfill he took out 1cc I could feel some relief, Soup I had for lunch move through the band, but I panicked a bit and had him put half back in which resulted in .5cc being taken out. It takes a few days for me to actually tell how things are my symptoms didn't get better in fact last weekend was so bad I almost went to the ER. I got back in yesterday for an additional unfill and he took out all he could, 2.75cc, leaving about 1cc in according to him (my calculations show me having more).

    I have to had an upperGI done and a EGD(?) scope to make sure my band hasn't slipped or something. All of this right before vacation.

    One of my biggest concerns is if I have to have surgery to correct the band that it won't be covered by insurance.

    So how's everyone else?

  8. I haven't bee on here for so long. Well I'm still down about 108lbs which is good. After my unfill last winter I gained so I'm not in onderland any longer. I'm right around 220 some times less and once in a while a little more. I feel much better then I did though when I was to full. I go one fill since the unfill and I think I'm going to try to stay here for a bit DH and I are going on a cruise in September. I don't want to eat massive amounts on the trip but I don't want to be to restricted. with warmer weather I'm hoping to get moving again and get that last 25 or so pounds back under control.

  9. Back from Ohio...still bouncing around in the high 150's...I'm going in for a fill mid-October. I think (I'm sure my Doc will have the final word) I'll just get a small fill as I want to take it slowly on the refill...don't want that reflux back.

    Glad you're feeling better JG! Curious...is that what they told you...or why do they think it got tight?

    JT...I'm waiting with baited breath for that elusive 199!!!!!

    Me too BG me too......

    Where did you go in Ohio I'm from there originally.

  10. Me again - have set up a poll to see how much weight people lost in their first year of being banded - go here

    So good to hear from you glad you are happy with where you are that is half the battle. Sorry to hear your Lady is still dealing wiht the aftermath of her banding issues. We are well here in Louisville my other half is traveling to Abu Dahbi for work now there for 2 weeks home for one. Keep in touch.

  11. I seem to be having some good weight loss this week I hope it holds out till firday and then continues.

    On a sadder note we lost my cousin on Sunday to cancer she put up a good fight be knew when it was time to join those who went before us. She was born a month before me so growing up we spent a lot of time together. I saw my aunts and a lot of cousins today at Nina's funeral to bad that we only seem to see each other for funerals.

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