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  1. If you do try Crossfit, try to meet some/all of the people on the first day. Having gym friends really helps you stay accountable and make everything more fun. But, be prepared to be surprised at how weak you are (if you know how much you could lift before). I lost 40-50% of my strength post surgery (went back to Crossfit about a month after surgery) and it has pretty much stayed gone (I'm about 35% weaker now. 9 months out)
  2. Lipman

    May 2023 surgeries

    I have stagnated a little bit over the past month+. Got down to 215 but popped back up to 220ish (now back to 217). Figure it is just a bump in the road and I am still committed to getting to sub 200 by my year mark. Feel amazing and had a good ego boost last week when a nurse at my dad's memory care facility asked my mom if I was single Currently trying to gently talk my sister into looking into the surgery as well (and potentially her son). She is worried about the financial aspect of it, which I totally understand, but my mom has said that she would pay for it. Given how against my surgery my mom was, I feel like this is a HUGE win. I want what is best for my sister (and I think the surgery is best), but I also know how I felt when people told me what I should do about my weight, so I am trying to be very supportive and helpful without being pushy at all. I have talked to others about it as well. I kinda feel like I am a WLS evangelical now! Finally, haven't heard from @Synlee in a while, but I hope you are doing MUCH better. I still say a prayer for you every week.
  3. I was very open with people before my surgery (and I had 2 false starts over an 18m period, so I told a lot of people). I got some comments about not needing surgery, which I brushed aside because my weight was NOT distributed nicely , and I also got some people that were genuinely concerned about the downsides of the surgery. My mother was one of the biggest opponents until I talked her through all of the research I had done. I read multiple clinical studies and research papers that documented the long term effectiveness, watched tons of doctor videos talking about it (both pro and con), etc (like I said, I had 18m to research). At the end of the day, you just have to realize that everybody has their own view of the world. Some of those people are probably making comments out of love or worry, some out of fear, and some are probably just petty people. Focus on what makes you happy and don't let other people change your mood, don't give them that power.
  4. Lipman

    May 2023 surgeries

    6 month is tomorrow, here are my before/afters so far. I have the workout aspect down pat (5-6 days at Crossfit each week), but need to dial in the diet a bit over the next 6 months.
  5. Lipman

    Messed up preop diet

    I believe (at least I was told) that the purpose of the pre-op diet is two fold, first to get your mindset right for the journey ahead, 2nd (and more importantly), to shrink your liver so that the doctor has more room to work during the surgery (as the liver is apparently sits somewhere that the doctor needs to get to). Because of the way timing worked out for me, I started my pre-op diet 6 days before my surgery. I was pretty diligent about it and my doctor commented post-op on how good of a job I did and that my liver had shrunk considerably and given him enough room to work. So just forget your tiny mistake and press on, you should have more than enough time to meet the goals of the pre-op diet. GOOD LUCK, you got this!
  6. Lipman

    May 2023 surgeries

    I think I know how my wife feels now. Don't take this the wrong way, but if you look like that at 174, I think you would be too skinny at 150!
  7. Lipman

    May 2023 surgeries

    Checking in. Just short of my 6 month mark (11/15/2023). Down 99 pounds (SOOO CLOSE) at 225. I have a stretch goal of 35 more pounds (190) which my wife hates. She is pretty happy where I am now and worries that I will look "anemic" if I lose that much more, but I was at 192 when we first met 20 years ago, so that has been my blue sky target (although I would be ecstatic with anything below 200 and happy under 210). Been working out 5-6 days a week, but my diet has been middling honestly. I have been eating too many carbs in the afternoon. I think they are better carbs than they used to be (Nut Thins mainly), but they are still far from ideal. I need to be eating more fruits and veggies for sure. I am also pretty much back to my normal alcohol consumption (which isn't much, 2-4 drinks a week, and consists mainly of red wine). Weight loss has slowed down considerably, but is still pretty consistent. Because I am a numbers nerd, I have been tracking a bunch of stuff since I started and here are my month by month losses 5/4/2023 6/1/2023 35.9 6/1/2023 7/1/2023 19.9 7/1/2023 8/1/2023 16.0 8/1/2023 9/1/2023 10.7 9/1/2023 10/1/2023 6.3 10/1/2023 11/1/2023 9.6 11/1/2023 11/6/2023 0.3 I have my 6mo follow up with the nutritionist next Wednesday where hopefully she will tell me that I am not losing too much muscle (something she cautioned me about on my 3mo visit). I'll post some before/after pictures sometime in the next week as well. And finally, welcome to the thread Meana, great results so far!
  8. Sward, I know the feeling. It is odd not feeling the anticipation/joy about food in certain situations (I had my birthday last month about 5 months out from my surgery), but you do get used to it. Not being able to look forward to a Brazilian Steakhouse (all you can eat meat), or a good mexican restaurant (where I would eat too many chips + salsa), etc is a negative, but reframing those moments in my mind has helped me a lot. I can focus on talking more with my friends, or trying new foods (I was a pretty picky eater before and have taken this opportunity to try out a lot of new stuff with the mindset of "If I don't like it, I won't have to eat too much of it :D") Stick with it for a while and you will start to look at this in a different light (although mine still hasn't gone away completely).
  9. Mine was the last diet I did. Went to a place called SOTA (state of the art). Like a bunch of other diets, it worked great at first, dropped 40#, then started to slide off. 9 months later I was 15 pounds heavier than I had started. I told my wife I was scared to diet again as I typically rebounded higher than I started. That was the inflection point where I lost all confidence in my ability to do it alone.
  10. Lipman

    May 2023 surgeries

    Will be saying some prayers for you Synlee!
  11. Lipman

    Any CrossFit peeps?

    3mo post op update. Getting back into Crossfit after 28 days of vacation in a 6 week span. Energy levels have gotten a little better (adding in more carbs before workout) but is still noticeable. I have dropped about 40-50% of all of my strength moves. And today was the first day that I thought "Hey, that movement was easier than before" and it was on burpees over the bar. 3 sets of 10 that I wouldn't have been able to do before where now just another part of the workout.
  12. Lipman

    May 2023 surgeries

    3 month update! 5/4/23 - Start Pre-surgery diet - 324 5/15/23 - Surgery - 307.6 8/15/23 - 3 month - 242.4 Had my 3 month visit with the dietician and have blown past all of the targets (both the 3m and 6m ones). The year target is down 100 pounds (from the 324), and I am only 18 pounds away from that one. Should be able to hit it by 6 months. Have had very little in the way of side effects. I have thrown up twice when I over ate and had 20-30m of pain after eating some pork that I apparently didn't do right (not sure if I didn't chew it enough or what). I have been pretty low energy only when working out (but that is getting a little better), but have been fine the rest of the day. I have occassionally had an alcoholic drink (started on vacation and has crept back into one or two drinks a week), but I am trying to be a little more strict about that. Currently reading a book called Wheat Belly that talks about how evil Wheat is. Pretty interesting stuff, but heavy on the science behind it all. In the past week I have averaged: 975 calories per day, 78g of protein, 64 oz of water. Given that I workout in the Texas heat (Crossfit gym), I need to be drinking more fluids, otherwise I am really happy with where I am at. I don't feel like there is anything that I want to eat that I can't (or haven't been) eating already. I cheat a little bit with tortilla chips, but that is really the only thing. Honestly, I feel like this whole process has been as painless as possible. I feel incredibly lucky, especially after hearing Synlee's story (I hope you are doing better!)
  13. Yeah, that sounds unacceptable. They are running it completely like a business with no regards for their customers (who are putting their lives in the "company's" hands). I had cancelled my surgery date twice with the same doctor (first time I had a stroke and had to cancel, second time a year later I cancelled because my company told me they were about to start offering insurance for WLS). They were super helpful with everything, and when I expressed concern about a surgery date that was too close to a series of summer vacations I had, they scheduled the surgery 8 days after they got insurance approval (which I know was very out of the ordinary for them). That made me feel like they cared about me and my personal issues instead of just seeing me as another paycheck. You need to find a doctor and staff that will treat you right, because if you ever lose a little motivation, they will be the ones to get you back on track. And if you don't ever want to see them again (because they are buttheads), that could hamper your long term success I think.
  14. Lipman

    Alcohol consumption

    I was told 6 months by my doc, but made it 2. Went on a trip to Italy and drank 2-4 glasses of wine a day (never more than 2 at a time for lunch and/or dinner), then another trip to the beach where I consumed quite a few frozen cocktails. I learned pretty quickly to stay away from the heavy cream type of cocktails as they filled me up and made me not feel great. With the cocktails, I also got a real dry mouth sensation an hour or so after stopping. Now that I am back home, I'll stay away from the empty calories until at least 6 months, but hopefully until I am at my goal weight.

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