The pre-op diet may have been the hardest thing during this entire process. It took me about 6 days before those hunger pains and desire to eat literally everything I saw to go away. My pre-op diet consisted of (2) protein shakes and (1) frozen meal under 300 calories and under 700mg of sodium each day. I was allowed to eat all the broccoli and cucumber I wanted though. It's tough, but stick with it. You'll need that discipline post-op. I lost 15 lbs on the pre-op diet. My RnY was on May 15th. I started losing weight on my own on Jan 18th in preparation for this and I'm proud to say I'm down 90 lbs! I started at 380 and weighed in today at 290! The difference in energy is amazing, not to mention I'm wearing clothes I haven't worn in many, many years. Even lacing up my work boots can be done sitting down. I'm sitting closer to the steering wheel in the car and stupid things like putting the seatbelt on are so much easier. It's also amazing how hard it is to meet the 60 grams of protein each day without relying on a shake. I've been released to introduce all foods. I've got what I refer to as good eating days and bad eating days. Today happens to be a bad day. Can't find any rhyme or reason to it either. But I'm celebrating many more wins than that! Stick with it - you got this! You'll be on that liquid diet for a few weeks out of the hospital too.