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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by L12

  1. My husband did fine; I went home the same day, but we were still there about 12 hours altogether, and it was New Year's Eve no less! While he was waiting he read, watched TV in the waiting room, played on his laptop, etc. He was very sweet and gentle, drove me home of course and helped me in and out of the car and bed, and kept the meds schedule for me. He even came in at midnight to wake me up briefly for a New Year's Eve kiss.
  2. I kept a lot of them for a while--especially some of the nicer business attire I had. But I finally realized I would never be a size 14 or 16 again (I'm a size 6 now!), and started giving away some of the suits and nicer clothing I had. The rest (t-shirts, etc.) I either cut up into rags (lol) or pitched!
  3. L12

    how much time between fills

    My doctor wanted a minimum of two weeks between fills (I don't need them regularly anymore though), and my insurance covered them whenever I had them at a copay of $13.
  4. My doctor didn't ban me from eating anything, just recommended higher protein, lower carb, and to avoid depending on slider foods. I've been able to tolerate pretty much everything depending on the "mood" of my band. I can't eat much if anything in the morning, and sometimes I'm inexplicably tight, other times I can eat a lot of everything. I usually have to be careful about any kind of bread, unusually tough meat (though beef jerky is fine???), and eggs. Pretty much any kind of cooking method works fine for me.
  5. L12

    TRICARE Questions!!

    You will probably get a variety of answers, as there are different kinds of Tricare; I also have a sneaking suspicion that sometimes it depends on what Tricare representative processes the billing and how they interpret coverage, as I have read on here so many people being told (and charged) differently. I have Tricare Reserve Select, which is similar in most ways to Tricare Standard. I had to pay a few copays, as well as cover about $600 of the surgery to meet my catastrophic cap, after which Tricare covered the rest.
  6. L12

    Rice! Eat or leave alone

    As long as you are eating fully cooked rice, it shouldn't expand in your stomach as it has already expanded from absorbing liquid during cooking. I rarely have a problem eating rice.
  7. L12


    It definitely helped my appetite. For quite awhile after surgery I still had the urge to fill up my plate and eat a lot even if I wasn't hungry, but not anymore. I experience what I would consider normal hunger now, if its around mealtime, or if I wait too long to eat or skip a meal, but nothing extreme. I have always loved to cook, and the band has actually helped me with this, as I cook more than ever but rarely have the desire to eat much of what I make. I fill up quickly, and my mental hunger has all but disappeared.
  8. I agree that your expectations are very high right now, but I would also warn you to keep them in check for the long term as well. It may take several fills until you get optimal restriction and your weight loss takes off. It took me six months until I reached my sweet spot and really started to lose steadily, but it DID eventually pay off! Be patient!
  9. I'm not sure if I understand the question...but I found the term "obese" and "morbidly obese" very frightening, because I knew the increasing danger I was in. I wasn't insulted, as it was in reference to a medical condition that I obviously had, not a definition of or insult to me as a person.
  10. L12

    Couch to 5K ?

    I'm doing C25K! There's an iphone application that I use that's been really easy and fun. W6D3 is tomorrow. I skipped week 2 but repeated a day during week 5. I used to run before I gained weight, but I wasn't expecting my body to fall back into it as easily as it has; I'm enjoying running more now than I ever did previously! I'm registered to run the Disney Half Marathon in January; training for that starts in October!
  11. Well...here is the first before and after I've posted. I've exceeded my goal, but am training for a half marathon and expect to lose a bit more. The after picture was taken today at work, after I showed a coworker my before picture. She insisted on taking an after picture (ugh--not the best!) and emailing both of them to her daughter to convince her to get banded!
  12. I've had a couple of 0.5mL fills, and an 0.1mL fill. The 0.1mL was perfect for getting me just a touch tighter when I was so close to my sweet spot.
  13. I don't know if that's common, but two of my friends who've been banded for five years have both had to get a few unfills in the last couple of years, as opposed to fills. I was banded Dec 08, and can see myself getting an unfill in the future; I'm fine for the most part, but get inexplicably tight sometimes, other times very loose. I keep losing though, which is the main reason I might get an unfill; I'm thrilled with the continued weight loss, but don't want to lose TOO much (which is a problem I'm happy to have to think about!).
  14. LOL, I've had that argument over meals with people too; their plate is loaded with crap, while I'm eating grilled meat and piles of veggies. The only time anyone tells me my grilled meat and vegetables are unhealthy is if I say it's low carb. Silly how people argue over a label, instead of thinking about what I'm actually eating. And funny enough, my husband was recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes; he has been placed on a permanent low carb diet by his doctor (even though he's already thin, not trying to lose weight). He's eating healthier with more veggies and less fat eating low carb than he ever has before--no sugar and VERY limited carbs, and it's having very fast, positive results on his daily blood sugar readings and intermittent blood test results. Tell HIM not to low carb and you're going to sentence him to insulin for the rest of his life.
  15. There is SOOO much more to PCOS than just ovarian cysts. The hormone imbalances can be a nightmare; if your doc hasn't sent you for bloodwork, find a new doc ASAP.
  16. When I was heavier I had to lose much more for it to make a difference in sizing. But since I've gotten under size 14, it only takes 5 or 10 pounds for me to go down a size.
  17. L12

    Periods making me Tight

    I get really tight for a couple of days during my period too; I usually have to go to liquids for a day or two during. There is NO way I'm going to get an unfill every single month for that when I know it passes. Two visits to the doctor every single month for as long as I have the band? No thanks!
  18. L12

    Cocktails Anyone?

    On some menus recently I've seen skinny margaritas and mojitos listed, using Crystal Light lemonade. And I know that Splenda can be subbed for the sugar in mojitos! I also like gin and tonics, which aren't too bad on calories as cocktails go. Other than that, I often go with rum and diet; my doctor isn't strict on carbonation, it doesn't cause me a problem, and I don't drink carbonated drinks very often anyway!
  19. No one ever suggested bypass over band to me, but I'm happy with the band. I am hypothyroid and have PCOS. Once I attained good restriction (which took five or six months), I lost at a good rate with no plateaus and am still losing--I never thought I would be this thin again!
  20. L12

    PCOS and Lap Band

    I have PCOS. As I gained more and more weight, I gradually morphed into an apple from being an hourglass shape. I've lost a lot of weight and have never even had any plateaus, but I still have more to lose on my abdomen and waist; I'm wondering if I'm permanently an apple now. I guess my belly really isn't too bad--it just isn't shrinking as much as my butt and boobs are, and isn't as flat or slender compared to the rest of my body. I still look good, but apparently my belly will be the last part of me to attain my desired proportion.
  21. I voted "force her to see kids at my house," though I don't think that can be forced; you may end up needing another babysitter. Given her circumstances, I wouldn't require her to give it up; it's HER pet and HER house. However, I also don't believe that she would be serious about intensive training or keeping the dog locked up when the grandchildren are around (unless YOU are there to make sure she does). Keep in mind, she may very well get rid of the dog to get a "new" one that hasn't bitten anyone...yet. If she isn't willing to train her pets or allows aggressive behavior to develop and intensify, every animal she owns could develop this problem.
  22. I'm definitely not on a diet. I dieted for years and journaled everything I ate--I HATE journaling, and have refused to do so since surgery. I don't really watch what I eat too much. There are some foods I can't tolerate that well much of the time (bread), but nothing I consider off limits. This is the easiest I've had it in a long, long time in regards to diet and weight. That said, I'd like to lose about ten more pounds, and I THINK I will have to journal, diet, and get more serious about my exercise to do that.
  23. :tt1: That has to go on what must be a looong list of alternative uses for bad Protein shakes! :frown:
  24. LOL, once I read that you were using Bariatric Advantage I completely understood. That stuff made me queasy too! I caved during preop and resorted to using some old Medifast shakes I still had. I still tried getting one BA shake down a day, but it was SO hard and I could never finish it. I still have the big tubs of it, thinking they might come in handy after a bad hurricane if food runs low. That's the only reason I'd touch BA again: SURVIVAL!
  25. Mine seems to fluctuate with how loose and tight it is. When it felt loose for a few days and I could eat more, I'd get worried and go ahead and schedule a fill, only to cancel it a few days or a week later because it had tightened back up. That's happened to me so many times that it's going to take a lot for me to really believe I need another fill! A few times if I've felt TOO tight I've gone on liquids for a day or two; I don't know if it is that which helps, but the tightness eventually goes away again.

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