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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by L12

  1. L12

    Tricare in the Memphis area

    Is Memphis in the Tricare South Region? I actually have Tricare Reserve Select, but when I went in for my preop testing the hospital made me pay $2625 up front (the doctor and hospital are both in network). That amount didn't sound right to me, so I went home and researched it. Apparently Tricare Prime has a catastrophic cap of $3000; the hospital coded me as Prime, and charged me the remainder of the cap after my other out-of-pockets I had paid through the year. I contacted the hospital and they corrected the coding error. I am now awaiting a $2000 refund from the hospital, since the cap for Reserve Select is $1000. But $2625 (with a maximum of $3000 if I'd had no other costs for the fiscal year) would have been my total out-of-pocket for the surgery if I was Prime. I don't know if that helps at all; I know insurance stuff can be confusing, especially Tricare in all of its forms!
  2. L12

    My datting life has picked up

    Awww, congratulations and happy birthday! It's got to be wonderful to feel desirable and confident again--you earned it! Have a great time tonight!
  3. L12

    Day Surgery?

    I went home the same day. I was wheeled into surgery at 12:30, and left the hospital at 7:00. It was a 90 minute trip to get home, and I dozed for most of it, only waking up a few times. I got in bed and slept off and on once home (my husband came in to kiss me at midnight--my surgery was on New Year's Eve!). The first 24 hours for me were the easiest; once the anesthesia wore completely off, then I felt everything! But the meds help a lot.
  4. Regarding dietary restrictions and if you would like to avoid steak, perhaps in the future you could say that your doctor wants you to avoid red meat? I wouldn't want to sound too picky either, but you do actually have a medical reason to avoid it!
  5. L12

    Baby Food

    My doc is OK with it in the mushy/pureed stage. Someof it is higher in protein and lower in sugar (depending on the type) than some of the other things in that stage. For instance, all of the Gerber 2nd Foods meat flavors have 7 to 8g of protein, 0g sugar, 2 to 3g carbs, and about 70 to 80 calories per jar. That ratio actually isn't too far off of some of the protein drinks I have seen, and better than some of the light yogurts and soups that some people eat. However, the fruit and cereal flavors have less protein and more sugar and carbs. Baby food may not be the #1 best choice, but you could definitely do worse in that stage. BUT, I don't know anything about taste.
  6. 1. Escape the overwhelming fatigue and gain some energy back 2. Be able to walk, exercise, and do house and yard work without getting winded so quickly 4. Reduce pain and pressure on my feet, ankles, and knees 5. Reduce my HBP 6. Look better, fit into nice clothes and wear them well 7. Revive my sex life 8. Fit into my wedding and engagement rings again. 9. Gain confidence for my job search after I graduate 10. Be treated with respect, like how I was when I weighed half of this weight.
  7. L12

    No beer? So now what do I drink?

    Sorry, not a guy but I used to bartend so this caught my attention. Try a good sipping tequila or rum. Also martinis (real ones, not the girly flavored ones). Bloody Marys aren't completely empty calories, and can be made really spicy if you like. Hard liquors with fewer mixers stand out to me as more "manly" and fit to drink around bikers than do a lot of the sweet froo froo drinks.
  8. L12

    New to group

    I've heard Dr. Shieh is really good! My insurance wouldn't cover surgery through him though, so I have to go all the way up to Bradenton. Karen (Bkhuffman) and I have been emailing and talked about finding a support group in this area. Does the one at Lee Memorial accept people from other doctors? And when are the meetings?
  9. L12

    Do you have a December Date?

    Just checking in... my date changed! It was supposed to be the 3rd, but was changed to the 31st! Happy New Year to me!
  10. Tricare does NOT require 5 years of weight history. You just need to meet their established requirements; anything else outside of that is a requirement of the doctor, not the insurance. From the Tricare website (TRICARE.mil Portal): TRICARE covers gastric bypass, gastric stapling and gastroplasty to include vertical banded gastroplasty and laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (Lap-Band surgery) is covered only when the beneficiary meets one of the following conditions: Is 100 pounds over ideal weight for height and bone structure and has one of these associated conditions: diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cholecystitis, narcolepsy, Pickwickian syndrome, hypothalamic disorders or severe arthritis of the weight-bearing joints Is 200 percent or more over ideal weight for height and bone structure Has had intestinal bypass or other surgery for obesity and because of complications, requires another surgery (takedown)
  11. L12

    Baby food

    I am soon to be banded, and I have read several posts mentioning baby food as one good option for puree/mushy/soft food after surgery. I don't have kids, don't have any friends with small children, and I don't know much about baby food! I'm just curious, does anyone have any suggestions for brands or flavors that they like?
  12. Hello everyone! I'm in graduate school, taking classes mostly online at the local state university. I work part time and go to school part time right now, but next semester I will be quitting my job and focusing on full time school, taking four classes. My surgery is scheduled for December 3rd, and I should graduate next December. That gives me a year to lose some weight and gain confidence for my job search!
  13. L12

    Weight Related Injuries

    I haven't had major problems, but since I've gained the weight (I wasn't always heavy) I have lots of aches and pains. I've had plantar fasciitis since I hit 180; I think it's in "remission" right now after about 10 months of treatment, but I'm pretty sure if I go out for a long walk it will flare up, so I'm giving it more time. My knees and ankles hurt quite often. And I have pulled a muscle in my side from twisting around on the toilet around my ginormous hips and butt to take care of my business. TMI, but sad and true. I'm very hopeful that there will be fewer foot and toilet injuries in my future after I am banded!
  14. L12


    Jeremy: To be honest, I think most people who read this thread are going to be very concerned if not alarmed by what you are saying. There are a lot of us out here who were pretty wild 23 year olds at one time; denying that you have some major problems just isn't going to fly with most of us, but it's your life. I'm not sure that you will agree with our advice or opinions, but even if you don't at least know that we are hoping for the best for you. I think "Talk to your doctor," "Good luck," or just not replying at all are the most diplomatic things we can do without disagreeing or arguing with you :eek: Good luck--I mean that! :eek:
  15. L12

    Surgery story

    Oh my GOSH what a great blog--so funny! What else can we do to you to get another funny story? Edited to add: I forgot to mention how sweet the things you said about your wife and family were. It made me a little misty! "I laughed, I cried..."
  16. L12

    New to group

    Hi, I'm from the Cape Coral/Fort Myers area and will be banded on December 3rd in Bradenton by Dr. Jose Erbella.
  17. Tricare Standard does not require a referral, but if you want them to cover it they will still have to authorize the surgery before it is performed. I believe most doctors use the weight taken at the first appointment for submission to the insurance. My doctor doesn't recommend his patients begin the preop diet until they get insurance approval though (unless a 6 month diet is required, which it isn't with Tricare). If you're borderline, begin to lose before insurance authorization, and then get denied, then you might be out of luck for an appeal since you might not weigh enough :rolleyes2:
  18. I used Care Credit a couple of years ago for my Lasik surgery. I don't remember specifics, but the process, paperwork, and approval was VERY simple, and I remember thinking "Is that it?" Hope everything works out!
  19. L12

    Baby food

    I know some doctors are OK with it--I'm not really looking for it to be a main food source anyway, just something easy for on-the-go days that can add variety before I can move on to a normal diet. Some of the brands I've been looking at have as much or more protein than a serving of many meaty soups, broths, cream of wheat, etc.
  20. L12


    I am not banded yet and I haven't tried adding juice to the protein drinks--but I love juicing! I usually add some veggies in too though. I really like apples, strawberries, pineapple, grapefruit, carrots, zucchini, lettuce, celery, and cucumber in different combinations. I will probably juice a little after banding too, but not too much or with too much fruit because of the sugar. Some of those I mentioned might be good juiced if I find I can't handle the fiber from eating the raw fruit/veggie. I will have to try juice added to a protein shake and see how it turns out.
  21. :thumbup: Just remember to chew thoroughly...
  22. My doctor never mentioned a number of calories, but during the seminar he said that a few of his patients have become avid marathon runners, and he has them supplement their diets with extra protein shakes and slightly more healthy carbs, according to their training levels and what they are able to eat.
  23. L12

    Do you have a December Date?

    I will be banded on December 3rd, and it can't get here soon enough! November 5th was open, but my husband and I are going to Mexico for a wedding Nov. 17-25, which would have been much to soon for me to go. Normally I would LOVE to go on vacation, but now I just want to get it over with and GET TO THE HOSPITAL! Kind of warped, but I know all of you understand! I will be doing the preop diet through Thanksgiving, full liquids through my birthday (Dec. 14th), and mushies through Christmas and New Years--not the easiest holidays to get through with these kind of limitations, but it will be SO worth it!
  24. When my surgeon asked what I would like to weigh, I told him I'd be satisfied at 160 and thrilled beyond belief at 130 (I'm 5'4 and 240 right now). He thought 130 sounded too low, but I told him I used to hover around 120 between ages 18-26 (I'm 33 now). So once I'm banded we're going to see how I look and feel, and how hard it was to get there once I reach 160. I'm not sure how he has figured that 140 exactly is your ideal weight, as there is a range but no magic number! At that weight, your BMI would be 21.9. BMI for a so-called normal weight is 18.5 to 24.9, so the correlating weight range for you according to BMI is 118 to 159. The Metropolitan Life weight chart shows a range of 123 to 163 for your height, depending on your bone structure. My take is that if you are 160, eat well, and can (and do) run five miles a day, you're probably pretty healthy. If you can ever get back to that weight and activity level, I personally wouldn't worry too much about hitting that magic 140.
  25. L12

    Time between Consult and Sugery

    As you can see from my signature, I had my consult on 10/6 and was approved by my insurance on 10/14. They wanted to schedule me for 11/5, but since I'm leaving for vacation on 11/18 I have to put it off until after, on 12/6.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
