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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by L12

  1. L12


    My doctor had me on Bariatric Advantage shakes (which I thought were absolutely horrible). I had tried Medifast in the past, and LOVED it compared to the Bariatric Advantage preop diet. While I definitely prefer a regular solid food diet, for what it was I found Medifast good. I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so it was nice that they have soups too and not just sweet shakes. There was a wide variety of flavors for all of their shakes, soups, and oatmeals, so other than getting bored with the liquid/mushy texture of the diet, it wasn't too bad. Even if you're just using it for the shakes, there are lots of different flavors; I enjoyed most that I tried. I would recommend it as far as liquid diets go.
  2. L12

    Is there hope?

    I agree with the above posters about statistics. Remember, they are a compilation and average of what other people accomplished, not a prediction of what you will achieve.
  3. I can and do drink diet carbonated beverages (OK with doc). I don't as much now as I did before surgery, but I've had no problems. I used to drink at least one a day, now I have approx. zero to three a week. I don't keep it in the house much anymore, which has helped me cut down.
  4. My doctor OK'd soft proteins like fish, eggs, etc. after my one week follow-up. He said if that went well for about a week, I could move on (carefully) to regular foods. I had no problems with any of it, so began eating mostly regular foods after about two weeks.
  5. L12

    Metformin side effects and Lap Band

    I've had stomach upset/diarrhea with regular Metformin. My endo switched me to Glumetza with no side effects, then suggested Riomet (which is a liquid) in preparation for banding. I've had no side effects with the Riomet, plus it seems to be controlling my hormone levels much better than the others. Some people just do better with one type/brand over another.
  6. L12

    Stop Calling it Socialized Medicine!

    OT, but please learn about how laws are passed and who votes for them. The Patriot Act was voted in by both parties in Congress with flying colors in 2001, and was renewed almost as successfully in 2006. There was more opposition in the House than the Senate, but it still passed and renewed easily. Their names and parties (LOTS of D's in there) are easily available. If you don't like it, make sure to blame EVERYONE involved.
  7. I was banded in December. I still occasionally PB on mushy foods--me and mashed potatoes don't get along! I can even PB on liquids if I gulp them fast.
  8. This surgery shouldn't be too private to tell a spouse. Unless you aren't planning on staying with him.
  9. My surgeon also doesn't do the first fill until six weeks post op-I think that's fairly common, and if so then you're right on schedule. But after that, he will do fills every two weeks until you reach your sweet spot. Making sure you have a good amount of healing time after surgery doesn't mean your doc is unsympathetic or unresponsive. See what he says about scheduling fills AFTER the first one before you peg him with that.
  10. L12

    Did we go to the moon?

    There is a exponentially more scientific evidence that we did go to the moon than that we did not. I think the "evidence" put forth by conspiracy theorists is somewhat simplistic and easily disproven. There's plenty of information, research, and simple experiments available, if more people would only search for knowledge rather than be led.
  11. L12

    Stop Calling it Socialized Medicine!

    Not another country, but my husband and a couple of our friends have been under the care of the VA for a few years. It has not been easy or pleasant.
  12. Banded08 - I have PCOS too and feel like my weight loss has been really slow, especially when I see some of the stats around here! One thing you mentioned was about not being able to tolerate Metformin; have you tried different types? I didn't handle the regular generic very well, then tried Glumetza which was much better. Now since I've been banded I've been on Riomet, which is the liquid form--it's been GREAT for me, and I can really notice a big difference in my PCOS symptoms, more so than with the other meds. Anyway, just thought I'd mention that! Our hormones can really throw a wrench in our best weight loss efforts; we can use all the help we can get!
  13. Isopure really helped me too after surgery. The protein shakes upset my stomach, but the Isopure drinks went down easily. I think they taste best very cold, even frozen!
  14. L12

    Slider foods??

    Ice cream and pudding consistency is the easiest to slide for me (thank goodness I'm not really into sweets!). If I'm having trouble with a lot of foods, usually I CAN get some chips or crackers down, but I have a definite limit on those and they don't just "slide" for me. Cake is a big no-no for me and rarely goes down easily. Mashed potatoes are sometimes too gloppy and get stuck. And I sometimes even have trouble with thick, creamy soups if my band is being stubborn! So yes, everyone is different; you'll learn from trial and error!
  15. L12

    Yucky Meds!

    I have PCOS as well, and I get my metformin in liquid form (called Riomet). It has some kind of flavoring added to it; still doesn't that great, but I imagine it's much better than the pills crushed up. I take a few other meds that I have to cut in half, and one capsule that I open and dump on a spoonful of yogurt or ice cream every night.
  16. I had my surgery in December, and I am still on chewables. I just got good restriction last month; before that, I might have been able to swallow a large pill, but definitely not now. Maybe you could try a different brand of chewable, or try a liquid vitamin supplement?
  17. I agree 100% with Donna2153, this needs to be treated now. An endocrinologist will periodically monitor your thyroid levels through bloodtests, so if it does somehow miraculously resolve itself down the road, this will be reflected in the lab results and your medication will be adjusted/discontinued.
  18. I must be a weird one... I have contacted a few exes (and vice versa) and am email and/or Facebook friends with them. I'm happily married, and a few of them are married (happily, I believe). One of the relationships ended VERY badly, but I still have some fond memories of each of them--we were all young and dumb, had some good and bad times, and had friends in common. And actually, I wouldn't mind hanging out with any of them if we were in the same state. I'm such a different person now than I was, I have NO desire to be anything other than friends with them--I THINK they would feel the same. Obviously, if he mentions sex or propositions you, then that's what he's after. But it's not outside the realm of possibility that he just wants to catch up or make amends. It happens.
  19. L12

    Worried they filled me too much

    Wow, that is a huge fill! Hopefully since they did it under fluoroscopy it will be fine--mine aren't done that way, so I don't really have advice, sorry. At least you're able to get liquids down! After fills, my doctor advises 24 hours of liquids, to 24 hours of mushies, then to a normal diet. Just pay close attention to how you are feeling and what you can get down, or if you have any pain or discomfort (personally, I usually wait a day on this since I can be a bit of a baby). 9cc seems huge to me, but it's really more about what your body can handle. If you can follow your doctor's rules and not have problems, you're probably fine. Good luck!
  20. L12

    Help! Really Need to Know

    Very good point.
  21. :wink: The smallest I've ever been as an adult, that I can remember, was a size five, and weighed about 120 lbs.--I was pretty smokin', if I do say so myself. My doctor freaked out when I told him that I'd love to be in the 120's again--he was suprised that I'd ever been there! So actually, my first weight goal is 160. I've developed some hormonal issues (hypothyroid and PCOS) plus I've aged, so I may never get to 120 again, and I'm OK with that. Once I get to 160, I figure I will evaluate my overall health and see how hard it was to get to that weight to see what I want to do next. My weight loss has been slow so far, but I can see the shrinkage! :tt1: I know I can be active and feel attractive at 160, so I won't stop till I get there.
  22. L12

    Do you have a December Date?

    Oh Vickie, don't worry, I'm pretty close to you too. We can have a snail race I really only got good restriction a couple of weeks ago at 7.25 in a 14 band. I've dropped 7 pounds since then, hoping things will finally pick up now. As others have said, we'll get there eventually!
  23. I've never been officially diagnosed as a binger, but I'm pretty sure that's what I was/am. I still occasionally fantasize about HUGE plates of food, big mouthfuls, loaded buffets, and snatching food to keep for later; the emotional drive to do that is still there for me after banding. However, I really only got good restriction recently, and am pretty tight; I have experienced that even a bite or two of extra food is excruciating (even with soft foods), so I think binging might kill me right now! I went on a cruise last week, and my fantasies kicked in gazing at so many people loading their plates and stuffing their faces, but the fear of the gawdawful pain prevented me from overeating. I'm not sure if it works this way for everyone, but it has been GREAT for me. BTW, I thought I would add: I haven't been an angel about my diet, and have found that I can eat a small amount of chips, some ice cream (maybe a cup after dinner?), some cheesecake (half a piece after a small dinner) and similar soft foods (I DID go on a cruise, after all!). But not huge amounts, nothing compared to what I could pack away before. Definitely no bread or pizza right now. Everyone is different, but for me right now, there is NO WAY I could remotely binge without being in very severe pain.
  24. ^What melmarlem said!:biggrin: I have Tricare Reserve Select, which is very similar to Standard. Unlike Prime, I did not need a referral or preauthorization for the consultation, but I did need it for the actual surgery. Sounds like the lovely Tricare workers may have just been confused about what you were asking--but that NEVER happens, right? :thumbup:
  25. L12

    Breaking up with my Mom

    I pretty much broke up with my family four years ago. We exchange a brief email or two every year, and I send Mother's and Father's Day gifts while they send a birthday gift to me, but we don't speak on the phone and live in different states, so we never see each other. I feel a bit guilty at times, as I know they won't be around forever and that they do actually love me. However, the relief, freedom, and peace that I've experienced since they've been out of my life has been worth that bit of guilt. I haven't ruled out trying again with them someday, but I don't think that's coming anytime soon--I'm still trying to reach a state of forgiveness and acceptance.

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