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Posts posted by luvmyk9

  1. On 4/8/2023 at 9:53 PM, mcipanda said:

    Hi there, welcome 🤗 I know how you feel. My youngest daughter caught me on Google searching for “woman in her 40’s with no friends.” I have acquaintances, but the friends in our lives are more my husband’s than mine. So I get it. That’s why I started coming here. I feel like this is a forum where you can vent, ask questions and commiserate with people who understand you and this decision. Not everyone agrees with WLS. Everyone here is on your side.

    Feel free to jump in, ask questions and make new friends. Especially if there are folks having the procedure around the same time as you. I love chatting with my March 13th buddies :) Hope you’ll stick around and support us so we can support you!

    I sent you a message.

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