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LAP-BAND Patients
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About mouchebe

  • Rank
    Anne with an "E"
  • Birthday 12/23/1956

About Me

  • Biography
    Christian, wife, mother of 3
  • Interests
    Classic Contemporary Christian Music
  • Occupation
    wife, mother
  • City
    Bellingham area
  • State
  1. Happy 56th Birthday mouchebe!

  2. Happy 55th Birthday mouchebe!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary mouchebe!

  4. I am so glad for your positive experience. Someone was encouraging me just yesterday about prayer before these kinds of endeavours and how it really makes a difference in regards to controlling our fears and helping it go smoothly. It's also encouraging to hear your positive experience when I go in for mine. Thanks for sharing! Anne (with an E)
  5. The peace that passes all understanding; guard your heart and mind as you go tomorrow!
  6. mouchebe

    I'm new at this.

    Thank you for a warm welcome. I'm so delighted with all of the friendliness. You look like you are making tremendous progress....congratulations!
  7. mouchebe

    I'm new at this.

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I look forward to knowing more of you. Congratulations on your weight loss! Anne with an "e"
  8. Hi Anne, look forward to 'meeting' you online! I am in the same boat, have a Surgeon appt on the 16th, possible surgery in the next couple of months also. Let's walk together!

  9. mouchebe

    I'm new at this.

    Thanks for the welcome Lana 24 ! Hope you are enjoying your day. Anne
  10. mouchebe

    Christian bandsters

    Thanks for the help Phyll ! So, if you have time; tell me your story. :crying:
  11. mouchebe

    Christian bandsters

    Hi Valerie! I'm new and I'm not sure I know how to get into the Christian Bandsters group. I posted a new post; but I'm not sure if it was to the Bansters' thread or to a general forum. Could you advise me? Thanks Valerie! Anne
  12. mouchebe

    I'm new at this.

    I've never joined a forum of any kind before. I'm just a couple of months from my lapband surgery and I'm trying to give myself a headstart by plugging in with support and searching the web for knowledge and healthy tips. I especially, want to plug in with christian gals who are going down the same path too. So, I hope to meet more of you on this thread. With Christ as our commonality. Anne (with an "e") (I love Anne of Green Gables)

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