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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mouchebe

  1. I am so glad for your positive experience. Someone was encouraging me just yesterday about prayer before these kinds of endeavours and how it really makes a difference in regards to controlling our fears and helping it go smoothly. It's also encouraging to hear your positive experience when I go in for mine. Thanks for sharing! Anne (with an E)
  2. The peace that passes all understanding; guard your heart and mind as you go tomorrow!
  3. mouchebe

    I'm new at this.

    Thank you for a warm welcome. I'm so delighted with all of the friendliness. You look like you are making tremendous progress....congratulations!
  4. mouchebe

    I'm new at this.

    I've never joined a forum of any kind before. I'm just a couple of months from my lapband surgery and I'm trying to give myself a headstart by plugging in with support and searching the web for knowledge and healthy tips. I especially, want to plug in with christian gals who are going down the same path too. So, I hope to meet more of you on this thread. With Christ as our commonality. Anne (with an "e") (I love Anne of Green Gables)
  5. mouchebe

    I'm new at this.

    Thank you for the warm welcome. I look forward to knowing more of you. Congratulations on your weight loss! Anne with an "e"
  6. mouchebe

    I'm new at this.

    Thanks for the welcome Lana 24 ! Hope you are enjoying your day. Anne
  7. mouchebe

    Christian bandsters

    Thanks for the help Phyll ! So, if you have time; tell me your story. :crying:
  8. mouchebe

    Christian bandsters

    Hi Valerie! I'm new and I'm not sure I know how to get into the Christian Bandsters group. I posted a new post; but I'm not sure if it was to the Bansters' thread or to a general forum. Could you advise me? Thanks Valerie! Anne

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