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Shanna NYC

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Shanna NYC

  1. WOW. That is very unbecoming of a medical establishment and surgical team. Regardless of some exchanged words, you are recovering from a pretty major surgery and there are tons of follow-ups in the first year for a reason. I would say if your requests to change surgeons and get answers to questions continues I would speak with a patient care advocate. Obviously major concerns in the moment should prompt an ER visit, but it would take longer for a general ER doc to understand the potential issues of a bariatric patient post-op.

    I certainly hope it works out for you and that you have your stresses lessened.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Mike.J.Y said:

    Really moving around has to be so much easier now right.

    Thank you.

    Funny thing is that I honestly didn't put a whole lot of thought into it until a week ago. I stopped and thought wow I haven't had as much body pain - the knee pain and lower back pain has lessened by a lot. Of course it's not completely gone because age factors in, lol, but it's too the point I didn't have to really think about it. Longer walks and climbs up the stairs doesn't take the wind out of me and I live and commute in NYC so lots of walking and stairs to tackle.

    I had lost 100+ lbs a few years ago (took far longer of course) and maintained it for awhile until pandemic times when i went back to where I started. So to be back to before pandemic weight feels great. I'm hoping to hit the 100lb gone and get into onderland by end of year. *fingers crossed*

    Best of luck to you on your surgery, it's certainly life changing and worth it.

  3. Every body is different and tolerance for pain is different. I was definitely uncomfortable as so much movement relies on the core, but not in a huge unbearable pain way. I was given 6 Percocets of which I only took 3 - 1 pill at night just to sleep better as I couldn't sleep on my side and it was not the best sleep on my back. If i needed anything else daytime, I just took tylenol. I did not get crazy pain until week 2 and a half when the pulling in my side nearly knocked me out. However that was remedied with a binder that I wore for just a few days until the worst of it passed. Now at 4 months post-op I barely remember those days and would change nothing.

  4. On 7/30/2023 at 12:52 AM, DandelionSun said:

    I used Isopure unflavored Protein Powder. Found it on Amazon and Target. I don’t notice a smell or taste at all.

    Congrats on your surgery & Good luck on finding what works best for you! 🤗

    I have this one at home and haven't been able to make good use of it. It reminds too much of infant formula. Early on I tried to put in apple sauce and couldn't handle it. I then used it to make a Protein coffee and it was just rough. I'll likely try to bake with it in some way and see how that goes just so I'm not being wasteful.

  5. On 7/11/2023 at 1:12 PM, pintsizedmallrat said:

    I don't know how attached you are that it must be vanilla, but their Fruity Cereal flavor is by far my favorite. It tastes like Froot Loops and milk.

    I'm only looking for vanilla purely because I just like to get my Protein in with my coffee.

    I'm not a fan of fruity cereals so I'm sure I wouldn't care to much for that flavor. I have a bunch of bottles of strawberry banana Core Power because the fruity creamy flavor is just not for me.

    I appreciate the suggestion though!

  6. 3 hours ago, Amerime said:

    I have tried several powders and settled on Isopure (have not had the unflavored). I prefer dutch chocolate and strawberry, but vanilla is not bad. I believe the taste is better when it settles after being mixed. The vanilla and chocolate make great pancakes- I make them for my boys and they love them.

    I am 4 days post-op. I've recently added raspberry Isopure Protein Water. It's nice to have options. They come in different flavors, at 20-40gm of Protein per scoop/premade bottle. They taste like flavored water...love them.

    I was mainly looking for another option to mix with my coffee as I don’t tend to drink Protein Shakes alone anymore. I get my morning coffee with my jumpstart of protein to start the day. I didn’t do this until 30 days post-op because I couldn’t have caffeine and Decaf was awful lol. So I find vanilla is little easier to mix. (Though I have also tried the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Chike protein coffee and it wasn’t so bad).

    I am not opposed to other Protein Shake chocolate options if I wanted to blend it up even with ice for a treat, but I had gotten sick of chocolate ones for awhile since that flavor was and is the only one I can find in costco. I was drinking 2 a day pre-op and nearly everyday for a couple weeks post-op.

    I do drink the Protein 2O protein waters. I don’t drink them as often now since I can make my protein goals mostly with my morning proffee and foods, but I will still throw them in on days I fall short. I agree it’s a nice way to mix it up without adding more heavy milky liquid.

  7. Hello all. I am nearly 13 weeks post RNY. I am eating all kinds of modified regular foods, so overall I don’t have a problem meeting my Protein goals. I still have a Protein Shake daily - however it is because it’s the easiest way to get a huge dose of protein in with my morning coffee. I’ve never been one to eat solid foods so early in the morning.

    I make proffees and while it was a bit of an adjustment to my regular cup of coffee, I am so used to it now. My preferred protein shake of choice to use is the Fairlife Core Power vanilla shake as I can use it both cold and heated depending on whether I want hot or iced coffee. I mix it up a bit and also have the Fairlife Nutrition plan chocolate shake as well for a mocha. I much prefer the vanilla, but they are so hard to come by these days. I either cannot find them anywhere locally and/or the online retailers and nearby stores have them at insane prices.

    I do not like the taste of Premier Protein shakes at all. They taste much to chemical and box like. I have tried the Quest shakes and it’s ok in a pinch, but the aftertaste is more pronounced. Shakes are so expensive so the trial and error is a bit daunting. I have tried Ensure Max in their coffee flavor and again the chemical and box taste is just like premier.

    My second favorite has been the Chike Protein Coffee powder, but I only have these iced and they have a bit less protein so I mix them with Fairlife Skim milk and a scoop of collagen.

    I have tried Isopure unflavored Protein Powder and tried to incorporate it, but for something unflavored it reminds me of infant formula and is not pleasant.

    I am considering trying the Unjury ready made vanilla shakes, but unsure if I’ll like them and because it’s only sold in larger packs, I’m stuck with it if I don’t like it.

    What are Protein Shakes people are liking?

  8. I am 9 weeks out today and while I haven't quite had those issues, I can understand the frustration.

    Most shakes turned me off and I was over ricotta, yogurt and all things similar during pureed stage. I don't really feel physical hunger (it's mainly mental), but I know I have to meet goals so I make myself eat. The only thing I will not do is eat every 3 hours when I feel like I can't really handle it. Since the tummy can only hold so much, it's easy to get over the repetitive foods.

    What I have found that works on some days when food isn't sounding great - I drink Protein Water - Protein 2O is the brand. It has 15g of protein and comes in a variety of flavors. I also cannot stand the sugar substitute aftertaste or overly sweet and this one does not have any funkiness to me. It helps meet goals when i don't want solids and am over milky shakes.

    Since sweets aren't your thing, have you tried Quest products like the Protein chips or cheese crackers? It's more snackish while still being high in protein and decent in stats. A bit lighter than meats to get in protein.

    I'm sure this phase will pass at some point, which I hope is soon.

  9. I am 41 and today marks 8 weeks post-op from my bypass. It was my choice to go the bypass route from jump and my surgeon agreed with my decision. Yes in the very beginning, you are not only limited on what to eat, but even the capacity to eat (or even the desire). It would be the same with the sleeve either way because of the swelling the small pouch can only hold so much. It gets easier as time passes.

    To date I have not had any dumping issues. I know it is not the same for anyone regardless of which surgery, but I have tolerated all foods I've tried to date. I have been cleared for basically everything in moderation, still trial and error as I haven't tried it all yet. I have eaten out several times since about 4 weeks post-op and most places easily have things that can be ordered or slightly modified to suit our needs. Soups or a Protein and veg are fairly easy to find on most menus. Grilled chicken sandwich minus bread with a side salad. Breakfast is even easier. I either end up with a to go container for another meal or two, or my boyfriend eats extra, lol.

    I do enjoy cooking and have had no issues with finding recipes to make my own. Flavor and variation is key. You can easily keep your cookbooks and find some substitutions for higher fat/carb/sugar items. I think it's much easier now than many years ago to find healthier alternatives.

    And while I know many people can be successful with the sleeve, I personally know a number of people who have had more regain. Some regret not having the bypass, or have gotten revisions years later.

  10. 1 minute ago, Clipper1 said:

    I'm supposed to get up to 120. That's almost impossible getting in my fluids, then trying to eat and drink Protein Shakes. Have any high Protein tips and techniques? I'm struggling.

    I like to add Protein2O Water. It counts as Fluid and Protein. They have both 15g and 20g versions. I’m still at the 70-80 goal currently at 7 weeks post op. Fluids are still a chore to get enough in.

  11. On 5/8/2023 at 8:49 PM, Jennevans1101 said:

    Thanks yall. I hate the pain that I am in I've sure never felt nothing like this before in my life.

    I am 4 and half weeks post op now. Just before my 3rd week I was having intense pains on my right side and my left closer to my belly button. It felt like a hot knife was stabbing through me. I contacted my team as well as a post I put up here and was told that it is actually normal though not everyone will experience it. 2 out of 6 incisions are to muscle and the insides take far longer to heal. I found that using a binder or Spanx like underwear helped immensely and now the worst has passed and I no longer use either. Best to you and your journey and hope the pain also passes you quickly.

  12. I appreciate everyone sharing. It felt better knowing I wasn’t the only one and it’s a normal thing. I am happy to report that the worst of it has passed. I did get a binder, but wore it less than a handful of times. I had a concert to attend and tried a shaping underwear which actually was quite comfortable with just the right amount of compression. Movement, showers, sleeping have all been much better and no support needed for the last several days. I still feel the under incision area slight soreness, but I’m just 4 weeks post op and know there’s still inside healing happening. For anyone still experiencing it, it will pass.

  13. 13 minutes ago, Bluphiguy said:

    Struggling... I am just done with the gross shakes. I have had so many in the last few weeks... I think I don't like chocolate anymore (at least the fake chocolate). So every day, from the moment I wake up until I go to bed, it's a hunt for Protein. But to be honest, I'm just not hungry, but I know I need to get in Protein, and I am failing at that. I had to go back and get fluids twice... Plus, I've had a sinus infection back to back over the last two weeks. If anything could happen, it has. My incisions are healing nicely, and my pouch feels fine... it's all the other stuff :)

    Oh I’m off and on struggling with protein and Water goals. I am also not hungry but I know I have to get in the protein. I’m on the entry of stage 3 (can add other things in after a full month from surgery). So without actual meat things, it’s a circle of shakes, eggs, cheeses and yogurt and I’m over it. I mixed up the Protein Shakes because I was also sick of chocolate. I have the Core Power in vanilla and strawberry banana to add variety. Also just got Protein 2 O protein water to break up the creamy stuff. It’s hard getting in 60grams at this point.

  14. Thanks everyone. It really is good to know I’m not alone. It’s hard for the none bariatric friends and family to understand. I have more friends with the sleeve and I know it’s not quite the same either. My doctors office did reply back and said it is fairly normal as the internal stitches are healing and should be less pain as time goes on. They said it was ok to wear a binder if it helps, but not to wear it all day to take it off from time to time. I’m just happy I’m working remote right now, but dread going back to the office.

  15. I am today officially 3 weeks post op RNY. My first week of healing was a bit uncomfortable, but by the end I was much better and could move around more. Week 2 I started to feel some tugging on my right side kind of away from the immediate incision area. I mentioned it to my surgeon at my 2 week visit and he said it is likely because 2 of the incisions are sewn to muscle and did not seem concerned. Well 4-5 days later, not only is that part in an awful state of pain, but the 3rd incision site (internally) also feeling similar. It’s not a constant pain, but brought on by movement. It started as some movement like bending, but now is with nearly anything. (Showering is torture). It is what I can best describe as being stabbed with a hot knife. It for sure feels like a muscle burn rather than an ulcer burn and is only relieved with holding my stomach w a lot of pressure. I picked up a back brace/ab brace for an immediate fix with hopes to get a better larger binder. With the brace I can function way better, but because I have a B belly, it sits in the crease and with the pressure after several hours it irritates my skin. Anyone else experience a similar feeling? I am awaiting a reply back from my doctor.

  16. 4 hours ago, kkomejko said:

    I have been feeling fine, just one spot on the right side of my tummy is sore if I lay on it for too long. I have been REALLY struggling with trying to meet my liquid and Protein goals though. I am a very picky eater. I tried about a month or so before surgery to find Protein Drinks that I could stand (I HATE milk!!!). I found a few but now I really don't like them either. I've started my puree part of my diet and found out that I still do not like eggs, cream of wheat, or tofu. I've been trying to disguise my Protein Powder in my applesauce and yogurt. Did you find a way to sneak in more liquid? Between not having it 30 minutes before you eat and after you eat five times a day really limits the amount of time you have! I don't think I'm awake enough hours in the day :)

    I actually love milk, but so many Protein Shakes taste awful to me. The one I’m tolerating is Fairlife Nutrition Plan in chocolate. But just after surgery even that tasted so gross to me. Took me a few days to finally be able to tolerate it again. eggs aren’t part of my puréed stage and by most of my paperwork neither is cream of wheat since it’s mostly carbs. I’ve been mixing applesauce w plain Greek yogurt, having cottage cheese, and puréed lentil or black bean Soup. Plain Water is just fine by me at any temp which I’m so happy for because I can’t stand the Crystal light, Wylers light or any other sugar free mix in. The one thing I’m missing most is coffee because I don’t like black coffee. And skim milk doesn’t help lol. Water still isn’t at the levels it should be, but I’m just trying to get a little better with each day. I might have to wake up earlier to get those goals in because I agree the timing doesn’t allow to get it all in.

  17. 14 minutes ago, Chloe Zoe said:

    Up and down, but mostly up. My hormones got the best of me the first week and I did a lot of crying and even some feeling sorry for myself. Now I'm just fighting exhaustion. I feel like if I can get my strength back I can conquer the world, but taking it day be day. I appreciate you asking! How are you doing so far?

    Awww. I’m sure - it’s quite an emotional journey and so much going on for the body and mind. Baby steps is all it’s going to be about now.
    I’m doing pretty alright. Def much better week 2 in the pain dept. Trying to get closer to Protein and Water goals with each passing day. I struggle with artificial sugar tastes. I’m on puréed and getting very bored with how limited it is (for my program at least), though I had excitement when I came across a recipe for baked ricotta and it was absolutely delicious. Hoping my appts coming up next week advance me to soft foods.

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