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Shanna NYC

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Shanna NYC

  1. On 9/16/2023 at 9:42 PM, curlygirl74 said:

    Hello! I am new to this website and I would love some advice! I am hoping to be having surgery in November or December this year. I unfortunately am a picky eater (and drinker!) and am not a fan of the artificial sweeteners and stevia. I have tried a bunch of Protein powders and drinks, and I am struggling to find one that I can drink! 😥 I LOVE Bocha Sweet and don't mind erythritol and Lakanto Monk Fruit seems to be just fine! I am REALLY struggling to find Protein powders and drinks that I can use following surgery to get through the initial post op period. Does anyone have any recommendations, either for store bought ideas or recipes that I can use with the zero calorie sweeteners I do like? Thank you all so much in advance for your ideas and help! 😊

    Have you tried the Fairlife Core Power or even the Nutrition Plan shakes? I prefer them over most Protein Shakes because it has the least aftertaste and is mainly actual milk based. Taste to me like chocolate milk or a melted vanilla ice cream cone.

    I know many love the Isopure Unflavored Protein powder - i was unfortunately not a fan and obvi not for the sweetener as it does not have any - but the milk powder almost infant formula taste wasn't it for me. I think I'm in the minority lol, so you should be fine.

  2. 6 hours ago, Mike.J.Y said:

    Update 4 weeks post op:

    I am not eating much just drinking my Protein and hitting fluid goals.

    Weight lose down 34 pounds.

    Pain none.

    Still get nauseous when drinking but it not to bad.

    How everyone else doing?

    Still losing or stalled?

    Congrats that's a solid loss in 4 weeks. Too bad about the nausea, but that should continue to dissipate with time. What stage are you currently on?

    I am still losing, though the numbers fluctuate from week to week, it's still in a downward trend. The restriction also varies on what I can eat or not eat. Today so far all I've managed are liquids and I'm feeling full. I'll try for something solid for dinner when I'm home if I'm up for it.

    All we can do is take it day by day, sometimes just meal by meal.

  3. On 9/2/2023 at 8:29 PM, PennyinAL said:

    Yeah, I haven't much been going to restaurants...we live in a rural area and only have 2 restaurants in our little town, both close at 2 pm, well there is a Mexican restaurant but I'm not much of a fan of Mexican food in general.

    I have a well stocked pantry, freezers and kitchen and actually enjoy cooking (this butt didn't get this big by itself) and Lord help me, I enjoy eating way too much.

    That said, I'm 33 days post op and it was awesome to find a "snack" I CAN HAVE...well I think I can have it? My list is so vague...I'll try to share this pic of my instructions.

    It says "Protein, Protein, Protein" suggests ground turkey....and I'm like with WHAT?

    As you all moved into your 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th weeks, What do you eat?

    I had a LOT of Cod this week, made an Alfredo shrimp/crab sauce to serve over it and some canned turnips on the side. I have chicken thighs, breasts, wings, 3 kinds of Fish, Ground Beef & Turkey & Turkey burgers, Cooked red Beans, 15 Beans & Lima & Cream Peas and can't figure out a darn thing to make for dinner because I don't know how to pair or prepare it....I am seriously thinking of Buffalo Wings or thighs with sauce?

    Fortunately, I lost another pound (all that damned fish, lol) but maybe just because nothing seems to taste right or I don't have a taste for anything...rambling here, but does anyone else have that feeling? Like nothing is suiting you or you just don't feel like bothering for the whopping 3 or 4 oz you're going to be able to eat out of the pan after you do all that work?

    And What Veggies are acceptable at this point? Last night I had boneless ckn breast over a salad mix with a little dressing, green onions, bacon bits...and when I'm eating hubby asks if I can eat that. I had only considered the chicken, hadn't thought of if salad is allowed? I remembered someone saying they eat salads all the time but they are like an old timer.

    I have several containers of fresh mushrooms I was going to prep, some for now and freeze for later but then started wondering IF I can have???

    Turkey burger with no bread sounds sucky...

    I'm not sure if food is "not allowed" bc of the calories/fat intake or if food isn't allowed bc of a possible adverse reaction with the bypass. Like if I make a turkey burger and eat a slice of whole wheat, is that OK? What about serving something with a sauce along side something like Quinoa? SMH...done with my rant, please share your rants and tell me I am NOT alone with all these things running around in my little A.D.D. brain :)

    What exactly are your program guidelines? Do you meet with a dietician as part of your program? Can you reach out for some additional assistance?

    I know for my program, I am in the range of at least 70-80g of protein and soon enough 80-100g. There is no specific guide to carbs and fats allotment, only that protein is the priority and to limit carbs and fats. More so complex carbs and healthy fats. sugar free as much as possible.

    It can feel weird at first, but it gets better with time. I mostly stick to a protein and a veg. I do happen to eat burgers with no bun. I can only really manage a whole chicken patty, but only half a turkey burger or beef burger. If i feel like I want to have more traditional way of eating it, I'll put the half on a Mission Carb Balance Whole Wheat street taco tortilla. I do use sugar free BBQ Sauce, maybe some pickle slices and tomatoes with a reduced fat slice of cheese. It's all I can manage and I am satisfied.

    I also make cottage cheese bowls - taco bowls are my fave. About 3oz of ground turkey or chicken taco meat and a couple tablespoons of cottage cheese. Toppings as you like - i can do a couple cherry tomatoes, some shredded lettuce, a sprinkle of light cheese and a little salsa. Sometimes I can eat it all, sometimes I have some left which I may or may not be able to eat a little later.

    I would also say, instead of thinking of doing all the work for just 3ozs, meal prep. Make several portions to have on hand. Freeze extras if you tire easily. One pound of ground meat can easily last me a week's worth of meals, but I freeze to not waste if i don't realistically think I can eat any one thing. (I'm only cooking for myself a majority of the time).

    I also follow on IG your.onderland which provides a lot of helpful reminders, tips and recipes for the bariatric journey.

    Hope this helps.

  4. 7 hours ago, PennyinAL said:

    Wow that’s amazing! I’m down 30lbs today after a minor setback with my thyroid basically stopping working for about 10 days of the last 31, had my surgery 8/1.
    I’m glad it appears to be getting better and after being stalled for several days I finally dropped those last few to get to the 30 lbs

    I also found Quest Protein chips and Cookies and some other Protein products today and am curious about what everyone is thinking about these items???

    Congrats that’s great!

    Quest Protein chips are great for me. I personally love the tortilla style ones. For 140 cals and 19g Protein it’s a pretty great snack. The fats and carbs are also quite low. I like to keep them around for occasions such as going to the movies or hanging out with friends and they have their high cal/fat chips. I have even subbed them for a lunch when I just could not eat anything heavy, but needed to get my protein in. The Spicy Sweet Chili is my top flavor, followed by Nacho cheese and Loaded Taco.

    The Cookies I tried ages ago, well before surgery and wasn’t a fan as the fake sugar taste was quite prominent. I have not tried them again to see if it’s the same. I don’t think the stats on those are quite as good as the chips so beware.

    I will just caution, though the chips do have great stats, I would be sure to have them on occasion and not rely on them. As others have said, they can be a slider food or even a trigger food for some. I personally don’t have that trigger. I tend to just have a bag around as a just in case. They are portion sized bags so that it also helpful.

  5. 5 hours ago, Mike.J.Y said:

    Thank you both for your responses. I had the Bypass on 8/16/2023 it been a week. Right now I am dealing with fatigue but hitting all goals 64oz and 70g Protein with issues now. Just tired I need to push myself to move around more. When did your energy improve ? What stage week?

    I'm glad you are meeting your goals so early on. I definitely struggled with that for the first couple weeks.

    I started out straight out of the hospital on pureed. I made it to soft foods after 2 weeks. It was still difficult to eat much but it was around week 3 I had a bit more energy. Definitely need food, Vitamins and hydration to get back that energy. For some it still takes awhile. Get in some electrolytes when you get in that exercise. Add 5 minutes or a few extra steps day by day. Just work up gradually and don't push too hard. Remember your body is healing and will also take up some of that energy to repair itself. Keep at it as you seem to be doing well.

  6. I am averaging about 80g Protein per day and I am as of today 19 weeks post-op.

    I still have a Protein Shake most days, but it's in the form of a Proffee. I will either use a Core Power or Nutrition Plan shake as my milk mixed with espresso or have a Chike iced protein coffee packet and mix with part Water, part Fairlife skim milk. I also like to add a scoop of collagen. So it's 30g+ of protein to start the day.

    Midday there is usually some version of eggs and/or cheese somewhere in the 12g of protein range or an Oikos Triple Zero or Oikos Pro yogurt which is 15-20g. Lately I have been adding some blueberries and Catalina Crunch Cereal in yogurt for texture which adds another few grams of protein.

    dinner is almost always some form of protein and veggie. Grilled chicken, ground turkey/chicken/extra lean ground beef, tuna pouch, chicken burger. I like to make cottage cheese bowls, so maybe some turkey taco meat and mix w cottage cheese and some low fat mexican cheese blend, lettuce, tomatoes and some salsa. I even mix my tuna with cottage cheese and have it with sliced cucumber and tomatoes. The portion of meat can range depending on the way it's cooked and what else I'm mixing in, but I can manage 3.5 ozs or up to 4oz of a protein.

    I can't seem to manage 5 small meals so it usually lands around 3-4 small meals/snacks. Depending on the day my restriction doesn't leave me wanting to have a lot of solid food. If I'm coming up a little short and don't want to eat more, I will drink some Protein2O protein water.

    I do also love the Quest Protein chips - my #1 is now the Spicy Sweet Chili flavor. I keep them around for days I either don't want to eat something heavier or when I'm with friends and they are having the regular chips. They pack 19g protein a bag.

  7. I don't know if there is a proper answer since your doctor didn't seem to care either way. I did the bypass, I did not have to wear any compression anything, and was advised to keep clothing loose for at least 2 weeks including no abdominal binders. As long as you keep walking around to get the air moving out and are not just sitting or laying down all day and getting in your liquids as best as you can - it will help your recovery. I am not sure if your concern is for swelling or just overall keep things pumping - for me almost immediately after surgery my ankle swelling disappeared and had lessened knee pain.

    Now I have owned compression leg sleeves as I work a desk job and was having trouble with excess swelling in the legs and ankles mostly during the pandemic and just bought some on Amazon. I don't think you'd have to worry about a prescription since it isn't anything mandatory to wear. Just measure your calves to get the right size. Regardless of when I felt like they were fairly comfortable, it was impossible for me to withstand them for more than a few hours.

    I don't know how much walking you will be able to do in the week immediately following surgery as it's more of a hunched over stroll, but it's great to aim to get in as much as you can when your body allows. I would say as long as you have Water and enough electrolytes you should be good.

  8. 19 hours ago, sleevedinthe817 said:

    I stopped doing the 30 minutes before rule. It didn’t bother me to drink prior to eating and it didn’t seem to impact the amount I could eat either as long as I wasn’t gulping down Water right before a meal.

    I feel the same way. Drinking Water just before eating doesn't really bother me. I'm not knocking back a bottle, but regular drinking. I still wait the 30 minutes after and so far all has been good.

  9. I'm a bit over 4 months post op and still can't always get that in. It's extremely hard in the beginning so don't fret over that just work on progressing one day at a time. Also keep in mind broth and other liquids also count towards that goal. I would kill 2 birds with one stone and drink Protein Water like Protein2O when protein and drinking goals were harder to reach. My dietician also told me a Protein Shake can be thinned out with water and you can keep drinking that for awhile.

    Basically from the time you wake up just keep sipping water, it does get easier. And yeah I tote around my Stanley or other water bottle everywhere I go. I am good with just water, but there are so many sugar free options that can be added to water to switch it up if you get bored. I can definitely drink far more than a sip now so with time you will find that it should improve.

  10. Yes as everyone has said it depends on your insurance and how quickly you get the checklist completed. I have Cigna which has no requirements by way of having to lose X amount beforehand or having to meet with a nutritionist X times or anything. The only thing for them to cover is to have a BMI of 35 and up along with a co-morbidity or over 40 no co-morbidities required.

    For my checklist that I received at consult, I had to do bloodwork (which i did same day as consult), meet with dietician -which I did via Zoom, do psych eval - which i also did via Zoom and get a letter of recommendation from my PCP. I was able to get appointments for psych and dietician in January and meet with my PCP in February. My consult was January 9th, 2023 and my surgery was done April 11. I was even offered a date of March 21, but I needed the time to clear work and get myself together for the pre-op diet etc.

  11. I started day 2 post op- first full day home after the overnight hospital stay. I was advised to do chewable for at least the first 30 days. I started with Celebrate chewable one a day and the calcium chews 3xs a day. I was to not introduce Iron until after the first 30 days. I got so sick of the giant chewable Vitamin so I now take the Bariatric Pal one a day capsule w 45 iron and still do 3 Calcium chews. I considered calcium pills but they are like 6 giant pills a day to equal the 3 tasty chews. I have since added an additional Biotin pill, though the multi provides a fair amount as is. Between the multi and chews I am good on Vitamin D, but have contemplated adding a B complex. So far my first run of labs since surgery looks good. Please keep posted on the liquid form once you get them.

  12. 6 minutes ago, LindsayT said:

    After surgery you won't be able to drink anything and not anything the next day until after your leak test.

    I don't know what determines this, but I never had any leak tests done. I was drinking fluids by morning and was brought 3 different trays of food in a 4/5 hour window just before discharge.

  13. I have to say I had a great hospital experience overall and we all know that isn't always the case.

    My surgery was scheduled for 10am so I was expected to arrive at 8am to check in. Filled in paperwork and all that jazz. Was in the waiting room not terribly long before calling me in. Got the all the vitals checked - weight, BP, Oxygen, if I'm not mistaken I did have blood drawn (and pee test for pregnancy which won't apply to you, lol). I then was instructed to how everything was going to go, made sure all my backups were secured ie emergency contact and discharge expectations. I was given a few pills to swallow - I believe a tylenol and toradol? and a small bottle of Water to drink it down. I got to change into my gown and all and was then wheeled in to the pre-op room. A bazillion nurses and staff will be sure to keep asking you the same questions just to be sure you know why your there. The hard part for me was getting my IV in as they always have trouble locating good veins. It took about 3-4 tries before they got it. My surgery was slightly delayed since the person prior to me had a delay, but not by a terribly long time. I think I was rolled into the OR about 1 hour later. I don't fully recall when I woke up in PACU, but I think I was in my overnight room by at least 5pm ish. I spent only 1 overnight and was discharged by noon the following day.

    I wouldn't go too crazy packing too much. Especially for the time you are going, you can leave in the same clothes you go to the hospital with. Just be sure it's something comfy and not too tight in the belly. Phone and charger (possibly a tablet if you're so inclined) and lip balm as you will get dry lips. Nearly everything else is provided to you that you'd need. I took a few more things and needed none of it. I was so tired that I couldn't concentrate on much except to nap when i could between the nurse and doctor check ins and the trips to the bathroom - for someone who couldn't drink anything for the rest of that night, that IV did it's job.

    Feel free to ask away anything else. You definitely got this!

  14. I have to say I had a great hospital experience overall and we all know that isn't always the case.

    My surgery was scheduled for 10am so I was expected to arrive at 8am to check in. Filled in paperwork and all that jazz. Was in the waiting room not terribly long before calling me in. Got the all the vitals checked - weight, BP, Oxygen, if I'm not mistaken I did have blood drawn (and pee test for pregnancy which won't apply to you, lol). I then was instructed to how everything was going to go, made sure all my backups were secured ie emergency contact and discharge expectations. I was given a few pills to swallow - I believe a tylenol and toradol? and a small bottle of Water to drink it down. I got to change into my gown and all and was then wheeled in to the pre-op room. A bazillion nurses and staff will be sure to keep asking you the same questions just to be sure you know why your there. The hard part for me was getting my IV in as they always have trouble locating good veins. It took about 3-4 tries before they got it. My surgery was slightly delayed since the person prior to me had a delay, but not by a terribly long time. I think I was rolled into the OR about 1 hour later. I don't fully recall when I woke up in PACU, but I think I was in my overnight room by at least 5pm ish. I spent only 1 overnight and was discharged by noon the following day.

    I wouldn't go too crazy packing too much. Especially for the time you are going, you can leave in the same clothes you go to the hospital with. Just be sure it's something comfy and not too tight in the belly. Phone and charger (possibly a tablet if you're so inclined) and lip balm as you will get dry lips. Nearly everything else is provided to you that you'd need. I took a few more things and needed none of it. I was so tired that I couldn't concentrate on much except to nap when i could between the nurse and doctor check ins and the trips to the bathroom - for someone who couldn't drink anything for the rest of that night, that IV did it's job.

    Feel free to ask away anything else. You definitely got this!

  15. 5 minutes ago, Mike.J.Y said:

    1st Questions: How long did it take for you to get back to work?

     Job Type:

    2nd Did you think you needed more or less time?

    How Long:

    Yay! Just 2 days away. I’m excited for you.

    I was out of work for about 3 weeks. Surgery was 4/11, first day back to work was 5/1. I am an admin assistant just doing clerical work so the actual physical part of work wasn’t so much an issue, but the commuting was more the concern. (NYC subway stairs and a mile walk from subway to office plus w laptop and all hydration/protein essentials).

    When I did return to work, I did so remotely for another couple weeks and then slowly went back to commuting in 1 day, 2 days, then ultimately back to my 3 days in office.

    I think if I drove to work, then the 3 weeks would have been pretty sufficient time off as it was. I already work hybrid, but I was grateful to have the remote work option available for that extended time.

  16. 3 hours ago, BlissSm12 said:

    So yeah, now I'm playing the waiting game and patiently awaiting surgery day. In the meantime, I am wondering what food aversions I will end up with. I know after having the gallbladder removal, there are already tons of foods I can't stand or just can't eat all together. So, for my recovery liquids, I decided to not go all out and buy a bunch of things and sit and wait. I suppose broth would be good to keep around and no sugary Jello mix. But beyond that I don't want to spend money on things I may not need or like after. Thinking might be best to wait to see what I can stand while in hospital. Then order or send my husband to get things? If anyone's reading, this...what do you recommend? Did you buy a bunch of things, or wait?

    I think you are smart to wait. I would get a few things to have at the ready, but don’t go crazy. Like with Protein Shakes, if you have the option of getting single ones or a 4 pack of different brands to see what you might tolerate after. broth is good and mostly won’t go to waste.
    I mistakenly bought a case of Recovery Water and I can’t stand the taste.
    I would just say to just be sure to have your Vitamins and Calcium ready and the foods you can sort out later. I know every program is different and some people start vitamins at different times. I started the day after I came home from the hospital. I also wasn’t on a liquid diet after surgery, but went straight to puréed stage. So mostly cottage cheese, yogurt, puréed Soups and the shakes.

    Best of luck!

  17. 3 hours ago, BlissSm12 said:

    So yeah, now I'm playing the waiting game and patiently awaiting surgery day. In the meantime, I am wondering what food aversions I will end up with. I know after having the gallbladder removal, there are already tons of foods I can't stand or just can't eat all together. So, for my recovery liquids, I decided to not go all out and buy a bunch of things and sit and wait. I suppose broth would be good to keep around and no sugary Jello mix. But beyond that I don't want to spend money on things I may not need or like after. Thinking might be best to wait to see what I can stand while in hospital. Then order or send my husband to get things? If anyone's reading, this...what do you recommend? Did you buy a bunch of things, or wait?

    I think you are smart to wait. I would get a few things to have at the ready, but don’t go crazy. Like with Protein Shakes, if you have the option of getting single ones or a 4 pack of different brands to see what you might tolerate after. broth is good and mostly won’t go to waste.
    I mistakenly bought a case of Recovery Water and I can’t stand the taste.
    I would just say to just be sure to have your Vitamins and Calcium ready and the foods you can sort out later. I know every program is different and some people start vitamins at different times. I started the day after I came home from the hospital. I also wasn’t on a liquid diet after surgery, but went straight to puréed stage. So mostly cottage cheese, yogurt, puréed Soups and the shakes.

    Best of luck!

  18. I'm 4 months post op and I really don't have any food aversions. Only immediately after surgery the next few days everything tasted awful - the Protein Shakes, the calcium chews and the chewable vitamins were torture. I believe it's the anesthesia. After that period, things were fine. I was sick of eating certain things because of repetition in the pureed stage and then soft foods stage, but not that it tasted bad.

    Since I started on modified regular foods, nothing so far has not been bad. I have not tried to even eat bread. It's my absolute favorite carb in every sense of the word, but I know it's not time for it just yet. Fried foods I also haven't tried to eat.

    Beer is actually ok with me. Takes me a little longer to make it through one - which is a good thing overall. But I can't really do seltzer or hard seltzer. It's way too bubbly. Took me an hour to get through half a can. I try to stay away from high sugar items and have tolerated a number of sugar free things with trial and error. I did have a regular sugary cocktail off the menu the other night at my friends birthday dinner and surprisingly tolerated it just fine. It just still takes me longer to drink it, which again is ok by me.

    This entire lifestyle is a matter of trial and error. We learn from our medical team, from one another on these forums and our own bodies.

  19. 12 hours ago, MsTeeTee said:

    @Shanna NYC I actually will waste product. I’m sorry. If it gives me dog food vibes I can’t. Lol so far I like Isopure. Thank god. I went thru at least 6 before finding one I like. Lol Pray for my wallet. Lol

    LMAO. Oh I understand not wanting to consume something that doesn't taste good. I try to rehome the things that don't work for me, lol. I had bought a bunch of those Crystal Light packets and squeezies and the Starburst stuff since I heard a lot of people have trouble with just plain Water. I can't stand the fake sugar taste of them and just could not drink them at all. I gave the whole collection to my cousin who enjoys them. The only one that taste good to me is the True Lemon ones. Thankfully plain ole water is still my best friend.

    I've wasted money on funky Protein water (Recovery water was no bueno to me), calcium chews in dessert flavors are not tasty to me (fruity girl all the way), too many chewable vitamins, not great ready made shakes etc etc. So I understand completely.

    I will continue to pray for all our wallets, lol.

  20. 10 hours ago, Mike.J.Y said:

    you all like saving the extra money you used to spend on going out to eat?

    Funny as I was thinking that. It's not even just food, but more so drinks on my part, lol. My bill could easily be $150 one night out and now maybe $30 with leftovers to boot. I will say Uber Eats misses me.

    But then I turn around and the cost of Protein Shakes, Vitamins, Protein Water etc does add up. Even better foods - hearts of palm Pasta over standard carbs, extra lean beef, low carb cereals cost so much more.

    It kinda balances out and it's always worth it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
