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Shanna NYC

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Shanna NYC

  1. Shanna NYC

    3 week stall - Just a rant from a newbie

    Here to give you hugs and a shoulder. I have dealt with the 3 week stall and I’m just here to say, before you know it it’ll be over. Think about when was it the last time you even lost 13lbs in a month? Even in my best place with diet and exercise I can say that was a stretch. But also, this really isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. We are in it for the long haul though our brains feel like this “tool” is an instant fix. It is probably harder around the holidays and I truly can’t say I’ve had to experience that end so early on, but just remember that the holidays are about so many other things. Hold on to the experiences outside of food. Remember that the food is truly not going anywhere and think of how you feel (and look) this time next year. Reach back to your whys. The greater reasons why we did this to begin with. I can’t help too much with full on menus, but one thing that helped a lot with puréed to soft was the ricotta bake. It felt like pizza/lasagna after I was sick of all the sweeter liquids and broths. It feels eternal now, but it will be such a small blip of time before you know it. Much love and wishing you a happy holiday and strength.
  2. Shanna NYC

    My Surgery is Tomorrow!! Dec/13/23

    Thanks for updating us and I'm so glad you are slowly feeling better. For about the first week, I had to sleep on my back and I am a side sleeper. It was such a struggle!!!! I hated it and definitely woke up several times a night. Whenever I wanted to try to side sleep, the weight of my belly pulling down where the stitches were was not fun. However around my second week or so, I was able to sleep on my sides with just gentle maneuvering. I also used a C pillow which helped with support. And before I knew it, I was able to sleep as I had before. It might take a little longer for the stomach sleeping more so because the inside stitches will take longer to heal and it might not feel comfortable, but side sleeping should be closer around the bend.
  3. That definitely doesn't sound normal. I would definitely consult your bariatric team or PCP.
  4. Shanna NYC

    My Surgery is Tomorrow!! Dec/13/23

    So excited for you. Here's to a safe and quick procedure and a speedy recovery. You got this! And we are here for all the things. 😁
  5. Shanna NYC


    These are street taco size so perfect bypass size lol. 25 cals for 1 - 7g carbs but 7g fiber so it equals 0 net carbs. They have them in whole wheat version as well as a sundried tomato version. In due time, your food palette will expand again. It’s just a matter of portions and balance. I’ve definitely had a maduro and a mini pastelito, but they aren’t things I have often or have in the house.
  6. Shanna NYC


    I too am Puerto Rican so I understand the attachment to rice. I am 8 months post-op. I personally have had rice on a few occasions. It does not cause me any discomfort, but I haven't had it in any large amounts. I had about a tablespoon of arroz con gandules and a tablespoon of stuffing for Thanksgiving. I still follow protocol of concentrating on protein first and foremost and then veg and carbs. A small taste is fine once in awhile especially for the holidays or special occasion as long as it's not a bigger trigger for you to keep going. Even before surgery, I was used to substituting cauli rice for reg rice. It took me a long time to try bread again and when I did it was a keto bread just one slice. It sits fine, but i don't eat it often at all. I prefer a mini zero carb tortilla when the mood strikes. A pack of 12 tortillas can last me a month and I've yet to go through more than 3 slices of bread from the entire loaf. Some plans can differ, some people's preferences will differ, and sometimes your tummy chooses for you as things won't sit well. I like to live in the middle ground, where I follow my plan the greater majority of the time, but don't demonize any food. I make the choice to choose foods better for me - leaner proteins, veggies, hearts of palm pasta, little to no sugar added foods, high protein low carb snacks. Fortunately now there are many more healthier options so you don't always have to go without.
  7. Shanna NYC

    Sick of Protein Shakes

    I was always ready for the next phase after the monotony, though I was discharged from the hospital on the pureed stage. I did not have any liquid only phase post-op. I was on yogurt, ricotta (ricotta bake was a lifesaver), pureed soups. The shakes were hard to get down. I couldn't manage 2 a day. Protein water was a good option to change up the flavor and not just the creamy stuff. Half applesauce and half greek yogurt was a decent changeup. When I was first cleared for eggs, I couldn't stomach one scrambled egg. I found the soft boiled egg far easier to tolerate. I don't typically have protein shakes now, but I do still like them as my base for coffee every now and again.
  8. Oh no I'm so sorry to hear that. That is definitely upsetting news. I don't get why they wouldn't make the contact first with a phone call and explain before posting it on MyChart with no further information. I hope you get to find out sooner than later and that there is a revised plan. 🤗
  9. Shanna NYC

    Not losing weight

    Welcome! Plateaus are absolutely normal. Just look through these forums under 3 week stall. It's called the 3 week stall, but can happen at any time and can last anywhere from a week or more. Remember your body is adjusting to all these changes. It definitely can be discouraging, but its so normal and doesn't mean you're doing anything wrong at all. It can be hormones, the body making up for such rapid lost, a good BM etc. Dare I say that most if not all of us have experienced this. Stick to your plan and stay off the scales for a few days. Sometimes the daily weigh in messes with us. Best of luck. You got this.
  10. For the first 30 days I did chewable without iron by Celebrate. I liked that it was a one a day instead of taking multiple of a regular. It was ok for a chewable, but quickly switched to capsules as soon as I could. I was taking the Bariatric Pal ones as they were a good price for the 90 day supply. I did start the Celebrate calcium chews - prefer the mixed fruit flavor over dessert - but again switched up. I really like the BariatricPal Strawberry Twist and the Bariatric Fusion in Fruit Punch and have taken those for several months now. The BariatricPal site offers them at a decent deal if you are buying them all to save and get free shipping, but I order mine on Amazon and have an autoship every few months and it works out a little cheaper for me.
  11. Shanna NYC

    Favorite Ready to Drink Protein Waters

    I haven't really tried too many brands. I really like the Protein2O - Tropical Coconut, Mixed Berry, Wild Cherry, Mango Peach. Nice and cold and they taste just like a refreshing juice with 15gs of protein. I tried Recovery Water and could not take the after taste or the weird mouth feel it left me. Almost cotton mouth like. Those had 20g protein, but were undrinkable for me.
  12. Shanna NYC

    Pre-op Liquid diet

    Congrats on a date! I personally love the Fairlife Nutrition Plan and Core Power shakes in both vanilla and chocolate. Chocolate just tastes like chocolate milk to me and the vanilla tastes like a melted milkshake. I can also tolerate the Quest Vanilla as well. (Premier and I are not friends and wasn't the biggest fan of Pure Protein.) So far not many protein powders I've managed to like. The Quest ones were good in flavor, but did a # on my tummy. For clear stage, the Protein2O protein water in most flavors and nearly any chicken broth. I only had one day prior to surgery for clear liquids and by then I was fine with that and gatorade.
  13. Shanna NYC

    Protein shake recipes

    Have you tried Fairlife milk? It's just ultra filtered milk. I pick mine up at Target. The skim milk is 80 cals for 8ozs and 13g of protein. I will either make my morning coffee with just that and add some collagen for an extra boost or use it to mix my protein powder in for an extra dose of protein. (I typically make coffee protein and use Chike and have currently tried the Javy Instant Coffee Protein.) I can't help too much with protein brands as I'm still looking around for a decent powder. Personally I love the Fairlife Nutrition Plan ready made protein shakes, but they can get difficult to find or pricey. I enjoy them with my coffee either cold or hot. The chocolate one also just makes a great hot chocolate warmed up and 30g of protein.
  14. Shanna NYC

    Numbness in thighs

    So I for sure had this issue, but on just one side - my right side. I had always had some version of numbness/hyper sensitivity on the outer side of my right thigh. I had lost a bunch of weight naturally and it did improve. Then with gaining the weight back I felt it far more when I would stand still for too long. I've always equated it to a pinched nerve. After surgery, I had felt that sensation on 1000 often feeling like electricity running through from hip to knee and would not allow me to sleep well for some time like lightning bolts. I did bring it up to my surgeon and he could only offer that it could very well be due to the length of time spent on your back during surgery could have impinged a nerve. His advice was to just give it a little bit of time, with weight loss it should ease up. If it persisted or got worse to consult my PCP. I gave it time and it started to lessen. I had to find some other ways to lay and stretch for a bit, but the weight loss has definitely taken the load off wherever this nerve is. Hope it improves for you.
  15. Shanna NYC

    How many calories

    400 does seem a bit low to me as well. How much protein are you getting in? Though i know it can be difficult to get in your exact targets, I find that may not be enough to keep up with energy levels and overall nutrition. I'm on avg about 900-1000 calories a day and I'm 7 months out. Typically avg bet 80-90g protein. Some days are a struggle and others are easier. Sometimes I still need a protein shake because I can't eat enough solids.
  16. This was one of my first questions during my consult with my surgeon. Tylenol was always the equivalent of a shot of water and a prayer for any actual pain/headache. He was careful to tell me that it's not exactly a never ever, but rather a rare thing on such a pressing occasion as a headache that doesn't respond to Tylenol. So basically as most said, it just cannot be for any type of chronic pain. It would be that one off headache and watch the dosage. Aspirins and NSAIDS were always rattled off as having the potential to cause stomach issues. I suppose with some of our eating habits pre surgery it wasn't a big deal to regularly pop 800mg at a time. But with our new tummies being so small the risks are higher for ulcers and leaks. Your team should be able to advise as to the best guidance is in dosage and frequency. @Arabesque Maybe some whiskey could make you forget your head hurts, lol.
  17. Shanna NYC

    Soft Food

    I was getting sick of the sweets like yogurt and protein shakes in my initial pureed stage, but I found a few more options once soft food came around. I actually like the Healthy Choice Lentil soup. Eggs were one of my favorites since there's a few ways to make it for variation. Typically one scrambled egg mixed with one tablespoon of cottage cheese so it's not as hard. Or just a soft boiled egg. Tuna packets were another. I would mix with cottage cheese and a tiny bit of light mayo. Adds more protein plus was smooth enough. And one recipe i was excited with since it made me feel like i was having a pasta dish/pizza taste was the Ricotta bake. https://bariatricbits.com/single-serve-baked-ricotta/
  18. Shanna NYC

    TMI Poop Talk

    It took me 5 days from surgery to go. Mostly regular once or twice a day, at most only skip one day. I was good not really experiencing constipation for the first 6 months. Then the literal 6 month mark and it happened twice in about 3 weeks and I nearly died, lol. Not literally, but that's what it felt like. Both times, I wasn't exactly 100% on track (off my eating/drinking routine) and most likely not enough water intake. I am hoping to not repeat that again. I was already taking stool softeners since day 1, but have now added in a green juice, a little extra fiber and some ACV pills.
  19. Shanna NYC

    My Story

    Congrats and thank you for sharing your story! Wishing you much continued success in all ways.
  20. Shanna NYC

    Movement and liquid diet ideas

    Pre-op and post-op I wasn't really on a liquid only diet. I had to do a 12 day pre-op diet - 10 days of 2 protein shakes, 1 for breakfast, 1 for lunch and a dinner of a lean protein and non starchy veg. The 2 days prior was liquids including protein shakes and the last day was clear liquids only. I had broth and protein water mostly. I am not a jello fan so that didn't make my list personally lol. I tried to do Crystal Light, but I don't care for the aftertaste and just stuck with protein water. I also was able to drink sugar free Gatorade. After surgery, I was discharged on the pureed diet. So again shakes and broth or blended soups. The sugar free popsicles do help with a bit of a texture difference. Since you have bone broth you can add some unflavored protein powder to up the protein content. An easier to find on is the Isopure Unflavored. Personally it wasn't a favorite for me, but many many people like it.
  21. Shanna NYC

    Any last suggestions?

    @Arabesque Basically hit it all on the nose. Follow your plan set by your team. Take it easy. You will more than likely not make your goals from jump and that is ok. You can try your best and try to improve one day at a time. Give yourself grace as your body will be healing for some time. RnyBabe is also correct, don't even bother bringing too much. I was in the hospital just over 24 hours from admitting to discharge and really only needed the clothes on my back, phone and charger (aside from ID and medical cards). The hospital will take care of anything else. If you have questions or concerns, advise your medical team first and then the forums are just a sprinkle. Everyone is different, but you got this!
  22. I can't speak on this from personal experience as I went through my own insurance, but a friend of mine did hers several years back on Healthfirst Medicaid. She had to do 6 months of nutritionist meetings however she was already doing those prior to seeking out surgery. So between that and her other health issues (which is why they needed her to drop weight quicker), she was approved pretty quickly. She got the thumbs up that she was a good candidate in May and got her official approval in July and had surgery in September. I think it depends on how quickly you get the required appointments completed which aside from nutritionist meetings could be gastro, pulmonary, cardiologist and for sure psych, pcp and bloodwork.
  23. Stalls are nearly a guarantee at some point. I wouldn't worry too much about it at this stage. Your body is just adjusting. I am currently 6 and a half months post op and had a few stalls last about a week or two and then a loss. I was the same weight for 2 weeks and then lost almost 5lbs, then stayed at that weight for 3 weeks and just lost 4lbs. Different things might affect it - could be as simple as sodium intake or not having a BM or your body just trying to adjust for the changes. Not too much you can really do to break a stall. Your body will move when it's ready. I do not specifically track carbs either, but I typically go by net carbs when I check stats. Honestly protein takes top priority and everything else just falls in line. I do track via Baritastic app so I have an idea about fat and carb intake, but I don't focus on those numbers. I am not of the mindset of all or nothing, so nothing is cut out completely, I just look for the healthiest alternatives and don't have them often because they aren't worth the precious space. A typical day lands around 50 or less net carbs. Let us know if the carb count change up helped for you.
  24. Shanna NYC

    Best way to get protein

    I still do a shake most days, but mainly because I drink Proffees so I figure I might as well get in a good dose of protein in with my coffee - dual purpose. I love meats, tuna, eggs, string cheese, cottage cheese and Oikos yogurt. I also like adding in Catalina Crunch cereals into my yogurt which provides texture with a boost of protein and fiber and no added sugar. Also so far love my Ninja creami. Sometimes I throw in a protein water - Protein2O. Also try to have high protein snacks around when I want a bit of something extra or can't quite stomach a full meal - Quest chips, Quest crackers, Built Bars, Wilde Chicken chips. I don't have them daily, but I like to keep them around to travel with so I always have a healthier option on hand.
  25. Shakes will likely be there for a bit of time. Protein water also helps meeting both liquid and protein goals. It can seem difficult at first, but honestly it's how you work it. I put a tbsp or 2 of cottage cheese into my 1 scrambled egg. Keeps the eggs soft enough and adds additional protein. Unflavored protein to lentil or black bean soups. Ricotta bake. Protein pudding. Depends on your protein goals you are trying to meet. I would only have 1 protein shake a day, the rest came from foods.

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