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Shanna NYC

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Shanna NYC

  1. Congrats on your surgery. I don't have kids so the postpartum part I cannot relate to in that way. But it definitely is a turn upside down. The fatigue and cognition part sounds familiar. Initially it's due to the lack of nutrition since we can only eat/drink so much in the beginning. It slowly starts to get better the more you can get in. That's why the vitamins and protein are important. It does get better.
  2. Shanna NYC

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    Check out Fluscheeitaway on IG. She had the SADI 2 years ago and her husband had it as well a few months back. She also recently started a podcast with her bariatric surgeon so that might be a good source of information. It definitely isn't as common as the sleeve and bypass since it's a bit newer and not all insurances cover it, but I have heard it is slightly easier to go from a sleeve to the SADI since they may not have to resleeve you just reroute the rest.
  3. Shanna NYC


    Please just take a good look at all the info mentioned above to the original poster. Do not get down on yourself or think this is it. The "3 week stall" is a real thing. (and isn't just at week 3) You just lost 25lbs in one month essentially. That's already monumental! How many times in your life have you lost that in a month?? Your body will assess and adjust throughout your process. Also, you started at a much smaller weight than a lot of us around here do so your weightloss may not always fall off in large numbers. Remember we didn't gain the weight overnight and it will not go away overnight despite this great tool we have in our arsenal. Give yourself grace, trust the process, stick with the program, I promise the changes and losses will come in time.
  4. Shanna NYC

    Bari Must haves??

    Some programs can vary with this. Are you speaking of the 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks post? For mine - the 12 Day Pre-Op Diet consisted of 2 protein shakes 1 for Bkfast and 1 for Lunch and dinner was a lean protein and non starchy veg for the first 10 days. In that time I could have essentially any sugar free liquids - tea, black coffee, diet sodas, seltzer water, gatorade zero and even sugar free jello. (was only allowed 1/2 cup of skim milk at this stage).The 11th day was liquids only so protein shake, broth and all liquids above. The 12th day was clear liquids only so I subbed protein water and then broth. I did not have to do a liquid diet post op. I was released from the hospital on the pureed stage. Again every program can vary. I could not have caffeine for the first 30 days. No carbonated beverages either. I liked the Protein2O protein water, but there are other brands. (I could not stand Recovery Water) It was a nice change from the milky stuff. Sugar free popsicles are also a nice treat. Different flavor broths help to mix it up. I am not a fan of jello so that wasn't my thing. Unflavored protein I definitely tried to add to things, but I did not like the taste personally. To each their own as many people find it very helpful. I will say - do not get too attached to any particular protein shake and don't stock up on too many. What you liked prior to surgery you may not like much after. Maybe have on hand some 4 packs of different brands/flavors so that you have handy options while you are healing. Vanilla is easy to mix with other things to switch it up. Personally I love Fairlife Nutrition Plan shakes in vanilla and chocolate (warmed up it's a nice hot chocolate). Fairlife milk is also a good high protein option that you can easily add to make your own shakes. The only thing I might have done differently is make my own broths prior and freeze them. You have more control over the flavors as some packaged broth can be meh.
  5. Shanna NYC

    Are these okay?

    Yeah that's tough to determine as everyone has different programs and/or personal macro goals. It also depends on how often or how many you plan on having and maybe what the rest of your day looks like. It's pretty decent on calories and protein for what it is, the carbs even net are a bit on the high side imo. So it's more so if the carbs matter to you and how you navigate the rest of your day.
  6. Shanna NYC


    Yes it is very normal. Do not get discouraged. Remember your body just went through a major surgery and it will take time to adjust to such rapid weight loss. This is normal throughout the process and won't just be one time. Stalls and small fluctuations are par for the course. You have lost a major amount already and you've just begun. Keep in mind that it's not 5lbs of fat gained. It can be anything from water retention from a little more sodium and/or carbs or not having had a BM or something else. Further in when you're actively working out, it can be muscle gain. Your hormones and internal system are trying to find their place and rebalance. Stick to the program and if you weigh everyday, try not to for awhile if it makes you anxious or gets you down. It will move again. Also if you haven't already, take measurements and pictures. A lot of the changes can happen that are non scale related you'd be surprised.
  7. Shanna NYC

    Latinx sleevers I have a question

    Wepa! Have you already had your surgery? I would first recommend you speak to your team/dietician on specifics. Every program differs in some ways. Also what people can tolerate also differs. I personally had the bypass not the sleeve, but I don't think there is too much difference in the stages. While many programs don't typically give exact calories and carb totals, a lot recommend 50g or under for daily carbs. I would think it may not be the best to try to have plantains in the pureed stage. Your main goal is protein and fluids and plantains are a pretty heavy carb. I would try to hold off to a little later stage when your capacity is a little better. I think I tried maduros around 4 months out, but really just a taste. Gandules might not be a bad option as beans provide a good amount of fiber as well as protein. There definitely will be room to enjoy all the favorite traditional foods down the line, just in far lesser quantities. I can tolerate rice - however I've only had like 2 spoonful's of arroz con gandules at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  8. Shanna NYC


    Congrats on the weightloss and the pregnancy! I have not taken them personally, but they do make prenatal bariatric vitamins. Procare Health which they carry here on bariatric pal. https://store.bariatricpal.com/products/procare-health-bariatric-multivitamin-capsule-prenatal?currency=USD&variant=5189958074405&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google Shopping&stkn=24a7de865f58&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA29auBhBxEiwAnKcSqvHF7gegDH5JR7Hxartz8Q2592gZWW3ALpKpKmUJvttRygoWVzuq3xoCR5AQAvD_BwE
  9. My program has follow-ups with surgeon at 2 weeks, 4 months, 8 months and 1 yr. Then annually after that. I met with dietician more frequently - 2 weeks, 1 month, 8 weeks, then at month 4, 8 and 1 yr. Again at 18 months and then annually going forward.
  10. Shanna NYC

    Coffee on pre-op diet?

    I was allowed coffee during pre-op diet, only black no milk or sugar, up until 24hrs prior to surgery. Then it was no caffeine for 30 days post-op. Decaf was awful to me so I just went without my life juice for a month.
  11. Shanna NYC


    Tracking is a thing that can be polarizing for sure. It's almost like weighing in daily - it's not necessarily a good thing for all people. Some it helps, some it hinders. I, like many here, have been on a weight loss journey long before choosing surgery. When I was ready to be serious back in 2014 I tracked daily on MyFitnessPal. I only had a calorie goal and macros wasn't even on the mind. It for sure helped me in my journey to lose 100lbs and maintain that loss for a few years. I was definitely more consistent with it Monday through Friday, but not overly "religious" with it on weekends. Sometimes you guess a serving or a recipe that's close to one you use - but at least you have a close enough snapshot. Then came 2020, tracking, activity and all that jazz all of it went out the window and by 2022 I gained all my weight back. Then was the serious contemplation of surgery. Now I track via the Baritastic app (which i like, but do not love) and it's honestly more about protein and fiber tracking and reminders for vitamins throughout the day. I've never been overly anxious about writing down every last bite and morsel or if the calories were more one day over the next. However it can help to provide insight if you feel like maybe you stalled and try to lower or raise carbs to help it budge. Or that it can help track activity along with intake. The numbers might help the big picture and to reflect back. Some track for a period of time and then step back when there's a good grasp of macro counts by reflex and it becomes second nature. But once I think it starts getting obsessive or causes anxiety or to villainize foods, then maybe tracking in that manner is not for you.
  12. Shanna NYC

    IT'S MY TURN !

    This ricotta bake is great during the pureed stage. Definitely gives pizza ish vibes. https://bariatricbits.com/single-serve-baked-ricotta/
  13. Shanna NYC

    Liquid Diet Questions

    So interesting as they only required you to be on it for only 1 day. Every program varies so much as you can plainly see from everyone's responses. I had to do a 12 day preop diet. The first 10 days I could do 2 protein shakes and 1 lean protein and non starchy veg. Black coffee, tea, sugar free beverages all ok. A snack of low sugar fruits - berries mainly - was allowed. The 11th day was liquids only, but could include protein shake, sugar free jello, sugar free sodas, gatorade, broth. The last day was clear liquids only so no dairy at all (i did protein water and broth). 8 hours prior to surgery, I was to drink 16 oz of regular sugar Gatorade - as it was supposed to assist in recovery. 🤷‍♀️ The main point typically of this diet is to shrink your liver to make it easier to move to get to your stomach. I'm kind of shocked by the lack of details provided from your medical team. I had to do a whole Zoom meeting with the dietician and other patients having surgery done in the same window of time to discuss the entire pre and post op plan including the specific diet guidelines.
  14. It does apply to snacks as well, however for myself personally, I don't have to withhold liquid prior to eating or snacking and depending on what volume I'm eating, I don't wait the full 30 mins after. 15-20 mins suffices for light snacks. I will wait the 30 after a meal. I'm not suggesting this for anyone -consult your team and listen to your body- but like all things not every rule is going to be 100% hard and fast for a 100% of people. Same way I am with carbonation and straws. I can't always handle a full seltzer bubble, but some fizzy energy drinks do not bother me. Drinking with a straw also keeps me hydrated. I did not implement any of these until after I felt fully healed and I started slow, testing out what each felt like. That being said, yeah start drinking water from the moment you wake up to the moment you close your eyes at night. Walk around with your water so you can sip throughout the whole day.
  15. From what I gathered, most programs don't really give you a set calorie goal or exact amount of carbs and fat. Mine gave me a protein goal 80-100g and to concentrate on hydration and vitamins. Typically because of restriction, by the time you work around getting to the protein goal, carbs and fats work themselves out. That being said, I am 9 months out and typically have around 1000 cals a day, 80g protein avg, and 50g or less of carbs just because that's how it works out. I don't pay too much mind to fats. Your loss is great and your rate of continuous loss of 1-2lbs a week is great. It definitely slows down as you lose and your body adjusts. Stalls are also common and don't last forever. It took me a month to lose 3lbs and then I lost 3lbs in a week after. It's just part of the process. Every body is different and even your own body will behave differently at different stages.
  16. I'm obviously not a professional and can only speak on my experience as a bypass patient - I have not experienced vomiting or dumping syndrome and I'm a little over 9 months post-op. Even when meeting with my surgeon and he asked me what I was considering and why - before providing his own assessment - I said bypass as sleeve wasn't enough and SADI is too much - and he agreed. I have only experienced occasional mild acid reflux previous to surgery and did not want to put myself in a place to make it worse. My food portions are obviously smaller than prior (that's why we have these procedures), but it is not just a spoon or two at this point. That was only closer out from surgery. I am at about a half cup to a cup depending on density of what I'm consuming and that will still evolve even more further down the line. In my opinion, SADI is better for those who need to lose a lot more and may be diabetic as it is quick to reverse that. It may not be everyone's assessment and you have to choose what is best for you with your doctor's suggestion. I've heard and read it is difficult to revise should the need arise and it's mainly too many fats and/or sugars is what causes the diarrhea. Both require to be on vitamins/supplements for life, but it's even more important with the SADI as there is far more malabsorption. You will know what's best for yourself and your body and I wish you much luck.
  17. Shanna NYC

    Capsule Vitamins?

    I was only required to take chewable vitamins the first month. I quickly switched to capsule multi’s because i couldn’t stand the taste of the chewable. I still take chewable calcium, but that’s because they taste like starburst and the pill form is huge and plentiful. I’ve not had any issues with capsules.
  18. I have the Ninja Creami Breeze 7 in 1.
  19. Stalls are par for the course and do not mean you are doing anything wrong. It is just your body's way of assessing and adjusting. Remember surgery is a shock to the body and with limited capacity, the typical nutrients your body was used to getting is greatly reduced. Do not panic, do not go into overdrive to change too much. Stick with your program, aim for the protein (and fiber) and water goals, take your vitamins and don't obsess too much over the scale. Trust me I know it's much easier said than done, but almost all of us have been there a time or two or more and it is completely normal. As @SomeBigGuy stated weightloss is not a straight line. (There is a whole lengthy thread under 3 week stall - though again it doesn't necessarily only occur at 3 weeks or just once.)
  20. I own the Creami Breeze and I love it. I bought it back in July, granted I haven't used it a ton, but I just made a batch just last night. So far no mechanical issues and this one doesn't seem terribly hard to clean, but yes oh yes it is quite loud. It's only for a few minutes for each spin, but I think it's louder than your average blender. For what it produces though, I'd say it's a fair trade. My first attempt, I used the Vanilla Isopure protein powder mixed with almond milk and sugar free vanilla pudding mix and I was not a fan at all. Yesterday, I used a Fairlife Nutrition Plan Chocolate shake and 1 tbsp of sugar free chocolate pudding mix to make the initial mix. Added a splash of skim fairlife to spin into a creamy consistency and then mixed in melted sugar free chocolate chips to make it more like chocolate flakes throughout. Absolutely delicious. There are a ton of recipes online I would love to try. I really want to make a coffee flavored one next.
  21. Shanna NYC


    I love cheese!!! And honestly it depends on what and when. I keep light string cheese on hand always because it's just easy and doesn't taste all that different. I also will just take an ounce of full fat fresh mozzarella and enjoy it alone or with prosciutto or salami. I do buy reduced fat deli sliced cheese -cheddar, colby jack or swiss. I have part skim shredded mozzarella and a mexican cheese blend typically on hand as well for any number of things. Regular parmesan and 2% cottage cheese is a fridge staple as well. It all depends on what exactly I'm having them with. Feta is also great - never ever buy fat free. It is awful and just a waste by that point. Now if I am out and about, I'm not particular to seek out reduced fat versions, I will enjoy whatever as I'm not eating as much and I concentrate on meat and cheese and veg. Especially if a charcuterie board is involved as it is an easier picking - minus crackers and bread for me. Gouda, havarti, cheddar etc.
  22. I have not had gallbladder removal, however I did have a similar knife stabbing pain after my RNY surgery. It was at about 2.5 weeks post-op. I had to apply pressure as standing/showering etc was so uncomfortable. Definitely that hot sharp knife in my side feeling. It was due to the internal stitch to the muscle and the surgeon/med team told me it was a common pain and that wearing a binder is ok when needed, but not to have it on all day. Thankfully it did pass after about a week.
  23. I just want to say to all on these forums who celebrate - Happy Holidays. To anyone who is currently in pre-op diet stage or immediately after post-op - hang in there. You are troupers and you’ve got this. Big hugs to all.

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