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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by K-Indy

  1. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    I am beginning to think I am insulin resistant. I want to know more about Metformin. Is it working for you? I am at such a loss as to what to do. My weight is stuck. I did not go through surgery to lose this little amount of weight. Somebody help me! I go to see my surgeon on September 14 and want to have something to tell her. I am hypothyroid and been taking Synthroid since 1980. This is really frustrating. With exercise and only eating 3 small meals a day, I should be losing and I am not. I can't get below 206. My weight stays between 206 and 210. My goal is to get to around 155 and I can't seem to get under 200. No sliming incidents lately. I am eating a scrambled egg for breakfast with a strip of bacon. Lunch is a small salad with grilled chicken and low calorie dressing. Dinner is grilled fish or chicken and vegetables. I am drinking between 60 to 80 ounces of water a day. What am I doing wrong? I also have thinning hair in my temples, which may be because of my thyroid issues but also may be because of not eating enough protein. I really want to make it to my goal by next Summer.
  2. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    Hi September 16th Banders! We are really close to our one year anniversary. I went this morning to get my labs drawn. I have my one year appointment on September 14. I really haven't lost much more weight since last time I checked in. I am still over 20 pounds which is pretty frustrating. I would love to be under 200 by my appointment but I'm not sure that will happen. I have three weeks to lose 8 pounds. I would probably have to go on all liquids from now until then and exercise an hour every day to even come close. I have had a few more sliming incidents. It seems like chicken or fish is what does it. I have to be so careful about chewing my food up well and eating slower. I still eat too many calories. I have southern roots and fried food is still my favorite. I have been trying to eat low carb, but then yesterday, we went to Perkins and I ate part of a muffin. I was in my girlfriend's wedding on August 8. My dress was a size 18 and I had to have it taken in. I have been able to buy regular size clothes which is nice, but I also have size 16W and 14W clothes. My biggest issue is my stomach. I was down to a size 12 in 2001 and loved being that size. I would really like to be size 10 and stay there. I start an exercise competition on September 14 and it goes through Thanksgiving. We are on teams and I will have to do 6 hours of cardio and two classes a week to meet my commitment to the team. That translates to a whole lot of exercise. I have been trying to ease into it but last week was a challenge. I have been staying late at work and really don't feel like working out after working ten hours. This week, I am committing myself to doing two classes (Turbo Kick) and doing three hours of cardio. I am going to keep it up. I still have no regrets about having the surgery because I know that I could not have made it to this point without the surgery. I just want to get to my goal and really thought I would be there or close by now. It is my own fault though. For now, I want to be under 190 by Christmas. How is everyone else doing? Terrilyn, I saw your pictures. You are doing great! Keep it up! Stay encouraged! We will do this!
  3. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    I had my third fill yesterday. I finally found out I have a 10cc band. I am filled to 4.5cc's. I lost a total of 1 pound in 6 weeks. I always weigh more at the office because I weigh first thing in the morning at home and my appointment is always at 3:10, plus the clothes. I confessed to the dietician and my doctor that I had been everything under the sun that is fried. Although my portions are the right size, I was eating so much fried food, plus a 20 ounce mocha Cappuccino every day. I have now redeemed myself and tomorrow, once I am on solids again, I am behaving myself. I am tired of weighing over 200. I am looking forward to the day I get on the scale and it says 190 anything. It can say 199, I don't care, just no more 2 at the front. I understand the discouragement. I am there. I have a formal event on April 25. I go back to the doctor on April 13. I am hopeful that I will have enough pounds off to fit in a 16. I went to David's Bridal to try on dresses a couple of weeks ago and size 18 fit me comfortably, even a little loose. I have in mind what I want to wear, but I need to have at least another 10 pounds off. I am exercising like crazy to get those inches off. Stay encouraged. We will complete this journey. K-Indy top/surgery day/current/goal 238/233/210/155
  4. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    Is anyone else struggling to lose weight? I bounce up and down. The largest weight loss I have had is being down 32 pounds. That lasted one day, then my weight went back up. I am now really keeping what I eat in check. I am now at 30 pounds. I go to the doctor on Monday. The last time I went, she said I was on track even though I had lost a little over one pound a week. I just want the weight loss to keep going. Unfortunately for me, I can eat bread. I don't eat it often, but I can do it. From now until Easter, I am staying away from the "white stuff". I have been eating Edamame and a few nuts for Breakfast with a small piece of fruit, Edamame for lunch with a small salad and half an orange and for dinner a small piece of grilled salmon and salad and some sweet potato fries. I hope that I will see a substantial loss by Easter. My goal is to get below 200. I haven't been there since 2003. I really need to see the scale move. I am getting really discouraged. I had that sliming or whatever they call it. I was eating some rotisserie chicken. I kind of knew that I was eating too much and too fast but it was really good. It was also breast meat so it wasn't very moist. I had felt the pain in my chest before when I ate too much and once I burped a few times the feeling went away. This time I was unable to get a good burp up and then I felt like I was going to throw up. Then this slimey, foamy stuff came up. It seemed like a lot. No food ever came up. Once I was done with that, I felt okay. I do not want to experience that feeling again. anyone else ever have that experience? Please check in and let us know how you are doing.
  5. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    Hello Fellow September 16th Banders! What is new? I have had two fills so far. I have lost 27 pounds. I am losing slowly, but I am losing inches. I really thought I would have more weight off by now. My problem is that I can eat anything, The only thing I have not tried is steak. I am really afraid to eat it. I was also told that I should not eat bread because it can get "stuck", but I eat bread with no problem. I have lost 4 inches in my waist and 3 inches in my hips. My clothes are too big for me now. I am working out 3 hours a week minimum and I know that is helping. Right now, I just want to be below 200 pounds. How is everyone else doing? 238/233/211/155 top weight/day of surgery/current/goal
  6. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    Hey September 16 Banders! I just got back from Cancun. My hubby and I celebrated our 25th Anniversary. We had a wonderful time. We did a lot of walking and snorkeling. I ate what I wanted, only small quantities. I tried to eat three meals a day. I got on the scale this morning and I lost 3 pounds while on vacation. I worked out at the health club in the hotel. I was so excited to come back and see I actually lost weight. This new way of eating is really great. I know I am supposed to follow a high protein, low fat diet, but I think I was not getting enough calories in. I am drinking lots of water and sticking to 3 meals a day and the weight is coming off. I was stuck in a plateau for about 4 weeks, so it is a relief to be losing weight again. Even knowing I was losing inches was not much comfort with no pounds dropping off. For a short time, I was a little angry that I had gone through surgery and still could not lose weight. I think my expectation was that I would drop a lot of weight initially and then keep losing every week two pounds or more. That did not happen and even though my doctor told me I was on track, I though I should be losing more. I have my next fill on December 8. I'm not sure if I need one, but I will let my doctor decide. I just want to keep losing. I am in a wedding in August, 2009, so I hope to be at my goal weight by then.
  7. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    I haven't posted in a long time. I have been stuck at the same weight for 4 weeks. I had my first fill on October 27. I got about 2.2 cc. I was on liquids for 36 hours and drank Atkins Advantage shakes and water. I did not have any problems. I am still not feeling full when I eat. I just eat small quantities. I think I probably needed to post. I need your support and need to know that this is not unusual. I am losing inches. My clothes are getting loose on me. But I really need the scale to move. I am working out about 4 to 5 hours per week. I am doing 2 weight training classes in addition to that. Is anyone else having a problem losing pounds?
  8. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    Today I had- B-1/2 cup grits and one cheese stick L-1/2 cup cottage cheese and a sf Jello cup D-3 oz talapia fillet and 1/2 cup spinach and mushrooms In between meals, I drink a lo carb slim fast. Tonight, a sf pudding for a snack, although I am really not supposed to have Snacks. I feel it helps with my Calcium and makes me feel like I'm having a treat. That was after I went out and walked for 45 minutes. Tomorrow, I will be having something more substantial for lunch. A couple of hours after the cottage cheese, I was hungry for the first time since the surgery.
  9. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    I am able to eat anything as long as I chew it up well. I am probably eating more than 2 ounces, but I am probably eating only three per meal I am really careful not to eat between meals and eating only the three meals a day. I get my first fill on 10/27. I lost 13 pounds in two weeks. I was hoping to lose more, but this is good. The key is to keep losing and not regain any of the pounds. Over the years I have lost and gained the same pounds over and over again, usually gaining back even more. Now, I am losing and even though it may be slower than I would like. I just want the numbers to keep going down, even if it is only a pound. I am weighing myself every Tuesday. I am tempted to weigh every day, but I am resisting. high/day of surgery/current/goal 236/233/220/155
  10. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    So part of my problem is I am having some emotional issues. Yesterday, I had several crying jags over nothing. This morning I asked my DH to get me some Calcium wafers and it was something about the way he answered me that caused me to cry. He said okay, didn't give me a hard time, but I just broke out in tears. I immediately took a Lexipro, which was prescribed for me after surgery but I didn't think I would need it. I guess I was wrong. I was at the gas station just now and I pulled over to the side to talk to my sister. She works for one of the auto companies and they are laying off salaried workers today. She did not get laid off but one of her coworkers did. I am not usually a weepy person, but I start getting weepy. It is really weird. I have to get myself together. I can't go back to work feeling like this. My boss, poor guy, probably would not know what to do if we were in the mddle of a conversation and I started crying. I'm having a Protein shake, then I'm going for a walk.
  11. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    I am really struggling today. Yesterday was awful. I just felt yucky all day long. It was hard for me to eat anything. I ended up having some cottage cheese, then around 10pm I had some chicken. I drank Water during the day and choked down part of a Protein drink. I had one Vitamin. I just could not get rid of that yucky feeling. I also went to a Newbie support group. It ended a crummy day. All of the talk was about bypass and what you can eat and when. I asked about the class and was told that the first part of the class was everyone together, then you split up with people who had the same procedure. That did not happen. I know there were at least two other people who had Lap Band, but none of us ever got any helpful information. In fact, the majority of the talk was this man complaining that he should have been able to get his prescriptions before surgery so he could get them through mailorder. I am not sure if I will go back to that group. I almost walked out. I am not sure why they don't have a LapBand support, but I will be asking again. So, today, it's almost noon and I have not have anything to eat yet. I have had water and I am currently trying to get this Protein shake down. I added a scoop of whey protein. It isn't bad, but I don't know how much longer I can take drinking these shakes. Yecccch! I am planning to have a meal as soon as I finish this shake. I go back to work next week, so I really need to get myself together. Is anyone else having trouble getting all the food in? I heard at the support group last night that is common.
  12. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    I think the feeling you had after surgery is perfectly normal. I woke up after surgery thinking the same thing. I had been looking into this surgery for well over a year also and once I actually took all the steps, my approval and surgery was so quick that it made my head spin! Consultation 7/15/08, psych 07/29/08, approval 08/14/08, surgery 09/16/08. I think for me it was the thought of not eating all that stuff that got me in this shape in the first place. food is such a big part of my social life. Every Sunday after church we go to brunch with three other couples. We sit around and talk eat and have a great time. I know now that I can still enjoy Sunday brunch. I will just have to eat differently. I also love to cook. I will still cook all the good stuff I did before. I just have to make sure I cook foods for myself that work for me. I'm sure everyone who has ever made a life changing decision has had second thoughts. When I got on the scale yesterday and was down 10.5 pounds, I knew I did the right thing. high/day of surgery/current/goal 236/233/222.5/155
  13. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    Niecey, You work with a nice group of people. My co-workers are taking bets that I won't come back to work. They have this idea that we are independently wealthy and that I work for hobby. I wish! We are blessed and I was able to stay home for 7 years, but I am quite accustomed to getting a check and I like it. I have made up my mind that I am staying off the scale everyday except Tuesdays. My next doctor's visit is October 27, which is the day after I get back from my girl's weekend and I will probably get my first fill. So far, I am really happy about my weight loss. I am able to get in all my fluids but struggle with getting in the Calcium. I have to have 1000 to 1200 mg a day, which means 5 Citrical petites (that are not small). I got samples of BA calcium tabs that are 400 mg each. I am going to buy some today. 236/233/222.5/155 high/day of surgery/current/goal
  14. I was banded on Sept. 16 and I had my post-op today. My doctor had me off until October 13, which was nice, but so long that I probably really would not want to go back at all. I had her write me a note to return to work on October 1. That way, I have a full two weeks off plus go back to work in middle of the week to ease me into it. I found out today I had a hiatal hernia that was repaired. That was a surprise, but that explains the acid reflux. I feel so much better and had already lost 10 pounds since my surgery. I am so happy I did this. Take your time going back to work. I went to the grocery store today and it really wore me out. I'm glad I have an extra week to get myself together and recover. 236/233/223/155 high/day of surgery/current/goal
  15. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    Hi everyone! I just got back from my first dietician/dr. visit. Everything is going well. I am healing well and this morning I had a scrambled egg with cheese and grits. It was really good! I think I am just sick of cottage cheese. Tonight I am having grilled chicken and broccoli casserole. Actually rotisserie chicken and steamed broccoli in the blender. It should be good, since I haven"t had meat in a week. I am released to drive and exercise although I am to wait two weeks before doing any ad work so that my port won't flip. I'm going back to work October 1. That way, I will have a short week. My STD letter said October 13, so my boss is relieved that I will be back sooner. I'm feeling pretty good today, better every day. I also had a hiatal hernia that she repaired that I did not know I had. I had suffered with acid reflux for several years and now I know why. I am so happy I did this. I am looking forward to moving forward with this. Thanks to all Sept. 16 banders! I am so happy to be part of such a fine group. 236/233/223/155 high/day of surgery/current/goal
  16. I was only telling a few select people who I knew would be helpful to me in this. I told my boss, who in turn told my manager. The day before my surgery she stopped by my desk to talk and I found out she wants to have WLS also. I told one coworker and my HR person. As far as friends, I told some people at church that I was having outpatient surgery, however did not tell them what kind. I told one friend at church who is also considering WLS. Today, my DH went to church and told a friend of his. He went into detail as to the type of surgery I had. I am upset with him because I told the people I wanted to share this with. He said he didn't feel like lying and anyway, I should not be ashamed that I am doing this because it is for health reasons and he told him that. Still didn't help me. His wife is a friend however is not someone I wanted to share this with at this stage. I am planning on telling other people as my weight loss becomes evident. I just don't want people watching and waiting and asking me how much I've lost and on and on. I think that should be my choice. I know I will be successful, but I really don't need anybody keeping tabs on me. So, yes, I was trying keep it a secret for now.:girl_hug: 236/233/225/155 high/surgery date/current/goal
  17. Banded on the 16th, can't stay off the scale. I have lost a total of 11 pounds, 8 since surgery. I will try my best to stay off the scale until tomorrow. Then, I am trying to stick with once a week. It is just so exciting to see the scale moving downward, everytime I go to the bathroom, I hop on the scale. I am really sick of cottage cheese. One of my favorite foods is turning into a non-favorite. On Tuesday, I will start eating soft solids. I am looking forward to that so I can have eggs and fish and chicken. The soreness is much better today. I am trying to stay up all day and not take a nap. I need to keep my energy level up. I had the weirdest dream last night. I was at a buffet and was choosing the right foods. Everytime I put my plate down, it disappeared. I would get a new plate and it would disappear. It was really strange. I never did get to eat anything, All I was trying to eat was grilled chicken and mushrooms and broccoli. I just never could get a plate of food in front of me. What does this mean? Last night, my DH was going to the store and asked if I wanted anything. I told him filet of fish, fries and a sweet tea. He talked about getting me some fries and putting them in the blender. No thank you. I have my first challenge next Saturday. I am going to a picnic. Last year it was catered and they had a variety of foods, including fried whitefish. I figure if I take the breading off, I should be able to eat the fish. I will also eat some veggies. By then, I will be on solids for a few days, so I should do okay. I am hoping to be one of those people who loses 20 pounds the first two weeks. I need to see my weight come off pretty quickly for the first few months. I'm walking and plan to start back at the gym on the treadmill this week. I can't wait to get back to my weight training class. Now, I should really be able to see results. Hope everyone else is doing well!
  18. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    Hey 9/16 Banders! I am feeling much better today. A lot of the swelling is down and although I said I was not getting on the scale until Tuesday, I was on there today and I am now down to 230. I was at 233 day of surgery and 237 the day after surgery. I finally had a BM today, actually 2. I took my first shower today. I had been washing up. It was nice to have warm Water running over me. I am still taking the liquid Vicodin, but haven't had any since about 7 this morning. I will take some tonight so I can get some rest. I need to be totally off by Sunday. My DH goes back to work on Monday and I have my post op on Monday afternoon. I keep hearing about the huge weight loss in the first two weeks. I am looking forward to that. With the little amount I am eating, I have to lose. I am on full liquids until Tuesday, so I've been eating cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, yogurt for my meals. I will be glad to have a scrambled egg with a little cheese and fish and chicken. I'm having a hard time getting the Protein shakes in. The SlimFast ones are 20 protein grams. I found a powder that is 52 grams per shake, so I am having one of those tonight. It has been pretty easy getting the liquids in. I am drinking a lot of water. I have a 8 oz sippy cup so I sip on that. Although I like crystal lite, it's not tasting too good to me right now. This experience so far as been really interesting. It was kind of scary seeing all those incisions on my stomach. It's not like I didn't know they would be there. It was just kind of creepy seeing them and thinking about how those tools were stuck in the holes. When I walked into the OR, the nurse was getting the tools ready. I was trying not to look at them. The incision at my navel is the most painful. It is much better today though since I have less swelling.
  19. I was banded on September 16, spent one night in the hospital, now at home being pampered by my DH. I tried to go without pain meds yesterday, but took some at about 5am and decided I need them for now. My incision at my navel is the one that really hurts but the meds eliminate that pain. I am having a hard time getting everthing in. I will work on that tomorrow. I am eliminating the IV fluids and lost 4 pounds overnight. I was up every hour. Still no BM, but hopefully, that will happen in another day or so. I don't really have an appetite yet. It's kind of weird. I have gotten over that sinking feeling that I had yesterday, questioning what was I thinking? I know I made the right decision. I am excited to see how this whole journey evolves. I have my follow-up visit with my surgeon on Monday. Yesterday, I was up 5 pounds from my pre surgery weight, but I know it is just the extra fluids they pumped into me. I'm still feeling a little tired, taking naps during the day. I am walking, getting in 30 [/url]minutes total today. I go back to work September 29, unless my doctor tells me to stay off longer. Next year this time, I will be at my goal weight. I am looking forward to that.
  20. K-Indy

    September 16th surgeries

    My surgery went well. I got home around 3. I am on clears today nd will try some cottage cheese in the morning. I am felling pretty good, just trying to get rid of the gas. I have been walking a lot and that helps. I was up 5 pounds last night from all the IV Fluid. I see my doctor on Monday. I woke up this morning wondering if I made the right decision. I think it was just post-surgery blues. I'm okay now. I'm on an antidepressent for a month.
  21. I'm getting banded on September 16. I have been very careful about who I tell in advance because I don't want anybody raining on my parade! It took a lot of careful consideration and prayer for me to make this decision and I refuse to let anyone try to turn this into something about them. This is all about me. I went to a plus size store to buy some loose fitting clothes to wear home from the hospital. The saleswoman who has been there for years tried to talk me into buying more stuff because they were having a sale. I told her no and that I was purchasing my last size 20 clothes. She asked me why I said that and I told her I was having LB surgery. She tried to talk me out of it saying she "heard" it was not a good idea and all I had to do was what she did and eat less and exercise. I politely told her that my decision was not up for discussion and it really did not matter what anyone else thought about it. I have made up my mind that I will talk about it when it becomes obvious that I am losing weight if someone asks me. I will not do the Star Jones and pretend that I lost 85 pounds but by eating right and doing Pilates. If I could do this on my own, I would have. I hope to be a positive example of how LB can work to help get me to a healthy weight. I even had a situation where I told a close friend and when I told her what weight I was going down to, she tried to tell me that was too low. She did finally admit that she was envious because even though she is overweight, she only needs to lose about 35 pounds and would not qualify for LB. She has not been able to get control of her weight either. I think her fear is that for the first time, I will be slimmer than her and I don't think she likes that. We will see if our friendship will endure through my weight loss. If she can't be happy for me, then she really is not a true friend. I'm a big girl and I can handle that. I don't expect everyone to be happy for me and that is okay. It is what it is.
  22. I'm on the 16th. Less than a week to go! I am so excited! K-Indy top/current/goal 236/233/155
  23. K-Indy

    This is about my husband

    I have been reading some of the posts and I can definately relate to the things that have been said. When I got married 25 years ago, I was slim. Over the years, I picked up weight. About 8 years ago, I eliminated carbs and started walking and lost 45 pounds. For the first time in a long time, I was slim and feelling really good about myself. My DH asked me if I planned on losing any more weight. He said I looked good as I was and did not need to lose another pound. I was good with my weight at that point and he really benefited from my newfound confidence because our love life heated up like we were newlyweds.:rolleyes2: Over the course of several years, I gained back all of the weight I lost plus about 20 more. I knew my husband loved me no matter what, but I was shocked when I asked him how he liked me better and he said slimmer. It really kind of broke my spirit. I remembered how he thought I was getting too slim. Now, due to health concerns and the fact that I am tired of being overweight, I am getting banded. He is already asking me how slim I want to be. He even said, "you're going to get slim and leave me for another man". That could not be farther from the truth. After 25 years, I am not about to start over. My DH is a very attractive man. He is tall and muscular. I have always felt that we didn't match physically because he was so healthy and I was not. I think he is just feeling insecure. I am trying to help him deal with it because next year this time, I will be sizzling hot! :thumbup: I think that the people we love get so used to us a certain way that they have a hard time handling the change. Don't let his insecurities get you down. Continue to be the same person he fell in love with only with a hot body. Lose the weight for you and let him enjoy the benefits. K. banding 09/16/08 (I can hardly wait!) 236/233/155 high/current/goal
  24. My surgery is on Sept. 16th . I'm getting excited! I am returning to work on Sept. 29th. My doctor gives three weeks off, but I should be okay to return in 2. I sit at a desk all day, so I should be fine.
  25. I am getting my band on September 16! Yeah! My top weight is 236 and I want to lose about 80 pounds. I have sleep apnea and sleep with a CPAP, acid reflux, hypertension and pre-diabetes. My BMI is 36, so I was a candidate and got approved pretty quickly (in 8 days) from the time my doctor sent in my paperwork. I also sent letters from my primary care, GYN and Endocrinologist who stated all my co-morbidities and said Lap Band would be good for me. When I was 170 pounds, I did not have any of the co-morbids that I have now. I want to get to around 155. I am 5'7" tall and I will not be skinny by any means. I chose lap-band as opposed to bypass because of the amount of weight I need to lose and wanted it to be minimally invasive. When I went for my pre-op testing, the woman who did my EKG asked me if I was having a revision surgery because she said I didn't "look" large enough to be having bariatric surgery. I went to a support group and most of the people there were having bypass, so I was one of the "small ones". I have tried exercise and changing my eating habits but I am unable to tune into that full feeling. That is why banding is going to work for me. Speaking for us folks with BMI of 36 to 40 who may not look like we need surgery--we need help too! It will be just as difficult for me to lose 80 pounds as it is for someone to lose 180. I have been unable to lose more than 5 pounds and keep it off. I am so thankful for this surgery which helps people like us who really want to be healthier but can't do it alone. I have tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, LA Weight Loss, SlimFast. You name it and I have tried it. I will be glad for the time when we will not be stigmatized for using surgery to help us to get to a healthy weight. Until then, I will hold my head up high, knowing that I am doing what I need to do to be healthy!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
