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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CarolineLittle

  1. CarolineLittle


    I'm so sorry this happened, let yourself grieve a little but please don't let it over burden you. Each WLS offers the opportunity to change your weight and life enormously. Do the right things and success will follow. Sleeves work for thousands of people. My fingers are crossed that there is no cancer.
  2. CarolineLittle

    May 2023 surgeries

    Fantastic Lindsay! Can really notice the difference! You're really inspiring, it's been clear from the start how committed you are to being successful. I understand the exercise, I'm the same. Strength training is a great idea. I'm going to look into that.
  3. CarolineLittle

    Post Surgery Depression

    Big hugs! I want to say good for you for taking this step at 19! I'm 50 and should have done this in my 30's. A lot of time and opportunities wasted. The week's after surgery are super hard. I promise it gets better, especially as you reintroduce food, even if it is pureed! Please don't stress too much about protein right now. The most important thing it's to stay hydrated. Hitting protein goals is pretty tricky the first 6 weeks imo. It's only in in thr past 2 weeks I'm getting there as my diet becomes more regular and I'm in a routine. I preplan my meals for the week and ensure I have healthy snacks that help me meet my protein goals. I look on Pinterest all the time for inspiration. Use this time to think ahead and get some ideas for the future. You'll get better at being in situations with food. It doesn't bother me. Tonight they got takeaway and I skipped it as I'd preplanned a meal I'm looking forward to. In no time you’ll be able to eat with your family, just smaller portions. It just becomes normal. Hang in there!
  4. CarolineLittle

    May 2023 surgeries

    How are we all going? I'm good, just waiting for my dinner to cook. How is everyone going hitting goals? Water is a struggle still, it's a really cold winter here which doesn't help. Something I really need to improve on. Protein is going much better these days, I'm getting around 60 grams daily. My dietician said 80, that's a bit out of reach atm. Although I have a Ninja Creami on the way and I'll be making very high protein frozen yoghurt, can't wait! Hard to believe we're in the second month of our new lives!
  5. CarolineLittle

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    Oh and definitely be prepared to be constipated! The first month was not fun in that department. You may go 2 weeks without a bowel movement, it's quite common. I'm more regular now but previously I was resorting to stool softeners and even a home enema and suppositories. Suppositories worked best when I was really backed up.
  6. CarolineLittle

    Curious About Post-Op Days

    Waking up I was in moderate pain, had nausea and needed to burp! Meds helped and I was able to get a burp out. I slept most of surgery day, I was extremely tired. Gas pain was never bad for me. Didn't get it often and when I did it was only fleeting. Pain was never bad, meds manage discomfort well. Drinking didn’t hurt, having to take small sips is annoying but it gets easier quickly. I preferred warm liquids so drank a lot of broth. A body pillow helped me side sleep comfortably at home. I was fatigued in the early does and again around 10 days, I slept a lot. Nausea also returned temporarily. Recovery is a bit rough but not terrible. Just part of the process. Best of luck!
  7. CarolineLittle


    Big hugs to all of you struggling. It is hard definitely challenging inI the early days. I sailed through the first week and then liquid fatigue set in at about Day 10 - I couldn't stand the thought of broth or jelly anymore, nausea returned, I was sleeping a lot, I was crying and definitely feeling sorry for myself. As I entered the third week and I could eat things began to improve. Things are pretty good now as I approach 8 weeks out. I still worry about how I'll go long term, if I'll lose what I want to lose etc. I don't overstressed daily goals, I'm doing my best and that's all I can do at this point. Hang in there and be kind to yourself and know that it'll all be worth it in the end.
  8. CarolineLittle


    I hope the coming days treat you kindly! Your pouch is on the smaller side isn't it? And pickles! You can give me all your pickles! I still love them!
  9. CarolineLittle

    May 2023 surgeries

    Search TPN, there's quite a few posts on here.
  10. CarolineLittle

    May 2023 surgeries

    Oh hon, how awful! I'm not sure anyone in our group can help, post it somewhere else on the message board, hopefully other members can help. I've been thinking of you a lot.
  11. I'm allowed to take them, just not regularly. My clinic says to take a reflux tablet at the same time.
  12. CarolineLittle

    Mounjaro side effects

    Sounds like side effects, check out Reddit, tons of posts about it. Hope you feel better soon.
  13. CarolineLittle

    My Gastric Sleeve Journey

    You'll probably continue to lose a crazy amount these first 2 weeks, then you'll probably stall for 2 or so weeks once you reintroduce food. Totally par for the course so don't panic. Drinking also becomes much easier quite quickly for most of us. I can drink pretty much as I did pre surgery now. I also found warmer liquids easier to drink so see how that feels on your tummy if you're still experiencing discomfort. Funny thing is now I prefer ice cold!
  14. CarolineLittle

    My Gastric Sleeve Journey

    I had a similar surgery experience! Was given something by the anaesthetist and was fine for a few minutes, then I'm being woken up in recovery. Don't recall being brought into the operating room. Hope you're recovering well.
  15. CarolineLittle


    The first 2 weeks are really challenging. By day 10 I was crying, some fluids started to repulse me, nausea returned and I just wanted to start eating again. Just be strong and know it's a tiny part of this journey. Try not to sneak food in this time, your tummy is undergoing major healing. Big hugs!
  16. CarolineLittle

    Pre-op liver shrinking diet

    I found it easy too. I love roasted veggies and would sometimes put them on top of a basic salad with a splash of balsamic dressing.
  17. CarolineLittle

    How long is a protein supplement needed

    It's definitely a struggle! I'll plan out my day in MyFitnessPal and it looks great, but the reality is I can't actually eat it all, there's just no room. So I end up having to remove stuff and don't end up meeting my protein goal. I'm managing 50 to 60 grams on average but my dietician wants me on 80. I guess we just have to do the best we can and not be too hard on ourselves, it'sstill early days for us May babies. I can't do shakes but have stocked up on protein bars now.
  18. CarolineLittle

    Cravings am I over eating

    Are you tracking? It's the best tool and makes you accountable, allows you to see where you might need to make changes. Cravings are okay, you can often satisfy them in more healthy ways. I've been using Pinterest for inspiration. And remember that weight fluctuations are normal.
  19. CarolineLittle

    Something crunchy

    That's great Lindsay! I love edamame but have never had toasted ones. I have 4 tins of depodded ones, will have to air fry some.
  20. CarolineLittle

    Something crunchy

    I can't help there being on the other side of the world lol. I'm sure there all good. They're really yum Lindsay! Roasted broad beans are good too, they have a slightly nutty taste.
  21. CarolineLittle

    Something crunchy

    Crackers with protein, dried chickpeas and beans, nuts, pumpkin or other seeds. Air fry thinly sliced veg like carrot, sweet potato, zuchinni, beets to make homemade healthy chips. I plan to do that at some stage and eat with dips like hummus, tzatziki and salsa. Cucumber if allowed?
  22. CarolineLittle

    Too close to the ER today (long post)

    I'm so glad you're okay! It sounds like a fun event! And yes, alcohol is OK, in moderation and at an appropriate stage. Nothing is a no no after surgery. Life is to be enjoyed and that includes a treat occasionally.
  23. CarolineLittle

    May 2023 surgeries

    Thank you Lindsay!
  24. CarolineLittle

    May 2023 surgeries

    I weighed in this morning and am down another 2.3 kilograms (5 pounds). In pounds it puts me under 300. Pretty much a quarter of the way to my first weight loss goal now. Hope everyone's having a great day.

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