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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Erin18

  1. One of the things I've learned over the years is that we need to make life changes that we can live with. If we do things that we hate, we most likely will not stick with them long term and will give up on them and be right back to where we were.

    Now, some people will say they hated to exercise but now love spending 2-4 hours in a gym. My guess is that they only hated it because it was difficult due to being out of shape and overweight.

    I, on the other hand, detested exercise even before I was overweight. As a child, I was not overweight and I detested phys. ed or any type of enforced activity. When my parents sent me out to get some 'fresh air', I'd take a book and curl up under a tree. I find walking (treadmill or outdoors) just for the sake of walking to be boring. Same with working out in a gym. These are activities I could never keep up long term.

    However, I enjoy swimming. I used to enjoy tennis and raquetball even when I was 60 pounds overweight. I swim one day a week now, but am considering getting a membership to our local YMCA so I can swim a couple times a week or more. I'm hoping that once I drop another 35-40 pounds, I'll discover I still like to play raquetball. My husband could use the exercise too.

    Find what you like to do (or what you used to like to do) and then do it. You're more likely to stick to it long term.


    true, you should always do something you love over something you hate. like for me, i LOVE walking and i do a lot of that lately, i go as far as my feet take me (3-6 miles). this weekend i plan on walking from my house to downtown and back, which is probably 6 miles, taking photos of the autumn leaves. I'm doing the zombie walk at the end of the month which is to walk all over downtown, through resturants and bars, just terrorizing the neighborhood (haha). I can't walk on a tredmil, i lose interest. when i walk i need to be walking with someone or im not interested and im scared to walk alone. i also dont want to lose muscle either, but i have workouts froms magazines i can do to build muscle.

  2. thanks people, i know its unrealistic. i wanna try to lose up to 10 pounds by then and 30-35 by the end of the year. i was planning on getting a different outfit for the zombie walk but yeah anyways, i bought a 8 piece pilates set from Walmart which included a 65cm exercise ball, 2 weight balls that i think are 2 pounds each, a pilates workout dvd, a light resistance band, and a medium resistance band and i cant remember what else came with it. i also bought two 5 pound dumbells. so i want to try this tomorrow or thursday if i go to my friend Aaron's house tomorrow. does pilates work?

  3. so inches is what i should worry about more then right? the skirt is Tripp NYC size L which converts to a size 9-11 there's no way in hell ill beable to fit in it but if not i can always buy another skirt from them to the size i need, anyways i could lose up to 6-12 pounds by then? maybe a little more? cause at first dont you usually lose a lil more to begin with? ok wow i'm stressing myself out with this a little too much lol

  4. Hey everyone,

    I was just wondering if its possible and okay to l:rolleyes:ose 30-35 pounds by October 23rd?

    I bought this skirt in XL and it doesn't fit but then again the sizes in this brand (Tripp) run a little small. I've been waiting forever to get this skirt and the sizes only went up to XL.

    Anyways I'm going to be walking home from my Cosmetology class everyday (except for rainy and snowy days) and I could never seem to eat 3 meals a day, or know what I should eat.. seems like I eat 1-2 meals and 1-2 small Snacks, iced tea and water...scaled moved a little bit but not much. I've been going downtown and walking as much as I can (and it's fun)

    But reason why I want to lose weight by this date is because October 23rd is our town's Zombie Walk and i want to look good haha and most of all beable to wear my skirt..

    can someone give me some guidance or something? Thank you :thumbup:

  5. Sweet, have you noticed anything different? i really want P90X!!!!

    Zumba, i know someone who teaches it near me, i had her as a gym teacher back when i was in middle school, it is fun! but i havent done it since we did it in school so maybe ill go to her classes and i think she does it for free

  6. i know this may not be the right place to post this, but most people come here.

    anyways, was wondering if anybody is doing the P90X while being banded? i want to try it and i think it will help. Their diet plan seems good and i think it will help me.

    So, are any of you doing this? where can i get it?

  7. hello,

    i had my gallbladder taken out on july 22nd 2010. i had my band place on july 31st 2009. to me, i say gallbladder hurt more than the band.

    i had swelling but i dont think anything affected the band, everything was fine.

    just when you come out, make sure to get up and walk as much as possible like the band. i dont know how many inscissions your surgeon will be doing but mine did 5 and the painful one was the belly button one. but i thought the band was less painful

  8. also, lately i havent been feeling well

    i do know, skipping meals and stuff isnt going to make you lose weight..i was just having a bad week

    but, i dont know, i think i was scared of something getting stuck or eating too much and i know about serving size.

    i'm not a morning person and i usually dont like eating in the morning so i think the Protein Shake idea for morning would be good. i've had the hamburger and cheese with no bread, and once i got the fill i found out i couldnt have bread unless its toasted. i cant keep up with writting the calories and Protein down everyday

    i'll leave the Protein Shakes for breakfast and snack before i go to bed.

    i dont know, i just feel a little lost in this

  9. ever since i got my first fill (woohoo, total of 6cc's) i haven't been eating much and haven't been hungry much, which is totallly awesome! if i can remember right, ever since the fair came, i started skipping meals, drinking more Water, walking more than i have been...lost 11 pounds before surgery, but i've gained 5 back. ever since the week of my graduation party, mainly since i started seeing someone(july 28th) i'd go throughout the day without eating much, maybe 2 meals a day. when i hear my stomach telling me its hungry, i ignore it and drink water. id say id have 2 meals a day. now that i've gotten into that pattern, i'm affraid to actually have normal meals. i'm afraid to eat more than i should anyways, i want to only have Protein Shakes as meals from GNC, fruit, veggies, and yogurt...also, when can i go swimming? (had gallbladder surgery on July 22nd)i've been banded for a year and i'm nowhere near goal or even half way

  10. got 1st fill on weds since being banded(july 31st 2009)

    i cooked toast this morning cause i was hungry

    hmm well here comes the tight feeling in my chest and a few mins later the slime feeling.. 1. i'm assuming i definitely ate it too fast, yes thats my mistake and 2. its toast

    well i tried getting the feeling out without having it come up, tried patting my chest had my mom pat my back, i walked back and forth, none of those helped, even tried standing up as tall as i could which usually helps NOPE!

    so i leaned over to see if it would help NOPE came up, got the "i feel like i gotta puke" feeling kept trying to avoide puking, but it came up and it was clear slimey with no parts of the toast just milk, the second time it came up it had some cinamon in it, it was so nasty.i still feel like i need to puke but not a PB version but that a productive burp right? how many times do you puke it up when you get it? now i feel a little shakey and a little sick, is that normal?...and my gallbladder pain started before i ate the toast but went away and now that that happened it came back..?

  11. after almost a year out, i finally got my first fill! i saw my surgeon for a consultation on the gallbladder issue and he'll call for the surgery date. it felt so weird!! and it still does.. also he said i had 5cc's in it, um what? i'm pretty sure when i asked the last time i went (november 11th 2009) they said there wasnt any Fluid in it. so i guess i have a total of 6cc's now..it's a 10cc band. oh my god, it finally feels good not feeling like im hungry! hopefully it stays that way for a long time!

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