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Everything posted by longhaul68

  1. I was prescribed 600 mg a day of ursodiol to prevent gallbladder problems beginning today at 3 weeks. Each capsule is 200 mg. If you had similar RX, did you spread out taking throughout the day or take all at once? Just wondering if my pouch can absorb all three capsules at one time. Thank you for any advice on this. I’ll call my nurse today but it often takes them a long time to respond.
  2. longhaul68


    Hi Wendy- I found it important to confide in friends who I knew would see the surgery as an effort to reset my system and not as a vanity project. So, I opened up to three close friends and no family other than my husband and teenage son (whom I sat down and really went through the toughest reasons why with). My parents are gone and I don’t see my siblings very often - easier in that respect. And I also sought out references from friends of closest friends who knew someone who’d had the surgery and talked extensively about the aftermath and any complications. They were exceptionally compassionate and enthusiastic supporters. I really felt ready. The comments from a good friend group came in waves: “you look great”! Then, a bit of concern - “all okay?” Then, “wow, you look like a different person: are you on ozempic?” with a direct desire to know what was up. I told that group together but only after 3 month mark, asking they not share it with others. No one has been negative about it. I had a dear friend say, “look, if there was a surgery that would reset my brain to comprehend things more quickly, I’d do it in a second”. I had to explain it’s not a quick fix but I knew what she meant- getting one’s beast of burden off the mind. Re: Hair loss- timeline was strange - I’ve always had a thick head of hair and thought maybe I’d bypass the intensity of it. Alas, no- it started to really come out heavily in Aug/Sept. I was worried bc it didn’t slow down and had thinned dramatically but now the growth is back - slowed in Dec/Jan and I kept it short all fall. No one especially noticed enough to mention it. Again, all good thoughts to you as you begin this remarkable feat! You’ll feel amazing soon enough but I hope you’re proud of getting to this point!
  3. longhaul68


    Happy surgery month, April-ites! I did mine in April of last year and want to share my encouragement and support, knowing almost one year out (26th) it has been an extraordinary and revelatory experience. There were some bumps and dings throughout the year (Foamies, severe stabbing pains post surgery - they subside! , gallbladder removal, fainting from dehydration, no appetite, strong appetite, hair loss and regrowth, etc). All worth the rollercoaster and 107 lbs down. Happy to answer any questions :) summer had a lot of comments, Fall was the sweet spot of people noticing and me feeling my best. Winter and now spring again- I’m starting to run and be outside a lot more. Really helps to have a 2nd chance at moving well in my body and enjoying real food. All the best to you guys!!
  4. A few months ago I posted about whether it made sense to remove my gallbladder after a scan detected a 2 cm stone. I want having any pain but was warned of the proposition of getting caught in an excruciating situation and landing in ER. Well, I just had it removed last week- quick (comparatively) day surgery without overnight hospitalization. My gastric bypass surgeon performed the removal and I’m basically at home healing. I’m now on day 5 of recovery not taking pain meds. Everything has been pretty good EXCEPT a severe knife-like stabbing pain around one of the incisions. I have my follow up with the doctor in 3 days but walking or standing and moving my arms requires me to sit down after 5 minutes bc the pain is so bad. I wasn’t expecting this so am hoping it’s just the no meds plus incision recovery where doc had to cut through muscle. Any confirmation to comfort my great fear I’ll never be able to walk in comfort again? I was walking with such pleasure up to 8 miles a day sometimes and now I can barely cross my living room without sharp pain. Thanks…
  5. Hi- just wondering if you didn’t experience the infamous 3 week stall, when did it show up? And I’ve read it can last 1-3 weeks. Any variations on that out there?
  6. Hey there. I had a scan of my gallbladder and there is a 2cm stone. I’ve been taking my Urisodol religiously since prescribed so just wonder if anyone who had a gallbladder issue/surgery did so as a preventative measure or bc they experienced the excruciating pain and went straight to the ER? I’m concerned but have not been counseled to have GB removed. The hope is it will slowly dissolve…any ideas or advice on how to address this? Thanks.
  7. Thank you for the advice. I will see my surgeon later this month and talk with him about removal. I think I have flashbacks to my appendix bursting, which was excruciating, so I don’t want to go through that again. Glad to know it can be easier to recover from if it isn’t already in a severe state. Thanks again!
  8. Hey all, Just wanted to get a heads up out to those who are perimenopausal. I’m 54 yo and I’ve lost almost 70 lbs since I started WLS inquiry. At 3 month check up I was in the middle of a very heavy and unexpected period, feeling lightheaded and sluggish though alert. But 3 weeks of heavy period landed me in ER with very low BP and diagnosis of severe anemia. I’m on the slow boat to regaining healthy blood pressure/volume by taking it easy and iron supplements - though no transfusion. The doctor thought the very quick drop in estrogen (stored in fat cells) may have contributed to the heavy period, resulting in blood loss. If anyone has experienced strange periods (I was basically almost at 1 yr mark for not having period) I’d be interested in your story. Thanks much!
  9. longhaul68


    I was about 7 weeks out from RNY and desperate for some raw veg so I tried chopped lettuce with turkey and it wasn’t a problem. I’m now eating small portions of salads: greens, carrots, cukes, tomatoes, peppers but always with a dressing and no more than a cup if that. Plus I eat protein first. I feel I got lucky re: veggies. That said, I get dumping syndrome if I have any sugar that isn’t fruit.
  10. I’m a data nut too! F, 54, 5’7” 24 lbs pre surgery loss (4 months) 253 - surgery day 229. - 1 month (Not quite there yet, still 25 days to go but currently 220)
  11. Hi all, I’m about 7 weeks post RNY surgery and have been getting some sharp shots of pain in certain areas of my body as I’m losing weight. The pain is mostly around the armpits down to the upper breast- burning pain shooting for a few seconds when I lean forward or twist a certain way. Another new place is the back of both arms and now a new place, near my groin. They don’t last long but they reoccur pretty regularly. I’ll definitely talk with my doctor about it but wonder if it’s a result of quick weight loss ( I’m down 50 lbs from my pre-op weight) and if anyone else has experienced something similar. I haven’t started weight training but I’m walking a fiendish amount. Thanks for any thoughts on this…
  12. Thanks- that sounds right, loss of muscle mass. I’ll talk with my doctor.
  13. longhaul68

    Happy with your dietician?

    I am not crazy about the dietitian attached to my hospital team. She seems to be on autopilot and does the bare minimum of inquiry. I am still early- 1 month post op RYN - and losing steadily. However, down the road I think the connection I have with my nutritionist/dietitian should be a positive one. Has anyone gone outside their assigned dietitian and chosen to work with someone else? I feel like there are better more creative, insightful and supportive people out there who are invested in their clients.
  14. I’m 3 weeks post op RNY and am now beyond the period of post op pain etc, feeling physically good. But the mind work has been on-going. A friend asked me what my final straw was given there are injectables out there etc and I had to think about it. I didn’t have a crushing moment- it was more a collective of discomforts and feelings of being on the outside looking in, always. It was not finding clothes that fit, turning down invites bc I felt uncomfortable in my body, never wanting to eat in public (like strolling with an ice cream) for fear I’d be called out- essentially the meanness that I encountered on a daily basis. The scrutiny by me on myself was far more viscous than anything anyone might throw down but I didn’t like the wall I’d built up to protect me from the world. Did you have a moment or was it a slow unfolding that brought you to going forward with surgery? Thanks for your candor and vulnerability on this one ❤️
  15. longhaul68

    April 25th is my RNY date! Buddies?!

    How is my late April surgery cohort faring? I’ve moved into soft foods with some caution but everything is going and staying down. I am trying 3-5 small protein heavy meals a day. Water goals have been harder to meet but the vitamins are ok. I’d forgotten to add B12 supplement until yesterday (!) so just started. My fatigue mid day was bonkers. Hoping the B12 helps. My first surgeon follow up is on Friday, I’m a little data obsessed, measuring and watching scale. Overall feeling more flexible, energetic (mornings) and happy to see the steady loss of 23 lbs since surgery.
  16. A lot of potent medical reasons-makes complete sense. The psychological frustration/angst of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin is what I’m hoping to remember, too, in those years ahead when temptations to let my eating habits loosen a bit.
  17. longhaul68

    Taking Ursodiol for Gallbladder

    Thanks for your input- yeah, I’m on it for 6 months: Reltone. I’m guessing i can spread it out over the morning but I’ve put in a call.
  18. longhaul68

    Manage Sleep Apnea

    I’m 3 weeks post op for RNY and had moderate sleep apnea, using a cpap for 2-3 years. I no longer snore according to my light sleeping husband! It’s really odd but even my nasal breathing and air intake is smooth and silent. I still keep the machine in case but down 40 lbs since pre op diet and the apnea has vanished. What prompted me to remove my head gear one night was my discomfort from surgery and getting up to use the bathroom etc. one night I forgot to put the head gear back on and woke refreshed. I asked my husband if he’d heard me snore and he said no. The second night was an experiment- silent as the snow! - and I’ve not gone back to using it as long as I’m not snoring and waking feeling fresh.
  19. Hi all- I’d love it someone could help me understand what’s going on. I’m 4 days post op from gastric bypass/HH surgery. The instructions I received from the nutritionist and the hospital after visit summary was to begin chewable vitamins and tums the following day of returning home (ie day 3 post op). So, yesterday I took the chewable vitamins they suggest along with thin liquids and pain medication as needed. My wound pain has improved but this morning (day 4 PO) after taking the vitamins and good hydration on day 3 PO, I began to feel uncomfortable in my digestion. I kept away from any protein or drinks that weren’t water but progressively my new pouch started to reject all liquid. It got so uncomfortable that I called the on call doctor concerned about dehydration. The doctor, who was not my surgeon but works alongside my surgeon, said I shouldn’t start the vitamins until 2 weeks PO! I countered with that both pieces of written instructions say to start vitamins immediately and she acknowledged it says that but to not take them and wait for my follow up appt in 3 days. Meanwhile, try to get water down etc - although I’m still rejecting it. My basic questions are: when were you told to start vitamins following GB and have you experienced this severe discomfort early on or at all? Is it possible that I’ve done damage? I’ve read about “foamies” and recognize it as that. I will speak with the on-call doctor again if I can’t get fluids in tonight but it feels careless and easily solvable to correct the instructions. Any thoughts/advice? Thanks so much…
  20. Hi - Could you tell about your hair loss experience after surgery- when/how much/ and when it tapered off? Also, did it all come back eventually? I’ve lost hair in the past after a stressful time and it came back in a few months so wonder if that will be similar. Thanks for your replies!
  21. Wow, thank you for your thoughts! It all makes sense and I guess I’ll address the “one size does not fit all” in their current instruction sheet. But more information on what early vitamin deprivation might do would be helpful. Worse hair loss? Anemia? Bad blood work? I will try to find out. Thanks again!!!
  22. Yes, they recommend Tums 500mg 2-3 times a day. But that might’ve been the culprit :( better now.
  23. Thanks, good to know. I’ve heard so much about keeping nutrients front and center so it made sense the program requests people start vitamins pronto. But my stomach could not tolerate them nor the Tums. Survived my first and hopefully rare regurgitation attack!!!
  24. Hi- yes, it sounds like this is what happened…much better now! Getting water and warm bone broth down. I was so worried I’d rupture the stitches as I was burping up acidic foam ( sorry TMI?) and my body was completely defeated from exhaustion. By bedtime I was taking small sips and just plan to not take vitamins until I talk to the nurse and surgeon on Tuesday. Thank you for your help.
  25. Could you please share your favorite supplements brand for multi vitamins/iron/calcium and why they’ve worked best for you? I need to order some and am confused between chews (like Starbursts?) and liquid (better absorption?) and chewables (chalky?). I care most about proper absorption bc I’m having gastric bypass and want to keep my levels healthy. Thanks all!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
