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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Gabbie-1 last won the day on May 15 2023

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About Gabbie-1

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday July 10

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    Reading, listening to audio books, walking, dancing, bowling
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  1. Lap band surgery 2004, nothing but pain & discomfort, no weight loss. Especially port sight hurt, lots of throwing up. After several attempts for help I started to just “live with it”. Married a wonderful man about 2 years ago, he said No your quality of life is more important. Went to doctors with me and he detailed everything (stuff I didn’t think to mention). I was referred to an excellent gastric surgeon. After tests and imaging, he said “the band needs to be removed and a bypass RNY performed. I was scheduled within a week, no waiting time. Best thing I ever did! The band was cutting into my liver, and other issues. I had a bit of discomfort but no pain meds other than Tylenol. I had this done May 15,2023, I have lost 70 pounds and feel great. Wear a size 4-6 jeans. I hope this helps someone. I think the band is the worst choice!
  2. Gabbie-1

    May 2023 surgeries

    Weighed this morning at 172. Yay looks like I broke the bounce between 177-180. 2 lbs to my 170 goal and 17 lbs to my overall goal of 155
  3. Gabbie-1

    May 2023 surgeries

    I am so sorry Synlee, what a horrible and scary experience. Praying for the doctors to find and fix the problem quickly. We all want you to get better and healthy. Big hugs to you! 🤗
  4. Gabbie-1

    May 2023 surgeries

    Well I keep bouncing between 177 and 180, starting to think I won’t hit 175 goal by August 1. 😩
  5. Got you all beat 72 on 7/10 😁
  6. Gabbie-1

    May 2023 surgeries

    Awesome news congrats. I hit my first goal of 185. On to second goal of 170. Would like to reach it by August 1. I go see my kids August 12
  7. Hey Lipman how goes it? I lose 2-3 lbs a week down 30 lbs since surgery 32 to go Surgery date 5/15 Take care and very proud of you
  8. Hi everyone. Congrats on your surgeries. I had revision from band to bypass 5/15. Still suffer a bit with fatigue. I had drains and the incisions from those are still open and red. Very tender. Sent pictures to nurse. She said just clean them. I just started regular food. Yes things taste different My doc prescribed Celebrex and extra strength Tylenol 4 hours apart and that handled the pain. My body has severe reactions to opioids so I can’t take them. Walking 2-3 miles not every day though and I should Almost 72 yrs old
  9. According to my doctor and nutritionist NO, not enough protein to offset the fat and carbs
  10. I too had a lap band for 18 years no success and many complications. New doc sent me to Bariatric surgeon, many tests, counseling and he said, let’s get the band out and do an RNY bypass. Wonderful doctors here in Temple Tx. Woke sore and in a bit of pain, but not horrible. The constant pain from the band was gone! I feel so much better.
  11. Gabbie-1

    WHAT does religion have to do with me having surgery??????

    I am a Christian and proud of it! Never the less Who are they to judge? Christ does not want Christians to judge others. I had revision band to RNY 5/15. I applaud you for taking this difficult step. Oddly people think you walk in have a quick simple procedure and the weight Miraculously starts melting away. They turn a blind eye to years of struggles, the fight to be approved and the work before and after surgery.
  12. Gabbie-1

    Protein bars on soft foods

    Check this out https://www.bariatricfoodcoach.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Pureed-Diet-Meal-Plan-1.pdf
  13. Lizrios My surgery 5/15 and I am 71. Revision from Band to RNY I am doing good now! Still need a nap daily. Could be I am not walking enough and struggle getting protein in. Overall good though
  14. Gabbie-1

    Protein bars on soft foods

    Find a soft one or look online for a recipe and make your own. You know your body better than anyone else. I have been following you and you’re quite sensible.
  15. Gabbie-1

    May 2023 surgeries

    Do you like ice cream type of deserts? Your fav instant sugar free pudding non fat sugar free Greek yogurt (less sweet use plain, if you want sweetish use vanilla) 2 scoops 30gr protein powder. See which works best. Freeze in popsicles Make your pudding add yogurt and protein powder and blend well

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
