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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Mzdiva53 in What Made You Smile Today?   
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    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in What Made You Smile Today?   
    The newest craze are the Hz frequencies for whatever ails you. 295.8 seems to be the one for burning fat.
    If any of this stuff worked, I don't think any of us would be here on this forum. But what do I know. 🤔

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    BabySpoons got a reaction from Mzdiva53 in What Made You Smile Today?   
  4. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Mzdiva53 in What Made You Smile Today?   
    One week out of gastric bypass surgery, I was a bit down. Tired, sore... so decided to watch something to lift my mood on TV. What normally would make me smile, chuckle or laugh wasn't happening. I thought. Oh no! Have I lost my sense of humor already with all of the hormonal changes happening? Shirley not
    Post whatever makes you happy. I'm sure many here would love to smile with you

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    BabySpoons got a reaction from Mzdiva53 in What Made You Smile Today?   
  6. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Warrioroftherose in What Made You Smile Today?   
  7. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Mzdiva53 in What Made You Smile Today?   
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    BabySpoons got a reaction from Mzdiva53 in What Made You Smile Today?   
  9. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Mzdiva53 in What Made You Smile Today?   
    One week out of gastric bypass surgery, I was a bit down. Tired, sore... so decided to watch something to lift my mood on TV. What normally would make me smile, chuckle or laugh wasn't happening. I thought. Oh no! Have I lost my sense of humor already with all of the hormonal changes happening? Shirley not
    Post whatever makes you happy. I'm sure many here would love to smile with you

  10. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from NettyD in Scared to eat   
    I can relate to that mindset. I used to kid people pre-op that all I had to do was look at food and gain weight. And it was kind of true.
    But now after your WLS and sticking to the doc's plan, you will see the results on the scale. Fears will subside. Mine did.
    GL going forward.
  11. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Specialist: 4-5months stall. Explanations please!!   
    Even if you were gaining muscle weight, you would notice a change in the way your clothes fit.
    When my nutritionist told me to eat carbs pre-op, my Keto mind screamed no. I did it though and lost weight. But I highly limited them. If you are not tracking on an app like Bariastic. you can easily consume way more carbs or calories than what you need. Some people can drink their calories for the day before ever eating any food.
    I would limit those carbs and be mindful of how much you are eating in a day. I know before surgery, I told everyone I didn't eat that much till I started tracking my food intake and was shocked to find out I was overeating.
    Also..not sure what surgery you had but my doc told me of a sleeve patient/friend of hers that did everything right and lost only 30 pounds within the first year. She ended up putting her on Ozempic to help. So there are some people who simply don't respond as well to the surgery based on age, meds etc. But before going that route, I would examine the food intake amounts first. Good luck!!!
  12. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to summerseeker in Te he he, laughing all the way to the scales   
    I have just arrived home from our 14 day holiday. We had it booked pre- covid and the company allowed us to continue postponing the booking until we could go. It was a All inclusive type holiday where you stay in a big resort and everything is at hand which suits us when travelling, my husband needs a wheelchair. We were a little nervous of the airports and flying as it is such a hassle with a wheelchair. It all went quite smoothly except for the times I was stranded with a hubby, wheelchair, two suitcases and two bags and a large handbag. At times it felt like I was the puzzle where you have a river to cross with a bag of grain, a hen and a fox. I wore the bags like a bandolero, pulled the suitcase and pushed the wheelchair with my stomach. Oh the joys of checking in at airports.
    I ate what I wanted, which being me, was always the best fish, seafood, cheeses and a vast amount of serrano/ parma ham. They made their own Cookies and bread so these never got bypassed but in small amounts. I even had butter and ice cream. I drank strong coffee with liqueurs and some long cocktails. Usually one or two a day. A few times I felt really drunk when the bar tenders had made the cocktails stronger than the last. It was not a good feeling but I found something to eat and then the alcohol was absorbed quickly.
    I was a little worried to get on the scales this morning. Pre surgery, I could put almost a stone on in the two weeks [14lbs] a lot of it was Water weight around my swollen ankles. I weighed in at exactly the same and TMI moment, had 8 days of poop inside me. So may even loose weight when the medicine kicks in [ or is it out ? ] So te he he another win win for my bariatric surgery
  13. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from ms.sss in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Eating a hand-picked Tomato. Why is that a NS victory? Because of WLS required pre-op testing, I was told that I never had COPD. I was told to quit digging in the dirt years ago. I quit gardening. Both veggies and flowers. It made me sad but I'm so happy to know now, that I can do it again.
    So, post -op I decided to start small and grow a couple containers of Early Girl tomato plants on my deck. They are so sweet and warm from the sun when I bite into them. So much more satisfying than store bought. Just lovely.
    Also, I'm usually a side sleeper but recently realized I can comfortably lie on my back without feeling like I'm suffocating. I carried most of my excess weight around my abdomen. (the most dangerous kind of fat) It probably didn't help that I also had a hiatal hernia. It was repaired during my gastric bypass.
    With each improvement I notice, I am more thankful for deciding on WLS. If I hadn't gotten it, I never would have known about the hernia or the COPD misdiagnosis. And would probably still be sedentarily sitting on my couch gaining weight and wasting my life away.

  14. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from ms.sss in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Eating a hand-picked Tomato. Why is that a NS victory? Because of WLS required pre-op testing, I was told that I never had COPD. I was told to quit digging in the dirt years ago. I quit gardening. Both veggies and flowers. It made me sad but I'm so happy to know now, that I can do it again.
    So, post -op I decided to start small and grow a couple containers of Early Girl tomato plants on my deck. They are so sweet and warm from the sun when I bite into them. So much more satisfying than store bought. Just lovely.
    Also, I'm usually a side sleeper but recently realized I can comfortably lie on my back without feeling like I'm suffocating. I carried most of my excess weight around my abdomen. (the most dangerous kind of fat) It probably didn't help that I also had a hiatal hernia. It was repaired during my gastric bypass.
    With each improvement I notice, I am more thankful for deciding on WLS. If I hadn't gotten it, I never would have known about the hernia or the COPD misdiagnosis. And would probably still be sedentarily sitting on my couch gaining weight and wasting my life away.

  15. Hugs
    BabySpoons reacted to taylrmarie in Struggling with Post-Surgery Challenges   
    Thank you guys. Today has been a much better day for me. I'm improving in my mood.
  16. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Struggling with Post-Surgery Challenges   
    I like to say that's exactly what I signed up for.
    But knowing at some point it will return helps to get through it. I used to love my Crystal Light drinks but after WLS it was too sweet and plain Water tasted better until about 2 months out. So, tastes do change but usually are only temporary. Metallic taste is usually from your body detoxing. So that's a good thing.
    At 5 months post-op a lot of things are hit and miss for me still but that's OK. I stick with what I know my new tummy can tolerate and slowly introduce new foods as I go. My restriction has really increased as time goes on and my appetite as well. With nerves healing and increase in exercise to blame. LOL
    I do experience days of extreme fatigue too. On some days it literally felt like my bones were aching. But I don't push myself and allow myself to rest when needed. Also, It's really important to make sure you keep up on your daily Vitamins. Especially now, when eating less.
    Don't worry. Enjoyment will return soon enough. And hopefully by then you will be that much closer to all your goals. Good luck!!
  17. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to The Greater Fool in Emotional   
    It may be quite beneficial to talk with a therapist to help you deal with your emotions and learn new coping mechanisms other than food.
    Good luck,
  18. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to LindsayT in Emotional   
    Exercise, keeping busy, talking with someone, and my faith all help me through. I did a lot of work with my therapist years before surgery, but we still meet once a month to check in. Therapy is so important in this process. I'm glad you're getting it set up.
  19. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Lina Klark in Emotional   
    For positive emotions, engaging in sports, especially running, is extremely helpful for me.
  20. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to hills&valleys in Emotional   
    I second @Shazzie2017.....music. if I am down or stressed I start with slow, soulful music gradually increasing the tempo elevating my mood until i feel like dancing in the streets!
  21. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Lily2024 in Emotional   
    Music is my go-to to manage all different kinds of emotions. I have playlists that I have for times when I'm sad and want to sing along and cry it out, angry music when I feel frustrated and want to scream it out, soothing when I'm anxious, etc.
    Some people write it out, walk it out, clean it out, talk it out.....
  22. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Nepenthe44 in Emotional   
    I lift heavy things.
    The more upset I am, the heavier the things.
    It's nice to make a lot of noise while doing it too, worth seeking out a place where that's acceptable.
  23. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from ms.sss in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Eating a hand-picked Tomato. Why is that a NS victory? Because of WLS required pre-op testing, I was told that I never had COPD. I was told to quit digging in the dirt years ago. I quit gardening. Both veggies and flowers. It made me sad but I'm so happy to know now, that I can do it again.
    So, post -op I decided to start small and grow a couple containers of Early Girl tomato plants on my deck. They are so sweet and warm from the sun when I bite into them. So much more satisfying than store bought. Just lovely.
    Also, I'm usually a side sleeper but recently realized I can comfortably lie on my back without feeling like I'm suffocating. I carried most of my excess weight around my abdomen. (the most dangerous kind of fat) It probably didn't help that I also had a hiatal hernia. It was repaired during my gastric bypass.
    With each improvement I notice, I am more thankful for deciding on WLS. If I hadn't gotten it, I never would have known about the hernia or the COPD misdiagnosis. And would probably still be sedentarily sitting on my couch gaining weight and wasting my life away.

  24. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in Calf Pain   
    This may sound weird but try drinking some dill Pickle Juice. I'm told it works almost immediately to stop leg cramps. More than likely you have an electrolyte imbalance.
    Vitamin B or a Vitamin D deficiency or a lack of minerals (e.g., Calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorous) can be leg cramp drivers. So hopefully you are keeping up on your daily Vitamins and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Good luck!!
  25. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from GreenTealael in What Made You Smile Today?   
    "My poop is dark brown and I am wondering if I should be worried.
    I am still on liquids. I am mostly doing chocolate Protein Shakes, is this normal?"
    READING... ^^THIS^^ 🤣

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
