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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    BabySpoons reacted to Nepenthe44 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Update: no more nice squeezing sensation. They're so loose that I don't even have to unzip them to get them on or off.
  2. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to pintsizedmallrat in Olive Oil and butter   
    Avocado oil is probably the best choice health-wise for high heat cooking. It has a very high smoke point.
  3. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from NP_WIP in Specialist: 4-5months stall. Explanations please!!   
    Even if you were gaining muscle weight, you would notice a change in the way your clothes fit.
    When my nutritionist told me to eat carbs pre-op, my Keto mind screamed no. I did it though and lost weight. But I highly limited them. If you are not tracking on an app like Bariastic. you can easily consume way more carbs or calories than what you need. Some people can drink their calories for the day before ever eating any food.
    I would limit those carbs and be mindful of how much you are eating in a day. I know before surgery, I told everyone I didn't eat that much till I started tracking my food intake and was shocked to find out I was overeating.
    Also..not sure what surgery you had but my doc told me of a sleeve patient/friend of hers that did everything right and lost only 30 pounds within the first year. She ended up putting her on Ozempic to help. So there are some people who simply don't respond as well to the surgery based on age, meds etc. But before going that route, I would examine the food intake amounts first. Good luck!!!
  4. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from kmac1 in “YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!!!”   
    What a great accomplishment following WLS. Very inspiring!! Way to go!!
  5. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to BeanitoDiego in Is it normal?   
    Wiser minds than me have mentioned that the dark diarrhea is from old blood that is still getting purged from your system. I think that if you don't feel comfortable having pureed foods, you don't have to eat them. I consumed broth fortified with scoops of collagen for the first two weeks after surgery.
    And definitely contact your bariatric provider if the color changes or pain gets any worse. I'm sure some of the forum legends will chime in to help support you, too.
  6. Congrats!
    BabySpoons reacted to kmac1 in “YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!!!”   
    Who knew 3 years ago that on September 24, 2023, I’d be crossing the finish line after 12 hours, 33 minutes and 38 seconds of hard work in the Chattanooga Ironman! Since February 5, 2021 I have stayed focused, followed the plan, and worked hard to lose a 160lbs. And those decisions are got me here!

    I share this not to brag or seek attention, but to show others who have questions or doubts of what is possible! If you have or are considering proceeding with bariatric surgery, go into it with the decision and desire to live life differently moving forward! The old way doesn’t work for us wired the way we are! You have to want to do better and be better for this to work! The surgery is a tool for change! It’s going to be difficult, you’re going to face temptation, you’re going to tip toe back in the old life… but discipline, consistency and effort is the way forward! You deserve it! But you also deserve to give your self grace when mistakes are made along the way! But know that one poor choice doesn’t define your path forward, it’s just about trying to make a better decision the next time. Ok, off my soapbox…

    Good luck everyone and keep fighting the good fight!
  7. Congrats!
    BabySpoons reacted to Fred in Pa in Answered prayer.....GOAL!   
    One year ago today, at 2:00pm, I had my initial phone interview from my bariatric program. I had enough and took the step.
    I was always dead-set against surgery and prayed daily for God to help me. I awoke one day at peace on the surgery and made the call. I weighed 329lbs.
    ONE. YEAR. TO. THE. DAY I wake to this blessing! 199.8 on the scale.

    God works in mysterious ways but, in this case, no mystery...just Gods Grace!
    Oct 1 will be 7 months to the day of my surgery

  8. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to pintsizedmallrat in Olive Oil and butter   
    I use both in limited amounts, but I still use them. The only cooking oils I use are olive oil, avocado oil, and a blend of grass-fed butter and olive oil. I bought an oil bottle that you squeeze out a specific portion so I can easily monitor how much I'm using as I'm cooking instead of having to mess with a measuring spoon.
    It looks like this. It's very convenient. https://www.amazon.com/KITLAB-Dispenser-Sprayer-Refillable-Measuring/dp/B0BTSJPV9N/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?crid=8SYM6O2A1LBX&keywords=measuring+oil+bottle&qid=1695756449&sprefix=measuing+oil+bottle%2Caps%2C97&sr=8-4-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  9. Congrats!
    BabySpoons reacted to HMol84 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I’ve been worried these past few weeks, since I went on a work trip and felt I messed up with my eating plans. I honestly think I have hit a stall because of this. I’m not seeing or feeling any changes in the way my clothes fit.
    I just had my yearly OB check up, and for the first time in over 20 years... there weren’t any cysts on my ovaries!!! I have been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) since I was about 17-18, when I was still a healthy weight. It’s something that wouldn’t go away with diets, medicine, or anything else. NOW, 8 months after my WLS, still weighing about 50 lbs (23Kgs) more than I did as a teenager, I’m PCOS-free, with no meds!!!
    And chatting about it with my medical team, they reminded me that the changes are not only on the scale.. but the overall improvement of our health. And not to let a little bump on the way (trip) or a stall to negate all the progress that I’ve made.
  10. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Eating out for the first time   
    During soft food phase (3 weeks) I had egg drop Soup from a Chinese restaurant and it tasted lovely. At regular food phase (5 weeks) I ordered from same place, Beef and Broccoli. Was great first time. Second time the broccoli didn't go well. No rice of course.
  11. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from MsTeeTee in Reheating food   
    I can reheat lean ground beef no problems. But steak..... that's a big NO. chicken too. If it's rubbery at all..nope.
    No matter how much I chew it, it seems to go down better if the meat is shredded and in some kind of sauce. Texture is a big factor for me to determine if it's going to stay down. At 5 months out, I seem to handle most foods better now.
    Reheating everything else has been just fine. But I did read on a few Bariatric websites, somewhere while researching surgery pre-op, to avoid reheating food in a microwave. I told my nutritionist what I read, and she also said like people here, that she'd never heard that before. But that info is out there, somewhere. I just don't remember where.

  12. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from gadgetgirl68 in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    I went to see my GP this week to get some testing done. I actually looked forward to going, knowing things would to be better than the last time I saw her pre-op. She along with everyone in the office flipped out when they saw me. I'm down over 80 pounds in 5 months. The nurse said I lost a small person. LOL
    I could fit comfortably in the chair when they drew my blood. You know that little table that folds down in from of you? I had room to spare. She asked if I was having fun buying new clothes. I told her yes. I love thrifting and now able to get around to do it.
    The head nurse had to come in and take a gander at me. She called me yesterday and told me my bloodwork results were amazing. Everything is in normal range now. I am no longer pre-diabetic. Even my liver and kidney functions are normal. Those things scared me the most and my main reason to get the Gastric Bypass. Don't ever let anyone tell you those things aren't reversable.
    My GP said she can't believe my numbers. Told me all her sleeve patients don't have these kinds of results in a year, even after prescribing them Ozempic. She sees patients from a local surgeon who only does the sleeve with no follow up support. I'm guessing most of those people aren't following any protocol because I see the good results on here, every day, of sleevers' success stories. I love reading them.
    I went out of town to get my bypass in April that thankfully has a great Bariatric support team. I go back to see them for my 6-month checkup Oct 11. They did a Vitamin panel on me last time and all was well except my B12 was a bit high but nothing to worry about. And I go back in January for my annual physical with GP. Was told they can hopefully start taking me off my meds. I will be closer to goal weight by then. Something else to look forward to.
  13. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I throw clothes in the dryer to shrink now instead of line drying to prevent it.
  14. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Arabesque in Will you always have *that feeling* while eating?   
    Bad situation...great line. LOL
    At 5 1/2 months post op, I am finding myself getting less nauseated and my tummy tolerating things way better. I can eat more too which is a bit concerning but I'm not experiencing the foamies lately and realizing I haven't had to use my barf bags in a good while.
    I am stalled ATM, which is OK. It's to be expected. I had a good long run without one. The restriction is still there but not as painful if that makes sense. If I don't finish a meal, I set it aside and eat a bit more later. That can get some people in trouble, so I stay mindful of how many calories I consume in a day.
    I hope mine is. I need that reminder to stop. But it definitely gets better to where you can enjoy your meal but know when to put the fork or spoon down.
  15. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Deep6 in Will you always have *that feeling* while eating?   
    I've found different foods to process differently (bypass +hiatal hernia repair, June 6th of this year). My wife made a Bolognese sauce (ground turkey) that went down like it was meant to, and caused no gastro-intestinal distress. @Penguin733, fwiw, I suspect that at 7 weeks, I was just getting into real food.
    I got religion when I got stopped up, and got the "foamies." Talking to surgeon, and folks here, I was told to measure or weigh. I now know better what I can eat, both in terms of volume and nature of the the food. (FWIW, I had a nice small loin lamb chop tonight and et the whole thing!).
    Give yourself some time and also recognize that some foods are harder to digest than others; if you look at the surgical procedure that you underwent, you'll understand that there is a stronger filter in place than before; that can help you lose weight. In my case, it also reduced the amount of gastric acid blowing back up my esophagus, which was the driver for me. I've also lost a massive amount of weight in a short time. I respect what this operation can do.
  16. Thanks
    BabySpoons reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    My B12 was also a bit high on my last bloodwork (I think it was like 1200 or something like that) and they just said to cut back a little but that it was nothing to worry about. Your visit sounds like it went really well!!! Congrats
  17. Thanks
    BabySpoons reacted to catwoman7 in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    High B12 is rarely an issue with people who've had WLS. Mine is always above 1000, and they've never said anything. It went over 2000 once, and they just had me cut back a bit on my supplement. I know a lot of WLS patients who say they feel better when their B12 is around 1000-ish (which is high). They get fatigued when it's lower.
    congrats on your success - you have done great!!
  18. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from gadgetgirl68 in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    I went to see my GP this week to get some testing done. I actually looked forward to going, knowing things would to be better than the last time I saw her pre-op. She along with everyone in the office flipped out when they saw me. I'm down over 80 pounds in 5 months. The nurse said I lost a small person. LOL
    I could fit comfortably in the chair when they drew my blood. You know that little table that folds down in from of you? I had room to spare. She asked if I was having fun buying new clothes. I told her yes. I love thrifting and now able to get around to do it.
    The head nurse had to come in and take a gander at me. She called me yesterday and told me my bloodwork results were amazing. Everything is in normal range now. I am no longer pre-diabetic. Even my liver and kidney functions are normal. Those things scared me the most and my main reason to get the Gastric Bypass. Don't ever let anyone tell you those things aren't reversable.
    My GP said she can't believe my numbers. Told me all her sleeve patients don't have these kinds of results in a year, even after prescribing them Ozempic. She sees patients from a local surgeon who only does the sleeve with no follow up support. I'm guessing most of those people aren't following any protocol because I see the good results on here, every day, of sleevers' success stories. I love reading them.
    I went out of town to get my bypass in April that thankfully has a great Bariatric support team. I go back to see them for my 6-month checkup Oct 11. They did a Vitamin panel on me last time and all was well except my B12 was a bit high but nothing to worry about. And I go back in January for my annual physical with GP. Was told they can hopefully start taking me off my meds. I will be closer to goal weight by then. Something else to look forward to.
  19. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I throw clothes in the dryer to shrink now instead of line drying to prevent it.
  20. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from gadgetgirl68 in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    I went to see my GP this week to get some testing done. I actually looked forward to going, knowing things would to be better than the last time I saw her pre-op. She along with everyone in the office flipped out when they saw me. I'm down over 80 pounds in 5 months. The nurse said I lost a small person. LOL
    I could fit comfortably in the chair when they drew my blood. You know that little table that folds down in from of you? I had room to spare. She asked if I was having fun buying new clothes. I told her yes. I love thrifting and now able to get around to do it.
    The head nurse had to come in and take a gander at me. She called me yesterday and told me my bloodwork results were amazing. Everything is in normal range now. I am no longer pre-diabetic. Even my liver and kidney functions are normal. Those things scared me the most and my main reason to get the Gastric Bypass. Don't ever let anyone tell you those things aren't reversable.
    My GP said she can't believe my numbers. Told me all her sleeve patients don't have these kinds of results in a year, even after prescribing them Ozempic. She sees patients from a local surgeon who only does the sleeve with no follow up support. I'm guessing most of those people aren't following any protocol because I see the good results on here, every day, of sleevers' success stories. I love reading them.
    I went out of town to get my bypass in April that thankfully has a great Bariatric support team. I go back to see them for my 6-month checkup Oct 11. They did a Vitamin panel on me last time and all was well except my B12 was a bit high but nothing to worry about. And I go back in January for my annual physical with GP. Was told they can hopefully start taking me off my meds. I will be closer to goal weight by then. Something else to look forward to.
  21. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from gadgetgirl68 in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    I went to see my GP this week to get some testing done. I actually looked forward to going, knowing things would to be better than the last time I saw her pre-op. She along with everyone in the office flipped out when they saw me. I'm down over 80 pounds in 5 months. The nurse said I lost a small person. LOL
    I could fit comfortably in the chair when they drew my blood. You know that little table that folds down in from of you? I had room to spare. She asked if I was having fun buying new clothes. I told her yes. I love thrifting and now able to get around to do it.
    The head nurse had to come in and take a gander at me. She called me yesterday and told me my bloodwork results were amazing. Everything is in normal range now. I am no longer pre-diabetic. Even my liver and kidney functions are normal. Those things scared me the most and my main reason to get the Gastric Bypass. Don't ever let anyone tell you those things aren't reversable.
    My GP said she can't believe my numbers. Told me all her sleeve patients don't have these kinds of results in a year, even after prescribing them Ozempic. She sees patients from a local surgeon who only does the sleeve with no follow up support. I'm guessing most of those people aren't following any protocol because I see the good results on here, every day, of sleevers' success stories. I love reading them.
    I went out of town to get my bypass in April that thankfully has a great Bariatric support team. I go back to see them for my 6-month checkup Oct 11. They did a Vitamin panel on me last time and all was well except my B12 was a bit high but nothing to worry about. And I go back in January for my annual physical with GP. Was told they can hopefully start taking me off my meds. I will be closer to goal weight by then. Something else to look forward to.
  22. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from gadgetgirl68 in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    I went to see my GP this week to get some testing done. I actually looked forward to going, knowing things would to be better than the last time I saw her pre-op. She along with everyone in the office flipped out when they saw me. I'm down over 80 pounds in 5 months. The nurse said I lost a small person. LOL
    I could fit comfortably in the chair when they drew my blood. You know that little table that folds down in from of you? I had room to spare. She asked if I was having fun buying new clothes. I told her yes. I love thrifting and now able to get around to do it.
    The head nurse had to come in and take a gander at me. She called me yesterday and told me my bloodwork results were amazing. Everything is in normal range now. I am no longer pre-diabetic. Even my liver and kidney functions are normal. Those things scared me the most and my main reason to get the Gastric Bypass. Don't ever let anyone tell you those things aren't reversable.
    My GP said she can't believe my numbers. Told me all her sleeve patients don't have these kinds of results in a year, even after prescribing them Ozempic. She sees patients from a local surgeon who only does the sleeve with no follow up support. I'm guessing most of those people aren't following any protocol because I see the good results on here, every day, of sleevers' success stories. I love reading them.
    I went out of town to get my bypass in April that thankfully has a great Bariatric support team. I go back to see them for my 6-month checkup Oct 11. They did a Vitamin panel on me last time and all was well except my B12 was a bit high but nothing to worry about. And I go back in January for my annual physical with GP. Was told they can hopefully start taking me off my meds. I will be closer to goal weight by then. Something else to look forward to.
  23. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I throw clothes in the dryer to shrink now instead of line drying to prevent it.
  24. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I throw clothes in the dryer to shrink now instead of line drying to prevent it.
  25. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from HeatherE in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I throw clothes in the dryer to shrink now instead of line drying to prevent it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
