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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Arabesque in Anyone else find they're...   
    As I lost weight, my equilibrium was off. Things shift and not only was my balance off, my bones and muscles ached. Between walking and a few adjustments from a chiropractor, it's greatly improved.
    I think it's normal to feel clumsy/klutsy because I sure did. My walking was most obvious. I tripped easily and stumbled over things. Now I purposely walk off road over uneven ground to help strengthen my legs and balance. I still have weight to lose so until I get closer to goal weight, I'm believing it can only get better.
    GL and hope you see improvements as you go too :)
  2. Hugs
    BabySpoons reacted to BlondePatriotInCDA in Anyone else find they're...   
    Hello everyone!
    I was just wondering if its just me or have you experienced being more clumsy/less finger dexterity after surgery I'm 2 months post op. I find I drop things more, fumble with safety seals etc. Is this something others have experienced since surgery or should I be concerned? 🤗🤔
  3. Hugs
    BabySpoons reacted to KathyLev in Anyone else find they're...   
    No more than usual for me. I was and will always be a Klutz. Last month , I had a freak accident with the refrigerator door. Tore my big toenail off while closing it. Stuff like that could only happen to me. LOL You lost alot of weight - our bodies have to readjust to everything . Maybe this is just another adjustment it's making. That's just a guess. If it really starts to bother you , mention it to someone on your team. They can put your mind at ease.
  4. Hugs
    BabySpoons reacted to summerseeker in I’m 2yrs post op and I started sweating profusely now every time I eat!   
    Hello and welcome to the forum. This sounds like it could be dumping syndrome or foamies, I get them mixed up. It usually happens when we eat sugary, rich or fatty foods or just something that does not agree. I have just eaten too much mango and having a full out sweat session. I can not drink and am really thirsty. I will try a antacid lozenge and if that doesn't work I will make myself vomit.
  5. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Bariatric Burr   
    I'm close to losing 100 pounds and still haven't had to layer up or gets the brrrs. But even so, I no longer mop sweat from my face like before. Any amount of movement, even while sitting in an air-conditioned room brought it on and was embarrassing. I always carried handkerchiefs in my purse and acquired a small collection of folding hand fans.
    I don't really look forward to feeling chilled all the time but will pick it any day over the sweats.
  6. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to KathyLev in Bariatric Burr   
    I'm another one who dripped sweat - the back of my hair was always wet. It was so embarrassing . Every pocket I had plus my purse was stuffed with Kleenex and paper towels. Like was said-I'll take being cold over sweating any day.
  7. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to BeanitoDiego in Bariatric Burr   
    My body temp has been lower than normal for as long as I can recall, so I definitely feel that "bariatric brrr" these days. Camping a couple weekends ago saw me wearing 4 and 5 layers. I don't mind being chilly, though. I find that is quite preferable to being sweaty, just like @BabySpoons
  8. Haha
    BabySpoons reacted to jacquelynn22 in What Made You Smile Today?   
    My daughter made me laugh last night.

    She was getting ready for bed while I was watching Downton Abbey (a show placed in 1912)

    She stops to watch and goes “wow that’s in the olden days, right?”
    I said yes!
    She goes “like 1989?”

    . . . I died.
    I said, Noooooooo!! Like 1912

    She said “oh so I was close!?”

    She’s 6
    She’s always good for a laugh!
  9. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from SmoknDudette in Cleared for Exercise 3 weeks post op   
    I started walking day 1 after surgery to prevent blood clots every few hours for 5-10 minutes. I continued on with that until I was up to a mile once a day. Started inside on my treadmill and walking outside for now until it gets too hot. Today at 10AM it was only 70 degrees with a cool breeze so pushed myself to go round the lake a second time for 2 miles total. 😤
    Not bad for someone who was almost completely sedentary pre-op,
    My bariatric team advises nothing harder than walking until 6 weeks after surgery.
    Weeks 2-4 light physical activity. Low impact walking and stretching.
    Weeks 4-8 add cardio activities. Increase walking distance and/or speed. Biking, Water aerobics. Easier on joints. 5xs a week for 30 minutes and build from there.
    Week 6 add strength training twice a week in addition to cardio.
    I have yet to start the strength training. I had a hiatal hernia repair at the time of my RNY so I'm a bit apprehensive to start. But I do look at the weights as I pass thru the room to go sit in the infrared sauna. LOL
    Good luck @Nicnak

  10. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from JLNug in What Made You Smile Today?   
    One week out of gastric bypass surgery, I was a bit down. Tired, sore... so decided to watch something to lift my mood on TV. What normally would make me smile, chuckle or laugh wasn't happening. I thought. Oh no! Have I lost my sense of humor already with all of the hormonal changes happening? Shirley not
    Post whatever makes you happy. I'm sure many here would love to smile with you

  11. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from jacquelynn22 in TMI Poop Talk   
    One week, then once or twice daily after that. I take 2 stool softeners every day on the advice of my doctor. Softener is not a laxative, so your bowels won't become dependent on it. Keeps things moving. I never have Constipation but notice if I don't have my daily movement, my weight stalls.
  12. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Bariatric Burr   
    I'm close to losing 100 pounds and still haven't had to layer up or gets the brrrs. But even so, I no longer mop sweat from my face like before. Any amount of movement, even while sitting in an air-conditioned room brought it on and was embarrassing. I always carried handkerchiefs in my purse and acquired a small collection of folding hand fans.
    I don't really look forward to feeling chilled all the time but will pick it any day over the sweats.
  13. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Bariatric Burr   
    I'm close to losing 100 pounds and still haven't had to layer up or gets the brrrs. But even so, I no longer mop sweat from my face like before. Any amount of movement, even while sitting in an air-conditioned room brought it on and was embarrassing. I always carried handkerchiefs in my purse and acquired a small collection of folding hand fans.
    I don't really look forward to feeling chilled all the time but will pick it any day over the sweats.
  14. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to JLNug in Amazed at what my body can do now   
    That's great! I'm looking forward to (hopefully) not sweating all the time. Any exertion and I'd start sweating.
  15. Congrats!
    BabySpoons reacted to BeanitoDiego in Amazed at what my body can do now   
    I'm a little over two months post-op and I am amazed at the things I can do with my body now. I went on a 4 mile hike yesterday and was not exhausted and in pain afterward. I did not have to huff and puff when going up the small hills. In fact, I have to work harder to get my heart rate up for cardio when I'm in the gym. That is something that I've never experienced in this life.
    There's another sensation that I'm having that is hard to explain... It's like I'm able to move through space with more elegance.
    A third thing that is amazing to me is that my dog can pull me around a bit! I'm not the planted anchor that I once was.
  16. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to JohnVSG in 5 years out! I started a YouTube!   
    Recently had my five year surgery anniversary, and wanted to try to give back in some way, so decided to start a YouTube channel. Just posted my very first video… check it out. Would love any constructive criticism…

  17. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Arabesque in Numbness in legs & stomach...anyone else!?   
    Research Meralgia Paresthetica. I was recently diagnosed with this and had numbness/tingling down both sides of my outer thighs from hip to knee. It's caused from a compressed nerve. Mine from obesity and a lot of sedentary sitting pre-op. My chiropractor is treating it and says my daily walks and exercise have aggravated it. Before it was just a mystery numbness but now there is shooting pain on occasion. Mine is sporadic like yours but is improving as I lose weight, stretch and do prescribed exercises for it.
    Not sure this is what you have but sounds similar.

  18. Congrats!
    BabySpoons reacted to NCL04321 in 6 months post op   
    I will share my 6month post sleeve progress.....I am 54 and 5'1. I was 230 on surgery day, and now weigh 162.5. I have lost a total of 67.5lb. I have lost a total of 54 inches all over plus more, but I didn't start my measurements till 1 month post op. As of yesterday, I have lost 9 inches off my waist, 12 inches off my hips, 7 inches of left thigh, 8 inches off my right thigh, 4 inches off right and 4 inches off left bicep. 1 inch off my neck and 7 inches off my chest. Figures we lose weight in our chest 😭😜. I feel amazing already! I will be honest and say exercise has been at a minimum since the surgery. I know I will have to start exercising regularly for muscle tone, my heart etc. My 6 month bloodwork was awesome and all in the normal zone. Even my Iron was in the normal zone this time. My A1C was 5.3 (it used to be 5.6-5.7). My cholesterol is 180 (which used to be 238 for many years). My knees hurt less, I am no longer on the CPAP machine, and I feel better about myself. I have not had any nightmare incidents relating to weight loss surgery. The only thing I still deal with is Constipation which seems to have gotten a little better with broadening my diet. I average 700-800 calories a day. I consume 60-70g of Protein. I know I do not drink what they recommend in ounces, but I am not far below the liquid requirement. This is one of the best decisions I have made in my life to help myself. Thank you to everyone on here for the great advice and support.
  19. Congrats!
    BabySpoons reacted to BeanitoDiego in 6 months post op   
    Way to go! Thanks for sharing this part of your journey. I hit One-derland last week, and it doesn't seem real to me, either ☺️
  20. Congrats!
    BabySpoons reacted to ahurst521 in 6 months post op   
    This is the first time I’ve made a post on bariatric palsy. I normally just read things but today is really big day for me. I am six months postop. My highest weight was 250 pounds and I was 242 pounds at the day of surgery, as of this morning I am 198 pounds with a total weight loss of 52lbs and 44lbs surgery. I’ve lost 13 inches off my waist 10 inches off of my apron belly 12 inches off my hips and 7 inches off of my bust. I am currently in a women’s extra large down from a 3X I can fit larges now but they’re still a little too tight for my comfort. I have not been this small since I had my first child at 19 I was 150 pounds before I got pregnant with her. This is the smallest I’ve been in 10 years. It feels amazing but it also doesn’t feel real. I keep getting on the scale to double check if I’m imagining things, but it feels really good to come this far and have all the health changes that I’ve had.
  21. Haha
    BabySpoons got a reaction from JLNug in What Made You Smile Today?   
    One week out of gastric bypass surgery, I was a bit down. Tired, sore... so decided to watch something to lift my mood on TV. What normally would make me smile, chuckle or laugh wasn't happening. I thought. Oh no! Have I lost my sense of humor already with all of the hormonal changes happening? Shirley not
    Post whatever makes you happy. I'm sure many here would love to smile with you

  22. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Tomo in Calories at maintenance shock   
    Metabolic Effects of Bariatric Surgery | Clinical Chemistry | Oxford Academic (oup.com)
  23. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Calories at maintenance shock   
    Thank you @NickelChip and @Arabesque . Makes perfect sense and great suggestions.
  24. Congrats!
    BabySpoons reacted to c.ablesharris in Hi, New to the app   
    I have a surgery date 10/18/2023!!
  25. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Tomo in Calories at maintenance shock   
    Metabolic Effects of Bariatric Surgery | Clinical Chemistry | Oxford Academic (oup.com)

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