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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Thanks
    BabySpoons got a reaction from LilaNicole20 in Absolutely hate myself now   
    Whether or not this OP was a troll, I find it interesting to read here or watch (My 600-pound Life) that food addiction is so prevalent in some peoples' lives that they would rather die than live without their huge amounts of favorite unhealthy food.
    Some live in denial when obese. Thinking we will somehow be OK and continue on in that lifestyle. Co-morbidities will eventually catch up. Others simply don't care, with the mindset, " We're all going to die of something someday". Both mindsets are true of most addictive behaviors.
    I think most of us here really tried pre-op. Through endless amounts of diets and/or hours of exercise to finally admit we needed help and did something about it. Hence our lack of regret.
    To misquote an old saying, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.... I say nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Hugs everyone!!
  2. Hugs
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Summermoose in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Eating a hand-picked Tomato. Why is that a NS victory? Because of WLS required pre-op testing, I was told that I never had COPD. I was told to quit digging in the dirt years ago. I quit gardening. Both veggies and flowers. It made me sad but I'm so happy to know now, that I can do it again.
    So, post -op I decided to start small and grow a couple containers of Early Girl tomato plants on my deck. They are so sweet and warm from the sun when I bite into them. So much more satisfying than store bought. Just lovely.
    Also, I'm usually a side sleeper but recently realized I can comfortably lie on my back without feeling like I'm suffocating. I carried most of my excess weight around my abdomen. (the most dangerous kind of fat) It probably didn't help that I also had a hiatal hernia. It was repaired during my gastric bypass.
    With each improvement I notice, I am more thankful for deciding on WLS. If I hadn't gotten it, I never would have known about the hernia or the COPD misdiagnosis. And would probably still be sedentarily sitting on my couch gaining weight and wasting my life away.

  3. Thanks
    BabySpoons got a reaction from LilaNicole20 in Absolutely hate myself now   
    Whether or not this OP was a troll, I find it interesting to read here or watch (My 600-pound Life) that food addiction is so prevalent in some peoples' lives that they would rather die than live without their huge amounts of favorite unhealthy food.
    Some live in denial when obese. Thinking we will somehow be OK and continue on in that lifestyle. Co-morbidities will eventually catch up. Others simply don't care, with the mindset, " We're all going to die of something someday". Both mindsets are true of most addictive behaviors.
    I think most of us here really tried pre-op. Through endless amounts of diets and/or hours of exercise to finally admit we needed help and did something about it. Hence our lack of regret.
    To misquote an old saying, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.... I say nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Hugs everyone!!
  4. Thanks
    BabySpoons got a reaction from LilaNicole20 in Absolutely hate myself now   
    Whether or not this OP was a troll, I find it interesting to read here or watch (My 600-pound Life) that food addiction is so prevalent in some peoples' lives that they would rather die than live without their huge amounts of favorite unhealthy food.
    Some live in denial when obese. Thinking we will somehow be OK and continue on in that lifestyle. Co-morbidities will eventually catch up. Others simply don't care, with the mindset, " We're all going to die of something someday". Both mindsets are true of most addictive behaviors.
    I think most of us here really tried pre-op. Through endless amounts of diets and/or hours of exercise to finally admit we needed help and did something about it. Hence our lack of regret.
    To misquote an old saying, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.... I say nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Hugs everyone!!
  5. Congrats!
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    I went to see my GP this week to get some testing done. I actually looked forward to going, knowing things would to be better than the last time I saw her pre-op. She along with everyone in the office flipped out when they saw me. I'm down over 80 pounds in 5 months. The nurse said I lost a small person. LOL
    I could fit comfortably in the chair when they drew my blood. You know that little table that folds down in from of you? I had room to spare. She asked if I was having fun buying new clothes. I told her yes. I love thrifting and now able to get around to do it.
    The head nurse had to come in and take a gander at me. She called me yesterday and told me my bloodwork results were amazing. Everything is in normal range now. I am no longer pre-diabetic. Even my liver and kidney functions are normal. Those things scared me the most and my main reason to get the Gastric Bypass. Don't ever let anyone tell you those things aren't reversable.
    My GP said she can't believe my numbers. Told me all her sleeve patients don't have these kinds of results in a year, even after prescribing them Ozempic. She sees patients from a local surgeon who only does the sleeve with no follow up support. I'm guessing most of those people aren't following any protocol because I see the good results on here, every day, of sleevers' success stories. I love reading them.
    I went out of town to get my bypass in April that thankfully has a great Bariatric support team. I go back to see them for my 6-month checkup Oct 11. They did a Vitamin panel on me last time and all was well except my B12 was a bit high but nothing to worry about. And I go back in January for my annual physical with GP. Was told they can hopefully start taking me off my meds. I will be closer to goal weight by then. Something else to look forward to.
  6. Haha
    BabySpoons reacted to ms.sss in What Made You Smile Today?   
    that part of my brain is remembering which bars/restaurants offer buck-a-shuck oysters each day of the week.
    oh, and when which bars/restaurants have karaoke nights during the week...
  7. Thanks
    BabySpoons got a reaction from LilaNicole20 in Absolutely hate myself now   
    Whether or not this OP was a troll, I find it interesting to read here or watch (My 600-pound Life) that food addiction is so prevalent in some peoples' lives that they would rather die than live without their huge amounts of favorite unhealthy food.
    Some live in denial when obese. Thinking we will somehow be OK and continue on in that lifestyle. Co-morbidities will eventually catch up. Others simply don't care, with the mindset, " We're all going to die of something someday". Both mindsets are true of most addictive behaviors.
    I think most of us here really tried pre-op. Through endless amounts of diets and/or hours of exercise to finally admit we needed help and did something about it. Hence our lack of regret.
    To misquote an old saying, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.... I say nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Hugs everyone!!
  8. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in How long did you wait to eat raw vegetables?   
    I was always a big fan of veggies which never reflected on my weight sadly enough. But obviously did when it came to testing for coronary artery blockages which is high risk in my family DNA. All clear. I recently had a colonoscopy. Preventative testing at the urging of my doctor. I was worried with my recent RNY surgery in April to do it but was told they only check the lower colon, so it was safe. All clear. Fiber does do a body good. Even had a mammogram. A OK👍
    During my soft food phase I made big pots of vegetable Soup. Very soft veggies went well for me. But I was craving salad. I waited till I was given the green light at 3 months for raw, but it gave me the foamies. I still am cautious when eating them and prefer to avoid till further down the road. I was able to eat fresh tomatoes from the garden eventually but had to spit out the skin at first. Baby carrots are another I have no problem with. Go figure. I think it's the lettuce giving me issues.
    Stir fry is another love of mine but can't do half cooked veggies either. Eventually I will. I would advise waiting OP. Raw veggies are really hard on your healing tummy. Even more so if you try them before you are supposed to. You will find out like me that even after getting the OK, avoiding getting sick trumps the cravings.
    But everyone's different. YMMV. GL
  9. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BlondePatriotInCDA in Anyone else find they're...   
    As I lost weight, my equilibrium was off. Things shift and not only was my balance off, my bones and muscles ached. Between walking and a few adjustments from a chiropractor, it's greatly improved.
    I think it's normal to feel clumsy/klutsy because I sure did. My walking was most obvious. I tripped easily and stumbled over things. Now I purposely walk off road over uneven ground to help strengthen my legs and balance. I still have weight to lose so until I get closer to goal weight, I'm believing it can only get better.
    GL and hope you see improvements as you go too :)
  10. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in How long did you wait to eat raw vegetables?   
    I was always a big fan of veggies which never reflected on my weight sadly enough. But obviously did when it came to testing for coronary artery blockages which is high risk in my family DNA. All clear. I recently had a colonoscopy. Preventative testing at the urging of my doctor. I was worried with my recent RNY surgery in April to do it but was told they only check the lower colon, so it was safe. All clear. Fiber does do a body good. Even had a mammogram. A OK👍
    During my soft food phase I made big pots of vegetable Soup. Very soft veggies went well for me. But I was craving salad. I waited till I was given the green light at 3 months for raw, but it gave me the foamies. I still am cautious when eating them and prefer to avoid till further down the road. I was able to eat fresh tomatoes from the garden eventually but had to spit out the skin at first. Baby carrots are another I have no problem with. Go figure. I think it's the lettuce giving me issues.
    Stir fry is another love of mine but can't do half cooked veggies either. Eventually I will. I would advise waiting OP. Raw veggies are really hard on your healing tummy. Even more so if you try them before you are supposed to. You will find out like me that even after getting the OK, avoiding getting sick trumps the cravings.
    But everyone's different. YMMV. GL
  11. Hugs
    BabySpoons reacted to SpacePossumSupreme in How long did you wait to eat raw vegetables?   
    Hi! So my program says wait 3 months before eating raw veggies. I'm seriously craving some though.

    How long did you wait to eat them? And if you ate them before your doctor approved, how did it go?
  12. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in TMI Poop Talk   
    One week, then once or twice daily after that. I take 2 stool softeners every day on the advice of my doctor. Softener is not a laxative, so your bowels won't become dependent on it. Keeps things moving. I never have Constipation but notice if I don't have my daily movement, my weight stalls.
  13. Thanks
    BabySpoons got a reaction from LilaNicole20 in Absolutely hate myself now   
    Whether or not this OP was a troll, I find it interesting to read here or watch (My 600-pound Life) that food addiction is so prevalent in some peoples' lives that they would rather die than live without their huge amounts of favorite unhealthy food.
    Some live in denial when obese. Thinking we will somehow be OK and continue on in that lifestyle. Co-morbidities will eventually catch up. Others simply don't care, with the mindset, " We're all going to die of something someday". Both mindsets are true of most addictive behaviors.
    I think most of us here really tried pre-op. Through endless amounts of diets and/or hours of exercise to finally admit we needed help and did something about it. Hence our lack of regret.
    To misquote an old saying, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.... I say nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Hugs everyone!!
  14. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Arabesque in Hair loss???   
    I have a thick head of hair. Has always grown fast. Even my nails. I saw no difference after surgery. Still grows fast but started losing strands at around 3 months. Still happening after 6. I was also told taking extra Vitamins doesn't help so there's that.
    I always cut my hair in layers with lots of texturing so no noticeable diff in lengths until.... yesterday. I was in a tattoo parlor with bright florescent lighting, buying some jewelry. Glancing at myself in the mirror I noticed a TON of little short curly frizzies all over the top of my head. UHHHH! And it wasn't even humid out. Haha!
    Oh well.... more smoothing product should suffice

  15. Hugs
    BabySpoons reacted to NCL04321 in Hair loss???   
    Mine comes out in clumps when i wash it! I have a lot of shedding when brushing it also.
  16. Thanks
    BabySpoons got a reaction from LilaNicole20 in Absolutely hate myself now   
    Whether or not this OP was a troll, I find it interesting to read here or watch (My 600-pound Life) that food addiction is so prevalent in some peoples' lives that they would rather die than live without their huge amounts of favorite unhealthy food.
    Some live in denial when obese. Thinking we will somehow be OK and continue on in that lifestyle. Co-morbidities will eventually catch up. Others simply don't care, with the mindset, " We're all going to die of something someday". Both mindsets are true of most addictive behaviors.
    I think most of us here really tried pre-op. Through endless amounts of diets and/or hours of exercise to finally admit we needed help and did something about it. Hence our lack of regret.
    To misquote an old saying, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.... I say nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Hugs everyone!!
  17. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to jb279 in Absolutely hate myself now   
    I know this is kind of an older post, but I wanted to send hugs and hoping that you're feeling better these days ❤️
  18. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to redhead_che in Absolutely hate myself now   
    I’m reading a lot of things that sound like suicidal ideation in your comments. I’m a clinical social worker and should you be serious and not just grieving/processing the new lifestyle you have…
    Suicide hotline: 800-273-8255. Open 24/7
  19. Hugs
    BabySpoons reacted to jb279 in Hair loss???   
    Oof, I'm 3 months post op and my hair just started coming out in clumps I really hope it stops falling out/grows back soon.
  20. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Arabesque in Hair loss???   
    The shock of the surgery & weight loss to your body & the reduced caloric intake accelerates your natural Hair loss cycle. My surgeon told me my body had better things to do with the nutrients I was consuming than grow hair - blunt but true.
    It will pass. How much hair you will lose & how long it will last is different person to person. But you should expect about 3 months +/-. Mine stopped when I was in maintenance so after about 4 months. I lost quite a lot but it’s just about all back now.
    Don’t waste your time taking supposed Hair growth supplements because they won’t stop the loss cause it’s a natural process. Some people say it stopped their loss, but it was probably when the loss would have stopped without taking the supplement. The only thing they may do is make any new growth stronger. Can’t help your existing hair cause it’s already dead. A lot of us cut their hair at this stage so the loss wasn’t as noticeable & the new growth wouldn’t take as long to get to the same length.
    Your new hair is already growing back. It’s just growing at it’s normal rate & not at the accelerated loss rate.
    Best thing to do is make sure you’re meeting your Protein goals & accept it’s happening. You could make it worse if you stress about it. Temporarily losing some hair is a pretty minor price to pay to the amazing achievement of losing weight.
    Good luck.
  21. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Arabesque in Mental health issues n memory issues ater gastric bypass   
    Also your body is releasing a lot of oestrogen in to your blood stream, which was stored in your fat, as you’re losing stirring up lots of emotions & other issues. Also food you may have depended upon for comfort has been taken away from you. This can cause a lot of anxiety &/or depression (grieving what you can’t have or have lost) for some.
    Some find they have to change medications they successfully took before their bypass because they are not being absorbed in the same way. Slow release are one type that are impacted. It may be worth having a conversation with your prescribing doctor.
    Drops in blood sugar after surgery isn’t uncommon & usually improves. Try taking an electrolyte drink with you when undertaking any activity can be helpful.
    All the best.
  22. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to BlondePatriotInCDA in Anyone else find they're...   
    Thank you Arabesque and BabySpoons, what you say makes sense! I'm just finding it annoying at this point silly fingers malfunctioning!
  23. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BlondePatriotInCDA in Anyone else find they're...   
    As I lost weight, my equilibrium was off. Things shift and not only was my balance off, my bones and muscles ached. Between walking and a few adjustments from a chiropractor, it's greatly improved.
    I think it's normal to feel clumsy/klutsy because I sure did. My walking was most obvious. I tripped easily and stumbled over things. Now I purposely walk off road over uneven ground to help strengthen my legs and balance. I still have weight to lose so until I get closer to goal weight, I'm believing it can only get better.
    GL and hope you see improvements as you go too :)
  24. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Arabesque in Anyone else find they're...   
    Oowww @KathyLev. Hope it’s healing or has healed well.
    I wonder if it’s just your body reacclimatising too. We have to learn about our new centre of balance & awareness of our smaller body in the space around us. I mean everything is smaller even our hands & fingers.
    I used to kick my toes on the skirting board under my kitchen cabinets. Took me a while before I realised I used to use my protruding tummy as my sub conscious ‘stop walking you’ve reached the bench’ signal. With my much smaller tummy my toes was reaching the skirting board before my tummy did. Lol!
  25. Congrats!
    BabySpoons reacted to n3turner3 in My Story   
    I have been creeping around here for months and finally decided to create an account and share. First though, I have to give great credit to my wife and family. My wife has been so supportive and flexible through the whole process. She has always been by my side, but during this process she read and learned about the changes, as much or more than I did. She has gone above and beyond with her support and care for me, all while still running a busy household. My kids are a constant reminder of why I did this -- so that I would be around for a long time. I wanted to be able to participate in life with my family. I also have to thank my surgical team and the care they provide. It has been great and truly lifesaving.
    I weighed 514-lbs on 9/12/22. I was a big boy to say the least. Shockingly, I was not in horrible medical condition. I did not take any medicine. Did not have diabetes or high blood pressure. I did have swelling in my legs, constantly sore/bad knees, and was very quick to be out of breath. I lived a very sedimentary live and limited my physical activity. I wanted to be able to be more active and be around with my family for a long time. I finally got up the nerve to discuss with my wife and she immediately got on board.
    I went through the program without an issue. Checked all boxes and completed all steps. Surgery was on 2/28/23 and it went well. I was up and moving that night, because that was one of the biggest hurdles to clear in order to leave. I was able to sip and keep liquid down. Discharged after one night! Incisions were sore, as expected. Gas was the worst, and not the good kind of gas that can clear the room when expelled (yeah, I am a guy), but the awful painful surgical gas, which took almost a week to fully go away. I was basically fully cleared by the doctor and back to work (in a nonphysical job) one week after surgery. My process was textbook, none of the complications that many have experienced, and I am lucky for it!
    This process has not been easy but has not been impossible. I have followed my plan, with the support at home, and it is working. I feel physically so much better. I am so much more mobile and active. I have never been happier. I have made changes to my daily life to support the process. My diet has changed but not radically. I eat a lot less and that is the biggest driver of my weight loss. I walk and am active in live, but I do not have a detailed exercise plan. I am still learning exactly what works for me, but most importantly I want others to know there are many routes to get to the same place. I try to get the big stuff right and not sweat the tiniest of details.
    My blood work at my six-month checkup was solid. Protein was on the low end in the range, but still acceptable. I was encouraged to keep on keeping on (shout out to Joe Dirt). They were comfortable enough to set my next follow up appointment out to one year.
    I was scared and nervous. I have had good days and bad days (constipation is AWFUL)! Most importantly, I wanted to share my story and I hope it can help others in some way. I never wanted to be skinny. I could care less what my BMI is. I wanted to feel better. I wanted to be able to participate in life with my family. And I am! I am no expert and I still have a long way to go, but I am happy and glad I had this surgery. As I have seen here, over and over again, we are all different, so what works for me may not for others, but I still wanted to share, and I hope it might be of some benefit to someone else.
    The non-scale wins are just the best! When I started this process, I was so huge that home scales couldn't hold me, so I would go months without weighing, but I knew good things were happening because of all the non-scale wins. Cherish those!
    This is a long (probably too long) post, so I will wrap. I recently weighed on my home scale (yeah, that's right, it now holds me) and I was at 288-lbs. If anyone has questions or wants more details about my journey, please let me know. I would be happy to share more.

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