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Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Arabesque in Hair loss???   
    Glad to hear that you are not left with that forever. I never had clumps of hair coming out but starting at 3 months I had a pretty good amount left on my comb. And I use a wide tooth comb. Never pull or ripped at it even in the past to avoid split ends. Never a brush since it tends to pull out all my curls.
    Now at almost 8 months out from surgery I notice the Hair loss is finally slowing down. I would suggest some trying a wide tooth comb and combing out from the ends up avoiding tugging hairs out at the scalp with a brush. Also washing too often can strip hair of its natural oils and dries out the scalp.
    Sorry to hear this. Maybe find a good quality Protein Drink that you can stomach during those times you can't eat? I know most say taking extra supplements don't help with WLS hair loss, but in your case It couldn't hurt.
    On the bright side, there are a lot of really good, cute short hairstyles out there. I bet you rock it
  2. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Ready 4slim in Worst compliment   
    It's sad that others can't be happy for another's success. Especially coming from one's own family member. That catty competitive BS always bugged me and still does. I used to work in an all-women's health club and OMG... the things I heard other's saying about one another made me sick.
    I learned early on not to let other's opinions effect or define me. Negative comments are certainly harder to take coming from a loved one but even so..parent or not, they are mentally flawed just like the rest of us. Makes it easier to pass it off or forgive them thinking that way, I guess.
    I remember my Mom saying to me one day while I cared for her after she suffered a stroke... 'What happened to you?" Referring to my weight gain. I was always the fit beautiful one in the family. It hurt me momentarily. She was sharp as a tack up until the end, but the filter was gone. I could have said I quit taking care of myself after I started taking care of you. But I never would have said that to her in a million years. I don't think I even realized that till much later.
    As for good compliments. Most have been you look great...amazing, congrats etc. A recent one was on my curls. Is that natural or...? I smiled and said yes...along with a bit of hair product. Beautiful, she said. I'll admit it was nice to hear. Especially after feeling invisible for so long. Downside is men are starting to take notice of me again. I never missed it since a lot of that felt like sexual harassment to me.
    But nothing really negatives as of yet. Knock on wood. I'm sure I'll be ready for them though if I do. LOL
    Kinda true...

  3. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from BeanitoDiego in Dumping Syndrome   
    I'd like to test that study on Thanksgiving when I eat a piece of pumpkin or pecan pie . Would the butter or crisco in the crust be enough I wonder??? LOL
    More than likely I won't test on that day since I would be too worried of having to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes. I don't dump on fried stuff I found out but I ate a piece of birthday cake once and I lived in the bathroom for the rest of the night. I don't get nauseous or sick, just goes right thru me.
    I know..I know. TMI. But we are talking about dumping so.....
  4. Hugs
    BabySpoons reacted to hills&valleys in Worst compliment   
    "her comment to me was that she was so glad to know I had weight loss surgery because I looked like I was dyeing from cancer cancer lol!"
    Classic example of passive aggressive behavior. I can relate. My mother was obsessive about staying thin. Through my preteen and teen years I would yo-yo between average size to slightly chubby. Within weeks after my youngest child was born, I moved out of state. Two years later I moved back to my hometown. I was thinner than my mother. She would make comments that I was too thin (I wasn't). I was almost 30 and she was in her early 50s. She secretly started abusing diuretics and laxatives to drop pounds in an attempt to be smaller than me. She ended up in the hospital with electrolyte imbalances and deficiencies. Years later, my daughter was battling with about 35 to 40 extra pounds. She asked me to help her with a low carb diet which is how I maintained my weight at 115 to 117 for most of my adult life. She lost the excess weight and I was bragging about my 22 year old daughter's victory to my mother. My 73 year old mother, who was weighing in about140, replied with the most selfish and disgusting comment imaginable...."Great, now I am the only fat one in the family!" I very sharply responded with "That is digusting! Be happy for her. It's her time now."
    Be prepared.....people who once secretly pitied you, emotionally supported you and openly cheered your success may now feel threatened by the change in the dynamic. My mother's self-worth was so closely tied to being the most svelte of any woman in her circle. When I surplanted her claim to fame, my mother felt assaulted. My daughter's weight loss after my mother's gain was the final blow to her ego.
    Because of my mother's sabatoging and competitive nature, I chose not to tell her about my choice to undergo VSG.

  5. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Hope4NewMe in Worst compliment   
    My family has been mostly silent too but I think its because they are unsure what to say. They are afraid that if they say I look great that I might feel that I looked bad before. It seems to be a lot of over thinking but it would be nice to get some normal compliments sometime from people other than my husband. You have made some even more dramatic changes in your life and are amazing! I hope you get the compliments you deserve in your life too. Not that we need compliments, but it's always nice
  6. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to summerseeker in Worst compliment   
    I don't think that I have had this situation but many people have not mentioned my weight loss at all. Its odd because I have totally changed from a disabled person to one who can do anything my heart desires.
  7. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to catwoman7 in Dumping Syndrome   
    good to know! Although fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your perspective), I'm not a dumper.
  8. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to GreenTealael in Dumping Syndrome   
    New research on Dumping Syndrome!
    Researchers found that adding fat to a carbohydrate meal reduced blood glucose rises and intensity of symptoms.
  9. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Sunnyer in Absolutely hate myself now   
    I mean, I kind of hope OP was a troll, because it's terrible if someone was really feeling this bad about their decision to have surgery.

    On occasion I've regretted my surgery, like when I was losing a lot of hair, but overall I'm happy that I've lost 50 pounds. I wish I could lose more, and hopefully I will. I dislike how my neck looks now and I'm dreaming of having a neck lift or even a face lift, but mostly I did this for health.

    I'm positive I would never have lost 50 pounds on my own. I was losing and regaining the same 10 pounds over and over again, and would have just kept doing that. I don't really miss food, since I can eat pretty much anything, just a lot less. Like I'll have a hamburger sometimes, but just 1/4 or half. I kind of like saving on groceries, since I eat less.
  10. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Sunnyer in Hair loss???   
    I did have some Hair loss in the first year after surgery and I had to cut my hair twice because of it. Now, more than a year after gastric sleeve, my hair looks normal again although maybe not quite as thick as before. Even my mom, who is generally pretty critical, said today that my hair looks good.
    So, if you're only a few months from surgery, this will get better.
  11. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from Ashley Amari in Hair loss???   
    That's a lot of Hair loss. Just goes to show how differently our bodies react to major surgery. {{hugs}}
  12. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from ChunkCat in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    I went to see my GP this week to get some testing done. I actually looked forward to going, knowing things would to be better than the last time I saw her pre-op. She along with everyone in the office flipped out when they saw me. I'm down over 80 pounds in 5 months. The nurse said I lost a small person. LOL
    I could fit comfortably in the chair when they drew my blood. You know that little table that folds down in from of you? I had room to spare. She asked if I was having fun buying new clothes. I told her yes. I love thrifting and now able to get around to do it.
    The head nurse had to come in and take a gander at me. She called me yesterday and told me my bloodwork results were amazing. Everything is in normal range now. I am no longer pre-diabetic. Even my liver and kidney functions are normal. Those things scared me the most and my main reason to get the Gastric Bypass. Don't ever let anyone tell you those things aren't reversable.
    My GP said she can't believe my numbers. Told me all her sleeve patients don't have these kinds of results in a year, even after prescribing them Ozempic. She sees patients from a local surgeon who only does the sleeve with no follow up support. I'm guessing most of those people aren't following any protocol because I see the good results on here, every day, of sleevers' success stories. I love reading them.
    I went out of town to get my bypass in April that thankfully has a great Bariatric support team. I go back to see them for my 6-month checkup Oct 11. They did a Vitamin panel on me last time and all was well except my B12 was a bit high but nothing to worry about. And I go back in January for my annual physical with GP. Was told they can hopefully start taking me off my meds. I will be closer to goal weight by then. Something else to look forward to.
  13. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Shark340 in Hello New here!   
    To all,
    Congratulations on getting your dates! I am new here and can't wait to read some of your stories. My surgery is scheduled in Dec.
    So I wish you all quick healing and good luck on all your new journeys!! Love an hugs!
  14. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to BlondePatriotInCDA in Ozempic Face   
    I was wondering why Sharon Osborn looked so bad. I thought it was over doing the plastics. I used to work in a dermatology clinic and saw a lot of ppl who over did the fillers/botox and unfortunately, when they lose weight it shows up (fillers). Thanks for this post..now I know.
  15. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to JFreeman in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Went out to dinner with my parents last night for my dad's birthday. This was the first time since I had my surgery that I had gone to a sit-down restaurant and for the first time in several years I was able to sit comfortably in a booth!
  16. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to hills&valleys in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    It is contradictory to label this a victory. Yesterday I was standing beside the porch (approx. height 24"), a gust of wind blew me over onto the porch. Fortunately I was not injured but was "blown away" with shock at the realization I had lost enough weight that non-gale force winds could knock me over. But a true NSV, I now have my thigh-gap back!
  17. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to Hope4NewMe in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I just bought 2 bikinis! I have never ever worn one and I may still not be brave enough to wear it outside the home but I'm just amazed that I bought any. I bought them so that I could take before and after Tummy Tuck pictures. I don't know what size to buy so I bought 2 different sizes lol. It's just crazy to me that I might qualify as a person skinny enough to wear one. Now I know that anyone of any size can wear bikinis and look awesome in them. I so love to see people with the confidence to wear them, no matter what size they were. I have never had that confidence though and have always ben hard on myself for how I look. So to think that I might meet my own requirements to wear a bikini is mind boggling to me. What a difference this surgery has done for me. I'm so glad I did it!
  18. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to summerseeker in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    First summer in an awful lot of years that my heals did not crack and bleed. They were so painful and ugly. To me this is a reason never to regain.
  19. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to omrhsn in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Not weird but awesome NSV here.
    I've always delayed getting a driving license until I lose weight. For some reason I convinced myself that I was too big (149 Kg before WLS) to be driving a car and that I won't be able to fit in the tiny cars used at the driving schools here in Malaysia. I saw a lot of people who were bigger than me driving around but I just couldn't get my head around it. My wife was the designated driver for quite sometime.
    After losing a considerable amount of weight, I finally got the confidence to do it. I started my driving lessons in July and finally got my driving license last month. I even bought a new car that I've always liked for my 41st birthday. Life keeps getting better and better after WLS.
  20. Congrats!
    BabySpoons reacted to ChunkCat in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    Babyspoons, what a fantastic visit! That is so exciting, I'm glad you are having such a great surgery outcome. Being able to see those numbers normalize and knowing you can start coming off of meds is just thrilling!! So many of these things CAN be reversed or reduced with surgery. It is just such a modern miracle to me.
    They took me off my blood pressure meds when I was in the hospital and told me I likely wouldn't need them anymore. I've been checking my BP at home and sure enough, it is steady and normal. No pounding headaches like before. I feel really blessed. And my GP took me off Ozempic and decided not to put me back on anything because I had surgery and she said she expected my follow up in 3 months to show normal levels! My fasting blood sugar in the hospital was 87!! I'm just so happy over it all...
  21. Like
    BabySpoons reacted to catwoman7 in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    yes - very common. Mine is always over 1000, and has always been met with a shrug. It was once over 2000, and I was just told to cut down on my supplement. I know several people who've had WLS who swear they feel better when their B12 is over 1000. So...don't freak out - it seems to be fairly normal. Your doctor will let you know if he/she thinks it's a problem, and at most they'll recommend cutting down on your supplement.
  22. Hugs
    BabySpoons reacted to Ashley Amari in Hair loss???   
    All of my hair has fallen out. Like all. I went to the doctor for my 3 month follow up and he checked labs early bc of how much had fallen out. They all were normal. I did add Biotin but I basically have bald spots. I ordered a wig bc there’s nothing I can do. 😭 I’m 4 months out. This all came out at once and it hasn’t stopped.

  23. Hugs
    BabySpoons reacted to pintsizedmallrat in Hair loss???   
    Mine was coming out in HANDFULS. About month 2 after my procedure I got deathly ill with pneumonia and wasn't able to eat much for several months. My Hair loss was BAD. I've since been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and I lose hair again every time I have a flare-up mostly because it makes it so I can't eat. I just keep it short now, no reason to try to grow it out and end up heartbroken again.
  24. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from SarahByNumbers in Absolutely hate myself now   
    Whether or not this OP was a troll, I find it interesting to read here or watch (My 600-pound Life) that food addiction is so prevalent in some peoples' lives that they would rather die than live without their huge amounts of favorite unhealthy food.
    Some live in denial when obese. Thinking we will somehow be OK and continue on in that lifestyle. Co-morbidities will eventually catch up. Others simply don't care, with the mindset, " We're all going to die of something someday". Both mindsets are true of most addictive behaviors.
    I think most of us here really tried pre-op. Through endless amounts of diets and/or hours of exercise to finally admit we needed help and did something about it. Hence our lack of regret.
    To misquote an old saying, nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.... I say nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Hugs everyone!!
  25. Like
    BabySpoons got a reaction from ChunkCat in Who Doesn't Love a Good Report? Share Here :)   
    I went to see my GP this week to get some testing done. I actually looked forward to going, knowing things would to be better than the last time I saw her pre-op. She along with everyone in the office flipped out when they saw me. I'm down over 80 pounds in 5 months. The nurse said I lost a small person. LOL
    I could fit comfortably in the chair when they drew my blood. You know that little table that folds down in from of you? I had room to spare. She asked if I was having fun buying new clothes. I told her yes. I love thrifting and now able to get around to do it.
    The head nurse had to come in and take a gander at me. She called me yesterday and told me my bloodwork results were amazing. Everything is in normal range now. I am no longer pre-diabetic. Even my liver and kidney functions are normal. Those things scared me the most and my main reason to get the Gastric Bypass. Don't ever let anyone tell you those things aren't reversable.
    My GP said she can't believe my numbers. Told me all her sleeve patients don't have these kinds of results in a year, even after prescribing them Ozempic. She sees patients from a local surgeon who only does the sleeve with no follow up support. I'm guessing most of those people aren't following any protocol because I see the good results on here, every day, of sleevers' success stories. I love reading them.
    I went out of town to get my bypass in April that thankfully has a great Bariatric support team. I go back to see them for my 6-month checkup Oct 11. They did a Vitamin panel on me last time and all was well except my B12 was a bit high but nothing to worry about. And I go back in January for my annual physical with GP. Was told they can hopefully start taking me off my meds. I will be closer to goal weight by then. Something else to look forward to.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
