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Posts posted by BabySpoons

  1. 22 hours ago, BigSue said:

    WLS makes it virtually impossible to fail at losing a significant amount of weight. That’s the “honeymoon period” for about the first year after surgery and almost everyone has amazing results. What really matters, though, is what comes after the honeymoon period. It is heartbreaking to see people go through all of this to lose 100+ pounds only to regain it. It doesn’t matter how fast you reach your goal weight if you don’t stay there.

    THIS ^^^^

    I never dropped a lot of weight in a short time. I averaged 1-2 pounds a week and as long as the scale was moving in a downward direction I was happy. If I hit a stall, I stayed off the scale to preserve my mental health. LOL

    I kept telling myself slow and steady wins the race. Distracting myself with moving and thrifting. I found that I breezed through clothes sizes way faster. Which was sooo much fun. Almost 1 1/2 years after Gastric Bypass. I'm still losing pounds and inches. Not sure where I will end up and people are telling me to stop but I'm letting my body dictate that. For now.

    I walk a couple miles a day. That's it. Today I am 5 pounds from goal weight. And I personally know someone who had WLS GB many moons ago and regained the weight back and more. She's a bad reminder of where I don't want to end up. Enjoy the journey and WL and mentally prepare yourself more so, for the maintenance part when it comes. GL

  2. My bariatric nutritionist suggested vodka and SF cranberry juice. It's been my go to when I want a drink.

    I stay away from sugary or carbonated drinks now. I used to love a frozen strawberry Margarita and occasionally miss them. But I know there are SF mixers out there. I Just haven't tried one yet.

    And like everyone else said, it doesn't take much to get buzzed unless you nurse a glass for a loooong time.

    Have fun on holiday!!

  3. On 8/31/2024 at 7:49 PM, BlondePatriotInCDA said:

    as long as the thrift shoe hasn't been worn much

    That is a major point I forgot to mention. If I buy a pair of shoes second hand, I make sure they are either new or have little to no wear on them. A worn out pair of shoes no matter the brand won't do anyone any good.

    Thanks @BlondePatriotInCDA for pointing that out.

  4. I have worn many expensive brands of workout shoes over the years. Most recent, post op, were Nikes for walking. Averaging 14 miles a week. I started to develop a painful corn/bunion on my right foot and it was starting to effect my walks, slowing me down. I didn't relish the thought of having it surgically removed. Until....

    I was out thrifting and picked up a new pair of G Defy walking shoes. Never heard of them but were my size so I tried them on and stood up. I remember saying out loud... holy shi*. I googled them and saw they sold for over $160. They immediately went in my cart.

    I put them on when I got home and went for my daily 2 mile walk. The shoe corrected my supinated gait and there was no longer any pressure or pain with that corn. I couldn't believe it. I thought this is a miracle shoe. I ordered another pair from their website after reading the history of how and why this shoe was created. The corn is shrinking since there is no longer any more pressure from wearing the expensive pair of Nikes. Obviously name brands mean nothing people.

    When my new pair came in the mail, printed on the box it read, "Here's your miracle." If that isn't some kind of sign I don't know what is. Happy walking. https://www.gravitydefyer.com/about-us

  5. I was told fairly recently that I need to learn to take a compliment. My lack of response to them was just a knee jerk reaction and my mind thinking... Oh now I'm worthy of your attention?? No longer invisible??

    It is hard not to be a bit resentful of the polar opposite way we are treated when obese vs. a healthy weight. But it's the way of the world unfortunately. On the flip side... I agree with @MrsFitz in that some people are just reflecting back to us how we feel about ourselves. I wanted to be invisible so I felt invisible.

    So lift up your heads and be proud of all your hard work and how far you've come in taking back your life/health. Take those compliments. Even the backhanded ones. 😊

  6. I am no longer taking Allopurinol for gout and knee pain is completely gone. I had to have a few adjustments from my chiropractor as I lost the weight. All the excess weight I was carrying really had my body out of alignment.

    I never had HS but I did have Pilaris Keratosis which is gone as well. I was told on this forum that others had this skin condition resolve after WLS.

    Good luck Rob!!

  7. I never stopped taking stool softeners twice a day since surgery and I'm over a year out. I was concerned to continue as I didn't want my body to become reliant on them but I was told softeners were not like a laxative and only brings more Water into the intestines to keep things moving regularly and avoid Constipation. With a laxative your body becomes dependent on them. Big difference. The last thing I want is to get constipated and have a weight stall because of it. I haven't had one day of constipation so there is no need to stop taking them. It will not harm you to do so.

  8. My PCP has me recorded at 320 pounds 2 yrs ago at my highest weight ever. I saw her yesterday and she smiled and said well hello there tiny person. I laughed and said well I did lose half of me. She said you look like a small child. I wasn't sure if that was good or bad but I'll take it. LOL 🤔

    On 7/31/2024 at 12:54 PM, Bypass2Freedom said:

    I have had a little bit from the sides shaved off

    Same here. I really like it. I hope you kept the pink hair.

  9. On 6/4/2024 at 12:17 PM, ShooterInTheSix said:

    while my head says not a chance, my clothes are telling me otherwise.

    Had this happen to me quite often. A year ago I picked up a brand new pair of Jennifer Lopez jeans size 16 at a rummage sale, thinking I'll put away for a future time. Got home and curiously tried them on and they fit!! Buttoned.. zipped up and comfortable to wear.

    Fast forward to now, I bought a new pair of Old Navy shorts size 8 in Goodwill, In my mind I doubted they would fit but did. Amazing feeling and it's been many many years since I wore a size 8.

    Oh and today I put on a XX boho style shirt and wore it as a dress. 😎

    On 7/16/2024 at 6:46 PM, ms.sss said:

    I. Lost. Weight. On. Vacation.

    it still fascinates me when this happens because the norm prior to wls was to GAIN weight during vacay.

    I remember thinking this same thing but it was usually weight loss after any food centered holiday. That's never happened to me ..eva.

    Glamping at the lake every weekend doesn't seem to have much effect on my weight loss either. I'm very thankful.

  10. 23 hours ago, JennyBeez said:

    If you like creamy Soups, cream of mushroom (with all the bits strained out).

    I was given cream of chicken Soup with bits in it at the hospital day 1 after surgery. I was still hopped up on anesthesia at the time and called a nurse in to question why. She took my spoon and looked at it, then said the bits weren't big enough to cause a problem???? I thought well...it is a bariatric hospital so I ate it. It did taste wonderful and thankfully nothing got stuck in my incisions but I still question it.

    In fact a relative of mine recently had WLS and on a phone consult within week 1 with same hospital nurses, was told to try a bit of bread for nausea??? I immediately remembered the soup they gave me and am now really questioning the nurses at that hospital and their knowledge of care for bariatric patients. I tried calling them to inquire about their iffy advice but never heard back. I need to call my bariatric team nutritionist to give them a heads up.

    As for OP question about salty cravings. Soup. Bouillons, strained cream Soups and my fav... egg drop soup strained from a local Chinese restaurant. I even used a Vitamix to pulverize any bits that could cause problems later on.

    Good luck on your journey @Sami2209.

  11. Wowo!! What a transformation. Congrats on your success!!

    I struggled with depression too. At my heaviest, 320 pounds, I felt hopeless after years of struggling to get the weight off. My body finally just stopped cooperating and I couldn't lose more than 30 pounds no matter what I did.

    With my decision to have WLS I suddenly found hope. I didn't need a procedure that helped me eat less. I needed something that changed the way my body processed food. When I heard it referred to as Metabolic Surgery, it caught my attention. This actually resets my bodyfat setpoint to what I was born to be????? Sign me upppppp! No regrets!!

    I pray continued success for you @Real Komboand hope you find the help and mental clarity to overcome the dark thoughts we all have to battle with at some point. {{hugs}}

  12. Thankfully I had only a couple dumping episodes over the course of a year. Both involved sugar. A small piece of birthday cake. It tasted wonderful but I paid the price with stomach cramping and spent the entire night running to the bathroom. I never had heart palps or nausea with it.

    I think we all have varying degrees of symptoms. It was miserable enough not to test it again. I can eat a piece of cake now on special occasions if I forego the frosting or make a sugar free cake/frosting.

    Nausea was more of a problem for me post-op. It wasn't from eating stuff not allowed or eating or drinking too fast. For me it was a texture thing. When I got to the whole food phase my tummy wasn't having it. meat and raw veggies were the worst for me sadly enough. I was craving a cold crisp salad so badly by that point. But just because I could now have it, didn't mean that I was going to eat it. I backed off and waited by drinking and eating my softer foods for awhile longer, then reintroduced the denser foods later on. Ground beef, Beans and Protein Drinks became my go to for a long time. I guess my tummy just needed more healing time.

    I still struggle with certain meats and veggies. But over time it's gotten easier to consume without the nausea and happens way less often. I still keep a supply of barf bags with me wherever I go though. Just in case. 🤢

  13. 5 hours ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    Body Armour Lyte

    I second the BODYARMOR Lyte. I left home without my bottle of Water recently, so I stopped in a gas station. Told the clerk when he asked if I needed help, that I can't have sugar or carbonation and he pointed me to the peach mango and said it was amazzing. It was and it's my go to for hydration when I need a drink on a road trip. I ordered some from Walmart as well when I put in my grocery order. Just check the label for Lyte or sugar free because there is a full sugar version.

  14. 6 hours ago, summerseeker said:

    Enjoy the dress while you can.

    Agree with Summer. I went thru sizes so fast there were some items of clothing I barely had a chance to wear before having to bag it up and take to Goodwill. This is probably one of the funnest parts of my weight loss journey for me. Buying smaller sizes, then being able to fit into them in a few short weeks.

    Also, not having to hang dry clothes so they wouldn't shrink up on me to intentionally putting them in the dryer so they would shrink up for me. So I could wear them longer. LOL

  15. At my heaviest, (320#) I had to have a ring that I never took off, cut from my finger by a jeweler. How embarrassing. Now that I'm nearing my goal weight, I'm still waiting to have it resized because whatever my body settles at in the end ( figuring in the 10-20 rebound pounds) could be a whole lot different than any number on the scale "I had planned."

    I just don't want to do it twice. I have plenty of other rings to wear in the meantime in all different sizes on all different fingers :)

  16. I am 22 pounds from goal weight and the only exercise I have done for the past year is walking 2-3 miles a day. Casually. To be honest, I joined Planet Fitness since everyone kept telling me I needed to lift weights to avoid too much muscle loss from the rapid weight loss. I went a few times then stopped during flu season and never went back.

    I had a few different stalls and of course the weight loss slows the closer we get to our goal weight. But on the average, I lost 1-2 pounds per week since RNY WLS in April 2023. I plan to amp up my workouts after I get below my goal weight with resistance training. I used to body build in my 20's so I'm counting on muscle memory to kick in for me. LOL

    I also knew that weightlifting would increase my appetite and eating more when our bodies can't build muscle during our honeymoon phase didn't seem logical. According to bariatric surgeon, Dr V, we are in a catabolic state for 1 -2 years after surgery. Meaning we cannot build muscle while our body is breaking it down. (losing weight) Makes perfect sense to me.

    I'm curious if you have gotten a bodyfat test that shows increased muscle mass 9 months after surgery coupled with weightlifting?

  17. On 4/29/2024 at 3:30 PM, Jalapeño said:

    It's not the nicotine addiction I have, it's more the habit I'm trying to wean myself off from.

    I told myself the same thing. Oral fixation. I vaped nicotine- free right up till surgery. I waited a month or so as well for my tummy to heal afterward. Without the nicotine I find I rarely pick it up anymore. I was more addicted to the nic than I thought.

  18. I had an abnormal heart ultrasound preop and feared the same for myself. My bariatric surgeon told me they wouldn't cancel my surgery, just postpone it if I needed heart surgery. Fortunately, I didn't need it, so my WLS went forward.

    I'm not sure at what point a doctor would refuse to do WLS due to medical risk but have heard one say he had to with a few of his patients.

    I'm hoping the best for you!!!

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