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Posts posted by BabySpoons

  1. 18 hours ago, DanielleQ said:

    Can you guys give any suggestions or highly recommended products to get in Protein that don’t taste chalky and disgusting ?

    I'm 9 months out from WLS and I've been following this forum since January 2023. I can't count the number of posts here of people struggling to drink protein. I consumed a lot of them before ever having surgery. Back in my weightlifting days. Maybe it's an acquired taste sort of thing but never had a problem with them except for a few premade ones tasting too sweet. Food/drink aversions are pretty common post-op though. taste buds change etc.

    I can't help but wonder, when using the powders... if tasting chalky, use a good blender. I have a Vitamix and even the cheapest protein powders taste good. I tried Walmart's Equate whey Protein powder for $18/18 servings. If you are mixing with a spoon or shaking in a cup, even the best powders will taste chalky.

    I buy vanilla or unflavored powder so I can change up the taste by adding frozen fruit, SF various flavor Greek yogurts, Peanut Butter or cocoa powder, Crystal Light or stevia to sweeten. I like to use milk and ice. It comes out tasting like a milkshake. strawberry being my fav. Experiment to find what you like. Variations are endless and beats drinking the same premade ones day after day.

    GL on your weight loss journey!!

  2. I woke this morning to the sound of a snowplow in my driveway and a snowblower. Not sure who my good Samaritan is yet, but it was 5:30 AM. I normally would go back to bed and sleep till 9 or 10. When I was young..er, till noon.

    Before WLS I always woke up tired no matter how many hours of sleep I had. Anyone who knows me is aware I am not a morning person. Don't call early unless it's an emergency etc. LOL

    Of course, early on after surgery, I was tired. I had major surgery. But now?? I can't believe how good I feel and waking up rested is nothing short of a miracle. YMMV.

    I made sure to stay hydrated, take my daily Vitamins, drink my Protein and move post op. And rest. Let your body heal. I did have a time when I felt exhausted and found I was low on Iron. I switched vitamins with added iron and that made a huge difference.

    All I know is that WLS does wayyyy more than just effect food restriction. It rewires the brain, resets your body fat setpoint and reverses a lot of co-morbidities. 👏

    And I never would have guessed I would become a morning person. LOL

    GL @Tamika James , speedy recovery and boundless energy to you!!

  3. Forcing yourself to eat to meet a suggested calorie count sounds very problematic. Reminds me of the days of eating past the point of being full which led to weight gain and our need for WLS. Hmmm....

    Mindful conscious eating is key to success. Listen to your body. Stop eating before you get full and stay away from the scale.

    GL to you!!!

  4. 5 hours ago, MandoGetsSleeved said:

    All you can really do is be proud of what YOU have accomplished and if they offend you, let them know.

    I saw a few relatives over the Christmas holiday that hadn't seen me since WLS in April. All were very supportive and complimentary of my 100+ weight loss.

    One gal who is overweight, was very interested and asked many questions, considering WLS for herself. Then she said, "I don't know... I'm not really ready to take the easy way out." 🙄 Uhhhh

    I didn't get mad because I knew she was just being ignorant, but I did say... "Honey... it's far from easy."

    No one had been rude or called me fat when I weighed 320 lbs. at my heaviest. But they didn't have to. The look of shock, to those who knew me before, said it all. Strangers all treated me like I was invisible.

    But now? I read someone on here say, if I wasn't good enough for them when I was overweight, I'm too good for them now. Kind of agree with that.

  5. 4 hours ago, JFreeman said:

    The second is that my hotel room had bathrobes and last time I stayed there, their "one size fits all" bathrobe was way too small for me, this time it actually seemed too big!

    It's one of the best feelings in the world for me too. I bought myself one of those big fluffy one size robes a few years ago and couldn't even close it in front. I saved it along with a bunch of other clothes "just in case" I ever lost the weight and now I'm swimming in it.

    I'm also looking forward to swimming at the lake this summer and trying my hand at kayaking. I haven't got in the Water for years. I usually sit in the boat and watch everyone else. That's gonna change :)

    Congrat's on your success @JFreeman

  6. On 11/18/2023 at 4:05 PM, ms.sss said:

    what I lack in talent, I make up for in ENTHUSIASM 😂

    I bet you get standing ovations ;)

    Today I would attempt this song, although I usually just watch karaoke. I'm a big introvert but finding my social anxiety is getting better as I lose the weight and feel better :)

  7. I don't know if weight loss has put me in a mind state of "cleaning house" but I have been going through every room, closet and cupboard getting rid of junk and unnecessary items I've held on to for years. Losing the weight and an organized house feels reeeeally good.

    Even though I haven't tried this trick, it still made me smile.

    Happy Healthy Holidays everyone!


  8. 23 hours ago, summerset said:

    I doubt OP is a troll.

    Who knows. I was basing my comment off the discussion here on page 2. Tony called OP a troll. Either way, it's sad to me, the regret, real or not, that people feel post op. I can understand it if someone is experiencing physical problems from the surgery but mourning the loss of food? It's what we signed up for.

    I don't know what other outcome they are expecting.

  9. 3 hours ago, kbeana said:

    I had 2 women that have gone through it say no way would they go through having their guts surgically rearranged for just 45 pounds

    I told myself I could do it on my own too. I lost those same 45+ pounds over and over and over again through the years along with attaining a sluggish metabolism through low calorie dieting. Your body will constantly fight to get back to that higher abnormal weight setpoint we made for ourselves. It's exhausting. Regaining the weight always involved a few more pounds and eventually co morbidities. You might not have any now, but you will. Not trying to be negative but realistic. Also, as I got older, maintaining all the added exercise to try to keep it off became unattainable.

    WLS is way more than just food restriction. The surgery resets that setpoint, so you are no longer working against your own bodies stubbornness to stay at a higher bodyfat %. Don't pass on doing it based on fear. I would be more scared not to do it, knowing what I know now. GL.

  10. I can't help but think of all the holidays and special occasions I celebrated with food and where it got me. Falling off diets. Starting again on Monday...etc etc. It was exhausting.

    By the time I finally got to my pre-op diet (my birthday fell during that time), I was so sick and over the excuses I made for overeating that I no longer felt like I was somehow missing out or deprived.

    Drink some turkey broth and be thankful for the new life that's waiting for you. WLS is nothing short of miraculous. It handed me hope. After losing over 100 pounds, I may even let family members take pictures of me now. LOL

    Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!! Hugs!!

  11. On 11/17/2023 at 7:50 AM, diadori said:

    She set a pre-surgery goal weight of 264 and we will decide on the type of procedure (sleeve or bypass) in January.

    Here is a video I watched before my first pre-op appointment by the well-known Dr Pilcher. He is well versed in the differences in Gastric Bypass and Sleeve procedures based on more recent long-term study results for WLS. It helped me decide between the two before I ever went in for my first consult. Of course, the doctor will help in that decision based on medical history like reflux. smoking, past surgeries etc.

    I just wanted a better idea of what to expect and what science has shown to be a better fit for me. GL and congrats!!!

  12. You can have daily fluctuations of weight simply from Water weight. Eating salt, menstrual cycles etc. That's why I only weigh once a week but even then, weight could be up on that weigh day for any of those reasons.

    Obviously overeating will do it. But I think you would know if you were doing that. Hopefully you are not one of the sleevers who lose 30 pounds then weight loss stops. It's usually at that time when doctors go the Ozempic, diet pill route.

    Or.. looks like you only have 29 pounds to go to hit goal weight. Those last few pounds will come off slowly. I have around 55 more to lose and expect it will become a much slower process now. But I sure hate those stalls too. If you are not seeing any loss in weeks or months, tell your doc/nutritionist and come up with a new plan. GL

  13. On 11/3/2023 at 11:56 AM, ms.sss said:

    which bars/restaurants have karaoke nights during the week...

    Ahhh... what song would ms.sss sing on Karaoke night? Or do you just go to enjoy the oysters and laugh at others' drunken slurring lyrics? Hahaha!

    I would attempt this since song lyrics seem to convey my thoughts and feelings sometimes better than anything else. ♫

  14. It's sad that others can't be happy for another's success. Especially coming from one's own family member. That catty competitive BS always bugged me and still does. I used to work in an all-women's health club and OMG... the things I heard other's saying about one another made me sick.

    I learned early on not to let other's opinions effect or define me. Negative comments are certainly harder to take coming from a loved one but even so..parent or not, they are mentally flawed just like the rest of us. Makes it easier to pass it off or forgive them thinking that way, I guess.

    I remember my Mom saying to me one day while I cared for her after she suffered a stroke... 'What happened to you?" Referring to my weight gain. I was always the fit beautiful one in the family. It hurt me momentarily. She was sharp as a tack up until the end, but the filter was gone. I could have said I quit taking care of myself after I started taking care of you. But I never would have said that to her in a million years. I don't think I even realized that till much later.

    As for good compliments. Most have been you look great...amazing, congrats etc. A recent one was on my curls. Is that natural or...? I smiled and said yes...along with a bit of hair product. Beautiful, she said. I'll admit it was nice to hear. Especially after feeling invisible for so long. Downside is men are starting to take notice of me again. I never missed it since a lot of that felt like sexual harassment to me.

    But nothing really negatives as of yet. Knock on wood. I'm sure I'll be ready for them though if I do. LOL

    Kinda true...


  15. Insurance companies have a list of "in network" doctors and facilities. If you contact your insurance co., they should be able to tell you who is in and who is out. You will still be covered regardless but if the doctor/hospital is out of your insurance's network you will pay more out of pocket for their services.

    Good luck and congrats on making one of the best decisions you will ever make. It's so worth it!!!

  16. I'd like to test that study on Thanksgiving when I eat a piece of pumpkin or pecan pie . Would the butter or crisco in the crust be enough I wonder??? LOL

    More than likely I won't test on that day since I would be too worried of having to run to the bathroom every 5 minutes. I don't dump on fried stuff I found out but I ate a piece of birthday cake once and I lived in the bathroom for the rest of the night. I don't get nauseous or sick, just goes right thru me.

    I know..I know. TMI. But we are talking about dumping so.....

  17. 8 hours ago, Sunnyer said:

    I was losing and regaining the same 10 pounds over and over again and would have just kept doing that.

    And you would have. I realized this past week while going thru years of stuff that I'm finally cleaning out, how long I actually struggled with dieting and weight loss. I found journals and food diaries and counting calorie lists, diet books and recipes etc. It made me sad. I could have avoided a lot of that if I had decided to get the surgery sooner.

    But I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and am happy with where I am now, I can honestly say, and I've said it before...my only regret is not getting the WLS sooner.

  18. Glad to hear that you are not left with that forever. I never had clumps of hair coming out but starting at 3 months I had a pretty good amount left on my comb. And I use a wide tooth comb. Never pull or ripped at it even in the past to avoid split ends. Never a brush since it tends to pull out all my curls.

    Now at almost 8 months out from surgery I notice the Hair loss is finally slowing down. I would suggest some trying a wide tooth comb and combing out from the ends up avoiding tugging hairs out at the scalp with a brush. Also washing too often can strip hair of its natural oils and dries out the scalp.

    21 hours ago, pintsizedmallrat said:

    I've since been diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder and I lose hair again every time I have a flare-up mostly because it makes it so I can't eat. I just keep it short now,

    Sorry to hear this. Maybe find a good quality Protein Drink that you can stomach during those times you can't eat? I know most say taking extra supplements don't help with WLS hair loss, but in your case It couldn't hurt.

    On the bright side, there are a lot of really good, cute short hairstyles out there. I bet you rock it :)

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