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Posts posted by BabySpoons

  1. 15 hours ago, Lily2024 said:

    Um, the toilet seat

    My toilet seat was moving. What the ....? I had it tightened down because it actually was loose. But even after, it still felt loose. Hmmmm

    I figured it out after doing a pee test at the doctor's office. I felt that same movement and thought surely their toilet isn't loose. Turns out it was my loose skin shifting as I sat. OMG. That's a good problem right????? LOL

  2. Saw my GP yesterday and happy to say I was taken off almost all my meds @10 1/2 months post-op. One of my biggest goals met along with 100+ weight loss.

    I never imagined it possible a couple years ago. I thought I was destined to die from being morbidly obese and from kidney failure from all the meds I've been on for so many years.

    My bloodwork was perfect with no red flags or abnormal readings. With my hiatal hernia repaired I can breathe again, and exercise is a pleasure instead of an I'm out of breath nightmare.

    My next goal is to get my BMI into the 20's.

    I wish much success for all of you. Keep at it. Don't give up. If you work the program it will work for you too!! {{hugs}}

  3. I quit wearing rings a long time ago for the same reasons and had one cut off by a local jeweler after it started cutting off circulation.

    Recently started wearing them again. I like wearing rings on all my fingers. Sometimes even on my thumb. If a ring doesn't fit on one finger, try putting it on another. Although a wedding ring on your thumb may look a bit odd @ChunkCat. LOL

  4. 41 minutes ago, NickelChip said:

    I swear there needs to be a patron saint for people trying to be polite to their family members

    If there's one of those, sign me up. I am still pi***d at one of mine for the comment, "you took the easy way out." I got off the phone with her quickly this past Saturday before it escalated.

    After the fact I realized I should have said, no it was hard. I just made it look easy. LOL

  5. On 8/26/2023 at 11:11 AM, BigSue said:

    I've been binge-watching old seasons of Project Runway on Amazon Prime, and there's an episode in Season 4 where women who have lost a lot of weight bring in their favorite outfits from their highest weight, and the contestants have to use the fabric to make new outfits for them.

    Thanks for mentioning the Project Runway episode 5. I watched season 4 years ago but watching it now, after losing weight, I can better relate and enjoyed seeing it again. I liked Penny's outfit best.

    I've been tempted to keep a few favorite clothing items that I've outgrown but I can't sew so.... 😏

  6. 5 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    i dunno. maybe i am still anal.

    I was for a lot of years.

    I tracked everything. My weight, my diet, my bodyfat % and my exercise. I realized just how much when I cleaned house this past fall and found tons of my recorded "data." I kept a few things and threw the rest out. So much effort and in the end none of it was sustainable until WLS.

    I started logging food again during my pre-op diet up until surgery using the Bariastic app. My nutritionist was quite pleased with my choices and progress. I followed everything religiously up until the date of my surgery and thereafter except for the food logging. I was done with the diet mindset and that was part of it for me. As long as I know what to eat and how much I'm good.

    I realize everyone's needs are different. Just do you as long as the end result helps you reach your goals. GL

  7. 12 hours ago, rrs said:

    I know that they can’t un do it, but looking for any info on a doctor who would help stretch the sleeve

    Don't worry. From what I've read, in time, after your new tummy heals up you should be able to stretch that new tummy back out and regain all your lost weight. No doctor needed.

    But I have a feeling, over time you may change your mind. 🤔

  8. On 2/8/2024 at 5:25 AM, jenx94 said:

    i dont want to leave the house shower or do anything is this normal?

    That was me pre-op and at my heaviest weight which was 320. I was on anti-depression meds years ago for a short time but found they made me worse. So don't be quick to get on any unless you find you can't shake the blues. And even then, the right type and dosage is very important.

    For me... I was so sick and tired of being sick and tired, it didn't matter how shitty I felt after WLS because I knew better days were ahead. I powered through the nausea. And yes, I had a few down days too. Recouping from major surgery. Hormones shifting. I can't relate to the reflux because I had RNY and hernia repair so that resolved my issues with it.

    At 10 months out, I feel like a million bucks. I'm hoping the same for you. Congrats on losing the 35 pounds and GL going forward.

  9. On 2/5/2024 at 7:33 PM, BlondePatriotInCDA said:

    Its my goofy amazing husband doing the electric side and booty shake down the isle towards me to the grocery store music...singing down the entire isle!. 😂

    That made me smile just reading about it. 😊

  10. I get my face and neck done 2xs a week. My arms and stomach 1x a week on alternate visits. My face is smooth and tight. My neck has a bit of loose skin but not sure how it would be had I not been getting the cryotherapy. At over 300 pounds I had a double double chin so I'm pretty happy with the results so far.

    My phone quit working on face recognition. until I realized I needed to update my photo. And my driver's license pic looks nothing like me anymore, so I'll be making a trip to the DMV soon. The last couple times I had to show my ID they did a double take. LOL

    GL @ChunkCat finding a treatment that suits you. And I wouldn't give that rude mall person a cent of your money.

  11. I buy 6pk Hanes at Walmart and they are inexpensive. So, outgrowing them is not a problem to replace while I'm dropping sizes.

    Hanes Women's Cotton Bikini Underwear, 6-Pack - Walmart.com

    Bras are a bit harder to fit into...literally. I buy at thrift shops and will, until my weight stabilizes. I buy stretchy full cups and use bra extenders when needed. Sometimes the cup is right, but the smaller band sizes don't fit around me. I'm able to wear for longer periods of time using the extenders. I am now wearing a couple bras I bought a couple months ago. No longer spilling out of them and no longer needing the extenders.

    I'm having a harder time with pant sizes. I tried on jeans today I couldn't fit into a few weeks back. I guess I waited too long because now they are too big to even wear so they went into the donate pile. Makes me super happy :)

  12. I wouldn't hesitate to look into a revision. You had such great success with your first WLS. I've read the weight will come off slower second time around, but it beats developing later in life co-morbidities.

    Many are going for the Ozempic shot nowadays in lieu of surgery, but recent studies show a lot of downsides to using it. I had a few people ask me why I didn't go that route with those shots available. It's the wave of the future they say. Maybe one day improvements will be made. I heard the other day they are working on a pill form. I hope for future generations they can perfect it and make it safe and available to all those who need it.

    Believe me.. I did my research before getting my RNY. But for now, no regrets.

    Good luck in your decision making.

  13. I had the 2 incisions that hurt for a couple weeks, and I was so afraid of ripping something if I wasn't positioned right. My surgeon seemed miffed when I asked about it. He said there's no way his stitches were going to come loose. "I didn't use cheap common thread," he said. Seriously?? LOL

    After that I just took my pain meds, slept on my side with a huge body pillow which I hugged tightly for support and quit worrying about it.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  14. If you plan to get skin removal surgery and want it to be covered by insurance, make sure you document with your doctor ALL problems with skin rashes, sores etc. It isn't usually covered since it is considered cosmetic but if you can show a history of problems, there's a better chance of it being covered.

    I have lost over 100 pounds and have some loose skin, but I am getting cryo therapy twice a week. It helps to produce collagen and tightens my skin as the weight comes off. If I had waited till I hit goal weight, I don't think it would have been as effective. I also sit in an infrared sauna which has its own list of benefits. Rebounding helps too.

    There are some alternatives to surgery. Being proactive is important but it also depends on the amount of weight you have to lose and DNA. When I had rashes before losing the weight, I used a baby powder/cornstarch blend to keep the area dry. Moisture can make things painful and possibly infected.

    Good luck!!

  15. 10 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    it’s not uncommon to have odd liver function results (processing our fat out of our body strains it). Maybe if your liver isn’t functioning effectively or being stressed by your weight loss may mean it’s not processing the copper out of your system & it builds up.

    At 10 months post-op, I am losing fat stores that haven't been touched for YEARS. Since our fat holds toxins along with hormones, I can't help but wonder what's circulating in my blood. I have days where I feel tired or have headaches and know I am detoxing stuff my body has held onto forever.

    High Copper levels can become dangerous if not addressed. I would want to know how high and possibly get a second opinion if your doctor has no answers. But if he's testing every few months, I'm guessing levels are elevated but not in the danger zone. And it could be as simple as dietary.

    Good luck and hopefully you will get a good report soon!

  16. 11 hours ago, newbegining2024 said:

    there are the positive side that I should look at, but I just can’t help it.

    It's tough to be positive during those first couple weeks while recovering from major surgery. Especially when experiencing complications. Be kind to yourself. Let yourself heal and look forward to (as your name states) new beginnings.

    If you work the program given you, results will come and you'll exchange your regret for gratitude. Wishing you the very best and good luck going forward!!

  17. I would allow yourself more calories. I'd hate to see you lose all that hard earned muscle by not consuming enough calories to maintain them. Maybe add a couple more high Protein Snacks which are more satiating. Carbs will stimulate your hunger.

    No fat reserves and muscle mass dying to be fed. I'd love to have that problem. LOL

    Congrats on your success!!!

  18. 13 hours ago, NCL04321 said:

    I am now noticing hairs about an inch long growing all over my head!

    Me too. My hair is wild and curly, so I use hair gel to try to keep them in line. When I was a kid we used to call them the frizzies. LOL

    I just had my hair cut today. Mine's in a long shag a bit below shoulder length and so the layers help to create fullness.

    Glad to hear yours is growing back. I feel bad for those who lost their hair in clumps. Yikes!

  19. Walking after surgery helps prevent blood clots and also to help dissipate gas pains. I made myself get up every hour and walk at least 5 minutes after I got home. I didn't have the bad gas pain many others experience but I was afraid of getting a blood clot.

    I can't imagine the pain you describe after WLS. I have read a few others mention waking up screaming from pain. It almost sounds like you weren't given the right amount of pain meds. Sorry that happened to you and glad you are feeling better now.

    I had some kind of nerve block shot administered by an anesthesiologist, directly into my stomach, right before they wheeled me into the operating room. He said it worked similar to an epidural. Also, while prepping me, they put a pain patch behind my ear and told me to leave it on for 3 days. That's not counting the meds thru my IV and the liquid codeine they sent me home with. Needless to say, that first week was a blur.

    I know nothing about spitting, but I did have dry mouth from hell for a couple days after my surgery.

    I wish you the best going forward!

  20. One of the things I sorely missed when overweight and homebound was thrifting. I had plenty of old clothes in various smaller sizes I held onto that I have been fitting into over the past 9 months since WLS. I have been having the best time buying new to me used clothing and bagging up the ones now too big and donating.

    I'm just so happy to finally fit back into stylish clothing again instead of tent dresses and elastic waistbands. I love vintage clothing and have no qualms wearing used except underwear. LOL

    I guess the thrill for me too is finding expensive items for practically nothing. Also it's just not practical to pay full price for clothing you will outgrow in a few short weeks.

  21. I can relate to the acid reflux issue due to having a hiatal hernia too. I was daily suffering with it for years until WLS. My stomach was also pushed up through my diaphragm. Docs found the hernia during pre-op testing and repaired it the same day as my RNY.

    I think your doctor was hoping by fixing your hernia, it might take care of your reflux along with you losing the abdominal weight from the sleeve surgery. I also carried the majority of my excess weight around my midsection and was told that my reflux was because excess fat was pushing food back up into my esophagus. That was before they discovered I had the hernia. But both problems contributed.

    After losing over 100 pounds, I'm finding that even though I am losing weight all over, my stomach is still the last place it is coming off. Very frustrating but I still have 40 lbs. to lose. And that's where it is sitting. I chalk it up to genetics.

    Sadly, the hernia repair didn't take care of your reflux and the sleeve is notorious for causing it. Even in those that never had it. One of the reasons I opted for the bypass and haven't had reflux since.

    As for your weight loss stall, maybe try backing off from hard workouts unless you are getting an adequate days rest in between. Increased levels of cortisol can cause abdominal weight gain. I lost all my weight from leisurely walking outdoors 2-3 miles 5-6xs a week..

    GL. Your pics look great.

  22. I was told drinking before a meal took up space that should be reserved for food. That never made much sense to me since liquids usually move quickly through. But in the beginning, I still waited 30 minutes before and after eating. Nowadays I wait anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour but only after a meal. Depending on the meal. It is quite painful otherwise if I don't.

    I would forego the Snacks if I had to choose between them and staying hydrated.


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