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Posts posted by BabySpoons

  1. I read somewhere that soaking in a tub helps with hydration and can actually help skin retract with less loose skin. I thought about getting some dry evaporated milk to add to the Water. If it was good enough for Cleopatra....

    I had a deep soaking tub installed a couple years ago and need to get back to using it. My skin is dry too and needs some attention.

  2. 1 hour ago, longhaul68 said:

    there are injectables out there

    I was approached by someone recently asking why I would have surgery with injectables now available and that surgeries were on the way out. 😮

    I told her I doubt they are "on their way out." I explained that I had medical issues that needed to be addressed and the surgery would resolve them.

    Also the shot is expensive and not covered by most insurance companies. Any weight lost using it is regained as soon as you stop using it. So on it for life and around $1200 a month.

    2 hours ago, longhaul68 said:

    Did you have a moment

    It was when I heard it called Metabolic surgery and learned that it would heal my prediabetes, my high blood pressure, my insulin resistance, my sleep apnea, reset my metabolism and weight setpoint, stop my progression of stage 3 kidney disease, halt acid reflux, gout, inflammation and Water retention, joint and back pain, incontinence and lastly...ability to fit into a pair of jeans ;)

  3. 1 hour ago, qtdoll said:

    vomiting is not normal & it should not happen.

    When I went to sip my Water 30 minutes after the steak meal, I knew something was wrong. It hurt when it hit my stomach then came back up. I waited and tried again. Same for the next few hours.

    I guess I could have laid down and tried to let it pass but read steak can sit in your stomach for a long while? Plus, I reasoned if it's blocked, why not get rid of it naturally instead of paying a doctor to go in and fish it out. Hopefully vomiting didn't do any damage 6 weeks post-op and I knew I needed my water, so I kept drinking every 30 minutes, till it went down.

    Water would always initially cause a small pain after a solids meal for me, so sometimes I'd wait an hour before drinking anything. But it was usually only that first sip, then things would pass through.

    I'm ok now and back to eating softer foods for the time being. I'm in no hurry to go through that again. And yes, I agree. If not being able to sip water without it coming back up had continued, I would have called my doctor or headed for the ER.

  4. I can relate. I became a recluse the last few years of my life. Rarely left my home and found excuses to avoid any type of social events. Now, 6 weeks out from surgery, I have a new sense of hope. So I'm trying to change my mindset.

    Not sure if you exercise but doing so will help increase endorphins. The feel good chemicals in the brain. I made myself leave the house and walk outdoors in the sunshine today. First time in years.. Only a little over a mile around a lake at a local park. It was a first for my little Rat Terrier too. I think she loved it even more than I did. When done... tired but felt like a million bucks.

    I have a few edibles lying around too and my vape but saving those for a future rainy day;)

    Hope you get to feeling better soon!!! {{hugs}}

  5. Store bought Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice frozen meals are another option and listed in my allowable food choices depending on carb and fat counts. Small meals and usually at or below 300 calories. I don't work outside the home so I cook my own meals, but these would seem convenient on occasion for someone with a busy schedule or doesn't want to cook.

  6. You will need a bachelor's degree or higher if you want to bill client's insurance. Otherwise, they will have to pay out of pocket. I have a friend who is a licensed health/fitness coach and does quite well without the degree. She used to be obese, and I believe someone who's been there/done that are just more relatable. When I told her I decided to get RNY she was supportive and even wrote a letter of recommendation to my bariatric team stating I had been through her program for a few years with moderate success. Showing them, I had been proactive but needed medical intervention.

    My bariatric nutritionist is a bit robotic. Like reading off a script, going through the steps. If you stop her to ask a question, she seems annoyed especially if she doesn't have an answer. LOL Then goes right back to her script. But it's OK. And I would be willing to Facetime her since I drive almost 2 hrs. for appointments. But I make all mine on same day with Doc, nurse, Nut etc. I have a great doctor so it's worth the drive.

    Good luck and I say go for it. It's a worthy goal, will help keep you on track and is rewarding. Many moons ago, I was a personal trainer, and it was a great job but I quit to help take care of my Mother after a stroke. I guess that was the point I quit taking care of me....

  7. My go to Breakfast is soft scrambled eggs that progressed to over easy along with spinach or steamed broccoli, Deviled eggs, Crab meat, ground beef mixed with pork and Beans and sautéed onion. Beef stew, lean ground beef in a veggie Soup, Baked beans using Splenda brown sugar.

    My fav... meatloaf topped with Ray's sugar free barbeque sauce with Betty Crocker roasted garlic potatoes. Om nom.. lunchtime.

  8. Thanks for your reply, Arabesque. Funny thing is, I had the same exact meal yesterday with no ill effect.

    32 minutes ago, Arabesque said:

    Out of curiosity did you spit up thick, sticky saliva as well?

    Started out as thick food sludge. Foamies happened towards the end, then I was fine. It just scared me how long it took to clear and be able to drink Water again. Hours.

    And yes, I was cleared to eat fresh fruit and veggies including skins at 5-week follow-up with nutritionist but I'm going back to soft foods for a while after this fiasco. No reason to rush it. Thanks again.

  9. On a regular diet now at 6 weeks post op and up to this point avoided getting sick. Today that changed. I had leftover grilled steak and a bit of baked sweet potato, plain. I stopped when I felt the restriction. Waited 30 minutes to sip Water and the pain. Uhhh! Immediately threw up. Thought great.. got rid of it. Sipped again.. pain. Threw up. That's been going on for the past 6 hrs. It's almost like my pouch's stoma was blocked and the water just kept backing up so I continued to try drinking, hoping to bring up the obstruction.

    Finally water is going down so have to play catch up. Don't want to dehydrate.

    So is it possible to block the stoma with steak or potato skin or food in general? Will the food eventually just pass or has anyone here ever had to have food fished out before? I did eat slowly, took small bites and thoroughly chewed. Lesson learned though... just because I can eat it doesn't mean I should. I'm swearing off heavy meats for a long while... cuz that really sucked and was a bit scary. 🤢

  10. I was diagnosed with mild sleep apnea during pre op testing and was worried that would delay my surgery date since the tech told me they want to get it under control before I undergo surgery. Fortunately, my surgeon said it wouldn't make a difference and that the RNY would more than likely resolve it, which I'm hoping it does.

    Now I'm wondering if I should have gone ahead and got the machine since my out-of-pocket expenses have been met for the year. But I'm trying to be optimistic and believe I'm not going to need it in the future and hope the same for you.

    Anyone here can say their apnea was cured following surgery/weight loss?

    Oh, and I ran across this article after my diagnosis. Yikes!!! Just another reason to get the Bariatric surgery.

    Up, down, or no change: weight gain as an unwanted side effect of CPAP for obstructive sleep apnea | Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine (aasm.org)

  11. For me loose skin is an afterthought but if we are honest, I'm guessing we all think about how much, if any loose skin we will end up with after we lose our excess weight.

    I never say never but not really planning to do any plastics. I am looking at more holistic methods such as autophagy, working out etc. Also, I have a family member who visited recently and offered free cryo therapy to help with loose skin as my weight goes down as opposed to waiting till the end and whatever I'm left with. I spoke with my physician and he gave me the go ahead.

    I'll probably wait a couple more weeks before starting. I have lost 40 pounds so far with 100+ more to lose. I also have access to a private gym and an infrared sauna. I'm excited!!!

    Wishing you the best OP with your surgery and your recovery.

  12. Anyone who knows me in RL knows I was facing some serious health issues, so no one has given me any grief...so far.

    For those who don't know me well, I don't really care what they think and don't care if they know I had a procedure or not. I tell them I had Metabolic surgery which leaves them scratching their heads ;)

    When people think of RNY or sleeve they assume it's all about restriction. Hence "cheating". But when you explain it's much more than that. Resets the metabolism, setpoint, reverses insulin resistance, some will see obesity more for what it is. A disease that needs medical intervention and not just a lack of willpower.

    Sadly the majority will never understand that regardless of recent studies. For them, it's easier to just think we're lazy.

  13. On 5/2/2023 at 12:10 AM, BariAsh said:

    seeing a ‘bread’ with Protein and no carbs makes me very excited.

    FYI...Hero bread is the latest addition to Subway’s bread line. Hero Bread has no added sugar, no net carbs, and 45 calories per slice. Each serving contains 26 grams of Fiber, as well as 12 grams of Protein.< /span>

    It is exciting. I can't imagine going the rest of my life and never eating a sandwich or wrap ever again. I plan to try it in the future. But man it's pricey!

  14. Stay off the scale. I haven't weighed myself since coming home from the hospital. Why? Because I don't want the scale dictating my moods. I know there will be stalls and Water retention and worries if I'm doing something wrong or if the surgery is working.

    I will start weighing myself after my 5 week appointment once a week. I start regular food phase then and won't go back to doctor till my 3 month mark. I'm hoping by then I will get to experience seeing some mind blowing weight drops.

    If not, that's OK. Patience is a virtue. 👼

  15. I'm almost 4 weeks out from having RNY and still have the stabbing right side pain during certain movements. It seemed to go away around 2 weeks and I remember thinking "thank God". But it returned recently on a day I had walked 30 minutes on my treadmill, did some laundry and cleaned up my kitchen. I probably did too much. So, I've been resting the last few days and wearing a binder.

    I thought by moving more I would recover quicker. Guess not... But like all of you was told this pain was normal.

  16. I wore the same clothes home from the hospital that I wore there. I took nothing except my purse and phone. Never even looked at my phone except on the ride home. Shocking huh? LOL I had fam members there who kept the rest of my family updated.

    At home, my laptop and tv remote kept me occupied between naps. Trying to read a book and remembering any of it that first week? IDK... seems a bit of a fog.

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