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Posts posted by BabySpoons

  1. It's always been interesting to me how different everyone's pre and post op diets are depending on where you go for surgery. I've even heard that many places are still going by guidelines written 20+ years ago.

    I was allowed to eat during my 2 weeks up until day before surgery. 3 ounces of lean Protein and 2 1/2 cups of non-starchy veggies = delicious stir fry. 2 Protein Drinks, and 1 serving of fruit daily. Felt no deprivation.

    20 hours ago, Petkato said:

    15 cal each and has 6 g sugar alcohols. I am confused.

    I was confused too when I was told to drink 20 ounces of full sugar Gatorade the night before surgery and another one 2 hours before arriving at the hospital day of. Reasons given?

    You will be more comfortable before and after surgery. This will help you feel less thirsty, less hungry and less anxious.

    Helps your body handle the stress of surgery.

    Helps blood sugar control after surgery.

    Your bowels will return to normal function more quickly after surgery.

    May potentially lead to a shorter hospital stay by decreasing nausea and pain.

    One bottle has 34g of sugar. Go figure. Must be some of the newer research. But follow your nutritionist guidelines. If allowed I say go for it. I didn't start eating the SF pops till post op but I still love them. Especially the tropical flavors.

    Good luck tomorrow!!!!

  2. I have no qualms about using a bariatric card or a coupon (heaven forbid) in a restaurant. Do you know that the markup value of a meal is 300% or more? Then you are expected to tip at 20% on that overpriced meal? That's so the owner doesn't have to pay the waitress salary. They are making a killing on us so we can enjoy the ambiance and 2T of food. Believe me they are not losing any money on kid's meals or senior prices.

    And I could give a flip less who knows I had surgery. I was invisible to those strangers before. Now I guess they'll see me. 👀

  3. On 6/16/2023 at 12:07 PM, Starwarsandcupcakes said:

    Zoo day (yesterday) and zoo food. Our zoo has several encounters and walkthrough areas- including kangaroos. It’s honestly one of my favorite places and I’d go every week if I lived a smidge closer.







    That looks a lot like the tortoise I met at the age of five, Was this at the Cleveland zoo?

  4. On 6/6/2023 at 1:07 PM, Jeanniebug said:

    I'm 7-months post op, gastric bypass, and I've never had an episode of dumping.

    I really tested myself tonight. I order Chinese on Fridays. I usually order meat and veggie dishes like Broccoli Beef/no rice since surgery in April. Tonight, they got my order wrong, and I ended up with Kung Pao chicken. It's deep fat fried and contains sugar. But I didn't want to deal with going back and well... I was curious.

    I decided to try it to see how my body reacts. I stopped before getting full and so far, no dumping. I guess I'm not part of the 30% who dump with bypass. Not sure if that's good or bad but I don't plan to continue testing it. I'm enjoying watching the numbers on the scale going down way much more.

  5. Thanks for the info and advice. I think I'm going to continue my daily walking till my 3-month post-op appointment with my doctor in July. For now, I really enjoy walking around the lake with my dog. Pretty soon it will be too hot unless I go early morning or late evening.

    At that point I will have a better idea of what exactly I'm going to do moving forward. 🏋️‍♀️

  6. I was prescribed anti-nausea medication {Ondansetron 8mg) by my surgeon 1 week before my surgery in anticipation of my needing it. I used it a few times but usually after eating. Regardless, Nausea is expected.

    I would contact your doctor and let him know what's going on though, as to the frequency of it. 3-4xs a day seems a bit much. He can determine if you need to be seen or prescribe meds.

  7. 2 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    sad attempts to get up the pole

    Maybe now that you are down to 115 it will be easier for you. The only time I remember ever being able to climb anything vertically was the rope in grade school gym class. LOL

    2 hours ago, ms.sss said:

    if i ever do get up that pole, core strength would definitely help

    I am kind of paranoid to work my core since I had a hiatal hernia. Doc has cleared me to lift but reminded me that although repaired, it's no guarantee I can't develop another one. I guess I will have to train myself to not lift max or push myself to muscle failure like I did in the past. I sure hope muscle memory is a real thing. If so, I'm one step ahead of the game.

    I'm guessing Crossfit is less weight/high rep sets for cardio endurance?

  8. 13 minutes ago, Ace35 said:

    it was normal

    Nauseous headache, room spinning vertigo or just dizziness? I had the kind where mads were needed but it was because my HBP went crazy high. Many moons ago.

    My lack of food dizziness was always controllable. That was during my long Water fasts days where potassium levels can get out of balance and is dangerous if not properly monitored. You mentioned not eating so my mind went there.

    I haven't experienced any bariatric vertigo yet, since my surgery. Good luck and hope you get it all sorted out soon. {{hugs}}

  9. It's normal and thankfully temporary. Ask your doctor to prescribe you anti-nausea medication if needed. Stool softeners like Colace can be bought over the counter.

    I had to back up on some of the foods I was cleared to eat. If your stomach's not ready for it, don't rush it. Go back and try it again later. I would concentrate more on getting your liquids in at this point.

  10. 1 hour ago, PinkDva said:

    I throw up at least once every day.

    Well that's certainly nothing to smile about except for the fact it will eventually get better. And you will be closer to your goal weight. :)

  11. 7 hours ago, MelbaT said:

    Anyone else have this problem? Will it get better over time?

    I too could eat something one day and be sick with it the next. But at 9 weeks out I am finding it to happen less and less. Thankfully. I have revisited a few foods that made me quite ill before and seem to tolerate it well now. Like steak..eggs. Go figure.

    As for hunger mine left with the surgery, so I can't relate to being hungry and not able to eat. I really hope it doesn't return either. But that's wishful thinking.

    Protein is supposed to take the edge off your hunger so hoping you find something you can eat and tolerate to help you with that. Good luck!

  12. 2 hours ago, Matt freund said:

    it would just be impossible to not eat and not vape

    Never say never. It's possible. I quit both and I was a very heavy vaper for over 5 years. From the time I woke till the time I went to bed. I think it's demonized way more than necessary but just my opinion. I attribute my HBP and Apnea more to my weight/family history and had both way before I ever picked up a vape.

    I had to see a pulmonologist pre-op to test my lungs, breathing etc. I told the tech if vaping causes as much harm as everyone claims then I guess we'll find out. After testing, she told me my lungs were perfect with no damage.

    2 hours ago, Matt freund said:

    im not so fat i will loose to much weight and be way too skinny

    Not possible. Your body will regulate at a new healthier setpoint, and weight will level out. Our bodies aren't that stupid to let us waste away.

    3 hours ago, Matt freund said:

    im not sure if its the right thing for me to do

    Don't do anything till you know that you know exactly what you plan to do. Going in unsure is a recipe for disaster.

  13. 2 hours ago, learn2cook said:

    I wasn’t mobile enough for hiking all the trails before WLS.

    Very cool job!!! Must feel amazing for you getting back to nature. The way you describe it...I can almost smell the pine trees. :)

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