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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by BabySpoons

  1. Most bariatric patients should avoid sugar six months to one year after weight loss surgery. Many stick to this plan because they have experienced the impending sensation of doom. (aka dumping syndrome) Depends on which procedure you have done and even then, some don't even experience it.

    Also, there are a lot of sugar free ice cream options out there too, but I prefer to add those type of things after reaching my weight loss goal and during maintenance. I do allow myself the SF popsicles for now when I feel a need for a sweet treat.

  2. Toxins get released as we lose bodyfat and is excreted through our skin, breath and urine. Since fat stores that stuff along with hormones etc. I believe it's almost like an onion. Layers stored over the years. As we lose, we will experience certain smells and tastes.

    I had this happen before. Once during a 40 day Water fast. It was the strangest thing. I would smell a certain food or taste it in my mouth. Whatever fat my body was disposing of that day.

    I kind of like when that happens but no I'm not gonna taste myself. xD

  3. 18 hours ago, Flamingowatcher2023 said:

    You just have to decide what your health is worth to you.

    17 hours ago, Rebelk73 said:

    We could wake up proud for taking steps to restore metabolic function,

    1 hour ago, Texas90 said:

    Just remember that this is a healing phase and not your life.

    ^^^Great quotes^^^

    I had another bout of nausea last night and tried to sleep it off. Woke up with it. Uhhh. So, I made myself go for my morning mile walk. I kid you not, I was slower than a young guy that was there wearing a knee injury brace but I made it all the way around. Then I came home and took a nap.

    I feel better but have to keep reminding myself not to force new foods too quickly. I need to stick with the ones I know my tummy can easily handle for now. If I have to stop eating solid foods and go back to soft/liquid foods for awhile , then so be it. We won't starve. We have plenty of stored up fat/energy to live off of for quite awhile. LOL Just get those liquids in.

    I think the regrets are just mourning the loss of how and what we once ate and having our choice taken away. But then that's what we signed up for isn't it?

  4. I never dealt with a lot of pain pre-op but when I did, Aleve seemed to really knock it out for me. I will miss it. Now I take Tylenol/acetaminophen if needed to avoid getting any ulcers from NSAIDS. Sounds permanent.

    Now I am dealing with a different kind of pain almost 3 months out from Gastric Bypass. I noticed it all last week and still with me today. My bones ache. Not my muscles. My bones. My next follow-up appointment is on July 12th.

  5. 1 hour ago, Turch said:

    Is egg drop Soup ok strained

    I had it during liquid phase. Day before I graduated to soft foods at week 3. So I didn't strain it. Since you are only one week out I probably would.

    Reminds me of day 2 in Bariatric hospital. For lunch they brought me a Soup that had little bits of meat and veggie in it. I asked the nurse if it should be strained since everything I read about post-op diet said it should be. She looked at it and said it's small enough and should be fine. I didn't eat but a few bites of the broth to be on the safe side.

    I remember thinking... this is a bariatric hospital, and they should know better. LOL But maybe small pieces of food getting stuck in our yet unhealed stomach staples is just a myth too? IDK

  6. 2 hours ago, LindsayT said:

    If you do decide to eat Pasta or rice, opt for whole wheat or Protein Pasta

    I have been mind craving pasta so I bought some Banza chickpea spaghetti noodles. Haven't tried them yet but the protein content is 11g for a 2oz serving and 190 calories. Have you tried these anyone?

    I also bought a handheld spiralizer to try making noodles from veggies. I see so many recipes on YouTube that look soooo good, but the real question is do these alternatives really taste good???

  7. 45 minutes ago, catwoman7 said:

    you guys are lucky. We were allowed to have 4-5 Protein Shakes a day, all the ultra-low-cal Clear Liquids we wanted, sugar free Jello, sugar free popsicles, and 1 cup each of Tomato juice/V8 and chicken broth. No solid food - at all.

    ^^^That was my 2-week post op diet.^^^ LOL

    And yes, I was happy to be able to eat meat and veggies pre-op. Especially after hearing most say the liver shrinking liquid diet was the most difficult part leading up to surgery.

  8. Depends what stage you are at. Doctors say you really can't stretch your new smaller stomach, but you can definitely damage it if you overeat while your tummy is still healing. Popping a staple and creating a leak can be deadly.

    My doctor told me of a patient who went through a fast-food drive thru on his way home from the hospital after WLS and blew his stomach out. I can't imagine....

  9. I'm a BIG milk lover and my dairy based Protein Shakes upset my stomach quite a few times the first couple weeks after surgery. I noticed though that I was able to eat other dairy products with no problem. Also, some do have trouble with air bubbles causing gas, etc. from blending their drinks. I continued drinking milk despite the random bouts of running to the bathroom.

    Thankfully mine wasn't lactose intolerance. Just a fussy tummy. It eventually got better and became a non-issue.

  10. I had an EKG at the cardiac doctor's office that appeared normal. But because I have a strong family history of heart disease (my brother died at 34 and my dad at 58) I was given additional testing. A Cat scan before and after the stress test to visually see my recovery time and an ultrasound which showed a possible irregularity.

    I had to have a heart catherization only to find that everything was fine. I was so very much relieved that I had no blockages which TBH worried me daily because of my weight and family history. I think the doc was even surprised and cleared me for WLS that very day, when it was done. Even the nurse commented on how clear my arteries looked. FTW

    I'm counting on my Gastric bypass to be a helpful preventative against future heart problems. Just one of the many reasons I had it done. Hopefully your checkup goes smooth for you OP and that you will only need that EKG :)

  11. Almost 3 months out and even though I think I know what's safe or doable for me at this stage, still surprises me. I can eat something one day just fine. Another, my stomach isn't having it. Sadly, I approach each meal now with a bit of trepidation. Like... is this going to go well? It definitely gives new meaning to conscious careful eating to avoid those damn foamies.

    1 hour ago, Brandiwine77 said:

    Now I wonder when can I drink Water ?

    My first episode, I drank because it felt like something was stuck and it was painful. With each sip I was hoping to dislodge whatever it was and bring it back up or push it through. Water wouldn't even go down. I kept telling myself, I'll feel better after I throw up. Eventually I did but it took hours.

    Another time I just laid down to let it pass but neither episode was pleasant.

    6 hours ago, Cheesekitty7 said:

    Scared the sh*t out of me tho.

    Scared me too but I have made peace with it to a point. If we could eat everything easily, we would probably never reach our goals. And from what I've read our tool's effects won't last forever.

    1 hour ago, Brandiwine77 said:

    This happened 4-5 more times a tiny bit at a time while walking around

    I carry around these nausea bags in my purse for such occasions. Because you just never know. Not very discreet but I feel better knowing I have them.

    Amazon.com: K-Brands Vomit Bags - 24 Pack - 1000ml Emesis Bags - Leak Resistant, Disposable Puke Bags, Barf Bags, Throw Up, Nausea Bags for Travel Motion Sickness - Car, Kids, Aircraft, Taxi : Health & Household

  12. If you decide to put it off, don't wait too long. Otherwise, you may have to do all the pre-op testing a second time. You've already come this far...

    I personally wouldn't go into it unsure. A little bit of fear is natural. But I know if I don't go all in, I won't be successful. But then I'm an all or nothing personality.

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