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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BabySpoons

  1. BabySpoons

    Unflavored protein powder

    I buy this in bulk at Walmart but you can buy a smaller amount to try. I never have mixed it in with food. Doesn't sound appealing to me. I enjoy it because I can vary the flavors of my drinks and never get bored with it. I'm in food phase now but I still drink one every day to help ensure I get my protein in for the day. I mix it with Peanut butter powder, cocoa, stevia or various crystal light packets, SF flavored yogurts, skim milk and ice. New World 100% Whey Isolate Protein Powder, 26g Protein, Servings & Flavors Vary - Walmart.com
  2. BabySpoons

    Pain after surgery?

    I had a pretty good amount of pain week 1 but then I was in surgery for 4 hours for RNY and a large hernia repair. The pulling sensation was the worst at my right incision site mainly when I transitioned from lying to sitting or sitting to standing. Even at week 2. I sipped on my liquid Oxy that first week and when I ran out I called the pharmacy for a refill week 2. I was told I needed a doc to do that so called him and was told by his nurse they don't normally refill that medication. I was like OK, I'll survive. I guess I didn't realize from the labeling (Hydrocod Acetaminophen) what I was asking for till I googled it. Oxy. I felt bad then for asking for more. After that, I never used anything else for pain. In fact I still have a tad bit of that liquid oxy left over if ever needed in the future. I'm guessing if I hadn't had the hernia repair I wouldn't have needed it at all. Like a superwoman
  3. BabySpoons

    Will I miss being bigger?

    Last week I did an inventory of smaller sized clothing I kept over the years "just in case" someday I could fit into again. I found a few items still with tags that I optimistically bought hoping to wear but never could. I'm looking forward to finally being able to wear them sometime soon. Especially some of my old favorite jeans. And yeah some of my big clothes are hard to let go of. I lost a good amount of weight in the past and got rid of thinking I was done with them then regained and regretted. But that was during my yo yo dieting phase. Surgery changed that for me. I don't plan on needing them ever again. Good luck on surgery day!!!!
  4. BabySpoons

    Alcohol consumption

    I was cleared to drink alcohol at 3 months post-op which was right on July 4th. I made a mix of sugar free Cranberry juice and a shot of vodka. Tasted good, didn't make me drunk, sick or passed out. But made sure I ate something beforehand and drank very slowly. Have fun!!
  5. Timewise I was under for 4 hours instead of 2. Doc told me before surgery that the Endoscope didn't tell him how big the hernia was and wouldn't know till he was in there. As far as complications there were none. Week one was a bit of a blur since I was prescribed Hydrocodone for pain. But I think a week is pretty common for most WLS patients to get past the worst of it. Surgery was a big game changer for me. No more reflux and I can breathe again. Good luck going forward @GrannyMaggie !!
  6. I remember hearing my Mom and Aunt talking about my weight as a young girl. My cousin was a year older than me and weighed less than me but we both looked the same size. Seemed they were always comparing us. I had more muscle weight or just carried it well they said. Hence my start with weight scale numbers. When I went to the carnival the guy who guesses your age or weight never got it right. I always weighed 20 more pounds than I looked and when I was 14, I looked 16/17. I always walked away with a prize. LOL I never go by weight calculators because they don't take into consideration muscle mass. Mine always told me I should weigh 135 for my height but the few times I reached that goal, I looked gaunt and sickly. Because at 135 I looked like I weighed 115. But at 150, I look 130 which is just right for my 5'6" frame.
  7. In the last few days, news revealed that the cause of death for Lisa Marie Presley was complications from bariatric surgery. No info on which procedure she had or when, but seems she developed a small bowel blockage caused from scar tissue developing and adhesions many years later. I did a search here for this particular problem and know it is a rare occurrence, but I can't help but think she probably had the best of doctors and well... how does one recognize if they have a blockage or adhesion before it's too late? Doctors reveal how bowel obstruction behind Lisa Marie Presley's death can occur (msn.com)
  8. Thanks for all your responses. The few articles I read said that Lisa Marie complained of pain the day of her death. Not that she had ignored it for many days. Sounds about right though if she was medicated, to maybe not be aware of the pain or severity of it. Sorry to those who have experienced this type of condition or lost loved ones to it. But good to know our bodies will give us advance warning in the case of an obstruction. Is there pain with adhesions? It sounds like you weren't even aware you had one till the doctor went in and visually saw it??? And what happens if it goes unchecked?
  9. Sorry for the late reply. I just took it out of the box last night. Seems I can use it both ways. With or without the straw. Set it up on my smartphone after downloading the app. It's kind of a novelty thing and easier for me to just set my 20 ounce water bottles out on the table and making sure I've drank them all before bedtime. But it claims to keep things hot or cold for hours so that's nice. I tried the straw too and so far so good. No problems. Also in keeping with the food theme here, I tried a Greek Gyro while I was out and about for my doc appointment Wed. The lamb was so good and tender. I only ate half though and sorry didn't think to snap a pic. 🤤
  10. BabySpoons


    It's easy to be regretful those first few weeks after surgery. You are sore, hormones shifting etc. Give it time. 3 months out I can do things I haven't been able to do for years. Sure I can't have some of my favorite foods. But because I'm no longer sedentary and eating out of boredom, my mind is on other things besides my next meal. Before I rarely moved from my couch and now I'm walking 2 miles a day outside. I'm so loving it. After my doc appointment this week, I went to a huge mall and walked the length of it and back without taking a rest. Before, my back would have been killing me and I would have had to sit down. Honestly I wouldn't have even attempted it pre-op. I felt like a bird let out of a cage. I didn't buy any new clothes but I did splurge and got my brows done by a sweet little gal from India who has mastered the art of brow threading. This morning I'm going to the gym, getting a cryo therapy treatment, sitting in an infrared sauna then to the Chiropractor to help straighten me out as I lose weight. Just remember, there's more to life than just food. Enjoy your weekend
  11. BabySpoons

    Recovery from bypass vs sleeve

    I didn't feel any restriction until I started on solid food. Soft food went down easy for me. I had to be mindful of my portion sizes. Also cut nerves after healing will let you know. I'm glad it showed up. I was worried too. My hunger is gone and hoping it stays that way. I can enjoy my small portions and feel satisfied not to want more. Glad to hear everything went well for you.
  12. BabySpoons

    blood pressure

    My BP shot up day 2 after surgery. I was worried but the nurses told me that it was a normal reaction following WLS. It stayed elevated for a couple weeks. Never dangerously high, then normalized. It's one of the medications I hope to be off of one day. Also make sure you are staying hydrated. BP rises when dehydrated. Contact your doctor if it doesn't come down. GL
  13. BabySpoons

    Any Dippers?

    A person who uses smokeless tobacco gets 3 to 4 times the amount of nicotine as a smoker. A person who uses 8 to 10 dips or chews a day gets the same amount of nicotine as a heavy smoker who smokes 30 to 40 cigarettes a day. The nicotine in smokeless tobacco is absorbed by the body more slowly than in smoking. But it stays in the body longer. As for hindering healing post-op, seems there haven't been enough studies done to be conclusive for dipping. My unprofessional guess is that whether nicotine is smoked, vaped or dipped, it's still in your system...hindering healing. For those who choose not to quit, I've read to stop 6 weeks before surgery and 6 weeks after. But between the tars and acids you ingest with dipping, it will probably increase your future ulcer risk tenfold. Yikes!!
  14. BabySpoons

    Insurance and the Pre-Op Diet

    It's quite the conundrum. I have heard of instances where a person was denied surgery for losing weight pre-op and disqualified by insurance, but it depends also on your number of co morbidities which can allow for a lower BMI. I may have seen the same video you are referring to and like you, was worried that if I lost too much weight, insurance may deny me. If there's any truth to it...IDK. But I had a very high BMI and lots of preexisting conditions, so I was worrying needlessly. I say check with your insurance plan and ask your doctor for specifics. Good luck!!!
  15. I thought I had found the perfect bariatric vitamin from Walgreens (Optifast Post Bariatric) but recently found out it's either completely out of stock or discontinued. So now I am on the search for a good RNY vitamin as well. I was told too by my nutritionist that taking a chewable multiple times a day was better absorbed than taking a bunch of regular pill type vitamins. At least for gastric bypass patients. I need to figure it out soon since I only have a couple weeks supply left. The last thing I need is to become vitamin deficient and have my teeth breaking off like chalk. If I have to, I guess I'll stock up on Flintstone chewables. xD
  16. I am not a big morning breakfast food person either, so I usually drink mine. I haven't tried mixing my protein into my coffee yet though. Usually, will have my cup of caffeine then go workout. Try to drink my protein as soon as I can following. I use an unflavored powder so I can add to food or drink. I also buy in bulk. New World 100% Whey Isolate Protein Powder, 26g Protein, Servings & Flavors Vary - Walmart.com I really enjoy this brand and never tire of it since I'm always changing up my flavors using dark cocoa, peanut butter powder, crystal light flavors, Greek yogurt etc. Yesterday I mixed up a chocolate peanut butter shake that was really yum with skim milk. Sweeten with Stevia when needed. Not sure how this mixes with hot liquids though. But now I'm inspired to try it with a cold coffee brew.
  17. I started walking day 1 after surgery to prevent blood clots every few hours for 5-10 minutes. I continued on with that until I was up to a mile once a day. Started inside on my treadmill and walking outside for now until it gets too hot. Today at 10AM it was only 70 degrees with a cool breeze so pushed myself to go round the lake a second time for 2 miles total. 😤 Not bad for someone who was almost completely sedentary pre-op, My bariatric team advises nothing harder than walking until 6 weeks after surgery. Weeks 2-4 light physical activity. Low impact walking and stretching. Weeks 4-8 add cardio activities. Increase walking distance and/or speed. Biking, water aerobics. Easier on joints. 5xs a week for 30 minutes and build from there. Week 6 add strength training twice a week in addition to cardio. I have yet to start the strength training. I had a hiatal hernia repair at the time of my RNY so I'm a bit apprehensive to start. But I do look at the weights as I pass thru the room to go sit in the infrared sauna. LOL Good luck @Nicnak
  18. My family has been so good in supporting me in my WLS decision. I was recently gifted a Smart Tumbler that reminds me when to drink but uses a straw. Everything I read before surgery said not to use straws post-op so my problem is... can I even use it? I didn't have the heart at the time to even mention that possibility. Just graciously thanked them. Any experience out there in the straw department?
  19. BabySpoons

    Gastric Bypass Aug 16th

    ^^ THIS ^^ No regrets. I am doing things now, I couldn't do for years. I told someone the other day, I finally feel free. Because before I was living in my own prison. WLS held the key. I am only 3 months out and still have a ways to go but even the 60 pounds off has made a dramatic difference in how I feel and move and breathe. Don't fear the surgery. Fear doing nothing. I was nervous but not fearful. Good luck @Mike.J.Y You'll do just fine
  20. BabySpoons

    How Much Out of Pocket?

    Great Military coverage. Thank you for your service!!!
  21. BabySpoons

    benefiber or metamucil?

    Colace 2xs a day in the morning and afternoon seem to work well for me since surgery. Getting all my water in and eating veggies and occasional fruit seem to keep me moving like clockwork every morning. I still drink a 30g protein shake daily which frees me up to eat a bit more low calorie veggies and less meat that can lead to constipation.
  22. BabySpoons

    What Made You Smile Today?

    The Eagles are coming to Denver. MUST HAVE TICKETS!!!
  23. I could reintroduce caffeine at 5 weeks post-op. I quit drinking coffee long before my WLS due to the hiatal hernia that I didn't know I had. But was having massive acid reflux whenever I drank it, so I stopped. Now with surgery and hernia repair, I can enjoy again but my Nut was adamant about me waiting the 5 weeks.
  24. BabySpoons

    How Much Out of Pocket?

    I met my out-of-pocket yearly spending limit of $4200 before ever having my WLS. EKG, Ultra sounds, Cat Scans, Sleep study, Stress test, Endoscope, Pulmonary lung testing. The pre-op heart Cath erization procedure put me over the top. Anything medically needed through the end of the year is now covered 100%. Through testing, I found out I never had COPD, no artery blockages and a hiatal hernia that was causing breathing problems and acid reflux. Fixed. I can breathe again. Exercise, Walk, Shop, Do yardwork, garden. No longer sedentary. So happy and so worth it. Good luck @FlowerGirl44 with your journey.
  25. BabySpoons


    Most of my scars/stretchmarks fade to white eventually and are hardly noticeable in about a year for me. My post op scars are still pink at 3 months. Planned to use Mederma on them but wanted to avoid using anything topical and risk getting an infection before they were completely healed. I did start cryotherapy yesterday and was told my scars will fade to white quicker with continued treatment so I may not even need the creams.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
